What do y'all think of my transformation after 4 months? Jan 2019-Apr 2019. Now I lost some weight...

What do y'all think of my transformation after 4 months? Jan 2019-Apr 2019. Now I lost some weight, not gonna give excuses I was lazy, but I'll work my way up again. Hardest part is eating as a hard gainer.

I'm 6'4 (195 cm)

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Pretty nice.
What was your training plan?

It was push pull legs

Push was shoulders, triceps and chest

Pull was back, bicep and core

Legs was .. legs

It was 5-6 times a week, while using myfitnesspal to count and intake enormous amounts of food. Was difficult reaching 3k cals per day and hitting at least some of the macros, compared to previous 1400~ cal diet.

Congrats Yea Forumsro, I'm 6'1 and 54kg, trying to get the motivation to do something about it, any advice on how you got there??

Had a bad breakup, needed to work on myself so I don't spiral down do the bottom. Then I just applied for gym and more than doubled my food intake. Was a real pain for the first 2 weeks, after that it was a breeze, and seeing the results every week was orgasmic. Fell in love with myself honestly

Luv the before pic

like bruce lee

how much did you pay for the steroids?

What are you taking to stop the growth of body hair?

How tf did you do that? I'm 18, 1,95cm, 80kg but still skinny af and no muscles. I have no idea where to start

you looked cuter in the first pic.

good job Yea Forumsro, I'm proud of you

how the fuck can you be 52 kg at 195 holy fuck


lol, thanks

Nothing, I just don't have dark and thick body hair. From the waist down I'm hairy as hell though

I have no idea, I worked hard, upped my PR's and ate. Every day. It was a sick, tiresome routine, but it paid off to some extent. I've grown lazy a bit and not happy about my looks as of right now, but I'll sort it out again.

You should start just by starting exercise. Weight lifting. Make a one week plan (maybe push/pull/legs routine like mine), go 3 times a week for starters if you've never done that already. If you don't know how to do the exercises, please google them and do your research before going for it, because if you do it wrong (and that's highly likely if you've never done any exercises in weightlifting properly), you're prone to injury. I messed up my spine 2 months ago doing deadlifts with an improper form, now I have to be mega safe.

I promise you if you work hard and eat proper, you'll see results. Count your calories, count your macros.

>push pull legs
Listen here OP
Push pull legs is the absolute BEST routine out there. Dont go looking for anything else. You need to stick with that routine as long as you can. It is the BEST
throughout all my years of bodybuilding, it is the only routine that has made me incredible gains and a balances bosy. Absolute God tier routine, don't listen to any trolls
The only variation I would suggest is always starting with shoulders on push day. Always.
Shoulder need more stamina and power because they're the hardest to grow
Your transformation is amazing, but keep in mind these are newfren gains. You need to stick with the plan.
Godspeed user. Even Blossom is mirrin'

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thanks yo!

hahaha, oh boy you don't wanna know

Excellent. Congrats on your transformation. Keep it up and maintain your gains

Yeah my dude. I tried switching between making one major muscle group for each day like chest on monday, shoulders on tuesday, arms on wednesday, back on thursday etc, but it's trash I actually lost strength like that. Maybe it's good for people in the cutting season.

The push pull legs gave me the most strength ever, with the simplest exercises without implementing extra isolation ones. IIRC only on chest day, because my chest are the most stubborn muscle that won't grow, I did regular press, incline, incline dumbbell, dumbbell press and flys, sometimes I finish it off with dips but that's it, I get a huge pump and they just won't grow...

op i am around 60kg or less and 184cm
i used to exercise long ago but no more, all i do is stretch and run 1 or 2 a week
i am getting thinner by the day and i need to do something to stop it
but whatever i try fails
i need a simple answer to how tf to gain weight substantially and definitely

52kg at 195cm is anorexia tier, I've been there myself. I'd suggest you lift for health and vitality, not to get big, because you'll never get big and you'll not follow the routine you do now for the rest of your life either. Trust me.

