god-tier black metal ITT
God-tier black metal ITT
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Will Smith’s Greatest Hits has got some pretty dope jams on it. Lots of punchy bass and crunchy guitars! Plus his lyrics can be dark as fuck and really make u think
Here you go:
This album tho.
>black metal
Pick one
You're right, paganism is pantheistic.
>Black metal
>Gods tier
Pick two.
good observation
These are some shitty fucking covers
I thought you had to be 18 to post here.
All of these albums are older than you.
Wait? So you're actually a grown man who listens to black metal? That's even worse.
I mostly listen to death metal.
At least I'm not insecure about my music taste.
What kind of black metal are you mostly into?
Nokturnal Mortum, The Ruins of Beverast, Burzum, Moonsorrow, Drudkh, Graveland...
so poser shit..
Bilozobem :DD
benis :DDDD
I prefer Groza. But mgla is great. Saw them live about 2 years ago.
How is Graveland poser for example and why should I care?
I like nocturnal, myself. Anyways, I don't give a shit if someone thinks it's cringe. It's not going in their ears it's going into mine.
People who claims a band is poser, are fucking cringy.
Гoлoc cтaлi is hard to beat.
And in black metal there's an extra layer of irony in caring if a band is trve or not. Kind of defeats the purpose. That being said, Liturgy & Co. can go get lost in the woods.
Oh and also:
>Wimps and posers, leave the hall!
t. the most commercial and greedy metal band of all time
I used to be big into Burzum, but I mostly only like his synthesizer keyboard stuff like Tomhet nowadays.
I liked Dimmu Borgir's first two records the most and still do. Fuck posers, even if Stian Aarstad plagiarised shit, I realized over time that the reason that they had good shit was that he brought classical elements to the genre.
Fuck yeah my kind of thread
Just attempted to listen to this; it wasnt very good. Its more incoherent than anything ive ever heard. Shitty sound mixed drums on the most incoherent guitar playing with vocals i couldnt even get behind. If this is real black metal this shit sucks man. Im not even like a music snob or anything this album spefically just doesnt sound good at all. I couldnt tell if this was an honest troll or not
the best black metal ever created
crucify me, idc
>Listen to black metal
>Secretly being Christian
Take that, lord Satan !
dimmu borgir is the most poser
fantastic band not the best album
one of a kind vocals
I second groza, it’s their dankest album
This and DsO
graveland is an edgy faggot meme that’s only popular cause lol racism. their only half decent albums are thousand swords and following the voice of blood, neither of which are god-tier, and then then turned into a sceney viking band.
Fuck you and fuck this meme of an album
good to see this here
>That riff in "The initiation" and "Summoned by ancient wizards under a black moon"
I don't care about trveness, but technical skill used for this type of content. Anybody got shit like drottnar to hit me with?
check out krallice, they have some really technical and advanced work, yet still organic and full of direction
I was sorta let down by this, it’s too clean
Devoid of Light was better
Ceremonial Castings was better than Uada as a whole
Don't know what you'll think of this, I find it pretty technical
gay overproduced newfag viking atmoshit is not welcome here
Good stuff mixing tech and atmosphere.
I actually liked this one.
my nigger
Yea true but i love the vocals and the composition
Calling Summoning newfag. That's rich.
They've never put out a bad release, but Groza is their darkest
if summoning post lugburz isn’t shallow easymode newfag metal, I don’t know what is, nerd
It's more abstract than technical. I'm not sure how I feel about it... it's like black metal made by fans of newer thrice or something... saved for future investigation.
I’m finally listening to it now. it doesn’t seem as sharp
Fuck you, lugburz is their worst album. Here is something more to piss you off.
Never thought of it as abstract... But now that you mention it... Yeah
lugburz is a champion black metal album
your complete tourist scrub is showing
I'd stopped on newer material first and it definitely clued me in I was about to hit sonic weirdness. Not a bad thing.
I'm the admitted tech fan who appreciates the old school potato recorded black metal. Can confirm... this is quality potato BM
Citing this because it's difficult to explain... deathspell can touch on this a little bit... but I'm looking for more math and death converging if anyone knows of any I may not be privy to.
Esoctrilihum – Inhüma
Saving because thats really death metal but thats some chord play shit I like.
Asagraum play straight black metal, without any palm muting which might be what you’re looking for, but they play some wild technical evilness, you might enjoy
I wish I knew more people with the same taste in music.
What about this ? Yeah, it's thrash, but that bass
Slightly different flavor than I'm hunting but top notch suggestion considering they're already in my collection and I dig them
I've found a solution to this. Like a looooot of fucking music and bask in the common ground you may have with people.
Not against it but it does remind me of this with better production and 1% of the drum technique...
Well, I like a whole lot of music. A lot of different. But I would like to know some people who actually also enjoys listening to black metal.
This one is fire
Ah, meshuggah. Haven't listened to that in ages
Love their new releases but I stumbled on their thrash era when I was into thrash... and it was like a fatality for the peer content.
Ehhhhh. I really like death metal for example... I know a lot of other people that do. I really wish I didn't know most of them.
sounds like you might like the new jute gyte album. there are some slower parts, but it is most patrician. no death metal aspects however
I don't know what "peer content" means... That their reviews went bad, or ? Damn... That jazz-turkey solo at 3:14 is awesome
really great production and tempo for folk metal
nice band tbh i cant believe this is actual and not from the late 90's
It ushered me out of finding new thrash is what I mean. But by that time I'd found quite a bit of great shit.
Hahahah, well, there are a whole lot of terrible people in the metal scene, but I would still like to know just a few more people. I'm just a bit too asocial.
Oh, I see
Holy angular earfuck batman. This one needs a listen.
That's like power metal with black metal vocals to me, but they have parts I swear that were literally taken from cryptopsy songs.
t. inherently not interested in folk viking stuff
nice fucking album
meh id say blackened death/ folkish more than power, which is more stop and go/ open cord vocal chorus's.
Pesttanz absurd
Thanks anons. First time discussing black metal both here, and in a situation where my interests weren't silenced by kvlt elitists.
This album sucks cock
Was just waiting for this !
Yeah, best blowjob EVER !
Peste Noire- L'Ordure à l'état Pur
Good man.
This is a bit more gothic, but I like it.
Henbane is a fantastic album.
overproduced gothic bm
fuck sigh glorified darkened power rock
God shit.
What a ridiculous thing to say.
Slagmaur Von rov shelter
you sure like heavy metal in your black metal
He got peanutbutter in my chocolate!
Fantastic album, love the harp.
more like candy in your coffee