Walk into your bedroom

>Walk into your bedroom
>You find this negress on your bed
>But you hate black people
Wat do?

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Call the police and say she is robbing me.

Turn 360 and walk out the room

Lmao Ur retarded a 360 will mean you face the same way again

How can you be so ignorant, it disgusts me. First you rape the shit out of her, then you call police and sat she's robbing you and shes high on bath salts.

So you'd still walk into her again. Go back to math class you dumbfuck.

U serious, dumbfucks?

Stop hatin' black people, then roughfuck her.

>Imagine being this retarded

Trump supporter spotted

I put her back in chains because niggers are used to it and I rape her repeatedly.

fuck the black outta her



whats her name?


I’m a white guy and I pound out a new negress every week.

How can someone be this new and retratarded holy shit

Clean the sheets after the cops remove her from my house because according to the CDC, 48% of African American women have genital herpes.

>according to the CDC, 48% of African American women have genital herpes.

You can't just pull stats out of your ass you pathetic, racist piece of shit.

check the status of my valuables

No u


i would put a watermelon in front of my house so she can get out at niggerspeed


Fine, then I'll pull them from the CDC. Pic fucking related. Enjoy your herpes.

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sauce? shes hot for a darkie

impregnate her by having intercourse in the missionary position while whispering "I love you" in her ear as she orgasms. Then make her the housewife and stay-at-home mother she is meant to be as her provider and protector, raise our children in a morally responsible manner. What else would I do?


Same, but I'd also rim her asshole.

enjoy being an incel, faggot. it's all good homie, you could always just get on hrt and become a woman if the lack of attention and sex with women is too much for you to deal with.

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thats no where near 48% retard, at most its 43% in 2009-20 and declined to 35%

I don't hate black people, so sex.

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If you didn't choose "Stab her to death" then you're a nigger loving Jew btfo big nose man

$5 says she has a white mother.

Hate fuck ofcourse

are you really going to argue about those %, they are both still really high. you white guilt fags make me want to puke.

I am from Baltimore and that is a pretty decent piece of ass as things go around here. I would really consider being with her as long as she didn't speak like a ghetto nigger. for sure if she is college educated and has a job.

People writing about the above question usually insist that the correct description of an about-face is as a 180° turn, and that those who call it a 360° turn are not thinking clearly: that a 360° turn would leave you facing the way you started. But in fact, there are two ways of measuring turns, and they give opposite answers to this question.

On the one hand, if you make a turn, and measure how much your new heading differs from your old heading, it is correct to say that a 180° turn constitutes an about-face, and a 360° turn leaves you facing the way you started.

On the other hand, suppose you are driving, and come to a roundabout (a little circle in the road that you have to drive through). If you go 180° around the roundabout and exit, then you are continuing in the direction you started. You must go 360° around to go back where you came from. Likewise, if you measure an angle between two lines, it is well-known that a 180° angle is a "straight angle", i.e., an unbent line; while a 360° angle, like a 0° angle, represents a reversal of direction.

What is behind the discrepancy between these two ways of measuring angles?

In the first approach, one is looking at the difference between one's direction coming out of the turn and the direction one had going into it. In the second, one is comparing the direction one faces as one comes out of the turn with the direction one faces as one looks back to where one came from. One could say that in each case, one looks from the present toward the future, but in one case one looks from the past toward the present, and in the other from the present toward the past. Both ways of viewing the past are reasonable, but they differ by 180°. The former way may seem more reasonable in describing motion; on the other hand, the latter fits with the traditional way of measuring angles in plane geometry.

have sex with her

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and more than 20% of white women have herpes

>Dive on her
>Bite those nipples off
>powerfuck her while Misfits Forbidden Zone blares in her ears


Have sex.

Jesus Christ. How isn't this on the news literally every night?

tfw too dumb to understand why it's called a 180

1/5 is better than 1/2. plus those 1/5 are probably the race traitors anyway.

>Be mutt
>Hates black women
>Looks cute
>I'll cum and go

you're the incel my dude, you should probably try that yourself. It might clue you into the fact that no one cares about your insignificant opinions or statistics.

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I wonder how much it has changed in 10 years

jew controlled media, do you really have to ask?

I don't hate black people so checkmate.

We gonna fuck.

Improving slightly, see
But still almost 4x the rate of wypipo

i ask her what she wants from me
what does she want from me, OP?

but yeah well she has obviously broken into my home and is practically naked with her tits out on my bed. i'd lock the door, take any clothing or shoes she may have and fuck her, and then fuck her some more. she would never leave the house and never wear clothing again, obviously that is what she wants.

I'd toss her back on the bed, and lick and fuck her pussy because I'm not a racist fuck like you.

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Fuck her asshole without lube. Piss on her face, kick her out.

>But you hate black people
In that case, I'll hatefuck her very gently and passionately.

The Edgelord is here everyone!



Nice vocabulary

Oh man, SICK BURN!


Ask for more pics?

Why would the jews want to prevent this from being publicly known?

she gets the dick

Dubs confirm we need more

Shoot her.
Call the cops.
"Officer she was robbing my house. I feared for my life."

Fuchs shit out of her

Offer her a nice tall glass of primordial slime from my gene sack.

Who hates people ?

How she get past my security lol

Being this new

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throat fist her, shit into her pussy, shove a bottle into her asshole

make sure I still had my wallet and keys. look in the corner for thug daddy with a bat.

Spank her for breaking and entering, face fuck her, and then fuck her silly.