What are the actual chances of long distance relationship working out

What are the actual chances of long distance relationship working out

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>building a relationship based on sexual frustration

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cut this shit while you can so you not regret wasting your time

Almost zero.

She'll tell you that she's planning on going to college in the future and you two will "plan" for her to go to college in the town you live in.

It will never happen. It's easy to "commit" to it while you're lonely & horny. Actually moving somewhere new to start a new life with someone you've never met in person is incredibly difficult.

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It's fine if you don't mind giving all of the long-distance emotional support while her ex-chad "who means nothing to her" is still pounding her pussy twice a week.

I was in one for 6 years. She lived in france, i was in los angeles.
I didn't take it too serious at the beginning but we fell in love with the idea of each other. And so last year she moved in with me and everything has been perfect. She's all i ever needed.
This doesn't happen often because people aren't patient enough, or they don't understand that they're not mature enough to go through with it. Usually LDRs fail because the people aren't really serious about it. They go into one thinking it will be easier than a regular relationship in person but it's harder than anything else and any little challenge will stop them.
My gf and I didn't let anything stop us.
I say again, we are probably a rare case if you ask anyone else.
It's not impossible to make it work. The two of you really need to want each other and trust each other more than anything.

There are different loves styles. If you're both a words of affirmation type long distance can work.
People that need physical affection are the worst at long distance.
Most of the other types fall in between.

great to hear yours worked out. i am in one now and it's painfully lonely and depressing, i know it will be years to wait until we can live together but i don't think i can wait that long. the physical contact is what i miss the most, as we did live together for 5 months until she had to leave the country.
talking a lot, honestly about feelings etc has been really helpful and she has encouraged me to make friends. i think i am wasting her time though.

They can work out as well as any.

So long as you don't take it seriously, fine.
The odds of it working out are low but just having someone you can talk to and practice learning what to say and how to say it when you're in a real relationship will be good for you. Also you won't be so desperate and lonely when you're looking for a real girlfriend because you always have your online girlfriend. Just assume she's doing the same thing because she likely is

The distance isn't between countries its between states like florida and Wisconsin the shorter the distance the more likely success right?

No, she might as well be in Africa if you ain't going to be able to meet.

I put the odds at cuck:1

>So long as you don't take it seriously, fine.

that was a big realisation for me, i was investing so much time, energy and emotion into her issues that i couldn't help her with being so far away. i realised i just had to be there for her if she wanted to talk about it, otherwise i couldn't do anything else.

why commit yourself to someone whom you rarely spend time with anyway? unless you were already married, i don’t see why you’d put yourself thru a situation that only wastes your time

women aren't worth it ever, just don't even have a relationship. you're only going to be hurt in the end, long distance or not

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I was in one until she fucked someone and cut ties with me. Shit ain’t worth it homie

That's what usually makes people quit.
I do think it's harder when you were together and then have to be apart. That's usually when I hear about the breakup because "being alone is so hard".
It takes mentally strong people to make it work. You have to believe in yourself and in her. That you both love each other and want it. We've been conditioned by the world around us into thinking certain things, you gotta just drop all of that and commit to ending up together. So what if you're lonely, be lonely together. You can still talk. You were born alone and will die alone. You both gotta choose not to let each other be alone while you're alive. Just jerk off and hug a warm blanket.

why are all incels so weak and retarded?

it's not only sexual user, i mean i like having my girl around just looking at her, if you can't even have that and have to look at her through some screen then whats the point?

haha made me laugh at the end. that is true and good advice. the conditioning of surroundings is a big one and i notice that more and more in the way i think, i am becoming more open to dropping them but it is challenging. thank you for sharing your story it does give me hope.

FYI, im not an incel, i've had relationships and i, in fact, don't hate women. i just don't believe relationships are any kind of a good idea. fuck you, fag

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>im not an incel
Yet you're singing the incel anthem .... Man up. Women are for fucking. If you are the one getting hurt then you're doing something wrong.

p = 0.5 ± 0.5
Steven Heisenberg

sorry that i can't be as chad as you, person browsing Yea Forums at 10 am.

This is exactly the mindset that ruins everything. Lmao.
You're going into it completely ruining everything for yourself. You assume she's going to be using you like you are her and so treat her like shit because you're a broken, small man. And then you call her not real and break up with her because your "IRL" crush flirted with you.
You're a piece of shit.

Next to 0. Women are whores

I'm not saying they can't work, but I've never heard of one that has.

If you're thinking about it and like her just try it. If you're both adults you can talk about whether it's working or not and decide if you want to continue.
You can't look at stats to decide the important things in your life. You know yourself and you know her.
If you think you would be happy and your relationship could grow long distance try it. If you don't think you'd be happy tell her and break it off.
If you do decide to break it off definitely don't tell her that it's what's best for both of you though.