Bloody nudes and creep posts everywhere... Where is the Yea Forums I once loved? Post yer most awesome historical pics

Bloody nudes and creep posts everywhere... Where is the Yea Forums I once loved? Post yer most awesome historical pics.

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I bet its going to be ww2 dead jews
And lynched nogs/rasict shit ITT

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Then post something else

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mods won't do anything

hmmmm that girl looks good.... who is she?

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An undeniably badass picture

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Nice, IRA?

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yep, nice trips

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Might be related to one of the guys in the background. Take a guess.
>Ameritards not knowing their own history

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I love this one. ty for sharing Yea Forumsro

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I am/ did posting awesome historical pics

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Also great one. WW II?

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Move on, old man.

Granted the creep threads need to fucking stop,

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I can't, I keep returning to Yea Forums and finding it in a worse state than before... Nudes, sure, but not flooded with 'em... Ah well, guess I am old ;-)

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what is he standing on?

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Buffalo skulls. They killed them all off to upset the natives.

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that's a lot of buffalo's

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In before edgy nazi flood.

Not the guy you're responding to, but this thread is the most interesting I've seen in awhile

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Please keep posting, this is the most interesting thread right now on Yea Forums

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Good thread thanks

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the front row are in the process of realizing they are bisexuals

can contriboot

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>Get in loser. We're going to Tobruk.

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dem 30-06 rounds for the M1 Garande


I think they're tracers, probably gonna go into MG belts.

Harlem Hellfighters.

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