Weed thread
Watchu smoking?
Weed thread
Who cares what it is if it gets you high?
home grown white widow, its not great :(
ya'all can't even fathom our level of shit
Oregon is light-years ahead in weed science
Exactly holy shit. People that take smoking weed like it's a serious hobby are pathetic. The guys with all the differnt strain names. The guys that are proud they can take giant hits without coughing.
I don't have anything against weed itself. But stoner culture is embarrassing and sad. That's the type of shit that makes smoking weed look like a drug addict thing and creates a stigma. It's hurting the process of federally legalizing it.
Inb4 butt hurt losers.
if weed isn't legal where you are from, call your politicians out for being a nigger
sir, stop being a nigger about weed
dude, there are people who spend more on wine every night than you make it a year, you are a peasant
weed is awesome, if you smoke it all the time you smoke different types, like alcohol, and constantly look for the best ones
Broccoli and sugar? Nice..
weed and speed niggers
Got some great moby dick strain, great way to start a day
So if other people are degenerates who spend a fuck ton of money on an addiction and always want a better version of it then it must be fine for you too huh? If you smoke weed all the time youre an addict. You are basically the same as any alcoholic or crack head. Just because it's not as bad for you doesn't excuse your lack of discipline and self control.
Like I said I don't have a problem with weed. It's reasonable to have a bit after a long day of work to unwind, maybe before bed to help you sleep. Maybe a few times a week in moderation. It's more enjoyable even if you do it less and treat yourself on the weekends or after a day of getting shit done. But if you're one of those people who wakes up and it's the first thing that crosses your mind. Or you always smoke over and over all day just to stay high. If you get baked and go to work and to everywhere you go high. If you think "man this movie, drink, food, game, music would be better if I was stoned." before everything you do. That's pathetic and people like that look like junkies in the eyes of people that make laws and influence policy.
I'm rly high
Nothing. Depressed as hell and can’t even smoke some weed because of bullshit drug testing when applying for jobs. Kill me.
get some adhd meds, dexamphetamine is great and employers dont care about medication. apply for a job that doesn't drug test and make a good impression in the interview. getting a job is easy.
Thanks for the tip. I’ll look into it. I’ve worked jobs that don’t require drug testing. I’m trying to get a higher paying job but they all seem to drug test. This sucks.
What's wrong with it?
sometimes it's easier to work your way up, once you've worked someplace for a while you can then stand on that as proof that you are capable and worthy of a such pay.
dexamphetamine is an amazing drug because it allows you to concentrate and get stuff done quickly, but with high attention to detail while also making the day seem more enjoyable and as long as you get a decent sleep you can get the same effect from it long term.
Man I heard about that shit. They used to smoke a lot of "weed" in the 60's and 70's. Then I heard they started naming their strains man.
>yall cant even fathom
He says when it's legal in 60% of states.
Shut the fuck up.
Are you fucking retarded?
>Oregon is lightyeards ahead in weed technology
Imagine thinking this bullshit
He said science not technology
I only get high on God's love
>God's love
What strain is that?
I forgot all about this picture.
Hash Plant and Green Crack.
the one you can only get from reading the Bible and attending Church, son. You should try it. It's never too late to welcome God into your heart
Sounds like a bad high
it honestly is. nothing beats doing blow and some hookers
How can you get it up on cocaine?
35% thc on the left? My God I'm in love
how could you not?
Isn't coke dick a thing?
It's most likely fake. Washington had similar claims until companies were caught seeding test samples with kief before sending them to the lab.
Grease monkey home grown here in Alaska.
you're thinking of alcohol dick. but honestly the coke is just for the stamina. the best feeling I've ever had during sex was after smoking weed. was kinda delayed orgasm, like twice as long. my legs legit gave out
Did alaska ever legalize it?
coke dick is even in the dictionary..
Yeah it has been up here for like 3 years now
Shuuuuuutttt the fuck up you fucking 18 year old retarded faggot.
I want to be a fly on the wall for the conversation about whether to include coke dick into a dictionary or not.
