Even if Trump gets a full 8 years they're just going to institute a socialist muslim mega nigger to undo everything that he has done in the years after.
Trust me I'm from the future.
Even if Trump gets a full 8 years they're just going to institute a socialist muslim mega nigger to undo everything that he has done in the years after.
Trust me I'm from the future.
thats alot of if's from a "future user"
Undo everything he has done?
Just like he did with everything Obama did. Expect those things were documented to work and positively impact us.
There is no chance he gets reelected
>Even if
choose one retard
There's no way he'll get a full 8 years, his lawyers will get him off with 4.
Multiple timelines fleshbag
That's the kind of crap that got Trump elected, but by all means, keep it up.
what has he actually done in office?
Well, that's the deal with our system.
Nobody and no party, stay on top forever.
Oh, and Socialism is not affiliated with any religious group.
Socialism = Terrorism
Islam = Terrorism
Niggerdom = Terrorism
Is this a joke? Obama tried everything he could to turn our country into an 3rd world shithole, which isn’t surprising considering he’s from Kenya
>those things were documented to have a positive impact on us
Wtf are you spewing? Documented by whom? And what part? They unlawful killing of us citizens by drone strike? The failed middle eastern and North Korean policy? The sky rocketing costs of health care from his shitty affordable care act? Cash for clunkers, literally wasted billions of tax payer dollars. His botched fast and furious operation, which in essence just gave guns to criminals.
Please tell me.
made America grade again
Tax, Supreme Court, more deportation and banning of as many Muslims as he could from the US. Also undoing all of Obama’s illegal executive orders.
Honestly I could ask for more but I’m just being greedy.
People used to say that there was no chance he was going to get elected, yet he was fucking elected as POTUS!
Wouldn’t be so sure about that, unless the left comes back to center they are loosing independents hard
so not much then?
No worries, we are working on repeal of the 22nd amendment
More than most presidents.
Are you being willingly delusional?
Give me a modern president that has done more and list their actual accomplishments.
Renegotiated the worst trade deal of all time started enforcing boarder laws and deporting illegal invaders canceled Obamas terrorist money to Iran ended a half century long war with North Korea by being the first guy to say No when they puffed their chest and started calling for war ended globalist climate change accord bullshit and stopped the mass migration of new Democrat slave voters to slant elections and subvert Democracy with Muslims that hate the west
also assblasted faggots like you and made you cry
Republicans are worthless, i still wait for the wall.
Ordered the White House and all federal agencies to respect the Freedom of Information Act and overturned Bush-era limits on accessibility of federal documents (2009)
Placed limits on lobbyists’ access to the White House (2009)
Issued the “Open Gov Directive” ordering all Cabinet departments to promote transparency and citizen participation in their policies (2010)
Developed the “Don Not Pay List” with data on contractors and recipients of federal funds who are deemed to be ineligible because of fraud and abuse (2010)
The White House website now provides information on all economic stimulus projects and spending, along with an unprecedented amount of information on our government (2009)
Ended the Bush-era practice of circumventing established FDA rules for political reasons (2009)
Ended the Bush-era practice of having White House staff rewrite the findings of scientific and environmental regulations and reports when they disagreed with the results (2009)
Limited the salaries of senior White House aides (salaries cut to $100,000) (2009)
Signed the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act (2010)
Ended the Bush-era “black out” policy on media coverage of war casualties (2009)
Ordered better body armor to be procured for US troops (2009)
Working to increase pay and benefits for military personnel (2009)
Improving housing for military personnel (2009)
Ordered that conditions at Walter Reed Military Hospital and other neglected military hospitals be improved (2009)
Authorized construction of additional health centers to care for veterans (2009)
Restarted international nuclear non-proliferation talks and reestablished international nuclear inspection protocols (2009)
Reengaged in the treaties/agreements to protect the Antarctic (2009)
Visited more countries and met with more world leaders than any president in his first six months in office (2009)
Increased infrastructure spending (roads, bridges, power plants…) (2009)
Authorized the federal government to make more loans available to small businesses and ordered lower rates for federal loans to small businesses (2009)
Placed a 35% tariff on Chinese tires and a few other products such as pipes after China was found to be illegally “dumping” exports below cost (2009)
In November 2009, Obama extended unemployment benefits for one million workers and expanded coverage for some existing homeowners who are buying again (2009)
Credit card companies are prohibited from raising rates without advance notification or arbitrarily if customers are paying bills on time (2010)
Signed historic Wall Street reform bill (2010)
National Export Initiative established to enhance federal support (technical assistance, training, trade missions, etc.) and coordination efforts to help US businesses export products and services (2010)
Expanded agricultural credit to farmers during current economic crisis (2010)
Negotiated a deal with Swiss banks to permit the US government to gain access to records of tax evaders and criminals (2009)
Ended the Bush-era policy of offering tax benefits to corporations who outsource American jobs (2009)
Reduced taxes for some small businesses to stimulate the economic recovery (2009)
Ordered all federal agencies to undertake a study and make recommendations for ways to cut federal spending (2009)
Overturned the Bush-era practice of not listing certain federal programs in the federal budget (2009) (2010)
Expanding government vaccination programs (2009)
Historic healthcare reform bill signed – $940 billion over 10 years (2010)
And much much more, also, he could give a speech without slurring his words which was nice.
