They have their homo pride, fat pride, black pride, vegan pride, trans pride, feminist pride...

They have their homo pride, fat pride, black pride, vegan pride, trans pride, feminist pride. What more annoying prides are there? And why can't I be proud for being white and straight?

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Other urls found in this thread:

because being straight, white, and male has never been vilified on the scale that faggots, fatties, niggers, vegans, mentally ill, or dykes have.
You're either retarded or a troll for not being able to figure this out on your own.

Amerimutt problems, kek

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You can. Internally. Why be boastful about being lucky?

You SHOULD be proud to not be a part of the alphabet people.

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What shit bait

Because that's the norm. Do you think Sears did catalogs in the 20s for gays and blacks? No. Straight and white. Let them have a fucking parade. You, OP, don't get a parade because you're part of the group that the world revolves around and controls.

It's. A. Fucking. Parade.


Yes. Adorn your identity with being against things. LGBT stands for minority groups. You're boldly standing with the majority, on an anonymous message board. Go forth valiant knight and bring glory to the empire once more! HUZZAH! A MILLION TIMES HUZZAH! TO THE FUTURE OF (someones) WHITE CHILDREN!

That is because being a straight, law abiding, productive and white person, is beyond reproach. The MOST deserving of pride. The jealousy of the subcultures and the hand wringing kikes, is what suppresses that pride. I'm pretty fucking sick of it myself.

What do yo consider yourself? A traitor or just a subversive?

If you're law abiding, good and productive the rest is kind of irrelevant.

So the gays get to wear assless chaps and walk gagged and tied men in gimp suits on leashes down the street and lesbians get to wear jothing but black tape on their titties and vag but if a theres hell to pay if a straight person should show a titty at a beach. Go fuck yourself.

Those parts don't go very well with subcultures and subversives. As we can plainly see. No places that the left runs is anything except brown ghettos, with rich jewish enclaves that are the sole beneficiaries of the workers, druggies, victims and voters in those ghettos.

Have you ever been to Mardi gras you fucking numbskull?
You just wanna bitch about a non issue

Like the majority of people on Earth, no I haven't been to Mardi Gras, but like the majority of people in modern society, I have witnessed a gay pride parade. Bad comparison asshole. Mardi Gras is a one or two day celebration, these parades are going on at just random times. So at any given point you get to see some gay dudes asshole while he's walking another gay dude dressed up like a woman or some shit.

It's the same shit, fuck off. You just want to complain when its faggots

If you piss the bed once it's understandable, if you repeatedly pissed the bed and claim that it's normal that's fucked up. Get over yourself. I have no problem with gays, I have a problem with seeing people in Gimp suits and people with no clothes on Waltzing down the street acting like dressing like a drag queen is indicative of being gay and normal at all.

Again I ask, why not complain about shit like mardi gras? It's been going on for a lot longer and has just as much nudity and depravity.

Isnt mardigras like a straight pride parade?

It's a one day celebration, you can get kind of crazy during a celebration and it's understandable people blackout and make out with each other all the time at birthday parties or concerts. The people I'm talking about are organizing random parades at random times doing sexually messed up things walking down public streets, acting like they represent the gay community and are normal. I guarantee you that if you went to any gay person anywhere, none of them is going to be wearing assless chaps, a ball gag, and dressed like a woman. Because that shit isn't normal.

And if you go up to any straight person, they're not gonna be anything like the people at mardi gras. Because that shit isn't normal

He's right though, Mardi gras is usually contained to certain parts of the world 1-2 days a year, but there have been like 4 gay pride parades this year here

Btw where do you live that youre seeing so many gay parades?? I live in tampa florida and i hardly ever see anything gay here.

there is a gay pride month
there is a black pride month
it seems like everyone else has a pride month, or pride day, or whatever, except whites
you might ask "why is this? Why don't white people have a white pride month, or a white pride day?"
The answer is very simple user; because every day is white pride day

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If you want to keep the rights and acceptance that the gays before you won, under Obama, you have to stop following what the left wants you to be like. Gays are widely accepted, but the kikes of the left are turning you into the 'niggers' of sexuality because niggers are victims and need the help and protection of the left. This is regression, not progress.

Only the bold side with the strong.

Its called television, social media, and newspapers.

That makes zero sense.

what about neo-nazis? they seem to be villified pretty openly and hated by everyone else.

Nobody tries to force their values and moral onto you when you're white and straight. Personally i think its stupid to be proud of anything you're coincidentally happen to be.

user from the future here
be happy with what you have, as there will be: genetic disorders pride, pedo pride, necro pride, bestiality pride, autism pride, racemixing pride, incest pride

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> titties at the beach
> problem
Omg, mutt problem at their finest. Hope you are happy with your religious laws

Gay answer

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White skin is not an ethnic or cultural distinction. American pride would be a thing. British pride would be a thing a thing, or Russian or French or or whatever. Being proud of not being born some shade of brown like the majority of the human population and thinking that’s special is not a thing. That’s not the same as showing pride for a cultural or ethnic heritage, it reeks of genetic elitism. Nobody else is doing that, because other ethnic groups are not basing their pride on skin color but on cultural origin.

Why would Whites need a pride parade? They already own the whole planet and all its people. What more could you need?


