YLYL thread?

YLYL thread?

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Other urls found in this thread:

letmegooglethat.com/?q=Immigration and the Changing Nature of Homicide in US Cities

>YLYL thread?

sure why not

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How are orcs equivalent to real world refugees

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They are nothing alike. This is called a strawman.

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Exactly the same. They smell, they rape, they destroy,

I don't get it.
They can't reach the ball... Is there a joke I don't get? Is it a sports thing?

Go watch cartoons timmy. You are too young to be here.

A very small minority of refugees do this, whereas orcs are all violent. This is the difference between invaders and immigrants

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It's called a joke, fucktards

What's the joke

Your life is

Look at this oldfag

I've seen this a million times and only now does it make me laugh. Us humans are an odd bunch.

>Violent creatures with backlandish beliefs
>Rape normal women
>Cause destruction/fear everywhere they go
>Drain the world of man of resources
Its such a good metaphor that major news outlets try and shut down the meme. The only differences really is orcs don't fuck goats and most people fight back when orcs invade.

You don't know my life, so it's clear you're making shallow attempts to insult me, which are not working. Are you that irritated that someone called out a bad joke?

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I read Timmy as time-y. I'm having a stroke send help.

As already stated, that is an incredibly small minority, most are pleasant people trying to make their lives better, whereas orcs are all violent fictional creatures that are an entirely different species

The fresh king of Israel

Oh the memories

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Best part is a time traveler would also know of the "half life 3 confirmed" meme so.could also be fucking with you

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An incredibly small minority of 1.8 billion people is still a sizable army to crush the armies of men, elves, and dwarves. You really think we don't understand they're different species? Hence why its a metaphor and not direct comparison.

Gaben is too fat and lazy to finish Half Life. It’s an unlikely possibility.

Fuck you got me lol


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If they were trying to destroy civilizations, then how many non-Muslim nation have been overthrown by muslims in recent history

The child died and some kid thinks a Bane reference is funny. Kys.

That's why it's funny. Dumbfuck.

That's why it's a tragedy that some chimp would think it's funny. DUMBFUCK.

It's both you retard. It's funny that he quoted and the girl didn't realize it. No harm no foul. If you're gonna be offended by something like that why are you even here? Get the fuck out you Summerfag

tbf, it is the pinnacle of comedy.
Let's get #Cripplefuckbanereference trending guys!

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>Your life is

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I'm not offended, dipshit. You pointed something and failed to see the duality of it until it was pointed out to you. Now stop trying to be cool and shut your fuckin' mouth.

Caught me off-guard.

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Yea Forums 2019, reddit screencaps and childrens, go fuck youself

Right so

>Outlaw poor people where inequality is higher
>Outlaw males
>Outlaw 15-23 year olds

Honestly, your retardedness should be outlawed.

Valve doesn't care nor do they have to make games anymore, Hence why they haven't.
If Half life 3 is ever announced its because they need to make money again for whatever reason, Otherwise they'll just coast from Steam profits.

Also, Half life fucking sucks anyway.

this is one of strangest things i fapped to

dont fucking laugh because its humanity 2020 - 2040

>>Outlaw poor people where inequality is higher
>>Outlaw males
>>Outlaw 15-23 year olds
Honestly sounds like a good idea.



Outlawing gibs would instantly solve all problems.

It's so stupid, but gets me every damn time

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>happened to have a camera guy onhand to film the whole thing
>today on things that only happen on youtube

>I'm not offended
That's why you keep replying?

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i lose it everytime i read that
greentext stories on b are best

You are the first to mention Muslims. In recent history Muslims have been pushing Christians out of the areas they control. So not exactly overthrowing but very comparable.


the truth hurts

holy shit that takes me back

Top kek

>defending niggers on Yea Forums

Your black is showing.

>"Shall we take it to the gulag, sir?"

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ascended kek

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How's that defending? I'm agreeing that people statistically prone to crime should be "outlawed"(obviously not outlawed but at least scrutinized, investigated, and limited more)

Need me a girl like that

Lucky fuck getting some.
All I get is to fap to his success.
But fap I did.

shitty sad.

