The Nazis should have won the war

The Nazis should have won the war

>No jews
>No niggers
>No retards
>No crippleds
>No problems

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Other urls found in this thread:

No Americans

Americans would still exist under Nazi rule, they would have just made the country better and more cultured

>no OP

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You Americans were the enemies, dumbass. The US would not exist as such. Your love for foreign people is obsessive, especially for those who don't love you.

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OP is part of the LGBT community

They had a kitsch culture.

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they would have been made to improve, the Germans weren't going to exterminate every American, just those who didn't follow rhe Führer

mmmm Mein Führer

where is it?

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Hitler was Hirohito's puppet. He was trying to take over the entire world.

ITT: jews lol

>no retards
Bad news for OP.

>No crippleds
no cripples

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>No problem.

GL :)

Wrong. There're Catholics still

it is known

There's a reason why the Nazis lost ya stupid racist piece of shit!

Why did they lose?

the nazi shit is still crying?

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Really makes you wish for a time machine. I agree though, I bet it would be far better now. Eliminate backward cultures, crush the 'elite' and bring them in line, families first and endless technological progression. IMO, it never really ended though. One culture will have to come out on top, for there ever to be lasting global peace. It will either be white culture or kike ghetto culture with the 1% as the god kings of Ghetto Earth.

Why has strong family taken such a back seat to brown people "diversity", feminism, and empowering mental retards? Can't anyone else see how destroying white families has plummeted us back to the stone age? Seems to me like the third reich had the right idea but an inconsistent corruption plagued implementation.

Weak families and diversity, literally breeds low level workers for the elite. Safe workers that will never rise up, organize or even attempt to topple them.


>white people are superior!!
>lost both world wars

It's your loss.

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I don't know if you're aware but Hitler had plans for the invasion of the United State. So if Germany had won the war you wouldn't be here.

Hello comrades Anonymous

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White people are so firmly superior, that it takes white people to beat white people. It's the loyalty part that's the problem. We are not logical and pragmatic, too many are led astray by feelings that will end up with dire consequences.

Hitler chose to fight the war on 2 fronts simultaneously. It was too much for Germany. If Hitler hadn't isolated himself and slept until noon each day he would have known the war was lost.

It really makes you wonder if a leader without a disease or neurodegenerative disorder had risen to power at that time, would the Germans have won? Did you ever consider that the world isn't ruled by Germany simply because Hitler's health declined at exactly the moment required to guarantee their permanent decline? He got sick and crazy so his corrupt government took over and drove his ideas into the dirt.

>better place
>no Yea Forums

Hitler was never going to lose power because the SS protected him.

>No jews
Jews don't control the fucking world
>no niggers
Blacks aren't genetically stupid, no one is
>no retards
Ok so you wouldn't be here *play shitty laugh track for stupid joke
>no crippled
I don't really see how there such a drain on money or whatever, it's not a waste if there a living person

And guess what faggo, bad shit would still happen

>inb4 da joos

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> No retards

Bad news for you, OP

They still can.


What was that about a mass shooting happaning two times a week over there?


who was in the wrong here?

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your definition of who is white and who isn't white changes day by day.
when it's convenient for america, russia and south america are white. when it's not convenient they are asians and spics.


>start landwar in Russia with totally inadequate supplies
>"no retards"

>hurr if Germany won we'd all be speaking German
>Press 1 for English, press 2 for Mexcrement.
Wow what a trade off.

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There wasn't really any way for Germans to decisively win a war against UK and Russia at the same time. At best they could have gotten a relatively favorable peace treaty, and even that evaporated when US entered the war. To win the war, Germany would have needed to have more/better allies and/or limit the scope of the war.

Your grandparents would have been sterilized lmao you white nigger

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There were niggers on africacorps. And you’re probably a retarded mutt so...

>No niggers
>No crippleds


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If only the nazis hadn't been overly ambitious, the third Reich could have been glorious and strong today. And Europe wouldn't be invaded.

being overly ambitious came with the ideology, to achieve their goal of autarky and racial superiority they had to completely rework the old order in europe, which meant overthrowing the versailles peace treaty. there was no way this wouldn't involve the french, british and americans sooner or later.

