What’s up Yea Forumsros

What’s up Yea Forumsros
this chick is from my town, she’s 18 and her 34 yr old bf just beat her to a pulp. The guy is the son of a detective so it’s hard to delivar some street justice to this faggot. What can I do to ruin this pussys reputation. I have his business page, phone number, personal social media. What do?

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Other urls found in this thread:


NYPA fag

Unbattered version of chick in the pic

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Report the faggot to another town's pd. They'll probably start an investigation then. If not just post the pic on all his accounts with the story

If you white knight hard enough, she might just leave him for you.

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t. newfag
op isn't asking for anyone to do anything
he's asking for ideas

I like this idea, a few of my buddies want to go to his house and drag him out and stomp him but we just found out he lives with his father who is a detective so that fucked up our plan

I have a smokin hot gf and kids in cool, I just feel bad for the chick

>I have a smokin hot gf and kids in cool, I just feel bad for the chick.

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No violence. I don't care what your self defense statutes are, YOU WILL GO TO PRISON if you attack this guy en masse. If you were at the attack, you would be legally allowed to use deadly force. That time has long passed. Now you have to be civil, another crime will just get used against you in court. Take this guy down in gentlemanly style, it's the only way you can do so effectively

Some more pics

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Apparently he beat her with a 2x4

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> she’s 18 and her 34 yr old bf just beat her to a pulp
>What do?
Are you literally shaking right now?

Haha stupid thot


Her bruises turn me on

Don't be such a pussy. Buy some roofies and an eggplant. Shove the eggplant up his add and take pictures. Leave a note for him: "if you go to the police, pics will go public"

Send her the pics. She will leave him, because he is no real man anymore.

Also: her fault. Women should know not to date men that violate the 2-7-rule:
Age(woman) at least age(man) / 2 + 7.

34 / 2 + 7 = 24

She would have been much better off with you, Op. You should tell her.

Yea just looking to ruin this faggots life or at least make him miserable and make sure he never lives this down. Have a feeling he’s going to get away Scott free because his father is in the police force and he works for his families business

Op is actually trying to do something from the sounds of things. Try not to be ass fungus

What's his information?

Fake accounts using tor or something? Easy to say things to lots of people and not have it traceable.

Words and info can be pretty deadly if they get to the right people. If someone's the boss, find their boss, etc.

Did she deserved it ?

Like honestly did she ?

Suck his dick and take photos. Then post the photos online proving he is a fag.

She's smiling obviously she still loves him. Quit being a white knight beta faggot OP.

Welcome to america: think the police are here to protect and serve? Think once more user. They're here to selectively enforce, and you'll always be on the stick for it unless you're a protected class. Fuck this guy and fuck his town's police force.

become rich and lead a successful life, that will teach him

as for the grill, she should figure that out for herself, assuming your mouth works she can use it to talk to police

other then that NYPA faggot OP

she probably deserved it

Can we just stop for a moment and understand this girl might have deserved the beating ?

Faggot white knight. I dont believe her anyway.

so basically be white and it's all good?

Fuck off white knight faggot . It's not your place to do anything , she'll go to the police if she feels like it . She doesn't doesn't need some incel cuck to help her

highly unlikely. What would justify a beating like that

fuk u m8, u know the deal

I personally don’t think any female should ever be beat like that, especially as petite as she is, about 5’4” 120 lbs

However I’m a firm believer if a woman tries to fight like a man she should be knocked tf out like a man but this isn’t the case here. This chick is actually an innocent victim

keep out of it, loser. she'll be sucking his dick next week anyway

so why'd this guy beat her? did she deserve it?

most people don't just go around hospitalizing people for no reason, and people who do are almost certainly psychopaths and the chances of them not being in jail by the time they hit 15 and remaining there are very slim to none

enlighten us OP, what'd she do to get the beat down?

report him to FBI and say the crooked town is covering it up. use TOR or a vpn, and even make a throw away email all while on it. keep putting it on blast. make a few FB, post the pics and tag the sheriffs office, city police, city council, county commissioners, local county judge, state judges in your city and say it's all being covered up and not prosecuted properly. make a group, add tons of ppl from your city to see while you tag all those ppl.

Not an incel lol actually far from it. Keep jerking off to tranny threads on here and enjoy your day pal

got a real funny image in my head

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Thanks user I was just about to type out all that shit. The only based response in the thread.

Helpful post here thanks user

Mind your own fucking business faggot.

find feminist abuse group on facebook, post these pics, explain the story, let raging dykes do the rest

cool story incel

I'd go with a broom. You could actually get excited and kill him with it by perfurating his rectum, but to each his own.
Also you better fucking deliver when you do it OP:

anymore pictures both before and after also what race is her bf?

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are you literally shaking right now?