Holy fuck...

I was having a great laughfest behind my screen and you had to post this,

If only a small minority does this why do 80% of refugee women(including children) get raped?

do you wanna doublecheck that post to make sure you intended to write complete fucking gibberish

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>refugee women
>including children
Implying children can be women. Degenerate piece of shit

This is Funny on multiple levels

We're all degenerates here user

Here's a quick reality check for you.

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Got em

This is a ylyl thread fuck tard. Not "I'm going to be a massive faggot" thread

>says the massive faggot

You may laugh at your own ignorance.

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I wasn't the user you were talking to. Start posting funny content or go back to plebbit

The fuck is she going to do in a work camp

>not laughing at filthy spics getting what they deserve and then getting deported.

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True.... Real fucktard here should thought that through! xD

productivity goes up when workers have entertainment

small part of males overall commit violent acts
significant part of black males commit violent acts

>funny content
>in ylyl
You have to go back.

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fucking lost

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I don't get it

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Quoted the wrong fucking post, I'm a moron, sorry bruh

You're not supposed to

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so that would be black men, not men in general
asian immigrants barely do any violent crimes and whites are way behind blacks statistically

Holy shit I did it again

This meme has reached its peak with this picture, nothing can top it.

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The beggars choose a spot and usually stay in that spot for many days and weeks.
The incident happened before the camera was there.the man went there with the sign after the incident happened.. with a camera. Use your brain,
You mong

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oh my god



The behaviours referenced by Wormtongue are exactly those exhibited by actual refugees IRL. Crime statistics in nations experiencing influxes of refugees today are being concealed by bureaucrats remarkably similar to Wormtongue in their conduct of their duties.

In all, this meme is a powerful metaphor for the understanding of Zionazis as Isengard.

Found the welfare warrior (NIGGER)

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How about Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Afghanistan... the list goes on. These nations were destabilized and conquered by the West, notably the US, but all now are ruled by Muslims that have overthrown the previous regime.

Your ignorance of it does not impact actual reality.

>butthurt boomer
Get dabbed on

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Jesus Christ I want to gas you right now

Very tolerant of you.

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You have no imagination.

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It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the refugees are being raped by people who AREN'T refugees.
Is the IQ of Yea Forums so low that this is what passes for discourse these days?
Illegal immigrants commit crimes at a much lower rate than natural born US citizens.

So it's just a couple of dudes fro drug cartels raping 100 women a day, gotcha.

And why would we want a bunch of illegals coming and committing crime at any rate?

>Couple of dudes
You think drug cartels only have a "couple of dudes" in them?
Are you actually this retarded or is this some sort of psy op?
Also you think all rapists are part of a cartel?
Corrupt cops, military, run of the mill criminals, etc. can also commit rape.

>It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the refugees are being raped by people who AREN'T refugees.
Why would that be obvious?
>Illegal immigrants commit crimes at a much lower rate than natural born US citizens.

ok yeah I misunderstood what you were saying mb

Sexist to neglect to exclude black women user.

>Illegal immigrants commit crimes at a much lower rate than natural born US citizens.
100% of illegal immigrants commit crime by entering USA illegally.

This is the dumbest thing I ever read. I thought initially you said that it wouldn't take a genius to understand that refugees are statistically the only ones committing the rapes on transit, as they're literally the only people the women interact with. But no, your brain doesn't work or something, as you seem to believe it's like 2 dudes at the stop wearing maga hats waiting to just rape a hundred women a day lmao.

Shaking with your left hand? No way he got hired...

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>Hurr durr people should only come if they commit zero crime
By that logic, no one should have children either, as any non-zero number of new people ensures that crimes will be committed.
In fact, having kids is more likely to result in crime than illegal immigration, so it's actually worse.
The simple fact of the matter is that illegal immigration actually reduces the over all crime rate PER PERSON.

