The people in Queen are the worst ''Musicians'' known to man

The people in Queen are the worst ''Musicians'' known to man.

They rely on being wannabe outcasts to appear interesting when all the lyrics make your ears bleed. Freddie Mercury flaunts his homosexuality around while looking like a fucking circus animal. And before the man was going to die he decided to virtue signal with a live aid concert.

People who're fans of his music are the biggest npcs I've ever seen, If someone dares to give genuine complaints about their music they swarm the person with death threats like an angry hornets nest.

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I dunno, Queen seem pretty much universally liked. Same as MJ, there's at least one song everybody knows and is happy to listen to

Stop trying to be edgy

nobody likes you.

I'm not trying to be edgy.

I'm just sick and tired that their aids still gets played on the radio like an immortal cancer cell

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You are a clueless millennial fucktard

So you call a homo squadron of soy boys shouting ''GALILEO'' like a bunch of autists good music?

Grow the fuck up boomer scum

That's the purposely operatic part of a multilayered song, anybody who knows anything about music will tell you that song in question is a work of art

I also hate queen actually

this. "we are the champions"
champion of ass breeding and 3 cheerleaders

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he got invited to live aid you idiot. just another sheep band participating in geldorf's project.

You sound mad, would you like a hug?

I don't really like queen. I hate that gay ass Galileo song.
The only queen song I like is the highlander theme song.

I've never cared for Queen, theres maybe 2 songs I wont turn the radio off when they come on.
Fucking HATE MJ

I mean I don't really listen to them but calling them the "worst" musicians like there aren't worse music out there gives me a retard vibe form this post

>Queen are the worst ''Musicians'' known to man
Says a guy who doesn't know how to play any instruments or sing
Brian May is an incredible and highly innovative guitarist. Mercury was an incredible singer and a pretty good piano player. Granted that Mercury was also a disgusting pervert and degenerate and just a really awful person. Queen came up with new ways of recording in the studio that were revolutionary, all trying to get a specific sound, which they did. In fact, Night At The Opera was one of the most expensive albums to record and that was a huge "fuck you" to their record label who was trying to dick them over. Their music isn't bad, you're just used to hearing the 3 songs that the radio plays.

Oh I get it, you think I'm angry but putting on a calm facade?

You're a funny one. Now go listen to your favorite Queen song, edgelord

OP is probably a closeted faggot


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Just like every other song on every classic rock station. Get over yourself.

>that song in question is a work of art
and "arts" beauty is subjective.
I cannot stand that song.

Bohemian Rhapsody, or the Galileo song as you like to call it is about Freddie Mercury knowingly having unprotected sex while he was infected with AIDS and fucking a guy in the ass that didn't know that he was infected on purpose.

My girlfriend gets mad whenever queen comes on her ipod and I change it cause I don't like queen. She gets even more angery when I say the only queen song I like is the boys are back in town

Ogre battle is a halfway decent Queen song but for the style of music I just rather listen to ELO

>You must know how to be a musician to not like something

Man you reek of fanboyism.

Your ''argument'' is as effective as trying to avoid STDs with a broken condom

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Is Queen the new Billie Eilish now?

Kek. Imagine raging out at an ancient and irrelevant band


So the Queen movie everyone was screeching along to wasn't a thing then?

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You claimed that they're the worst musicians ever. No one who has ever picked up an instrument could possibly reach such a conclusion.

I stated that Brian May is an amazing guitarist. That is a fact.
I stated that Freddy Mercury was an amazing singer and an ok piano player.
That is a fact.

I claimed that Queen have some good songs which aren't played on the radio. That one is subjective.

You're trying to be edgy and present yourself as being smarter and better than other people because you dislike a certain band. Wow. You reek of shit, ridiculously low self esteem, and low IQ.

You have no argument which you were able to convincingly produce, nor do I believe you are capable of comprehending the things that you read.

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Ok boomer no need for the text wall.

Saying that it's a fact Brian May is an amazing guitarist is like saying nails on a chalk board sounds like Beethoven.

Stating that Freddy Mecury can even remotely play the piano is like saying a rat caught in a mouse trap sounds appealing

The only person who reeks of shit here are people who still find their crusty tunes enjoyable to listen to.

You send off any potential intelligence you may have over to the fucking Justin Timblerlake of the 90's, You fucking brainlet hipster

Jefferson High is our rival.

They're definitely overrated, but they studied music, and are considered a very talented super band.

Fun fact; Not wanting to listen to the audio version of cattle semen isn't edgy.

Someone's got their jimmies rustled by some girl who likes Queen lol

not even op but damn you're a lame loser fagot like holy shit kid wow

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Lmao you actually think he knew about the aids before the live aid? Here's a spoiler alert/l,him and queen were already back together at that point and he didn't know about the aids until after. If your only exposure to queen was that shitty inaccurate biopic than you're actually a retard wholly believe anything

Now by that response I can tell you're a true Queen fan

After attempting to give that movie a try, Why would I want to look more into them?

>Your "argument" is as effective as trying up about STDs with a broken condom

So cringy. Do yourself a favor and stop trying to act clever or be funny.

Hating a band for it's members degeneracy seems silly, unless it's something like lost prophets.

Queen had some high-skill musicians, but their most popular songs are way overplayed. Stone cold crazy, Brighton rock, princes of the universe are my favorite three queen songs

When you can play better then Brian May you may come back and talk.

As it is you may fuck off you loser.

Bet you think electronic dance noise is music...

I'm not an enormous fan of theirs but putting across your distaste for their songs as a fact about their abilities is retarded. I don't like, but that doesn't necessarily mean your parents are inept at having sex

>You have to play better than (insert person here) before you can point out their flaws

So that's your aguement? What next, Do I have to cook a lobster penis to tell someone I tastes like shit?

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IT not I

Sure they played "anthem" music, and that's not really the hardest shit to create but that was their style. And give some props to Brian May, he's a brilliant guitarist. Not to mention a brilliant Astrophysicist. Playing this shit at 71 years old