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what makes you think she didn't deserve it in some way? you don't know anything about their relationship. This is what happens when you become an incel, you start seeing injustices everywhere as you attempt to pander to females for their attention. The problem with society today is the fact that females aren't taught their place. They have faggots like you to trick them into believing they can say and do as they please. You're not her hero. She's not going to thank you for rescuing her. She would likely be creeped out by you and go back to him because she realizes how much he truly cares for her. So fuck off with this cringe faggot, and go back to jerking your microbepis to traps and lolis.

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Facebook post from one of her family members

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Oh my god they'd burn the entire fucking town down


this ain't a jail cell you fucking nigger, they probably have guns

He knows who you are? If not, get him when he's away from home or his dad's not there. Cover your faces, wear gloves, etc.

you're am. idiot

Looking at her neck brace you should tell her 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'

Really liking this idea lmao, this is why I came to Yea Forums for the outside the box thinking

wheres rest?

Hahaha I beat women up way worse than that. You must be weak as fuck if you call that a pulp beating... Hahahaha..

dubs checked
post his information


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Cool story faggot, I don’t need to white knight I have my own bitch that I’m practically married to

I’m just mad this dude who beat her thinks he’s big bad and tough and he’s going to get away without consequences

>John Pagliaccetti
>Johnny Paggs
What the fuck did you think was going to happen?

>she's 5 foot 8 pounds whil he's 5'9 180
i really dont fucking understand this whole "women are weaker and have smaller bodies uwu" shit, if a ripped black guy was mauling an asian twink no one would bat an eye

>The guy is the son of a detective so it’s hard to delivar some street justice to this faggot.
The reason it is hard is that you think you are blind. That is because you put the ski mask on backwards.
Turn it around and get on with the justice.

manlet uprising

Either it’s worth the trouble or it isn’t, just man up and stab him user

Looks like a thot beating to me, judging by some of her other pics. She knows she deserved it and maybe she'll learn this lesson and become a better person. I'll bet she'll go back to him after her family gets over it.

lolol. 5'9". its no wonder he beats women.

I would beat the shit out of a mouthy slut, I don't give a care how old she is or who she is. I hope the guy gets away with it and the bitch doesn't learn her lesson I hope her lesson comes in the last fearful seconds of her thot life. Amen.

What episode of Jersey shore are we talking about here guys?

I hope her thot antics get her killed next time.

This is the faggots company that his family owns and he works for, currently trying to find a feminist group to post this page on

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Probably the reason you fap to traps all day faggot

btw pretty sure you can get sued for doxxing now


>Calls future wife a bitch while getting into the affairs of another woman

You realise any consequences your actions have will also affect your ‘bitch’, if you’re so uninterested in her happiness why even be with her? All because you orbit some thot who probably deserved the beating

lol the white knightery is disgusting

No. I'm straight because I'd rather fap to dead chicks than traps. Traps might be more appealing of a choice for your considering your a massive HOMO.

maaaaaybe? It's a public business, anyone can find it. Basically no different from sharing his page on AOL

I have seen women like this many times
This was earned

Probably deserved it

Yes they would. They'd say the same thing.


looks fake

Not hard to deliver street justice. Just cover up and don't speak. Take him out.

Sharing information with ‘malicious intent’ is illegal, also you are a moron and mentally retarded

you revealed his name and the place where he works/lives pretty sure that's doxxing

killing a female is senseless. There's potential here for her to become a better person. It's not her fault, really. It's the incels who worship thots that create these girls to begin with. They derive social currency from their pics being spread around on these image boards. What would you do with unlimited attention from people you don't owe anything? If the guy who beat her up had any sense, he'd finesse his way back into her life and finish isolating her from social media and all her fake friends and family who are trying to brainwash her into thinking she can be whatever she wants. She's a woman, her one and only social utility is having children and respecting the man in her life who can take charge and guide her through life.

press charges

eks fucking deeee

Stuff a firework rocket into his ass and fire away

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How about just posting the business to boycott because it’s run by a woman beater

OP you don't know it yet, but you might be saving her life, keep up the good work Yea Forumsro

Yea Forums isn't completely full of faggots and edgelords, bianca needed us but we failed her

>Op is actually trying to do something from the sounds of things. Try not to be ass fungus
Fuck me, just how new are you? Didn't your teachers give you some homework for the holidays?