This is the fucking gayest thread I've ever seen. This is really what Yea Forums has come to? Okay
our beloved governess would never legalize anything
suck my balls
hhaha ur so fkn gay
You're the fuuuuucking gayest person I've ever seen online. I bet you're refreshing this retarded ass thread right now, desperately waiting for someone to sound mildly impressed.
I bet you live the middle of some redneck ass Mid West shithole and you think having weed that isn't brown makes you "da bomb."
Except Oregon tree is considered boof all over the country
I fuck like a rabbit when I’m on adderall, used to not be able to get it up
Found the moralfag
You are a fucking worthless empty husk. You can't even decide your own actions? RIP
they sell fake urine for $20 at any headshop, you literal fucking retard. go back to /nascar/ you blithering nerd
Doesn't your hand get tired?
>Weed thread
>Watchu smoking?
WAt age r u?
There's always been stoner threads
If you stay addicted, soon your dick won't be able to work with or without your drugs. :)
No literally tho, are you 12?
>I smoke the fnaf jumpscare.
>I like poop
My age is on the digital clock
I like digital cock
yea back when it wasnt legal in every state. this is the equivalent of asking people what they ate for lunch today.... and thinking youre cool for asking
This dude only smokes weed because he's not old enough for Walgreen's to sell him a JUUL
Damn, well that sounds logical. 35% is way high even for heavily modified seeds.
Not everyone smokes weed
smokieng weed
Its very unique!! A whole personality, even!
no duh
Addicted? Don’t project yourself onto me.
bro are you 15 and retarded? stop talking like you know anything you're embarassing yourself and giving the other children the wrong idea
What's the correct reason for smoking weed, then?
No I’ve trained for this
I think it's literally 8 year olds on here now. That's it
>not smoking concentrates
I remember middle school
Holy shit, imagine getting that ball in the back of your head
what's funny to me is that some people will get butthurt about you saying an actual fact and try to defend some con-man's strain they bought, just to feel like a cool dude/ lmao stop it
My local shop does nug run grams for $16, and I've never looked back.
Some high end zero zero hash.
Never had anything like that one before.
You can knead the stuff like chewing gum, that's how soft it is.
The hash is so potent and so fresh it smells like the bud itself.
It's a really enjoyable smoke, except through a bong it's quite harsh.
Haven't been this high in years and I smoke rather much.
stfu canadian
Not everyone eats lunch
Can confirm. Smoked concentrates throughout highschool and was incredibly high.
Whoah, checked
But now there's more made up strain names than fake genders, and stoners behave like hipsters do when talking about their vapes
Its hilarious
Aren't all names made up though...?
holy shit is this raelly Yea Forums now? yikes yall
You can't fuck without adderall lmfao that's not a normal thing bud
It's disgusting
Tou have to keep in mind its the same target customers that spend $100 on a candle or crystal because it has magical healing powers.
They fall for anything
And there's nothing they can do about it, because they can't complain to the FDA, because according to federal law, weed is illegal and has no medical use.
It's a foolproof scam
Know what's the best thing about 8 year olds?
Terps, breh
this is not cool. Fuck
b o d i e d
The boypusy?
Welcome to California my friend.
didn't have any problem getting it up after doing coke. had problems getting it up after heavy drinking. my personal experience trumps your opinion
what then
I said it makes me horny when it used to do the opposite.
thought you'd know
No "opinion" here my dude, your dick is just simply broken. It will only get worse.
What are you talking about?
Similar to how ADHD meds only work for people with ADHD, right?
You've developed a defect where you can't fuck without this. You will not be able to perform with a girl for the rest of your life.
Peace out brother stop harshing my mellow! Pease, love, and tranquility my duderino
wat is it
whatis the best thing
lucky mfers
that's why I don't drink, nor do coke anymore. that and my employer regularly tests us
indeed, what is it
dude weed
we smokeing weed ITT
gang we\ed
THC Eliquid and some nice cannabutter edibles delivered to my house
UK here
smokin a fat purrrpskurp out my bong blaster
Name of girl ples
Holly Hendrix
I would straight up eat all of it cause it looks good and get dumb high
haha user looking at this picture it seems you are just a fucking nerd sitting in his dirty ass room and tryna flex with his weed