If you want to shit on the brown people south of the border, you can do that.
What you can't do is pretend it has anything to do with crime. It doesn't.
And it's worth remembering that these people are fleeing decades of genocide and fascism funded by the United States as part of their retarded Monroe doctrine.

I was gonna say.

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A screenshot from reddit? Kys

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Way to pick the low hanging fruit. That guy is the least competent person who has an issue with what you said.

It's pretty funny.

lel he has a point

You're forgetting that 100% of illegal immigrants are criminals by definition.


Based DiGiorno. It's not delivery

So natives have no rights and the state is the only entity with rights?

Lo, a retard has been spotted.

Protip: it's you.

That's me at this point...lol!!
I lost.

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>Need me a girl like that

Great minds think alike!

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Mfw trying to talk to beta of beta virgin retards on .Yea Forumsrother lovers

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Got 'eem

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letmegooglethat.com/?q=Immigration and the Changing Nature of Homicide in US Cities
Try using google next time you dumb shit.

>100% of illegal immigrants commit crime by entering USA illegally.
100% of US citizens have committed some equivalent crime at some point in their lives.
If you want to play that retarded game, everyone who has gone over the speed limit is a criminal.
We're talking about rapes, murders and robberies.

>as they're literally the only people the women interact with
Citation needed bitch.
Also that's just retarded on its face.
If you're walking to the US border from Guatemala, are you suggesting that those people somehow have ZERO interactions with the locals?
I can't believe Yea Forums has gotten this fucking dumb.

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Titty sprinkles

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Citations that aren't 10 years old would be nice. This is a modern problem. Do you have an issue with being intellectually honest? Low hanging fruit, plus a bad citation.

>letmegooglethat.com/?q=Immigration and the Changing Nature of Homicide in US Cities
>Try using google next time you dumb shit.
You can just say "I don't have a citation I'm sorry I lied" it's not a big deal.

>citing Google

You are citing the equivalent of Wormtongue you hopeless faggot. I hope you get raped by a pack of feral nigger illegal immigrants.

All bears are left handed, if he used his right the bear would have thought he was trying to assert dominance and would have devoured him. He made the correct move by using his left.

Read I like how the white nash robots all make the same absolutely retarded points.

I have literal worse type of cystic fibrosis possible, and unless her parents were fucking retards who let her smoke and didn't have her do meds, there is no way she would have died at 16. The average lifespan of someone with cystic fibrosis is like 35

... Maybe we'll kill ourselves off soon.

Yes. I'm suggesting that they don't interact with locals in the back of a snuggling truck. I'm suggesting that they interact nearly all of their time with other smuggled immigrants, in a cramped enclosed space, with no where to run. How is this hard to believe? Unless you're basically just a spic with an emotional response.

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>If you're walking to the US border from Guatemala
0% of the locals you'd be interacting with on that trek would be US citizens wearing MAGA hats. All of them would by undesirable shitskins and potential illegal immigrants. 100% of the rapists on that trek would be exclusively illegal if they tried to enter the US.

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Hey man sorry about that.

Right because going 56 mph creates a tax burden, strains our public institutions and actively degrades quality of life. Go live in the ghetto with your pet cholos, you hypocrite. Or would you rather keep preaching tolerance from within your majority white neighborhood?

>First link on google is an academic paper that cites specific statistics
>I'm too retarded to follow the first link
Explains why you're white nash, you mental invalid.
People as dumb as you should be put in gas chambers.

>You have ten year old data
>I have no data
>Therefore, my NO DATA wins
I hope you see how retarded that is.
In fact, I've gone above and provided evidence when in fact YOU should be providing evidence.
You've made the claim that illegal immigrants are dangerous criminals, without providing any evidence whatsoever.

Women enjoy drinking my primordial slime.

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god i wish that were me

>smuggling truck
>they don't pee
>they don't eat
Cite your source. Show me where it says they stay in a smuggling truck and don't interact with the locals.
In fact, most of them walk, because they don't have vehicles to be smuggled into.
You're just making shit up because you've made a bullshit claim that can't be supported.