From these two list he basically did less than trump except passed a failed healthcare reform that made healthcare costs sky rocket.
What did Trump do?????
Tax cuts, banned as many Muslims as he could, renegotiated trade deals, made working relationship with North Korea. Limiting foreign spending. Repealed a shit done of red tape from the Obama administration. Actually put qualified candidates on the Supreme Court.
You know things that actually help the country, other then spending other people’s money.
Nice bait.
Lol Trump is your president and will be until 2024
Who feeds you these lies? Or are you working for the dems to feed others these lies?
Except there are no other candidates who stand a chance.
So alot of failures? Are you trying to make trump look good?
I can't wait for the first transgender feminist women muslim nigger president
Why does the US even exist?
Yep, thank god. Trump is a terrible person and there's significant evidence that he's a pedophile rapist
Nobody can stop him. And they shouldn't try. It's just going to be embarrassing if they do.
let's say trump goes the full 8 and 2 years later whatever shameful pathetic excuse of a president the dems rig into office goes on a full on executive order rampage overturning all the major wins trump has accomplished
you can guarantee there'd be a revolution
in reality though, trump will do 8 and by the end of that second term everyone will be so sick of anything resembling the progressive pc left that they'll never get in office again
so don't worry sjw crybabies
it's this way for good now
Not bait, trump was friends with Epstein, rode his plane, has made a bizarre number of sexual jokes about his daughters, was accused of looking at underage girls at his beauty pageants, and was also accused of raping a 15 yo at an Epstein party. Also, let's not forget that trump admitted to groping women without consent in the access Hollywood tape
It's being built daily... Eventually they will all connect .. dumb fucks like you will keep waiting until you're on the other side of the wall
>if Trump gets a full 8 years
> I'm from the future.
Alright then.
You breath in what those conspiracy theorists shit out? President Clinton was Epstein's real buddy.. President Trump kicked him out of all his properties. Period. Stop believing lies faggot
That's actually the past user; Obama was just president previously.
If you are from the future why do you say if? Shouldn’t you know for sure if he does?
Nah, once he’s re-elected the left will chimp out so hard and do even shadier worse shit than they are now that the left won’t have a chance of being elected to anything for a while. The Democratic Party is on melt down, re-election will just cause total destruction of the left and they will need to rebuild the party which will take time
Clearly trump and Clinton are in on it, don't know why you're doing whataboutism
Btw Epstein was only banned from trump properties after being arrested for his crimes... really activates the almonds huh?
even worse bait lol
If Trump is in on it it doesn’t matter since the DOJ says a sitting president can’t be indicted
If they had dirt on Clinton he would have been arrested already
Meh, I'm more interested in morality than law, so I'm just going to point out that the conservatives who pretend to care about family values and religion, are proudly voting for someone who there is significant evidence is a pedophile rapist.
Can't debate? Claim bait!
No evidence.. no proof. Just more alt-left lies
Wrong.. after Trump went to the police and gave them the skinny on old almond boy. How is it that you can be so wrong?
>Im more interested in a bullshit system a bunch of monkeys created to determine if something is 'good' or 'bad'
Morality is bullshit and wouldnt exist without us.
That's not how the future works.
I just want to see people lose that shit
Umm is a 15 year old girl saying that Epstein and trump raped her not evidence? Is trump joking about fucking his daughter not evidence? Is the fact that the prosecutor who gave epstein scentence is now in trumps cabinet not evidence? Is the fact that girls at trumps paegents said he walked in on them changing not evidence? Is the recording of trump admitting to groping women not evidence? I'm producing nonstop evidence and you can't even engage with it
Yeah man I mean there was only like a 1-2% chance he got elected in the first place, according to the gaystream media lolol
hearsay is not evidence. try again
Considering conservatives are pro life... wow such smart
Thats the beauty of our political system. Nothing is permanent.
hell yea brother