Well guys the sub humans are at it again.
Some other shit happened in Harlem. Cop was making an arrest and had water and a bucket tossed at him
Well guys the sub humans are at it again.
Some other shit happened in Harlem. Cop was making an arrest and had water and a bucket tossed at him
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wait. its just water.
Just shoot the niggers
Why the fuck aren't they arresting them? Just take your gun out and aim at the nigger. If it comes any closer, just empty your magazine on the nigger monkey.
Ok edgelord. We'll show up at you're work and pour water on you whirling taping it and laughing. It's just water, It will be funny right?
Wow. Thats wild.
you are work
Just part if the job.
Shoot the nigger, claim you thought it was acid.
Eh. Fuck those apes who did it, but also fuck the faggot authoritarian police too
Looks refreshing, those cops were obviously overheated.
Just shoot the nigger. No fucks will be given by anyone that matters, just the usual chimp-out.
Based niggers. Fuck the police.
Blacks have a genetic predisposition for chaos, and are programmed to destroy everything around them. If they had their way, the entire world would be Liberia. While arrests are made, there should just be a third designated guy standing by with a beanbag shotgun who blasts anyone who gets too close. It's all those pavement apes understand.
Just shoot the scum niggers. They are all worthless.
Hahahahaha fuck the sub human copper cunt.
Kek /thread
Ooooh no not a big scary bucket! Quick shoot the shit outta whoever dared throw it big copper midda proceman!
now he gets 2,500 a month for PTSD from it
You obviously haven’t “*” New York City lately. Blacks are not allowed to be arrested or even looked at by the police. If they do, the cop is immediately fired and and harassed relentlessly by the sje city government
>Blacks are not allowed to be arrested or even looked at by the police
Seems like you reach for every straw only to justify your disturbed racist worlview. Get well soon.
The problem then becomes that people then get turned off living in the city due to essentially living in chaos, and spread out to the rest of the state. Cities are a nice little containment zones for the shitbags, and they're starting to spread their ghetto spores out to the rural areas like a fungus now.
It's water pussies, who cares at all. Good on then I say. ACAB
They just won the Super Bowl of arrests!
let me throw some water on you while you work, oh wait you dont have a job so its okay
For all they know, there's piss, spit, cum, corrosive chemicals, and who knows what the fuck else in that water. Is there a reason those chimps aren't being arrested on the spot?
Yeah man just shoot them.
Ferguson was fun, I’m been feeling the need to go on another safari.
its the police. they need to grit their teeth and not take the bait. u an idiot or what? What are they supposed to do? Arrest the guys for assault? No prosecutor would waste their time with that charge.
I've always tried to be reasonable and not racist but it seems like these black faggots try their hardest to be hated. I genuinely think the world would be a better place without these monkeys
Oh no! Water! Imagine! The horror!
they have no opportunities and nothing else to do - why not get arrested and make a stink. police didnt take the bait.
Part and parcel of living in a big city
Pussy. Isnt that what you fags said about milkshakes before they started throwing lye in them?
Go to bed Sadiq