I really want Belle Delphine to stomp on my balls and charge me for it.
I really want Belle Delphine to stomp on my balls and charge me for it
Kill yourself
Dude same
Oh no I'm totally the OP. I was just shitposting back at the other user.
This bitch is actually so fucking ugly, holy shit.
Back in the day, women that wanted money desperately would become strippers.
Now they get money from selling BATH WATER to these desperate cucks.
Wake the fuck up, you fucking beta males.
Kinda cringe
What do you see in that bitch
Her face is average at best
post moar belle feet
The samefagging in this thread is approaching critical levels ABORT ABORT
Quit trying to regenerate ePeen for this flash in the pan cumdumpster.
But he is kinda right you know.
Don't get the facination with her, her face and her dumb fucking reactions makes me think about hitting her stupid face.
Sure thing user
I made this thread once before, before she got incredibly famous. I'm not a shill I just want an egirl to CBT me
I'll stomp you free of charge
>I'm not a shill
Oh surely you would admit it if you were
Not as good you're not a cute slut
My favorite
Saying cringe doesn't make you any less of a loser
Maybe not, but you unironically accusing me of being a shill is indeed incredibly fucking cringe lol
You are literally shilling her though lol
You zoomies don't even know what that word means, you just use it because your boi pewdiepie did
She is my main cum fodder
Id let her kick the shit out of me daily. As long as she let me feel her pussy evert now and again
I heard her Instagram account was taken down for making comments about reptilian shapeshifters.
this bitch looks like a damn trap
I someone doesn't wann fuck her is absolutlly HOMO
where's the webm of her licking a knife then dancing in a bear suit then falling behind a couch?
No feminine penis...
Perfect. With no dick. More pics
The world couldn't handle Belle peen.
god i wanna suck her dick so bad
Big, uncut Delphine peen.
looks like that vicky woah bitch or whatever ugly af
nah not into cheese
What about labia cheese?
Mutilated dick niggas always out here acting like pussies aren't capable of smuggling twenty times the cheese a little ol' foreskin can
It's calling washing ya dick ya old stank-boogly ass smdh
Same but wearing heels so theres damage.
Flat footed bitch.
Jet black asshole detected!!!! Eeeeeeeewwwwwwww
I respect that chick because she takes away money from pathetic losers such as yourselves. I feel like I should be finding ways of making money out of weaker men as well. Belle Delphine and the whole thot thing is a wake up call for all assertive men in the world. There is an enormous amount of frail pathetic idiots with internet access and money to be taken from.
I wanna hate fuck her eye sockets
The shit stains the butthole black. Why bother wiping thoroughly when you aren't gonna show anybody your asshole?
I worship Belle Delphine.
Get on your knees and bow
I'd love a femdom session from her where she sits on my face and degrades me.
>what is a shadow.
>she'll never rest her feet on your face and laugh at you about how she'd never fuck you
they go hand-in-hand.
Not a bad dream however shed never go for it. Girls practically a prude.
If anything this scenario is much more likely than stepping on your balls.
If you want that, just pay her a visit and ask what her instagram is.
Literally perfection.
Such a vapid looking twit
Post moar
Belle Delphine is a thot and you betas that orbiter her are pathetic
>she's not that hot either
>she has the body stature of a carrot
>she'd die an hour into childbirth were it not for modern medicine
>she also definitely has a borderline personality disorder if she's not just a flat out psychopath
She's an overglorified prostitute that doesn't have to do anything
I'm not about the whole CBT thing but I feel like OP's fantasy is only slightly more unlikely. I mean if you already have her willing to do humiliation stuff
I don't worship Belle as my queen but is it ok if I jack off to her?
Don't let me stop you
I give it a year before she's almost beheaded in the front seat of some obsessive weebs car.
AFAIK she doesn't go into BPD episodes against her fans, emotionally manipulate and blackmail them, or leave any doubt that she's a thot so big X to doubt