If you knew a girl you like took a nigger cock would that turn you off or turn you one even more?

If you knew a girl you like took a nigger cock would that turn you off or turn you one even more?

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Neither, but i won't date a girl that did porn, white or black porn.

Wouldn't date a whore that poses with obsolete farm equipment for a few dollars

Originally a turn off but now a turn on knowing she knows how to take a dick

turn off

I would just leave, did it in college, would do it again.

eh, my wife took one before we were even together so

My current gf has been blacked and she knows I hate that about her. Whore.

I mean utility with my hands is my specialty so I can go with or without a BBC in her ass beforehand

would be completely indifferent, I almost never experience emotion towards relationships and sex anymore, I think maybe something is wrong with me

became a man slut at around 16, have been serial dating ever since, I cheat on virtually every girl I get with, I never feel anything for anyone beyond wanting to cum in or on them and generally find women annoying to be around but have found ways to deal with them and have become fairly good at pretending to be interested in them and their lives

a girl could be a virgin or literally suck 10 dicks a day for all I care, I really just pay attention to what she looks like and how she dresses and if she will hang out with me, other then that, don't care

and I've paid the price for this too, I've had VD multiple times and have herpes

that's a small dick

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I leave Yea Forums for one second and you cuck faggots let this happen

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turn on big time

you're a disgusting faggot

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She took a black cock in this lil pussy

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she should take a knife in it instead you fucking faggot race traitor

How big is your cock

Stop being a cuckold

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you're a faggot. kill yourself race traitor

Oi cunt, she took it before I was even with her

How about youre all massive fucking faggots for condoning race mixing of any kind

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she should be thrown of a bridge and you're a pathetic faggot sackless race traitor. God it's pathetic how far white men have fallen.

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Did your mother get fucked by a nigger or something?

My girls pussy online gets fucked by my white cock.
Pic related

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says the cuckold who came in this thread and is too retarded to sage
white men fucking black women = good
black men fucking white women = disgusting and pathetic

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did your girlfriend, faggot?

I love watching Hannah hays 18 year old lips suck those BBC

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Wife* before I even knew her.

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she seems borederline retarded though tbh

Youre just as big of a shill as OP, retard.
I sage when I reply to these threads.

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honestly, what kind of loser gives a fuck about that KEK

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and you have to love kenzie reeves

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white men fucking black women = power and dominance
niggers fucking our women = pathetic and disgusting and should be illegal

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She is retarded

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nigger, didnt say shit about her doing porn. said if she took nigger cock. retard.

even hotter. take advantage of her and she probably hates it but needs the money. fucking sexslave fantasy shit right there

you're a pathetic faggot cuck with a used goods whore for a wife. why buy the whore when you can get the pussy for free, cuck?

you keep bumping the thread with your gay pictures pretending you are smart. learn to sage, weak faggot

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You must be a disgusting mulatto. Fuck off
Youre either a mulatto or a kike.
Race Mixing = Bestiality
Bestiality = Sin
Kill yourself now

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have you ever been inside a pussy?

Keep lying kike

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have you ever been inside one that wasn't a nigger loving tainted whore?

No I'm a white man. Back when white men had balls and ruled the world we used to fuck our nigger slaves. Now cucks like you let niggers fuck our women and you don't even fuck theirs back you have low testosterone.

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>Back when white men had balls and ruled the world we used to fuck our nigger slaves.
Yep, and it we should of just killed them instead. Because now we have disgusting mulatto shills like you pretending to be white on Yea Forums promoting race mixing.

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>implying you will ever kill anyone
i lived in the ghetto and beat up 6 niggers
you are a bitch who hasn't done jack shit but complain in his pathetic cuckold life

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My GF did and i See no problem with this
Loyal girl

LOL, please make it more obvious that youre actually a fucking kike.
You say youre White but always are too afraid to provide a timestamp proving it. Wonder why, hmmmm

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says the Jew

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Good job avoiding the timestamp again kike

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shes wrecked now

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more hannah hays

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she needs a knife in her ass

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I made that mistake twice. I wish it didn't have to be this way, but the women who fuck black are just irredeemable.

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I'd rather she fucked the dog than fucked a nigger. The idea of a women being a coal-burner is only exciting in the mind of the jew social propagandist and the most pathetic of white liberals

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Would discard her like the whore she is.

How many white girls has that guy fucked?

who cares faggot? quit being a cuck

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Looks like she went full goth

you went full cuckold nigger lover

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Would never date a coal burner. She clearly has poor judgement

It mostly changes how I find her attractive. Sluts are hot. But chicks that stick with the home team are wife material.

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They look like spergs tbh, they should probably be removed from the gene pool

kill yourself nigger loving cuck. niggers need to be removed from the genepool

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Yeah yeah go fuck your sister you inbred cuck

go get AIDS you dumb ass nigger slave

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funny i actually knew a nigger who caught his niece and nephew fucking

You probably have aids because your wife fucks niggers while you fap to Loli hentai

Turn off.

Had to stop seeing this girl over it.
She let out that one of her exes was black
I told her it bothered me
"You are racist" yadda yadda
Yes I am,
"His dick wanst super big"
Told her it wasnt the dick part. It was just the fact that he was black
"You could fuck a white guy or hell even a Mexican with a 2ft dick and I really wouldnt give a shit
It's the fact that he is black that makes it gross"
She cries a lot. Says im making her feel "dirty" I reply with "are you kidding that's the reason why I'm leaving you, because that's gross and I really dont like that"

End up braking up,
Dates black dude out of spite.
Tries to make me jealous
Doesn't work because she is essentially gross to me.
Gets drunk and tries to flirt with me
Tell her shes still gross

That's the last I heard of her. No greentext.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes.