So I was delivering pizza on Saturday night, I'm 29 fag, I'm Latino from Bolivia... Yes I know, a shitskin...

So I was delivering pizza on Saturday night, I'm 29 fag, I'm Latino from Bolivia... Yes I know, a shitskin, anyway delivering pizza for stupid Domino's, 4 hours into my shift, go deliver a pizza we deliver pizza until 1 am, it was 10:30 - 11 pm? Get out of car, deliver pizza, start walking to my car, all of a sudden 2 cholos pop up from my car, they're all tatted up faces, 1 coming from the left, skinny tattoos all over his face about 5'11 the other from the right 5'6 same tatted up face. Tall dude is walking up to me says, "can I see your phone?" ... Other short dude says "give him your keys and your wallet, you want to get shot? You want to get stabbed?" ... Give him my shit... They take off, they stole everything, my house keys, garage controller, ID, debit card, I feel like a pathetic beta, I have fucking nothing left. Trump is right, fuck these assholes, I was just trying to fucking work my shitty job, to pay my shitty life.

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Trump is right, should have sent all three of you back

Buy a gun, dumbass. And never vote for gun control or soft on crime liberal faggots. lesson learned.

Lul faggot, fuck you.

That sucks user. Now go work on yourself so you can gain some confidence

Except most pizza places wont allow you to carry during your shift, anti freedom corporations

Fake and gay. Nice dubs tho.

... Wish it was fake, I literally wish I was fucking lying dude

Sorry about your bad luck user.

Appreciate it man, thanks

You don't tell them. It's better to be fired if you have to defend yourself than to end up dead. You can always find another job. You don't get another life.

Someone said I don't have a case, since I don't have a commercial license and that Domino's won't be held responsible for my car being stolen...

From the sounds of it this pizza job was his life

good luck recovering from this. i hope you were able to stop all your cards and that they won't be able to get into your phone.

Dude. It is better to be a living beta than a dead beta.

Well, actually, niggers are responsible for the majority of the crime. Immigrants actually do the least amount of crime out of all most ethnicity here is a link to the FBI page to prove it.

Thanks man, apperantly later that night they went to a Jack in the box in my car where they charged like 20 bucks on my debit card and later to a Shell gas station where they charged 45, fortunately the bank noticed it was sketchy and froze my account when they noticed the activity, :/

Well, I didn't get robbed by Trihards this time, I got robbed by some cholos :/

No, but my car was :/

big brother can do somethings right i guess

this literally mirrors an encounter I had with muggers about 3 years ago
>walking home from safeway (it's like a smaller kroger for you dudes outside of Washington/Oregon)
>see this group of kids, probably not older than 19
>instantly get nervous because I hate confrontation and I'm not very strong or a very good fighter and they are literally surrounding the sidewalk on both sides
>as I walk by they ask if I've seen a black guy with an afro
>one of them asks to see my phone and I say no
>they all start demanding I give them my stuff like my wallet and shit
>only thing I can think of doing is to approach the one who is talking the most and try to scare him
>walk up right in front of him and I'm probably 6-7 inches taller than him
>heart is fucking racing
>"do you really want to do that? Are you sure?"
>he just looks at me
>cop car comes around the corner and flashes his lights, all the kids run
literally the most scared I've ever been in my entire life. I hate the idea of getting mugged but it happens a lot in the town I'm in (longview WA) along with a lot of other property related crimes.

Good for you man, when they threatened to stab me and shoot me though I think that's when I was like.... Fuck it, just take it, luck's on your side though , glad it worked out

Glad you're still here OP. That shit sucks, but it could've been so much worse.
Hope your luck changes for the better. And yes, fuck those cunts, they need deporting.

Holy shiy, why are you referring to yourself as a shitskin?

If you feel the need to say that you should probably leave Yea Forums for a while. That's not healthy my dude.

Anecdotal andy back at it again.
X person is bad because I met a bad X person.

used to be a pizza dude could carry a gun and not just criminals

thanks niggers

honestly if they would have been ganged up tattood mexicans I would have just given them my shit in a heartbeat, but they were all kids so I figured they were just puffed up. Fucking tattood mexicans threatening to stab me is a different story

Ignore all the 12 year old virgins who think they’re Chuck Norris. It’s not beta to give muggers your stuff. This is the real world and not a film like these pedos seem to think. Chin up OP

this. Most people alive would 100% give away their shit if some mexicans ambushed them and threatened to stab them if they didn't. You're automatically at a disadvantage if you let people get that close anyway. You can't exactly fight back, even if you ARE chuck norris.

> "... the bank noticed it was sketchy and froze my account ..." ;
..... so pleased to hear that Yea Forumsro at least that is one bit of luck in such a disastrous evening.
I hope it doesn't take you too long to get over these setbacks and feel confident doing your job again. not much encouragement I can offer you really besides a magical symbol to bring you all the :
> power wisdom and courage
you need to muster at the moment
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We have the second amendment for 2 reasons faggot and this is one of them. Go get a gun user

You know the most fucked up part is though? Domino's is acting like nothing happened, my car was already paid off and I only had liability on it, but Domino's is acting like NOTHING happened.