...and since you gained 20 in 4 months while exercising you might know how

Download app "MyFitnessPal". Learning curve of how to use it is pretty simple. If you use a keyword in searching for a meal, you can find an appropriate one. If the meal you ate is not able to be calculated in macros or calories, you need to check the nutrition table, and use a scale to calculate exactly how much of something you ate.

Always input everything that you eat as precise as possible in the app (you can "quick add" with just typing in the calories if you can't find the meal on search).

Make sure your calorie intake is always 400~ above than what you need daily, I'd say you need around 2600-2800 cals to insert per day. Measure your weight every 2 days and adjust how much to intake

Here's my ppl if you're if you're interested.
DB shoulder press 4x12
Db side raise 3x12 each
Db press incline 4x12
Db bench press 3x12
Cable cross 3x12
Triceps rope pushdowna 4x15
Db triceps 3x15
Dips 3x failure

It's hard but goddam you're gonna blow up

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Again, you might THINK you're eating enough, but trust me, you are not. It's simple math = if your caloric intake is in suficit I.E your intake is 400-600 calories MORE than your maintenance rate, you'll GAIN weight, if it's less, then you'll lose weight. You have to take in account that on the days you are active, you burn more calories, especially running and/or weight lifting.

Count your calories, after a month or two you'll get the hang of it.


Yeah man 3000 calories a day is a bitch.
Peanut butter and oils are your friend. That shit adds an obscene amount of calories in a little scoop.

Not bad user. I tried for a long time to gain weight, and I’m finally up around 200 from 140 but my body fat is like 22% so I’ve got to start cutting. Fortunately cutting for people like me isn’t that hard. Keep it up.

52kg for an 195cm male in insane. Nice gains user.

oh i see now
i have been chugging a bunch of eggs and fatties and trying to eyeball it
i guess i need to use a calculator

Eat a lot and lift, you autist. Simple.

OP here

I'd do military press instead of DB shoulder press if the peeps are in the growing stage. When putting on mass, compound exercises are much better IMO. But here was my routine for anyone interested

Bench Press 5x5
Incline Bench Press 5x5
Dumbbell Press 4x6
Incline Dumbbell Press 4x6
Cable Flys (because dumbbell ones are dangerous) 4x8
Tricep pushdowns 4x8
Skullcrushers 4x6-8
Dibs 3x till failure. I usually start dibs on bodyweight till failure, then just kill them on the assisted dibs machine

Deadlift - 5x5
Back hyperextensions - 4x8
Bent over row - 5x5
Lat pulldown - 4x8
Dumbbell rows - 4x6
Shrugs - 4x8
Face pulls - 4x8
EVERY PULL DAY I finish with core workouts, such as crunches, bicycles, hanging leg raises, planks and side planks.

Squats 5x5
Hack squats 4x8
Leg presses 4x6
Front leg extensions - 4x8
Back leg "extensions?" Don't know the name - 4x8
Calves - 4x8

And Hip thrusts. They are also important for lower back posture and core strength

This thread is actually fucking helpful for me. I really appreciate yall.

I'm 6,4 and never managed to see my abs.

Am i suposed to go this low to see them?

Yes, you need a calculator. Also, protein builds muscle, but you can't just eat protein. Your diet should consist of fats, protein and a lot of carbs, especially if you're gaining weight. Don't be afraid of chocolate bars, oatmeal, pasta, rice, etc.

Best meals? Rice and chicken. I cook 10 chicken wings, put them in a box in the fridge. Every day I'll cook rice and fry 1-2 drumsticks every 2-3 hours, rinse and repeat.

If you're going somewhere make sure to have something to eat. if you can't afford to buy food or eat at restaurants, make rice and chicken a day before, box it and bring it in a lunch box.

Great progress but for your height you need to go up a lot. Still amazed someone that's 1.95 started at 52 kgs. I'm 1.80 and I started at 62 and was absolutely no muscle and skinny. I don't wanna think what state you were in at 52 kgs. I'm 77 kgs now after about 3 months and I'm still planning to go up. Don't be lazy and continue progressing, user. We're all gonna make it.