Read >>'805355331

I love how you continually demonstrate your lack of intelligence and grasp of the meaning of statements. Every point you make self-refutes.

It's the funniest thing in this thread.

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Illegal immigrants pay more money in taxes than they receive in benefits.
>Hurr durr source
Already have one.

You are so unbelievably retarded. Illegal immigration IS a crime, a guarantee of at least one crime is far more than the possibility of ANY being committed.

You mouth breathing mongoloid. It has literally everything to do with crime, the crime of crossing the fucking border illegally. Its not worth remembering a foreign policy that has had negligible impact nearly 200 fucking years later.
"Ay papi! That cartel that Monroe established sure is resilient!" Like are you actually serious saying that?
They are sovereign countries now, they are responsible for their own criminals and cartels, IDGAF if they want to flee working on the issue to the states, but do it legally or get fucked. Fix mexico, don't bring your shitty problems here. We have enough issues as it is (ie YOU)

Maybe it's reversed cause of how the camera recorded it.

You know what the most hilarious thing is this thread is?
It's the fact that basic google searches refute most of this anti refugee hysteria and whining.
But you'd rather sit in your safe space echo chamber and shit on the poor brown people while the owners of America rob you blind.
Useful idiot. Collared and neutered like a bitch, you work against your own interests while Republicans dismantle the middle class from the 1950s onward.

Causes excessive wear and tear on roads resulting in pot holes, which have to be fixed using taxpayer money. Which also ruins my way of life because i'd rather not drive on shitty roads.

You've provided nothing but propaganda. Your pretense to validity is glaring, and an invitation to the DOTR.

When it comes, it will be your fault.

he's too busy licking ice cream off of his gold plated cadilac

No. I'm saying you have no data. Also, I'm not talking about crime. I have only discussed rape with you, which has a definite correlation.

Google = Wormtongue.


>10 year old data for a modern issue
>Followed by a strawman (No, most people do not commit federal crimes you disgusting parasite, and you stating that they do is not a source)
>Followed by ad hominem and desperately backpedaling
You can't just say shit and expect anyone to believe it, this isn't Reddit.
Enjoy your last (You), you have said nothing of value or purpose. You are a liar and a worm. And truly, 2020 is going to sting when you lose again.Feel free to google why, nigger.

>Its not worth remembering a foreign policy that has had negligible impact nearly 200 fucking years later
So, I know you're a retard and JUST learned what the Monroe doctrine is by looking it up on Wikipedia when I mentioned it, but try at least skimming most of the article.
The US funded right wing death squads in central America until the 90s.

>Ten year old data is not data
Surely the mental gymnastics and desperation you're going through here embarrasses you?
There is no reason to believe the immigrant rate of crime has changed.
Unless you have data to support that claim?
Of course you don't.

this image has so much meme potential, why am I seeing it only in a shitty Yea Forums ylyl thread

Spoken like a true pre-programmed drone.
You of course can't show any reason to believe that the rate of crime among illegal immigrants have changed.
But you will continue to believe a claim with no evidence.
Why? Because it makes you feel good. And that's clear to anyone with a brain or a critical thought in their head.
Back to your safe space, snowflake.

Checked and rekt

100% of US citizens commit federal crimes, probably daily. This is because the Fed.gov creates new crimes daily. The Fed.gov itself provides this statistic.

Fed.gov is a crime against humanity.

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>Spoken like a true pre-programmed drone.
pure projection.


Best you can come up with, because you're a drone.
Can't come up with independent responses without the permission of your masters.

The migrants aren't the problem. Social programs that make migrants skip countries are the problem.

100% of Ohioans commit a crime by setting off fireworks on the Fourth of July

oYou had fun 4channing for a day. go back to facebook now.

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All you do is project.

You are the best example of the NPC meme I have ever encountered. Thanks for your service to mankind in demonstrating the perils of obeisance to Google. I am confident that your sacrifice of your original person will enable many anons to avoid your fate.