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No problems? Well, being shot for reading the wrong book or saying ANYTHING critical to the government. Kinda of like tRump is doing now

Cripples and retards would still exist, just because they would eliminate race and religion doesn’t mean we wouldn’t still have people with genetic defects. Unless you’re suggesting that they would be consistently “making them disappear”

There were no plans to attack the United States, morons. That's why when the Japanese were like 'Hey, Germany, we're going to attack the U.S. because we're desperate for oil." Germany was like "Um, okay!"

Germany knew they couldn't win a war against the U.S., it's too far. Japan didn't have a choice, embargoes were crippling them.

Not every two weeks but it's fun to make stuff up. Hurr durr America gets shoot up every two weeks!!!1+

And before you call me an Americunt cause you are gonna be so orginal I'm from Thailand. So go ahead and give me your generic racist insults cause that's all you can do.

Nazism is incorrect. Nazism is Adolf Hitlers way of fooling people into being his brainwashed slave/minion. A political ideology such as Nazism is hypocrisy because it focuses on the eradication of Jews while Adolf Hitler himself was also Jewish. Nazi Germany shamelessly started world war 2 at the hopes of fixing their economy and returning back the war debt. Nazism is by far the worst Political ideology not just because of all the lives wasted but because of the death of innocents.

No. The 'us' and 'them' categories would just get smaller and smaller until the nation eats itself.
First it's just "jews" and "niggers" then it's "people with freckles" and "people with the wrong eye color" until eventually you're killing people because they grew up in the wrong suburb

Fuck you commi eat shit and die you wana be nazi beta cuck, you are 100 percent closet gay and you can definitely choke on this 9inch American cock, at the end I’ll give you taste of freedom since you skin head white niggers didn’t get enough of it in the 1940s

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You are wrong.
Now imagine a world with one government. What would that look like? No war, no defense budget, globally shared resources, a united people. This is "ein reich"
Now imagine one people. Everyone the same race, religion, same citizenship in the world. No more terrorism, no more racism, no more religious hate. This is ein Volk.
Now fast forward 1000 years. What do you have? A united earth with a focus on the people of earth. A Human emipre full of humans, focused on the betterment of humanity and space exploration, instead of competing with each other for our limited resources and land, and having petty squabbles over ideology.
Its far, far superior. What we have now will almost certainly end with nuclear holocaust eventually.


this would also mean that australia and britain would be gone too retard

>Eliminate all who won't submit to foreign domination

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>If Hitler hadn't isolated himself and slept until noon each day he would have known the war was lost.
He isolated himself *because* the war was lost, and if he had isolated himself the other 12 hours, Germany might have fought to an honorable peace instead of handing its conquerors the decision whether to sow its fields with salt or erect puppet regimes in their own likenesses.

>Implying the means of achieving a social good do not effect the end
A flawed reich built on mass murder would eventually crumble in the usual heap of greed, jealousy and misery of all failed states.

What a load of horseshit, people would still divide themselves into different tribes and interest groups over time and continue bickering even if all non white people were dead. human unity through central authority is a pipedream

>Everyone the same race
People would pick on each other’s skin differences.
>No more terrorism
Terroism would still exist because of a force on removing individuality.
>no more religious hate
Everyone is going to have different religious beliefs no matter what, you can’t change that.
>A united earth with a focus on the people of earth
This wouldn’t be possible because people would rebel and civil war would occur.
>A Human emipre full of humans, focused on the betterment of humanity and space exploration, instead of competing with each other for our limited resources and land, and having petty squabbles over ideology
Even without Nazism there is still betterment for humanity is happening like this and you’re blind for not realizing this. A force of control over technological improvement and control over ideologies is worthless when its done in an enslaved way. Superiority is useless in a Civilization, it has no benefits. You care too much about the future, nuclear destruction is inevitable.

Nazis should've convinced americans to fight russians off since they both hated commies

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>stone age
He typed on his computer.

"Strong family" and "diversity" are not mutually exclusive.

>white people are so firmly superior
* Citation needed.

>Hur dur iPhone is better green bubble faggot!
^^ Perfect Example ^^

Mate thats still a overrepresentation of jews by 8%

And True

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exaggerate much?

Here's the problem, though. If Hitler won you'd have been euthanized for being severely mentally challenged.

>The Nazis want/wanted to exterminate all jews, gypsies, christians, handicapped, and blacks but they totally didn't try to despite all evidence to the contrary.

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Attached: human sausages.png (959x433, 250K) does that make you feel?

Fucking incredulous.
Incredulous that anyone still believes this 70 year old war time propaganda.