And, before the response, where's the proof? I managed to find the original twitter post

>implying women get any special protection from getting beaten

top fuckin kek

neck yourself

OP I don't know the full story, the girl in the picture doesn't exactly have a trustworthy face. How do I know she didn't deserve it? You're not exactly elaborating on all the details, which makes me think you cheated with her, on her boyfriend/

I’ve been around here long enough to know there are some good people on these boards. A lot of the people saying dumb shit are 14 yrs old and don’t know any better or 30 yr old incels

True, op did decide to release it with malicious intent. That being said, others have done it as well So it's not likely he will be sued, just by virtue of a more high-profile dox. His name is public on the business's facebook page too

>wants to fuck with a the son of a policeman over some thot
lol what a cuck

Op, refer to this post.

fake image, fake story, op is a huge faggot and should locked up

This is a crime. Report it to the police.

proof or GTFO

The fucktard who did this is the son of a detective in his town

lurk more newfag



It sounds like OP is dead set on doxxing this guy. If you do make sure you dont accidentally dox yourself. The cop father will fuck you over big time especially if you fuck up the family business

>thinking a low detective can do anything against the cia

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change the oil in his car with a high quality synthetic then break into his apartment and replace all of his light bulbs with high efficiency LEDs

Just saying local police won't do much

what fuakc

I laughed

To make matters worse, he uses the hashtag #justicefortiffany, which refers to an alleged suicide by a girl Tiffany Valiante, who was hit by a train four years ago. No connection to domestic abuse

She's 18... fucking and sucking a 34 year old... I'm willing to bet it started sooner and OP was jealous the whole time, she's obviously a filthy little slut and nothing more.. this is the only way for her to get to talk to her parents who have probably disowned her for being a total whore and a drug addict.... I wouldn't trust this dumb slut with anything.

>90 lbs

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Lol 5’9” goomba manlet hahahahahaha

How long will she be in the hospital for?


>fucktard who did this is the son of a detective in his town
Do you know stupid you sound?

Yea I didn’t create the hashtag, her family member did and I’m pretty sure they have no idea who that girl is

I also believe I was misinformed about her age I believe she is 23-24. Still a nice age gap

So he groomed her potentially? and you are blaming her user.

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Should of dated me instead lmao.

Maybe consider treating him to a beer for doing the right thing and putting a thot in her place.

>Should of

2 wrongs dont make a right, but it will make things even. Even if you what, publicly disgrace him, it feels like he will just get on with being a piece of shit and protected meanwhile this girl will deal with the mental fallout for the rest of her days.

You already know what needs doing, clearly dangerous because of who he is but so what. The "legal system" was already tried and has failed, and no that doesn't mean he gets away with it. Do what's right, it may cost you but I dont think I'd want to live to 80 looking back at all the dangers I avoided by avoiding injustice. Be smart about it and patient, he may have some local town pull but he's not being protected by the secret service. Do what's right

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That "neck brace" doesn't look very "bracey."
And how do you get an eye bruise like that without any swelling?
Nah ...

Hot as all shit.
I'm jacking off so hard right now.

>Do you know stupid you sound?

Glad to hear it

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where this from?

I like her chin whiskers!

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Sometimes thots need to get beat

My girl
Posted this on the wrong thread my bad

So. Two incorrect facts. And there's still a pile of unsubstantiated stuff and innuendo in your post

bitches lie

you started it so you might as well post moar

do you beat her?

I wonder what he did to her to give her that neck brace?

No swelling? Why the tears grouped up under the eye and not smeared the makeup? Nice try fag

I used to have compassion/empathy for women. Not any more. I literally don't care, kind of like how I don't care about any of the men that get the shit kicked out of them for bad behavior.

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meh, the bruises are an improvement

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Sounds like the thot got patrolled if you ask me

You're just a newfag who's been fapping IG and FB threads
>inb4 you fap to Trannies
Faggot, atleast trie to think of a new insult

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bagel boss guy strikes again

shitty makeup no swelling
neck brace isn't on right

no fat lip either

Detective samefag to the rescue. Fucking retard

she deserved it

Nah, I'm just one of them. Either way you a bitch for coming here for advice and for being in the friendzone...
if this post is legit.

Shit like this isn't hard.
If they do know you, either get a REALLY good mask that won't give any facial features or structure away and don't speak AT ALL!
Fuck with his car.
Fuck with his house.
Fuck with anything you want, just be sure to think twice.
If you so this and are lazy, you'll probably go to jail.
Also, make sure there's a cooling off period.
Maybe wait a few months and then beat the ever living fuck out of him.
That way it will be less likely to be connected to her beating.
You just neer to think user.

SquadW baby

Buy him Yea Forums Pass and see if he downloads CP.....

That family member put his info online.
OP didn't doxx anyone.

OP is just asking for ideas fuckface. Chill the fuck out.

This is the second time you posted this. Now stop.

i didn't see it yesterday or the day before

fuck off user. stupid cunt. OP should post it as many times as he wants. If people don't like it, sage and let it get pruned. You're a fat twat and I hope you get beat like the girl in the post.



Actually this is the first time i posted It you stupid fuck

You should console her and let her regal you with her stories of being fucked by her superior Chad boyfriend. You should offer to buy her flowers and when she says no insist on it because you are a beta Male.

underrated post