Defendants of slaves with no documented country of origin have created a new identity in the countries they now reside. Black American is a distinct ethnicity now as a matter of circumstances.

>Nobody tries to force their values and moral onto you when you're white and straight.
(((TV, movies, social media, games, elementary schools, high schools, college)))...

lolyeah they're gonna use the terms that trigger you most, not the actual terms. lol what a snowflake

American pride would be the white analogue of this.

How is it every day is a white pride day when every day people want to kill you?

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You are not required to consume these things, nor are others required to cater exclusively to your taste in these things.

Oy vey

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They're all just marketing schemes. Haven't you noticed everything revolves around advertising now a days?

>Black American is a distinct ethnicity now
That's only because native Africans want nothing to do with those niggers

I wasn't around in the 20s you dumb fuck.

You are absolutely required to consume that kike dirt, to succeed today. It's an agenda.

Ya, not because they don't speak the same language, culture, religion, history, or even diet. But sure. It's because they're black.

i am a man attracted to men... but i want nothing to do with "my people" or what some call "my family" and i don't like to be labeled gay because i don't like to be associated with what news media, television shows, and pride parades which influence the rest of the world to believe it is to be gay.

i don't care if you want to wear women's underwear or dress in drag or change your sex with surgery or used certain pronouns

at the end of the day, i just want to be me. all of the shit that comes with being gay according to ru paul's drag race, queer eye, pride parades, and news media has _NOTHING_ to do with being gay. said another way, being attracted to another person of the same sex is not mutually inclusive of wearing women's underwear, dressing in drag, or parading down the streets of our city in revealing clothes. for me, it has only ever been about sharing my life intimately with another man. that's all it can be. everything else is what people tack onto it.

fuck the people in this picture. i don't give two shits about any of that. i wear blue jeans and a t-shirt most days. i don't want to dress like that. i don't want to parade around town like that. these are not my friends or my peers. they make it hard for me to be me. if i ever find myself in a relationship with another man again it wont be with someone who wants this kind of acceptance. i don't think it is right for the world to discriminate or hate someone because they are gay, but i don't want being gay to be defined by the people who behave this way either. i am a man, i don't feel like i should have to tiptoe around gender pronouns. i am not empowered in life because i am gay or because i dress/act like these people. i'm empowered by being true to me when i am. if this is who these people are, it has nothing to do with "being gay."

Welcome to the 'alt-right' my gay friend.

No, it's because they're niggers. Weren't you paying attention?

i think you're confused about what 'alt-right' means

afaiac, it's not what i am or am associated with

I think that's cool, i'm confident that you're not the only one out there, individuality at its finest.

>i think you're confused about what 'alt-right' means
I am not.

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I did use the factual terms
while we at factual terms - before trump usa has been BLACKED with a nigger president

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He's talking about the original alt-right, i.e. people with traditionally liberal views who feel a disconnect with current year's combination of regressive liberalism and uber-PC culture.
You know, before the msm branded them a bunch of neo-nazis to the point that incels and actual neo-nazis became their core constituent

This, you stand for individuality and freedom.

>but i want nothing to do with "my people" or what some call "my family"
This is where the left is trying to take your identity and add it to their collective of VICTIM VOTERS. The eternally oppressed, that needs their help, at all costs.

White People are Tired of Being Demonized

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100% correct, I've been a liberal my whole life. Now I'm a 'classic liberal'... FML.

posts a skewed propaganda graphic and lumps someone in the same category as racists

yeah, you knows what he's talking about

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So maybe apologize? I dunno?

>Mardi Gras is a one or two day celebration, these parades are going on at just random times
Pride is a one or two day festival wherever it happens you absolute penis

It’s not about that though, it’s just a day to celebrate, like pancake day or whatevs, why naturally assume that all days associated to a cause is a product of repression or vindication?

>I can mislabel anything I want as long as I pretend to be the people I don't understand.

JIDF, pls.

ty for clarification

i don't want to be put in the same box as incels and nazis... not my people either. life is a gift. i'm just trying to live it, not govern it or control it.

There are no 'incels' or 'nazis'. That's the subversion.

Funny how the majority of people who go to Fag Parades are both straight and white kek

Youre white and straight. Count your blessings youre a normal human bro

you're referring to all labels being the subversion, or just specifically those two labels as being smoke and mirrors?

It's pushed by the MSM, for division. It's tearing us apart. IDpol, is cancer to our society.

Jew or nig nog confirmed worse if jew.
Like the great Daniel carver has said, niggers are animals so they are better, the jew is actually the devil

Based and gaypilled

>I don't like this particular party that I wasn't invited to and can easily avoid
>people should be stopped from having parties unless it's all about me

>implying pride month isn’t an excuse to run in the streets naked because “muh pride”

Sounds like a party to me.

>bp sponsor
Looking pretty Jewish

yeah, there's the problem retard.
You fucking idiots generalize everything you see on the TV and internet. It's all sensationalized bullshit to get you incels worked up into a rage.
You would think reading the internet everyone is either a neo nazi or a neon haired tranny. Everyone in power wants you to buy into this "you're with us or against us" bullshit and you dumb fuckers fall for it every time.

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>don't want to be put in the same box as incels and nazis
That was the point of branding them. If a group with varied, fairly moderate views was allowed to grow, it would be a serious threat to the current structure.