If you voted for this idiotic whore mongering dumbass...

If you voted for this idiotic whore mongering dumbass. You need to be castrated and put into a mental institution in the hopes that you'll be rehabilitated and will never reproduce your mental illness of trumptardiosis.

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Can't disagree with that.

I wonder how these dumbasses feel knowing that he'll be impeached come 2020?

Dump Drumpf

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TRUMP 2020!!!!!!!!

Make Liberals Shit Themselves Again

Imma vote for him again. Fucking stop me libcuck.

Just bought 1000 more votes for Trump from Russia because of this thread

Is there a bot that keeps fucking posting these threads? I swear I see them each time I get on.

2020: Sea level catastrophic rise due to flood of liberal tears.
2020+1 day: America burns down due to all the soyboy and SJW pukes rioting.
2020+5 days: We return to liberal sobbing and 24 hour negative news coverage whining about how mean he is.
2024: Trump Jr. becomes president, cycle starts all over again.

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I didn't vote for him because he is a complete baffoon who obviously has no idea about anything he is talking about. Only rednecks on American Facebook who want to "Own the Libs" think he is a good president.

Hey dummy, your vote doesn't matter during a presidential election.

That might be lenient

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fuck Drumpf man

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What's it like having another man living rent free in your head like

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You'd think at this point you could afford a rope to hang yourself with all the jobs he's bringing. Hopefully my voting for him again will motivate you to finally an hero

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You Americunts are so pathetic.

Which Dem is going to beat him? I watched the debates - they were indeed laughable. Going on and on about issues people hardly relate to any more. Immigration and racism no longer have the shock value they once had, certainly not enough to win the White House. "Hey, you wanna thousin dollah a month? Vote me, I get."