Other urls found in this thread:
Pedo style
kek, select some more implicating pics u pedo
Thats hot
Lmfao "first"
Checked = facts
Would you?
The socilaite
She is pretty hot
Whoever takes those pics to mean pedophilia is a pervert. We live in a world where a daughter can’t sit on her dads lap? Can’t kiss her dad on the cheek in pictures? You lolli inbred bitches need banned from Yea Forums. Trump is your President
>blocks your seat on the Lolita express.
More of trumps girls
Trump: "I'm making molestation acceptable"
Mohammed: (smiles internally)
Has anyone noticed they keep saying 'They went to his island on a plane' but his island doesn't have a runway? Ya'll know it just goes to florida right? The 'island' requires a helicopter trip... that I don't think the SS actually allows surprisingly.
We are celebrating his pedosexuality. Please leave if you dont.
Find the broken heart
Find the mother
Find the letter I
If you found all
Close ur left hand(don't open)
Wish 3 wishes
Don't open ur hand
Now send to 20 people
Now look at ur hand
We should launch a probe!
He has good taste
Op here, I think its hot. We should embrace it.
Sadly this is ALL true
How hot is this broad?
If I were her kid I’d breastfeed until I was 15 or 16.
I think trump did
Didn’t Jefferson bang a young negress?
That’s gotta be worse.
Hnnnng, imagine those creamy milkers....
There is no way in hell he's the first
in related news what about the other pedophile island with the guy who died in the helicopter crash?
In this THREAD:
Losers jealous of Ivanka's vagina.
Wikipedia has scrubbed all pics of Clinton and Epstein together.
So much for net neutrality.
Sage have no idea what net neutrality is do you...
We don't know if he's actually the first
doubled check'd
Damn he knows how to pick em
chek it
The right training at HS
nah check this
alright here we go
Ivanka was totally New York high life unobtanium. I would have banged.
recently a helicopter crashed with billionaire and his daughters, were they witnesses?
this Ivanka is too young
this Ivanka is too old but still not bad, like good pizza from a couple nights ago
this Ivanka is great, just great
OP. You're always posting pics of children. Why do you have so many pics of little girls.
FBI Do Something
this Ivanka is still too young but looks good and if you are under 21 you might get away with it
if you consider this picture sexual, you might be a homosexual
In the good ol times of George Washington, all of them would be in a perfect marriageable age.
Grow up kid, there’s nothing wrong with fucking 16 year olds
this Ivanka seems maybe barely legal so better find out first
have any of you got any proof or just perverted pedo fantasies?
I'm so confused how we got to a state where girls with bodies that are physically ready to produce children are considered "under" age. If my eyes tell my dick to get hard cause them hips is making my blood flow how is it wrong to want to fuck her?
yeah I didn't think so.
keep projecting your sick pedo fantasies.
y'all ain't normal.
except for the fact they would all get pregnant and drop out of high school and go on welfare, kind of like niggers do anyway
have you ever heard of a condom? birth control? plan b? abortions?
Imagine posting photoshopped images.
lol niggers can't afford such medical shit, they are 16
I've never seen a bigger group of brainletts in my life.
you all really think Trump is a pedo.
My god you're all fucking stupid
Ever heard of not being a lazy piece of shit and working for at least 10-20 hours a week?
Kek, ever heard of condoms?
If a 16 year old doesn’t know how to use a condom it’s failed education and or parenting
Kids will have sex, if it’s with trump or with Tom from their music class, you won’t stop kids from fucking once they reached puberty
Probably. Why is the bottom left picture so fucking arousing
fucking stupid cunt. you're so dumb it's painful
Well, in Germany you get paid for birth control (the pill) if you are underage by healthcare, because we know you can’t stop kids from fucking, but you could at least give them the opportunity to do it safely
Also conforms aren’t expensive you fucktard
why is this British fgt even posting
It's 2019. Offer an argument as to why someone is "dumb". Just calling them dumb doesn't do anything anymore what century are you living in?
oh just like calling them a pedo?
mate there's more proof here that you're absolutely retarded than Trumps a pedo.
fucking end it all right now.