Do you do this every time you train or do you switch between days? And was this your routine from the beginning?

No, you're supposed to burn fat. If your BMI is high, weight lift and lose weight. Running on a treadmill won't help. And crunches won't help either. You have to do the whole package.

To get lean enough to see your abs, up your protein intake and compensate by lowering the carb intake a bit. So you get the same calorie count, but with less carbs and more protein.

You can see upper abs once you get under 15% body fat. At about 8-10% you see it well. But you need to actually work em as well.

How do you cook your chicken?
I was crock potting big batches with some light seasonings, but when I take it out of the freezer it looses 90% of its flavor.
I suppose I could cook more frequently to avoid freezing it, but fuck man that’s a lot of work.


Yes I should have mentioned that I did it in this fashion:

It's either monday, wednesday and friday. Monday for push, wednesday for pull and friday for legs.

Once I got my endurance and stamina up, I switched to

Monday push
Tuesday pull
Wednesday legs
Thursday push
Friday pull
Saturday legs

Then, when my endurance went down, I'd switch back to 3 days a week.

Experiment, everybody's body is different. Make sure to not have too long pauses though, kills the gains

Also, one good tip for everyone is, eat more protein on rest days, and more carbs on workout days. Gives you energy for the workout days, and grows your muscles on rest days

Muscles grow when you rest, not when you are active. So when you're sleeping, the magic happens the most

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user, BMI is a meme for muscles. It only works for ppl that never lift. If you lift it won't work. There are people that are let's say 1.85 cm and weigh 100 kgs with under 15% body fat. BMI would be 29.2 which is overweight. It doesn't work.


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I was thinking that. I'm 5'6 and down to 170lb, I was 210lb. I'm still a bit fat but have always had that stocky muscle mass underneath.

You need to eat more. Try peanut butter and porridge with banana. And full fat mayo, milk and butter with your carb rich meals. 70kg is still extremely light for suck a tall frame. And instead of working out 5 times a week do a full body workout on Mondays and Fridays with cardio running on Wednesdays. Lift heavy and keep the sets to 3 and the reps to 6-8 for mass building.

If you're juicing then do whatever, that's easy mode.

I just suck it up and do it simple. I put something we on the balkans call "vegeta". Google it, maybe in your region you call it different. It's like a salty yellow mix of vegetables and stuff, has cool flavor.

I take drumsticks, put that stuff on them, put them in a pot and cook them in one liter of water on lower heat for 1 hour. After that is done, I take them out, let them dry of water on some sheets of kitchen paper. Then, I put them in the refridgerator, not the freezer, because I eat them in those 4-5 days. Any remains go in the freezer. When I eat them, I just fry them and eat them without any special flavor. I eat food because I need it, not because I enjoy it.

But, if you can't force yourself to eat if the food is not tasty, find some recipes. I'm a really bad cook. if I have chicken breasts, I usually "deep fry" them. Standard eggs and bread crumbs into a pan, and eat them with rice of course.

I always put some curry powder in the rice so it doesn't have a prison taste

how does that even work?

I know it doesn't work. Muscles are heavier than fat. If a person of 90kg of 30% or more body fat was standing next to the person of the same height, same weight but 10% body fat, that person would appear skinny to the other.

The BMI that I looked at was just getting in the "normal" range. I still look skinny, but I'm muscly and strong, that keeps my confidence up

Nah mate you need to do 12 rep sets for hypertrophy, that's why you're not making gains fast enough
Best compromise is doing one week strength at 5-8 reeps and one week hypertrophy at 10-12 reps

Yeah it’s more the texture that gets me.
The flavor isn’t as important I’ll just drown it in hot sauce.

52 or 72 you ask?

Both is trash, but the 72 is better than the 52. Stronger and looking better, aiming for more

peanut butter, yes.

every morning, i try to eat a shake like this:
- 250g skyr
- two tablespoons peanut buter
- banana
- milk
- oatmeal

easiest calories ever

I might try that out, why not.