Work for the hut here, coworker this last week got robbed by some black dude with a shotgun. Thankfully all he had was 19 dollars on hand. I felt mad for himm, fucking assholes.

user, you did the right thing in that situation. don't feel bad man, i would have too. you ain't a beta, you just didn't want to die that night. gl w/ police and getting your shit back

Appreciate it dude, thanks

One of my coworkers at mcdonalds got mugged in the parking lot while I was still working there and the manager actually yelled at him for giving the guy the keys to the back room (he was picking up trash in the parking lot and the guy demanded he hand over his "car keys")
A lot of chain employers are heartless. Not all of them, but a lot of them.

The good news OP, is that the car will be registered as stolen. If the police come across it at any point they will get it back to you.

Now you learnt the hard true, you need more 9mm.

turns out that black people born in the US don't have background checks to get in the US

>black baby is born
>background check
>he's already in the system for armed robbery

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fuckin' niggers.

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Problem is, too many idiots in this country stupidly vote away their gun rights. They allow their governors and mayors to pass gun control that doesn't affect the criminals. just makes it harder for the good people like OP to protect themselves. Tell any gun control supporter or politician to fuck off. Pic is what I carry, a .357 Magnum.

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that's a very small handgun. I'd carry something bigger personally, like a .45 cal, or a 120mm smoothbore

It's easy to conceal and carry. And like I said, it's a .357 Magnum, a nasty round that will literally take your head off. But I also have a .45ACP as well.

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sexy as fuck

And in my home, I also have two AR-15s This is actually an AR pistol.

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Then you should like my Browning.

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Unfortunately I live in California in LA and it's going to be a pain in the ass getting a gun

Did he lose his? Nah. Insurance should cover shit like this, petty crime is not worth playing a gunslinger.

Nice guns though, if I would have been carrying though, I think I would have shot them or maybe not , I don't know what it would be like but then again they didnt give a fuck, guess I'm too nice

Unfortunately I only had liability on my car

OP said his car was paid for and had only liability. I don't want to play gunslinger but you never know what the bad guys will do. They might just take your shit and leave. But they also might stab you just for fun. That's a call you have to make.

Years ago a man threatened to beat me with a large 18 wheeler tire iron. I displayed my handgun, didn't even point it at him. He decided that coming at me with a tire iron would be a bad idea. Sometimes the sight that a would-be victim can fight back is enough to deter a criminal.

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Soon all the immigrants will leave and america will have less crime.

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Hasn't your employer insured you?

Do they actually do that? I gotta confess I thought that so unlikely that I didn't really account for it.

I live in Alabama which is a Shall Issue state, concealed and open carry, no bans on any military style guns or magazine sizes, no registration scams and we are a Castle Doctrine state. That's basically the same as Stand Your Ground. I've always heard California is a tough gun law state but it's still possible. You just have to jump through more hoops than me. But bottom line, I'm glad you're OK. Hopefully the cops will get your car back but expect some damage.

No :/ , well my car was paid off and I only had liability on it, so my insurance company wont do shit

I appreciate your kind words dude, thank you

>Do they actually do that? I gotta confess I thought that so unlikely that I didn't really account for it.

You can never really predict what a criminal will do. If one told me he'll stab or shoot me, I have to take that as a likely threat.

Isn't it just "money or your life"? They already got what they wanted, why would they willingly add murder to their list of crimes? Dead bodies bring the heat down on you much faster than muggings.

I have a question for you gun guys.

Whats it like to have no dick, and to have to replace it with a metal one?

Happen to me before
>walking home from gf house at around 3am
>fight under my street is a playground which is where I walked through
>got near the basketball court and 5 guys talking and laughing
>one of them calls out "hey do you know the time?"
>pull out phone like an idiot "uh its 3:27"
>dude gets up and runs over "what? My bad I couldn't hear you that good"
>looks down at phone "its 3:28 now"
>look up then boom sucker punched
>swing back at him
>I know how to fight as I was raised in a rough neighborhood
>we go at it for a while until the rest of the guys jump me
>go home with broken hand and cut on back of head
Had to get 9 stitches and I lost my phone which is the only thing I had on my at that time

You have good points but then again, our prisons are full of people who have murdered their victims. I live in a rural area but in my closest big city there was a robbery of a convenience store and the thief shot the clerk.

Sorry to hear that, that's fucked up.

What's it like to be this fucking stupid? And why do you gun haters always worry about other men's dicks? Don't worry about a gun owner's dick, worry about how much dick your woman is taking behind your back. Cuck faggot.

ask your father

Found the libcuck.

Women have guns too, you ignorant booty bandit.

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Sorry mate, insult me however much you want but I'm not inclined to put my life on the line over a company phone and a wallet full of plastic.

it feels pretty good tbh. Regular flesh dicks are old and useless. My new "Avenger" 3000 vibrating alloy-penis literally destroys pussies. My old cock could never do that.

This little girl isn't afraid of guns, why is your candy ass afraid of them?

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Kek! The faggot you're replying to probably wishes you'd plug that Avenger 3000 in his soy boi ass.

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Here you go, little buddy.

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There's nothing sketchy about those charges. I'm charging my card random shit in a foreign country and my bank account is not frozen. Sounds fake as shit. Why didnt you call your bank immediately after you got home?

23 y/o dominos fag, Havent been stabbed (Yet) was delivering to a ghetto area tonight where 3 people were shot while i was handing over the pizza. Crazy world user. My advice to you is to stop caring if you live or die. It's alot easier that way.

The Laura of wet blankets enters the thread.

Instead of participating in thread discussion, this Laura just wants to point out that you're currently at the edge of the board and about to die. =^_^=

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