This fucking thread again. Ask a complete failure in life anything

This fucking thread again. Ask a complete failure in life anything.

> 36 year old male
> kissless virgin
> no friends
> bad relationship with family
> minimum wage job despite university degrees
> chronic illness

Attached: loser.jpg (400x400, 14K)

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since you seem to be really interested in being asked something, ill go ahead.

If there was any moment, where you took the decisive wrong turn, what moment would that be?

>minimum wage job despite university degrees
If you have a college degree you can do better. You're just lazy. And probably gay too.

>If there was any moment, where you took the decisive wrong turn, what moment would that be?

No. There wasn't a clear single moment. My career decisions weren't that smart. But especially socially, it was a gradual process of losing pace to my peers.

I've been searching jobs in my field for years.

Hello again.
Post more body pics you're hot.
Why don't you become a gay cam whore if you can't get a real job? You're European so I assume you enjoy things up your butt.

Enjoy my flaccid dick you faggot.

Attached: 4-up on 07-07-19 at 10.59.jpg (640x426, 55K)

I understand 3, 4, 5 and 6. What field? Are you good in that field? Are you good in anything related to knowledge and expertise?

>What field?

Molecular biology.

>Are you good in that field?

Publication-wise, I was average.

I will thanks!
What do you think of when you jerk off?
I bet you could find a couple if you just want to lose your virginity. Why haven't you? Are you saving it until marriage?

>What do you think of when you jerk off?

I usually masturbate to stuff posted on gonewild etc. Very vanilla shit.

>I bet you could find a couple if you just want to lose your virginity. Why haven't you? Are you saving it until marriage?

No success on Tinder yet.

>> 36 year old male
>kys, racist, mysoginist, sexist, privileged, white, cis, male, oppressor

>> kissless virgin
at your age I would've gone to a prostitute

>> no friends
be less of a shitty personn

>> bad relationship with family
family is overrated. I hate mine. as soon as I could support myself told everyone of them to eat shit and forget me

>> minimum wage job despite university degrees
probably related to being shitty person

>> chronic illness
go to a doctor?

>go to a doctor?

You know what chronic means don't you?

I do. and if there are any symptoms they can prescribe medication to mitigate those

Depends on the illness. I have Crohn's, take heavy medication and am never completely symptom free.

crohn's? shit, I'd an hero if I were you

Tinder is not going to work for you.

You look pretty hot considering you must have diarrhea all the time. How do you maintain your weight?

Ouch. I was hoping you wouldn't say a STEM career. Is this a cliché? I have seen some biotech guys playing succesfully in areas outside the academic, but if I have to see a pattern there, I would say they were successful before graduating, they already had a life way before the final years. Some of them genious. And, of course, those others aspies, cringy af. Where I live, those others are majority and they are proud of being maniacs but I can see their pain when it comes to have social skills or rituals attracting some compatible female. But, of course again, I don't see people looking for a proper therapy, and that can be another question. Don't you think? Can you say you have looked for a proper therapy?

Yeah. It sucks. Luckily, I only have frequent diarrhoea and no intestinal obstruction.

Not all the time. But frequently. And if I have diarrhea for one or two days, I easily lose a kg of weight.

>Ouch. I was hoping you wouldn't say a STEM career. Is this a cliché?

When people say STEM, they mean TE and applied mathematics (statistics, machine learning).

>Can you say you have looked for a proper therapy?

What is proper therapy? As far as I know, there is evidence-based therapy for that.

>implying that being lazy is no big deal

friend of mine had it only on a piece of her colon and she actually had surgery to remove that piece. is that plausible?

no one fucking cares about you op. if you think for one SECOND user is going to help you your wrong big time chump cuz annon does not care at all. here at b we want you to suffer and well laugh at you the whole way so gtfo faggot and take your fail with you because we dont EVER want you here again. I am one of the big shots at b u could say and I want you fucking gone. you dont want to fuck with any annons bcause were gonna make your life hell if you do. never forget or forgive so you have been warn. stay away from Yea Forums b or your face the consequeuences and I fucking know your not gong to like them when your info is plastered on the web so fuck you NEWFAF

It depends. For people with ulcerative colitis, removing the colon cures the disease but they of course have no colon after that. For CD, it differs from case to case. Some people will be in remission for a long time after resection of the inflamed area, some people immediately develop lesions in the area next to the resected piece.

How do you only earn minimum wage despite having university degrees and ostensibly having worked there for some time at age 36? Where were you educated? What were you educated in?

is this the kind of flat minimum wage affords you in Europe?

At this point why not just hire an escort for some experience and fun?