Why? Average age of loosing the virginity for girls is 16, it matches their biological state. If teens get horny they will fuck. If you like it or not, this is what happens, you could now give them birth control so they don’t fuck their lives up by stupid mistakes (and kids will do stupid mistakes) or you can do it the American way, don’t give them birth control and have the highest teen pregnancy rate in all of the developed world
Fucking CIA fags posting
No matter how much you pedos are trying to get rid of trump he will drain your pedo swamp.
because you think Trump is a pedo because MSNBC said so.
you're a fucking retard
he isn't taking about kids fucking he is talking about fucking kids
kids can't handle the responsibility of pregnancy let alone afterwards, if fucking little girls were legal they would all get raped all the time, laws exist to protect the innocent from retards like you who rationalize your penis logic
I think a pic of your ‘president’ letting his u de rage daughter grind on his dick is pretty implicating
that's right!
> oh just like calling them a pedo?
I'm not arguing that lmao I posted this At least they have pictures of him being grabby with his daughter and shit for "evidence". You're over here going "you're stupid". Like, you're clearly butthurt. Too butthurt to even come up with a reason for calling some stupid.
That bulge.....
That maggot faggot is just leftist retad
Can we get some deepfakes of Ivanka already?
I've been saying that very same thing for a long time. It's all arbitrary bs and social constructs deemed and put into place by a gaggle of criminally insane filth who rape, sex traffic, and murder kids often at the highest echelons of government (along with shithole institutions like the Vatican), all so they can keep it all for themselves and at the same time, demonize and call the rest of the world "pedos",
As explained numerous times, all the kingdoms and empires such as Egypt, Rome, Greece and others had girls/boys marrying at 13-17, having kids, etc. Yet somehow this became a "problem" and they were suddenly deemed to "not know what they were doing" and "unable to understand their actions". It's all a huge load of bs and completely absurd.
It's also legal to have sex with 14-17yos in other countries and the adult is not considered a pedo, but somehow in Dumbfuckistan (Muricah), they are pedos. Yeah, that makes fucking sense too.
she's sitting on his lap you sick fuck virgin pedo.
Please kill yourself. Pedos deserve death
Yay! More reasons Trump is awesome. Honestly, though, I don't think he's doing anything but being a good Dad, even though I would actually think more highly of him if he did fuck her silly.
grabby with his daughter? wtf are you on.
is called parental affection. I'm sorry your dad never hugged you.
Fucking loser.
Kek stay mad faggot
Nice quads though
You are literally retarded, making consensual sex legal still keeps rape illegal.
In Germany the age of content is 14-16 if you want to fuck with people your own age, and 16 if you want to fuck anyone. Combined with birth control paid for by the healthcare system, Guess what our teen pregnancy rate is one of the lowest in the world, the us with their 18 years age of consent in perspective has the teen pregnancy rate of an underdeveloped country
I just stick to what provably works
I'm using the leftist shill phrase against it.
Learn to sarcasm.
hypocrites in power man.
you're a fucking pedo
No u
The age of consent in Germany is not 16. Why do you want to fuck kiddies so bad?
Nah she’s grinding on his dirty little white boi dick
Lmao if grabbing your preteen daughter around the waist and laying your fingers across her belly while you go to suck her face is "parental affection" then I should be able to put my dick in a high schooler whose pussy wants my dick
Your muslim men are going to put that to the test.
Whoa this guy wants to fuck kids so bad lol
German age of consent. Such a loose phrase.
Every day that goes by the NPC meme becomes more and more true.
None of these pictures are remotely sexual and there is 0 indication this guy is a pedophile.
I don't live in the USA, didn't vote for him.
What is with you people?
They're mad an outsider got elected President, instead of some PC SJW talking head from Harvard.
after you hit puberty you are no longer a child. But this new "young adult" thing makes them still seem like children in societies eyes. You know there's a term for men who like girls who are sexually ready but deemed underage by law. Hebephile, pedophiles like undeveloped children which is weird, I don't get that. But if my body tells me that chick is ready for cock, or hell if HER body tells her she's horny then why shouldn't she be allowed to fuck someone just cause they're a certain amount older?