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This thread has attracted the attention of PC Laura.

user, please do not use racist language in your opening post! Even if you have to quote it, make sure to change it to something like 'n word' or 'n****r' before posting.
Thank you!

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Shut the fuck up cunt.

What's your source? I seriously wanna know.

One world government only works when the people aren't toadies, sycophants, or afraid of said rule.

One people only works when the idea of purity doesn't cascade into every individual believing they are more pure than the rest of their countrymen, inevitably leading to another hierarchical shitfest- as well as extremely deluded rationale. Go on, cull the thinning gene pool more with poor understanding of genetics.

>Now fast forward 1000 years
>What do you have
Several depleted nations, a stagnating corpse of the former world order, and several balkanized states inadvertently repeating history, simply with different paint.

The Nazis were idiots.

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So while some accounts may be exaggerated to reflect their own personal anger/pain; You think that thousands of first hand accounts, experiences, and photographs are propaganda without a shred of truth?

>No OP
yeah, that would be nice, wouldn't it?

>You think that thousands of first hand accounts, experiences, and photographs are propaganda without a shred of truth?
No one is disputing that jews taken to camps in germany
No one is disputing that jews died in the camps
No one is disputing some jews were executed in the camps.
What we are talking about the supposed official policy of Nazi Germany to genocide the jewish people.
You know the policy you get taught about in the movie theaters or in video games called "the holcoaust."
A policy which by the way ZERO official documentation for has been found since the war.
And which during the war the ENGLISH heard ZERO transmitions about despite the fact they broken enigma 1941 and were able to hear German broadcasts from the mainland throughout the war.
The only people having confessed to implementing or even acknowledged such a program existed in the German High command having undergone extreme genital mutilation and torture prior to nuremburg
pic related.

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So they just sucked real bad at it? Then why so many proud to be nazi groups?

i think the same 1488

>So they just sucked real bad at it?
Eiether that...
They werent actually trying to genocide jewish people.

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I can agree hail

lol, Nazi relevancy in the modern day
"Well we would have been great if we didn't lose ! Even though our constant repetitious loss is the proof of the weakness in our ideology "

From 2017

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>the guards had recreational activity's while the murdered countless people they deemed inferior

I would gladly sacrifice Yea Forums

>a mass shooting
Yeah you guys should stop being so obese.

that's ok we don't need retards clogging up this world anyway I say we burn all of them slowly

user do you se this pic?
All of those players are jews.
The man standing over them is a supposedly evil SS guard at Auschwitz.
IF the Nazis really just wanted to kill all the jews in camps.
If that was really their goal
Why would they have a soccer team?
Hell why would they build a hospital there (one you can google yourself) one that jewish people were allowed to go to when sick.
If it was a death camp
and they "gassed" whoever got sick
why did they take anne frank to a hospital at Auschwitz?

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bro are you a fucking retard ( gas this mother fucker please)

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your a fucking retard aswell

fucking correct my grammar I fucking dare you

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you believe every little white peice of paper that says TRUE TALE on it you fucking idoit retard

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gas those gay niggers

Oh agreed user
And yet if you question any of it?
You go to fucking jail in most of europe.

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Only advatage would be a moneysystem which is not fiat

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sieg heil

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Are these Jews allowed?

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oven dodger


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...but I was gassed.

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no islams

would you delete the fags too ?

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There's an over representation with Asians you fags always fail to talk about.

>Using some random stormfag nigga on a blog as actual evidence
White supremacy is a mental disorder

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So what the fuck was the point of keeping Jews locked up then? Love to hear your retarded answer for this

nazis suck and so do you.

>No crippleds
Actually crippled Germans were fine.

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that's pretty gay dude

Why do you have this saved?

Go back to Israel kike

if they did, you wouldn't have existed.
your mom wouldn't have existed.
the timeline would be altered to where almost everyone wouldn't exist.

Probably to stop them from starting another communist revolution while they were fighting communists.

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Yeah, you're just pulling shit out of your ass at this point.

One Jew saying something doesn't speak for the whole race. By that logic if a white person says pedophilia is ok then all whites are pedos.

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>Guy fucking hates the Jews with a passion
>"hE didn't kIlL tHeM tHouGh"

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One guy saying something isn't proof of anything. He didn't even mention Jews. You don't know who he's talking about. Nice propoganda faggot


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Congratulations, there's a lot of white people who support communism too. You have a point somewhere, or are you just going to apply double standards?