>be me
>39 year old loser who moved back in with his mom at 30
>had a good job that I just kinda "fell into" and felt good about life for a while
>was making good money but working in a seriously toxic environment
>boss dies
>mentally ill and subhuman IQ wife and daughter take over
>takes them 6 months to destroy the company and lose almost all of our clients
>spend year and change living off of savings while not really doing anything with my life
>eventually get a shit job as a cashier
>went from making $32/hour to $9.50/hour
>feelz bad man
>try to get a manager position to get more money
>super competent and all of our customers love me
>nope on the manager position
>stay working as shitty cashier for almost 2 years now
>serious underachiever who's probably afraid of success for whatever reason
>girls think I'm hot but then realize I'm a huge loser
>still living at mom's house
>all I do is drink, smoke, watch porn, play video games, or watch stuff on jewtube
>ambition is totally gone
>not even looking for a better job at this point
>patiently waiting for my parents to die so I can kill myself and not have anyone miss me

Were you ever tested for Celiac disease?
My doctor initially thought I might have Crohn's or some other thing before they did some test.
I feel a lot better if I don't eat gluten. Wish there was an easy solution for you.

I finished my PhD at 30. And worked as a postdoc for the next four years. These positions are not permanent and you can only work in postdoc projects for a limited amount of time.

It's like 20 sqm.

Have been tested for Celiac disease.

Did you take any math or philosophy in college? Any interest in doing one of those coding bootcamps and becoming a programmer?

I'm just a bit younger but in worse shape 29 and don't even have a career or education to fall back on since I became severely depressed at 21.
I just help out around the house and property to make my parents okay dealing with me.
If they kick me out I'll just end up homeless and eventually dead.
Been fat my whole life, stupid, ugly, small penis.

Despite all that I just started a keto diet and am trying to this day to just be normal and independent one day.
Your mindset is your main problem and I bet your a virgin because you're picky. Even I've had changes to lose my virginity to fat girls and sluts and I barely have live in my 29 years of life.
Stop being picky and do something about your issues.

>>chronic illness

You mean lazy cunt

Any school debt from the PhD?

>Any interest in doing one of those coding bootcamps and becoming a programmer?

I mainly did cancer genomics (transcriptomics, ChIP-seq, DNAase sensitivity, ATAC-seq) and thus have experience analysing large datasets in Python and R. Also had some programming classes in that area during my PhD.

However, I had no success yet applying for data science positions. Generally, people in Germany are much more focused on diplomas and formal education when it comes to jobs in IT etc.

>Your mindset is your main problem and I bet your a virgin because you're picky. Even I've had changes to lose my virginity to fat girls and sluts and I barely have live in my 29 years of life.

I never had any chance to lose my virginity. Never had to turn anyone down. Never had anyone interested in me.

No. Did my PhD in Europe and went to US for postdoctoral training.

Surely with a PhD and 4 years of postdoctoral work in molecular biology gives you some kind of valuable, marketable specialized knowledge? Hell, even lab technicians running piss and shit and blood samples all day make more than minimum wage.

>I never had any chance to lose my virginity. Never had to turn anyone down. Never had anyone interested in me.
You're a straight dude. You need to be the one to show interest.

if is really you then thats a straight up lie and youre just a memeing faggot. white, not a manlet and actually /fit/ and a doctorate "nobody ever was interested in me" lmao fuck off retard

>Surely with a PhD and 4 years of postdoctoral work in molecular biology gives you some kind of valuable, marketable specialized knowledge?

The problems is that the market is overrun with graduates who have similar qualifications. So even if I have needed skills, there are thousand of other people who do so to. The output of molecular biologists by universities far exceeds the positions for them in industry and academia.

>Hell, even lab technicians running piss and shit and blood samples all day make more than minimum wage.

I have started applying for lab tech positions. I was advices to keep my PhD off my CV because I will be considered overqualified.

This is me and it is all true.

Would you fuck a trap given the opportunity?

No it isn't. You might think it's true because you're a retard but I guarantee at least half of the single girls you worked with over the course of your scholarly career would have been keenly interested at least at some point.

Then they kept it very well hidden. But let's be real for a moment: despite my PhD and my decent body, I am a neurotic, awkward, shy and boring person. I never got along well with my coworkers and therefore I am sceptical that they all wanted to secretly fuck me.

>The problems is that the market is overrun with graduates who have similar qualifications. So even if I have needed skills, there are thousand of other people who do so to. The output of molecular biologists by universities far exceeds the positions for them in industry and academia.
This is such a Euro problem.
I still think you'd be a great gay cam whore OP.

>This is such a Euro problem.

Mind you, I spent some years in the US. And the tenor from my coworkers was similar. Many were stuck in postdoc projects because they couldn't get anything else.

I am a neurotic, awkward, shy and boring person as well. I'm also 5'8", nowhere near as fit as you, no job, no friends, currently 26 pursuing an undergraduate degree after being a bum and high school drop out since 17 and somehow I have a fucking live in girlfriend. Because one day I actually talked to a girl. Odds are a lot of them thought you were attractive and intelligent and even if you are shy and awkward they would have put in effort but surprise you never bothered to try to get to know them.

>Because one day I actually talked to a girl.

Talking to girls was never my problem. Talking to girls and not looking like a moron or a creep is/was my problem.
