Hey guys...

Hey guys. I heard a rumor that the original Ivanka “disappeared” on Epstein’s island and the woman who works for Trump now is actually a crisis actor from Russia.

Can anyone confirm?

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Single digit IQ at work everyone

No, she's just had a metric fuckton of work done to her. She's phony, like everything else about that 'family'.

Thanks user!

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I was there. I saw it happen.

You were on Epstein’s island?
>> gross

He won, get over it, it’s been 3 years

We’ve had two confirmations in this thread alone, magafag

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Hey niggerlover, why dont you go back to readit?


Why don’t you go back to Russia and eat Putin’s shit?

op is a faggot

pretty decent parody of mainstream conservative thought

she got the downs syndrome?

Why dont you dumbbrains go to school?

Yeah! Stupid dumbbrains!
>> They probably ate lead pellets as a kid like Alex Jones

Ofc the shillposting shitspamming retards on soros budget have nothing but newspeak millenialisms to say

yes can confirm

Thanks user!


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