Whats the best thing about australia?

Whats the best thing about australia?

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Shit posting and running over abos when they sleep in the road.

The barra

Attached: barra_195_engine_ser1_05.jpg (675x449, 54K)

The ford barra i6

casual swearing and blatant racism


le barra


Fuck oath. Had to convince Dad that "Coon" was not the best name for his new dog.

Coon cheese

the fucken bundy rum mate

that it's not real

Ken Oath, you sad cunt. It's 'Ken Oath' not 'Fuck oath'. Fuck-Ken-Oath.
You stink of immigrant trying desperately to blend in, just like all the other boaty cuntrags. You fucking lebbo, you make me sick to my core. Fuck off home, ya darkie!

Good night, sweet prince.

Roger died a year ago.

Bet you ask for 2 snags in the one piece of bread at Bunnings too ya wanker

The best thing is that they're isolated far from the real world. They're a bunch of unfunny faggots who think that the epitome of humor is to swear every other word.

Exhibit A

I took a plane trip to Australia and the moment the plane touched ground all of of a sudden everything was upside down. It was like the world flipped. Also, aboriginal women with big tiddlywinks. Mmm mmmm mmmm, daddy likes aboriginal pussy.

>samefagging this hard and still thinking they can criticise wit, or lack thereof

It's okay we won't include you in the bantz.

Imagine being this stupid. I obviously posted both I wasn't even pretending otherwise. Go back to kath and Kim reruns you stupid bogan.

Shit cunt

Gay cunt

Anyone have advice for tafe? I'm going to start next week and I'm scared

>damage control so blatant it stinks of nothing but hypocrisy

The flights out of Australia

Dumb cunt

What are you studying?

New Zealand

Screen and media

Being a white minority

Nothing, if these fucking Asians don't stop flooding.

Being mostly surrounded by civilized people in a mostly tropical environment.

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>I obviously posted both I wasn't even pretending otherwise
and yet, you still admit samefagging to begin with and pretending to support your own bullshit opinion with an extra double dollop of your own faggotry. hmmm. go to sleep kid, you stink of centrelink payments and the ignorance attached to them

Why are you so angry user

Anyone got any tips for shelving mdma like how far do i put it

as far as possible. pics or it didnt happen

Universal Healthcare.


Should i put it in caps or like just mix it with water and funnel it in tho

Its big enough that we can ship all of our niggers over there with room to spare. That way the abos and niggers can live together.

Attached: q0waq.jpg (125x125, 5K)

Exactly. I've just decided to have a sickie tomorrow. I'll drop into the bulk billed clinic, complain about a headache and a sniffle, and get two paid days off.

Sweet as.

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>Whats the best thing about australia?
It's in the opposite hemisphere to me

just stuff it in your hole you fucking degenerate. timestamp that twat tho



Your point?


>sage goes in all fields

some of the oldest bloodlines on earth

Ayers Rock: it is the ideal long-term deposit for the world's nuclear waste. Just as the rest of the country is the ideal deposit for the world's human waste.

>majority asian population
>white residents are actually half aboriginal
>faggots swarm major cities

Seeing it in your rear view mirror...

What as you drive off the continent into the ocean??


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that its far away

The fact the deadly wildlife will hopefully eradicate the cunts that live there one day. Every single aussie I've met always seems to be a cunt with an ego the size of the amount of useless desert their country posesses.
Steve Irwin was nice though