Why black men are so much hoter and superior compared to white men? It's because they looks stronger...

Why black men are so much hoter and superior compared to white men? It's because they looks stronger, we think in their hot big black cocks in contrast of the ugly small pink dicks of white men?

It's because the porn studios of black men are hoter and superior? Like Blacked, Dogfart, banbros, darkx and many others?

It's because when we watch porn with black men they are important while when have porn with white men they are the inferior and secondary?

I want so much to give a blowjob and kiss the head of a hot black cock while he cum in my mouth

Every women should be with black men, white men are horrible in everything, represents evil, bad sex, cuckolds, losers, their porn are shit, in everything who you search on google or youtube white men are related to shit, every couple of white men with any non-white women is related to shit in news, youtube, while black men have the best scenes in media, have sex, have the best porn studios, and every women of other race with black men is praising the black men and is related to positive unlike white men who is related to shit in everything.

Black men is desired and white men is loser and undesired by women of own race and are related to shit with women of other races, is only search on youtube, google, every news against white men and asian women, black women, any kind of women

I like to feel praised, have attention, viewed as positive with black men, in general you always looks better when you are with men who aren't white, you are being the submissive women for men of other race, white men is related to everything of negative sexually, as human, is represented as worse race of men in news, media, porn industry, sexually, human

You want to experiment the race of men who will represent better sex, positive image, and not white who is just a boring asexual thing that the sex is only about the women try to make the white happy but don't lust him, white men are asexual, don't represent men, losers for men of other races

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You can't imagine non-white women sisters doing this for white men like white women does every kind of fetish for black men and sometimes even other men

White women are the best horny prostitutes of the world, they love so much black men, now compare with white loser men, in youtube have thousands of videos against white men and asian women, the porn of white men is them with the same white women who promoted them as inferior males, cuckold race, bad sex, are represented as antagonist of white men and enemy of them in media, in the news they say that have so much white men in hollywood, to remove white men and keep white women with men of other races, white men is represented as evil, bad, and white women is represented as confident, attractive, godesses, heros

I love so much the white women sluts, it's only bad that is the asian, black and non-white women who are called in pejorative way words like sluts and any thing when white women are the best prostitutes, sluts of the world

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I'm posting these sisters white girls pics while i masturbate for how white women love black cock while i like to see white men angry and like the losers between all the men by women of own race being the only race who produced every kind of porn, sexual scenes, give the white men the sexual and racial image of inferior males and cucks by American news, media, porn industry, everything

The contrast of white men lonely, racially related to shit, only with white women, related to human trash, cuckold race, sexual shit, undesired men only with the same white women who promoted them as inferior males, with every white men and non-white women relationship related to negative things, inferior, secondary, with thousands of videos, news, agaisnt white men and asian women, black women, non-white women while the white girls are celebrated, heros, opressed, victims, proud, confortable in American media, news, propaganda, commercials, movies, porn industry, white women are the proud fetish and racial trophies and they are the best because unlike the scenes of non-white women with white men who looks like the women don't lust the white male, don't have sex with them, the white women looks like are lusting, seeking for men of other races, especially black men, the white women have sexual scenes, the white women make you feel dominant with the women of other race against the men of her own race, the men of own race represented as inferior, loser, negative, cuckolds, and black men and white women fighting against the white male villain

I fucking love the American racial social engineering around white women godesses, black men real men, white men plastic tasteless sexless inferior males who nobody even think that white males have penis or represents men, usually this is why when white men are with women, the asian men, black men, every other race of men say that is because of money or other things because white men are inferior males and women can't be sexually attracted for them

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Black men can't be ugly when you are attracted for them because they represents superior men, to dominate you, you are attracted to black penis and fantasy in be fucked by them, this is why is normal hot white girls in pics like this with black men, while white men need to be good looking, have money and other things to over compensate their racial image with lack of sex appeal, their racial image of cuckold race, bad sex, how white men and non-white women are related to shit and white women are the only racial group in every kind of racial media, video, porn fetish and still positive and is the white men the loser.

Sex with white men is like the women is doing charity for them, while sex with black men is like the women is lusting and wanting the black, just look at the american porn industry, media, tv shows, how only white women is represented lusting, seeking, having sexual scenes and being the best fetish.

You can't change the image of white men as inferior males in the subconscious, it's already internalized white men as inferior cuckold race, black men represented as the dominant man, and white women lusting and seeking for men of other races and against men of own race, white men and non-white women related to bad things and white men and men of other races related to good things, white men represented as bad, black men, white women, non-white men represented as good

I love the how the desexualized, cuckold white men make even more hot feel the domination of white women seeking, beging for other race looks even better in everything exported from USA by their media, news and porn industry around white women and men of other races as superior men compared to the cuckold white men pretending that anyone care for them being inferior pets of white women, the contrast in white men as inferior men for men of other races and white women as racial godesses is beautiful within of American corporations exported for the rest of the world.

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Watching white men is like watching plastic, you don't think in white man as a man who have penis and you want to lust or be fucked since white men are so asexual and looks like losers with white women who was the same race who promoted them as inferior men in same porn industry and media, white men looks so negative in news and everything exported from USA websites, google and youtube.

White men and non-white women looks so inferior in scenes, they don't have sex, are less times, the couples aren't celebrated like the white women who have racial porn studios, fetishes, netflix, movies, sexual scenes, everything to please racial fantasies of men of other races and are the only racial group against men of own race who make the white women even hoter if you are non-white men and you feel masculine, superior, dominant when are with white women and the fact that white women aren't shamed or related to bad things to celebrate men of other race and lower men of own race.

