This angers and confuses the cutfag

>This angers and confuses the cutfag

Attached: D0A77E49-2D1A-41A2-AD2E-87BF93C1952B.png (658x720, 482K)

Look at that smooth pink, best dicks out there

>Faggots that care what other penises look like

>Faggots that care what other penises look like
that's like saying water is wet, of course the once who are interaccting with dicks regularly are gonna care what it looks like. faggot

I wanna suck the pink one, so damn cute :3

It's not like most circumcised people had a choice in the matter. Why make us feel shitty about the quackass American medical industrial complex performing vile jew sorcery on us when we were babies?

So you don't perpetuate the cycle

Chances are, simply exposing the raw information will leave most in the same state of denial because it's easier and comfortable. You need to be confronted with an emotional response that makes you reflect

this shit again

Lol, this does not really achieve that. Good luck anyway, I guess.

Attached: 1563075436036.gif (400x275, 1.48M)

The guy on the right looks like he has never even fapped once he is like the untouched virgin while the dick on the left looks pretty idle.

Cope harder cock lover

Having your dick mutilated because of bronze-age-mythology is not recommended by any medical board on the globe.

Imagine having nothing better to do than make this thread every day, all day.

>muh skin fedora

>Tips skin fedora

Showing faggots dicks will stop the cycle how?

but this does

Attached: 1512063763680.gif (355x291, 1.94M)

and this

Attached: 1511665734985.gif (600x338, 1.96M)

He's exposing new raw information!! Like you know, people have different Dicks. So cutting edge!!!!

Attached: 42.jpg (668x1103, 86K)

>Be OP
>obsessed with cocks
>take this shit to /Lgbt
Also kys sodomite

Lmfao that's so fucking gross.
Skin fedora

Op is crazy about dicks as usual.

I wonder how many calories she got from this

>implying cutfags had a choice

I'm literally dying rn. Fucking shit.

To me it seems like you're the one not coping properly.

Most feminine bj.
Sticks tongue inside a skin fedora.

Skin fedora detected

>Still has trouser tonsils

Just remember what you can do in 6 weeks by keeping your circumcised glans covered 24/7. Roll your skin over and tape it together...

Attached: 9C774972-9B95-48E9-A209-3C6DD16EB33A.jpg (2522x2522, 1.08M)

There's that comfortable denial, at it again

You're right, it's hard to break through. But being crass about it achieves it more often than just "hey friend, check out these sick stats!"

Cant do shit about it now

>Obviously has something to prove
>Hides from deep seated insecurity somewhere

Why the fuck is Yea Forums so fascinated with whether a dick is cut or uncut?

Lol disease fags love to act like having a super sensitive and bacteria prone body part is a good thing

Faggots obsess over dick. Nothing new.