*Cough* bullshit, do some research moron

>I don't believe the CBO but will not provide evidence to the contrary
Conservatism is a faith and that's increasingly more obviously every day I interact with you dumb chimps.

>Illegal immigrants commit crimes at a much lower rate than natural born US citizens.

top kek. Delivered

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I didn't mention muslim immigrants.
I'm talking about Latin Americans.

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People aren't all the same.

outlaw black people

O'rly. So these innocent and sweet Hispanics come to the USA...and suddenly feel inspired to be gangstas.

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If that were you the dog would've puked

Scooby doo is a strange show.

This has become a shill thread complete with a facebook newfag, and a reddit npc

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Just in case you missed it...

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I didn’t read it in his voice

Over 90% of the millions of people pouring into our countries aren't actual refugees. This isn't a strawman, it's actually very accurate.

The comic is mirrored left to right

Fuck you asshole!

13% of the population commits 50% of the murders
Outlaw niggers.

How about...
enforcing current laws...
including immigartion laws...
just a thought.

This may be true but because YOU are saying it, no one respects it. Maybe you shouldn’t be the spokesperson.

>caring about refugees.
Just shoot the niggers dead.

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Pussy is not a reason to live. Don't put the pussy on a pedestal, user

7% of that 13% commits 45% of all of the murders. The black male.. but if you talk about it, you're a racist.

this sums up stonetoss pretty good

Shut the fuck up trumpanzee fuck off back to pol

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>7% of that 13% commits 45% of all of the murders. The black male.. but if you talk about it, you're a racist.

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>being this triggered
Okay smooth brain, remember your genes are just as inferior.

The nostalgia is real. gg

Why does every thread on Yea Forums turn into incels crying about black people?

just get off this website if you're going to bitch about it, jesus. Not everyone shares your views.

be..cause it's Yea Forums?

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Because you're a faggot, that got BTFO.

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>reddit teir

I like how technically this picture is SFW, yet it is not.


In my experience the second generations are worse than the first. The first gens try to work hard, the second try to be niggas because America coddles them and gives them handouts and apologies.

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Nikki Sixx's boy would be proud!

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Actually, I read the entire thing in Frances McDormand's voice out of spite.

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N i c e
d u b s .

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Is that the cock carousel I keep reading about?

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Fuck got hit with nostalgia and chuckled. I lost.

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Nice quad goose eggs

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nice feet

And I call myself a tard

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Don't worry, you're not the only one who calls you that

It's Genital Jousting, isn't it?

Kek. Imagine being this retarded. Did I just get baited?

fucking lost

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here's og ver for all you sick fucks like me out there

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This is a ylyl not a feels thread ;_;

Kys plebbit fag

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stop being a fag

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I don't even remember his voice.
last movie I watched was Seven and that was years ago. Titty sprinkles tho

They are probably raped by the smugglers tho. Not by people of their own group.
Smugglers tend to be criminals, criminals tend to do criminal shit.

Didn't think this was a porn thread kek

02 is trash and so is the anime


Dominant genes are not inferior.

Yes I did read it in his voice

me when my brother was hogging the toilet, being slow af.

>replying 49 minutes later.
>the best you could do
How's that liquid in your brain?

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It is funny you stupid nigger

Summerfag detected

>complaining about 49 minute reply on Yea Forums
Not the OP, but you're fucking retarded. Pic related to you

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No just niggers

Nice pic there, soft spot.

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Your picture, wow you really are a retarded fag

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Whatever you say shylock.

Wrong. The majority of crimes is commited by males. The majority of males don't comit crimes
The majority of crimes are commited by blacks. The majority of blacks don't commit crimes. Check your fucking facts.

Also violence is caused by innequality with no to low chances of moving up. Which is where mostly niggers live. There's no surprise there.

Just kill yourself already

Doesn’t every illegal immigrant commit a crime by entering illegally?

You first.

this thread is yikes and cringepilled. and I'm not talking about the images.

>the ass blasted return.

Fine. Skype me pussy

>skyping a jew.
No just put the gas on kike.

>assumes I'm a jew
Fuck off nigger