White men looks like losers worshiping the white women who already promoted them as inferior males, cuckold race related to bad sex, loser for men of othe race

White men looks in official mainstream media, porn industry, narrative the only racial group mocked and viewed as positive mock and laugh of white men, they are the losers for men of other races or are just passive friends of men of other races who enjoy all racial fetishes with white women, negative news against white men, i fucking love USA for this racial emasculation of white men, for the white women racial fetishes, for boycott white men and non-white women, to celebrate white women and non-white men, to create all these sexual scenes, porn studios, movies, for black men and men of every other race with white women being the only race.

We love mock white men as the loser race of men and how they are related to everything negative and the own white women promoted them as inferior males, jokes and cuckold race unlike the women of other races

I bet you’d thank me if i fucked your ass with my big white cock? Sure you would.

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They aren't, you just view them as dangerous and fetishize their brutish acts as love when it really can't be more than a dog humping a pillow. You're just a means to an end. Biggers don't give a shit about women and they're just using you.

Have fun delivering their niglet babies while constantly wondering "where have all the good men gone?!" After he leaves you and no white boy will take you because you've been defiled.

In coming butt hurt white nerds in 3,2,1

no he's just a hapa faggot spewing lies

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show us your tiny Asian penis Tenda

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I don't care if you're black, white, blue or green.
Just stop caring about that, some people like black women/men and vice versa.
If you care about that, you're probably a virgin trying to justify this.

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know your place white ho

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Fuck off shlomo

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Tenda got a tiny yellow dick

you still have a tiny Asian penis Tenda

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Is so much hoter be dominant men with the women of own race, than being losers with the women of own race who promoted yourselves as cuckold and loser race of men to be even worse. Even if white women never promoted white men as inferior men for men of other race, it's always hoter in nature for any male animal be the dominant men with women of own race and women of other race, tribes, than being the loser like white men are and they cope pretending that being with the white woman and against other white men will erase their loser cuckold racial image exported from USA with white women only and how negative, marginalized white men and non-white women are compared to all the racial porn, fetishes, vieos, sexual scenes, everything with white women only made in USA for years and exported for other countries the lovely american white loser men emasculation in contrast of white women racial praise.

Why looks more pathetic this contrast between white men and white women? It's because they are from the same race and white men is promoted as inferior and white women is promoted as superior, lol.

Every kid who born white and man will have internalized racial cuckold and emasculation exported from USA around white women and anti-white men and this is hot if you aren't white and have fetish in white women and see white men like a man without penis, without sex appeal, who aren't treatening and are just negative loser cuckold race and related to everything bad

White men represents a old thing, ugly, negative, white women represents a young thing, new, fresh, positive

Even being men and women of the same race, the white women represents a superior thing and white men represents bad things by default, in every way, they represents bad things as human since they are the race related to shit in news, they represents inferior male since they are the race promoted as inferior men in scenes, sex, porn, they represents also the worse men of all races with the media and propaganda around the white women being the opressed

White men is horrible, white women is the best, long live to white women and American industry around them.

White women always will be the best racial fetish exported from USA who always will make the white losers men frustrated but increase naturally the number of cuckolds with their racail emasculation internalized since they are young as loser cuckold race of men and related to everything of negative.

So will have more white cuckolds in future, with all the support for white women with men of other race and boycott against white men and non-white women made in USA, the white male sexual market will lower even more since they are viewed less like a man and more like a plastic asexual thing and is not hot being fucked by the race who aren't dominant male in were it's more important, that is being man.

White men try to cope and pretend that they are men because are with white women, lol, white women have thousands of American produced mainstream media, scenes, porn, commercials to lower sexual market of white men, promote white men negative, and please racial fetishes of men of other races.

Nobody cares for white men with white women, white women by default just keep white men like losers and this never will be changed anymore and every white kid will born with american internalized racial emasculation and cuckoldry and mixing with everything will increase number of white cuckolds and white women for men

In the commercials, media, sexual scenes, porn industry, the white women picked to racially praise black men is so much hoter, while white men and non-white women in general are uglier with uglier non-white women, the women aren't praising, lusting the white male, is totally nerfed, ugly, desexualized, boring and they don't even have porn, sexual scenes, media and USA is know to be around white women as the best and white men as the worst

Black men represents the real man who is dominant with women of other race and women of own race, have sexual scenes, have porn studios only for their race with the best women of other race praising and promoting black men as superior

White men represents cuckold race, who cope pretending that are great for being with the same white women who promoted them as inferior men and are only with the same white women who keep their racial image of undesired men related even with all racial fetishes, cuckold porn, fantasies made for men of other race with white women in USA in contrast of the white male being boring, sexless, tasteless

White men are horrible

I don't even know how the white kids have motivation to live, i think they need to cope and pretend that these things don't exist, or maybe ignore all these things, create their own world, but i think that is good to remove confidence of white men, make them become uglier, don't take care of themselves, and keep them related to shit and seeing themselves as inferior and white women as superior, who is good for black men and men of other race feel more confident and have all racial fetishes in white women and for white women the men of other race being represented good and as the real man.

I love American emasculation of white men and when USA export their white emasculation for other countries with white women as racial fetish and trophy celebrated

I love propaganda of white men being negative and white women being positive for more racial demoralization of white men.

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Imagine being this obsessed over penis size yikes. What are you 12?

"Hurr durr small asian penis!!!" That's going to be your reply cause you can't do anything else incel

Is that evie?

you have a tiny Asian penis KEK

Hi 6.3 inch eurasian dick here. My gf used to be a size queen and has a shit load of experience in sex. She realized recently that huge dick can't give more pleasure than an average dick. Or it really depends on the shape or width. Length doesn't matter. Just a reminder for some brainlet virgin here


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