Why does Florida seem to have a bad rep among Americans?
For Europeans, it's synonymous with vacation, sun, beaches and a good place to move to when you retire. Kind of like the Spain of the Americas.
Why does Florida seem to have a bad rep among Americans?
For Europeans, it's synonymous with vacation, sun, beaches and a good place to move to when you retire. Kind of like the Spain of the Americas.
except without the great art, great food, great people. (except bits of miami)
it's all the filthy kikes.
lmao miami is shit americans hate florida because of bomb ass drugs and parties and real estate
everyone in spain isnt a retard, unlike florida
It's got a bat rep for pill-snorting rednecks.
They have a laws that allow information about crimes to be a released to the press before convictions. That means all the crazy arrests that never go to trial in other states would be broadcast the day they happened in Florida.
Also white trash. Most of the state is white trash.
only person itt who's been to florida
Its literally one big swamp.
Its like 20000 degrees with actual full on 200% humidity, always. Only gross retarded old people go there to keep their fucked up parchment paper skin from tearing and crumbling to dust
Been to the Atlantic coast down to Miami you mean. The gulf coast is old midwesterners. The inside and panhandle are white trash. We don’t talk about Jacksonville
Florida is a transient culture with little social cohesion. Bible thumping crackers in the north, anal retentive Midwestern retirees in the Southwest (Fort Myers, Sarasota), loud and abrasive Jews and Italians on the Gold Coast (Dade, Broward, WPB). Dirt poor blacks everywhere in between.
Everything is a hustle in FL. Nice place to visit. Shit place to live.
The view from Ocala.
This is literally why.
All the crazy news stories come from Florida because they have a truly free press.
I think press freedom should be like Florida in every state so we don't get any smug areas like Minnesota or Colorado
Minnesota is smug? I am not saying it isn’t true I just have never experienced it or heard it. Weird. Minnesota is the last place i would think was smug. Fried butter and all.
Police blotters are covered all over the country you fucking faggot.
This is Florida outside of tourist traps
Looks like fun. Should become a tourist attraction, alligator tossing.
FL vacation picture. I fucked my wife senseless in Naples, FL
True. Been in NE Fl all my life. You failed to mention the shit weather though. Always hot, always humid, always mosquitos, yellow flies, gnats or some shit. Hurricanes, badass thunderstorms every day in the summer with crazy lightning and wind and torrential downpours for a half hour before fucking off and leaving the outside like a pressure cooker. A/C bills through the roof. Absolutely retarded people all over the roads. Mexicans everywhere (in my area), niggers. No culture. Trash.
It's the Austrailia of the US.
As mentioned, FL has many distinct areas. Even within Miami Dade County there's Brickell, Kendall, Doral... Most parts of central and northern FL might as well be GA.
Agree that the north is pretty much Georgia. Entirely different culture from about Gainesville south. We went on vacation in South Fl for some ungodly reason, and my father in law was perplexed that nowhere served sweet tea.
Spain is a shit like Turkey. Change the image you have about Spain and hate them.
Florida's laws make every arrest public record. So when someone does something stupid/crazy. We all get to laugh about it.
Floridian here. Florida is the only state where the more north you go the more southern it gets. South Florida might as well be the Caribbean with a shorty mix of New Jersey. All assholes down there. Almost any where by the water is nice, just a lot of old rich people listening to Jimmy Buffet. Orlando is a crazy crowded, good place to visit and easiest place to get foreign pussy in the US cause of all the tourist. St Augustine is a cool town. Jacksonville, I’m yeah we don’t mention that place. The panhandle is pretty much South Georgia/south Alabama, full of red necks.
Any 941 bradenton sluts
I wanna see some 352
Drive 20 minutes out of Orlando and you'll see some real crazy hick shit. Northern FL and the pan handle is basically the deep South without the culture and heritage of Georgia or South Carolina
This answers that.
Bump, vola for 941 is kuuwn2uc, may be empty sadly
Why 'muricah is filled with those morons?
North=/=South. I know what I'm talking about faggot.
Because if you get 10 miles inland of the beach it turns into an even mix of redneck wonderland and grinding poverty.
Florida produces nothing except tourism
North Florida = dirty niggers
South Florida = dirty spics
The insane heat and humidity, coupled with swarms of bugs, and extreme lack of jobs or prospects makes people lose their marbles.
Fuck, even going outside without shoes on is fucking dangerous.
Ever stepped on a patch of sand spurs or stood next to a fire ant colony?
God damn, you have to wash every dish immediately after use, or you'll have a kitchen full of ants everywhere.
And every midwestern criminal on the run from the law runs to FL like it's some non-extradition country.
No wonder it's such a fucked up place.
Great for vacation, but a truly awful place to live.
No it's a fine place to retire to if you are independently wealthy. However lots of people move down there for the "lifestyle" and run out of money and get stuck in a shitty service job that ends up being seasonal. Same shit happens in Hawaii too. Except Hawaii doesn't have a baked in white trash culture
You forgot
Around the outside = blue hairs
>For Europeans, it's synonymous with vacation, sun, beaches and a good place to move to when you retire.
That's exactly what most Americans think, at least boomers. What they won't tell you is that it's the nation's comic relief, a veritable shithole where nothing works and the people are obnoxious at best.
Comparing Spain to Florida is probably a huge insult to Spain. Florida is like the drug rehab capitol of the country. It’s redneck, too hot, and in many places very poor in that sad kind of rural way. If I remember correctly, it used to be a cocaine capitol, when cocaine was sent to the US by the tonnes on speedboats. Now, there’s still probably a strong market for drugs, due to the high concentration of drug addicts.
There are some vacation spots and rich Jewish people *retirement* spots. Neither are draws to me, especially considering the fucking temperature.
Foreigners, vacationers, and other types of “outsiders” have trouble knowing how to make the most of places they visit. I’m sure there are some cities in Florida that are great to at least visit. However, I’d expect someone from Germany or wherever who visits America to compare their trip to Florida to their trip to NYC and say, “Well, Florida had a beach, whereas NYC was absurdly expensive and smelled constantly like shit.” These are surface-level comparisons. The NYC area is pretty much critical to American “culture,” whereas Florida is full of alligators and rehabs.
This is just my perception of Florida as an outsider. I’ve never been there or lived near there.
Seconding this I saw a video where two men attempted to break into an SUV, only to discover people were inside. They started to leave, but then decided to shoot the people in the SUV for...um..good measure?
Wasn’t Casey Anthony from Florida? She liked chloroforming her child to sCe money on babysitting so she could go to swimsuit contests. She fucked the duct tape up, I assume, and the kid died. She dumped the kid in the woods and didn’t report it for a month, then was found innocent. She may have originally been from Ohio, which also makes sense.
You're thinking of the vacation spots. The rest of Florida is inhabited by snowbirds, basically older people that live there during the colder months, and very poor people with all the criminality and vices that implies.
Don't worry. It'll all be under water in a few years....
Because it's hot as fuck and has too many niggers.
I do miss being a pill head when these bigass hurricanes roll through. I used to get borderline OD fucked up on roxys and xanax and pass out, hoping my trailer would still be there when I woke up. My good ol dealer was a lifesaver though. Dude would be slinging still, in the middle of a hurricane.
All the nuts roll downhill to Florida.