So approximately, on strength days I go my max to 8 reps, but on hypertrophy days I go less weight for 12 reps

Just explaining here for anyone not familiar with terms

This the dude from the other thread whos long term GF sucked a limp dicked dude in another country?

Bad advice. Stick to one plan.

yeah thats me, story here fits with what i said there. and the way i covered faces in both threads

omg its a sorry fuck

It amazes me when people claim it a challenge to reach 3k kcal. Just get peanut butter in a shake and go to town drinking all your calories. It's not rocket science

Depends what's your objective. But it's better to be strong and look strong instead of looking like a massive cunt But being weak at
Basically the science is :
5-8 reps : improves strength
10-12 reps : hypertrophy
Personally i do a week of each, it's not a bad advice at all. You'll grow balanced

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And don’t forget to reserve at least 3 hours of toilet time when you shit your brains out.

Well, either way dude, keep it up. I've been with my girl 8 years now, we still fuck like rabbits (when we can because of the kids lol), but the girl before I had the same situation, we became just friends, after 4 years, sitting in most days but not spending any quality time together, she fucked a dude, I left her, found a girl (my current fiancee) and life was good. but I found myself gaining weight from being too comfortable. I recently changed my lifestyle a bit, so far lost over 70kg in a year, got like 20kg to go to be at a nice level. Anyways I'm rambling, just wanted to say gotta take care of yourself first man, and life is a learning curve. Get to know yourself, and treat yourself with the respect you deserve before finding someone to share that life with.

it's hard when you lived your life eating 2 tiny meals a day for over 10 years. needed a lot of time to get adapted to eating meals every 2-3 hours. Even liquid calories can be a pain for me to down


Cheers for this message man, really appreciated, means a lot. You're not rambling, I'm not your average Yea Forums user that doesn't give a fuck. Glad you're having it good in life and that it turned out that way for you.

Wish you all the best.

Also you made my day with that question above, sounds so absurd out of context

PPL is the best for a natty lifter.
Got sick of doing just the same workout over and over again so I added a specific focus to every session i.e. Speed, strength, hypertrophy.
I've been doing my own PPL split last 16 months. 3 days PPL hypertrophy 3 days PPL strength. Hypertrophy is your typical bb'ing range of around 8 reps on leg press, hammer strength press and dumbells. Strength is all free weights and power movements.
Keep at it and don't fall for the bulking bs. Natties can't build that much muscle by eating like 5kcal. It's a roiders thing. Keep it up Yea Forumsro.

Where them nudes at Yea Forumsro?

Well I wanted to be sure before I posted my own gf/weight combo lol

I already said in that thread I'll post them on Yea Forums if shit doesn't go how I expect it to go, posted what I had of non-nudes

Bro shit ain’t gonna go the way you want unless you’re trying to leave her ass.
I’ve been in that situation and trust me when I say holding on to that for any reason is the wrong decision. Even if shit does get better, it’s not permanent and it will only be a band aid. I held on to a dead relationship for like 3 years after some shit went down and missed a lot of opportunities because of it.

5kg per month? I'm sceptical

im 6 foot 1. Just reached 60kg. I would like to get fit but I do understand it takes a shit ton of time. How much time a week do you spend working out?

>52 kg

I don't believe you

8 year fiancee guy here again. As much as Yea Forums is full of thirsty guys for those nudes, this dude has a point man. If something happened early on in a relationship it's pretty easy to move past it and move on as a couple, but if it died once it's gonna die again. It's hard AF I know but you just can't do that to yourself.

good job and gl in the future op

I'm 6'4 (195 cm)

there is no way in the fucking world you were 1,95 and 52 kg

I love it and hate it when people point out my fears that I hide deep down. I'll give it a good thinking while she's gone, and do a lot of stuff too as well.