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the Nazi's should shoot you faggot

>30 politicians out of thousands
>"omg duh Joos r taking over."
>No proof any of these people are Jewish

staged photo


Are you a hot ladyboy?

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I didnt think we even really disagreed user.
Do you really not believe the allies found survivors when they got to the camps?
if the germans wanted them dead
why werent they all dead?
They had them for 5 years.
they could have not just given them watter for 30 days?
all of them
Want it done quicker?
dont give them watter for 3
all of them
fucking dead
even faster?
why not just shoot them when they get off the fucking trains?
ah but that wastes money
okay well why not just seal the trains and fill them with gas
all of them
why build a hospital for them?
why build a mess hall for them?
why even build them fucking housing if you are just planning to kill them all!?

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jesus fuck smh

>A group thats 2 percent of US population somehow managed to be the minority leader of the senate and 4 of the 9 supreme court justices
nothing weird here
nothing to se at all

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>white people lost both world wars
>white people won both world wars
>therefor white people lost.

I've never met a person just retarded enough to be as stupid as you yet still be able to type out sentences.
It's truly a great occasion, to meet someone as balancedly retarded as yourself.

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Retards and cripples would still exist in our society anyway

>What is culture norms to be successful
>Same with Asians but you don't care about them
>You're a retard

Yes, I'm sure they all get together in secret meetings and discuss how to collect foreskins or some stupid shit

Asians havent been supporting subversive revolutionary groups throughout europe for hundreds of years.

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Literally just google the fucking bilderburg group.

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>balancedly retarded as yourself.
This user speaks the truth

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Neither have Jews faggot. You've proven absolutely nothing except for the fact you're a bootlicking faggot who buys into /pol/ meme propoganda

>Jews are successful because of the culture they were raised in
>Hurr durr they taking over
>I don't care about Asian over representation though

I'm Jewish. Dont jewish u could get me off?

>When your meme propoganda makes a claim and doesn't back it up with evidende

Google Jewish dick since you seem to be obsessed with them

So what? It's for the greater good and euthanasia is not a painful
if one truly believes in the betterment of mankind, they'll gladly remove themselves from the gene pool
are you afraid of death, fag?

So were not going to talk about the fact the same obscure logo is repeated here to make it look like Jews really do control everything

>Neither have Jews
Winston Churchill disagrees with you

Damn McDonald's Jews putting foreskin in the Big Mac's

I think everyone here should enter a gas chamber bc of mental retardation.

By run do you mean owned or the CEO is Jewish?

With thoughts like those, you're just like us.

Welcome to the club, Yea Forumsrother.

>When you're so desperate for the person you're talking about not to be right that you dont even look into it yourself
literally just fucking look int it yourself.

Yes, and I'm sure they all get together in a room and talk about how they're going to fuck with you, some random loser in his basement on Yea Forums. Surely, they have nothing better to do.

Every CEO is Jewish. Now run along to the gas chamber.

Those are the members of the bilderburg group
A group whos members include media moguls, banker, politicans and many more
the stars of david represent the jewish members
you decide if thats over representation for 2 percent of the population user.

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>A meeting to make sure there is no world war again and to make sure capitalism reigns supreme
Nothing was said about Jews you autistic faggot


You got any proof of anything, other than you being a faggot?

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You are so fucking retarded. No one gives a fuck about the buildegeger group. Remove yourself from the gene pool.


David Rockefeller at Bilderburg meeting
"The world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government."

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show bobs and vabenis

>Nothing was said about Jews
Nope but there sure are a lot of jews there

Stop saying fag. I'm a fag.

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You're really reaching aren't you. Did he say "Jews are ready for a world government?" No, he didn't, because not everyone in that group is Jewish. You're a dumb retard who buys into meme propoganda. You can hardly call yourself superior to anyone.

>Points to unsourced, unproven meme as evidence
>Thinks just because Jews own companies they are conspiring to take his foreskin

White person supports pedophila. Gets all you whites are pedos now.

I Approve

Idk why this thread is so long. Nazi's suck

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American here. What country do you live in, Sir?

100% of the bolsheviks that died on the front lines were russian

the 10% jew were always at the top very far away from the war they created

Good bait faggot.

Getting drunk on a Tuesday and wearing fag clothes is culture

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My grandad fought in the European theater during ww2.
He said many times that we fought the wrong enemies, and that the US should have allied with Germany and Japan against the bolsheviks.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

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