Its my bday and no-one gives a shit fuckk it
Its my bday and no-one gives a shit fuckk it
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happy birthday OP. hope you have a great day. you are valued by me. go treat yourself :)
why should they?
Feel sorry for yourself some more, thats such an attractive thing.
Femanon here. Pls end yourself useless nothing.
Noone cares cause you suck.
happy birthday user
clit please
Happy birthday.
On another note just remember you can not control anyone but yourself, so buy yourself some nice shit and eat that fucking cake all to yourself.
Fuck everyone.
Post tits or fuck off lmao like i give a shit what you think
Faggot kys
Thanks mate :)
>Femanon here
Tits or GTFO
Means a lot thank u user
Happy birthday Yea Forumsro
Happy Birthday OP. I always work on my birthday because I'm a sad fucker.
welcome to the club bitch, im 29 and havent heard happy birthday other than my "obligatory" mother call for 3 years up
you should have stopped carrying about a stupid date around 10yo...
You are older, sure, but maybe it's time to grow up also.
you're probably full of shit op
but heres some tits
Happy birthday user
Hope you have a great day :)
Tose are red
Violets are blue
There's always an asian
Better than you.
Fuck this stupid vapid cunt. Happy bday asshole.
There's an astonishing amount of Peter Pan Syndrome posting on this board. This is no exception. After 13, there are no birthdays. Until you hit 50, and then 75. It;s time to grow up now.
It's happened to me the last two years. It's somewhat better than before, when people used to ask what I was going to do and I said 'nothing' and nothing happened.
Depression kills off friends quicker than it kills off brain cells. Not a good place to be.
Patton Oswald has a great bit about this type of entitlement and bdays.
you had a shitty childhood I take it lol
>old enough to vote
>old enough to be tried as an adult
>old enough to be drafted
>old enough to drink
>too old to lots of shit
but yeah tell me more about how birthdays haven't been a big change in your life since you were 13
Roses. Sheet.
youre the only one who should really care, and even then, birthdays are kinda pointless. Just do what makes you happy bro. No one should be able to deprive you of that
What is going on with this site today? People are being genuinely nice? You guys are great. Happy birthday OP. Here's Annette Benning naked.
Happy birthday brother,it's mine as well
Holy fucking cumbusting huge dookie shitties, noone cares about your berdthday!
HAPPY BURFDAY FAGGOT!!! Seriously I hope it's a good one.
I probably have more to live for than you do so I'm good
Thanks mate
I worked the last three it is kind of depressing
Maybe get some friends for next year if it bothers you so much
Beautiful fucking tits
:) I'll try man
That's some very valuable advice men
I feel so very sorry for you. Honestly, who hurt you so much to be so disengaged with men? Lashing out at a rando who just wants acknowledgment for just being born? And you want to shit on him for that? For shame. You, he and I deserve better.
I never really celebrated my birthday as a kid I have more recent birthday memories with friends and past relationships
Post pictures of your butthole with timestamp
Op here happy birthday bra :)
You seem like a solid gold mate
Op here I'm actually kind of shocked no one's ever kind on b this really did cheer me up :)
Happy birthday user. Most of us are real (I think) and we're all your Yea Forumsros.
The world can be a funny place. Just be glad you were able to get a front row seat.
Than you for that. Here are some tits.
when you get over 30 even you won't care about your birthday
Happy bday op.
Just a day dude. You didn't die for a whole year. Congrats. Do it again.
why do people give a shit about birthdays? what's so important?
The reason you're not getting any attention on your birthday is because you don't give any attention to anyone. If you made an effort to keep yourself clean and presentable, if you made an effort to do something social, if you made an effort to do things that foster friendships you'd get something back. The fact is you're trapped in a never ending echo chamber of isolation, self stimulation, self loathing, awkwardness, low self esteem and poor compulsion control. You gotta break out of that shit .
happy birthday and don't be so edgy birthday bro
happy cake day, nigger faggot!
happy birthday, user.
Happy B-day, faggot.
tits or gtfo, u r probably a faggot, u dont sound like a girl
happy birthday
there you got both sides of the internet. thats your present
happy birthday user
we're all gonna make it Yea Forumsro
You still here op?
Last one without a reply.
hapi birthday (*^ー^)
Your right
Gorgeous MILF titties
Well I'm not there yet lol
Not all this applies to me but definitely right about a lot of things I need to work on some self improvement
Will do
Lol thanks tranny
You still here op?
Yeah dude got to take every day one step at a time
Yeah I just got back from getting a burrito and whiskey ha
Keep them coming
Feel any better?
I actually do thank you
Awesome. Here's something for you.
Nice trips.
Show the boi pussy
may the good days outnumber the bad
You got more ?
A lot of places offer a discount on birthdays. You can have a fun day and save some money