The weight I gained was the "amateur starter" weight gain. From that point it was 0.5 kg per week, top I got was 75kg. Now I dropped to 70 because summer and lazy. I'm heading to gym in 2 hours

ctrl + F = "op here"

I posted my routine there

I was... I'll post more photos, this was my arm at the beginning of working out. Very low body fat just enough so you can see the muscle clearly, but the muscle is not big

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Then stop being a pussy nigger and cut that whore the fuck off.

For whatever reason she drifted away from you. You can pull her ass back in, but she’s always gonna feel that current pulling her away and one day, months or years later, it’s gonna go to shit again. And then you’ll be sitting there feeling like a fucking retard for wasting your time holding on to something instead of going your own way and doing shit for yourself.

Been there. Done that. Fucking twice. Wasted nearly a decade on two long term dog shit relationships (and I’m only 25 lmao.) and I lost the best years of my life to it. You’re in school, you’re a big boy now, live it up. And let her go.
Maybe she’ll come back and you can have some good time fun time sex again. But I guarantee you’ll be happier if you leave her ass be. None of that “let’s be friends” nonsense, and don’t let her back into your life.

I wouldn’t have listened to me either. In fact, I didn’t. But I’m just trying to help.

Here I already had 74kg, and you can see the significant change of my arm

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Saging this gay thread

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Show dick

I'm 172, 72 kilos and slim as shit
with all that muscle mass and height how the fuck do you manage to stay only 70 kilos

The angle and light, irl you'd notice the difference

You did NOT gain 20kg of muscles. You probably gained 4kg tops, the rest is either fat, water and bullshit because you didn't weigh so little to begin with.

Or to be such a low T beta male and do this naturally? Lol no.

Idk what I gained but it looks like muscle lol. People see me with their jaw dropped. It is not fat, if I gained a shitload of fat, I wouldn't have the 8pack visible and I wouldn't have the curves on the muscles. I DID gain 20kg, how - i dont know.

Good job user. You visit /fit/ at all? The bros there would be pretty proud.

He looks like he gained about 4kg of muscles in his arms alone brainlet.

Imagine being this buttfrustrated from a guy showing off a major improvement.

No need to be so jealous you enormous faggot.


Impossible. Natural muscle gain per month even for newfags is 1.5-2.5 lbs. That's topping just over 1kg a month. Being an anorexic beta male who clearly didn't have functioning balls and in only 4 months gained the upper natural limit in just his arms..? Lol stfu kid you've never worked out in your life.

Let's be generous and say op gained the upper natural limit and he gained 4-5kg of muscle (,he is tall so there's more room for muscle). The rest is healthy body fat thinly covering his entire lanky frame with a bit of water retention from the added carbs.

Quit fucking gushing like the kid is built. He isn't. He's getting healthy because he was clearly at dangerously low body weight.

I'm 33 and converted my garage into a home gym. I'd bet I'm bigger than you fagbag.

I never said he has 20kg of muscle gain. I was just trying dismiss your negativity. I'd fucking hate you as a lifting partner or a friend. Your some butthurt faggot who has to clip someone's wings when they clearly have improved themselves to make yourself feel better about your obsessiveness.

In short, get fucked you loser.

Hormonal Reddit user detected

youre a fucking stick
sad genes


Says the faggot who writes paragraphs to tear-down some dude he doesn't even know.

Seriously, what a loser. I hope you got what you needed out of that tirade, obviously your self-worth is pretty fucked, as it should be.

Im 194cm and my weight is around 70kg. I look like a holocaust survivor. Feels bad

OP here

Me too when unflexed.

I point out the obvious science behind it being impossible to gain 20kg naturally in 4 months and you go full Reddit?

Lol ok mate, ok.

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Holocaust survivor..

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20kg of muscle* I mean.

You can get fat as fuck in no time.

Post your cock

You have been visited by the Laura of horrible cereal noises.

YOU HAVE TO B-BUMP THE THREAD! It's c-coming, don't you understand?! It's c-coming! And if you haven't b-bumped the thread by the time it gets here, the thread is going to D-DIE!

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