This is an indication. But you'll just say it's fake anyway. (It isn't)
What else would you expect from a Dumbfuckistani retard? THat's all they spew, the same vomit over and over and they just assume all of this negative and chaotic shit is going to happen. Rape has been going on since Day 1 and whatever is legal or illegal isn't going to stop it.
All moralfags have in their arsenal is lame strawman garbage and arbitrary crap that aint got a leg to stand on.
"Yeah, she's really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren't happily married and, ya know, her father... ," Trump said.
oh nooooo
what are we going to do now???
better make stupid threads on Yea Forums and shit, that'll show him
It's called being a pedophile. You aren't allowed to fuck people below the age of consent and shouldn't as an adult even want to fuck 18 year olds. You are the survivor of trauma so you think it's ok. It isn't ok to have sex with children. I'm sorry you think it is but it is not.
Hippoty Hoppoty CIA pedos on this property
an outsider. really? an outsider? a massiv faggot who used you and fucks you each and every day on behalf of his own and his friends businesses? an absolute outsider. Next to "clueless" is your picture
Lmao now you're talking crazy. So 18 year olds are legal by law, but I shouldn't want to fuck them? What the fuck does that even mean? What's the point of the line then at the point? I am not a survivor of trauma and again, fucking CHILDREN is nasty. I'm talking about having a sexual relationship with a human, whose had over a decade to figure shit out. If you can't make a decision on whether or not you want a part of someone else INSIDE YOUR BODY after over a DECADE of being alive in modern society then why are you even alive. I mean sure you're submitting to a biological urge at some point in the decision making but what's wrong with that? We're biological creatures. We eat food when our bodies tell us to. Lot of religions tell you not to eat shrimp or pork or whatever but if you're hungry that shit aint gonna stop you.
Well said. Been through this in another thread earlier with moralfags unable to form coherent arguments and all they can do is resort to sophistry and straw-man bs.
Said it for the millionth time, in other countries all of this legal down to 14 in some of them. user pointed how it Germany its legal at 16, with AoC down to 14. Pretty unreal how in Dumbfuckistan, which basically loves pushing endless degenerate shit with the whole LGBT shit it loves so much, can't get with the times already. They have no problem pushing LGBT shit on kids too, bringing in "experts" to speak to them about it, but yeah, they are "unable to decide things for themselves" when they are 15 and CLEARLY aware of what their bodies are telling them , like we all fucking were. Heck, at 10 I wanted to fuck the hell out of my 4th grade teacher and I even remember wet dreams I had of her.
>They're mad an outsider got elected
>They're mad
> mad
The standard propaganda of the Trump era:
pretend your opponents are having an emotion, and ignore the hard realities they're complaining about.
In a broader sense, this isn't just Trump's fault.
Americans have become childlike.
You are right, technicallly it’s 14, but with 14 you are only allowed to have sex with at most 16 year olds. With 16 you can have sex with anyone (who’s at least 14)
Did your parents never show affection towards you guys or something? Nothing wrong with any of these.
As an adult you should be attracted to women of a similar age naturally. 18 year old girls are boring as fuck and dumb as shit. You're talking about fucking 13 year olds. They're children. You're a pedophile.
Age of consent in Germany is not 16. You are a pedophile though so keep fucking kids!
Entirely wrong.
Nah. I never fucked my parents.
die faggot
I also never fucked my parents. Because as a child I was attracted to children and as an adult I'm attracted to adults. Weird to be normal right?!
I am an adult. I do not wish to fuck children. You do. You're a pedophile.
fk yuh
Man you can't even get the distinction of pedo/hebe through your thick skull of course you're gonna think it's gross. What kind of 80 year old man would be naturally attracted a saggy, wrinkly, brittle 80 year old? You've probably met some teenagers in your life as have I but not everyone is the same. The handful of "popular" kids that I still know from highschool only talk to me because even in the moment they knew how pointless all the status and appearances were. They were more mature than everyone else worrying about what shoes you had on and what car your parent's drop you off in. I'm friends with a 17 year old right now who's turning 18 in a few months and as a 21 year old I have no problem asking her out when she's legal. I've liked her for a while now. We're very close cause unlike a lot people, around me she can drop the act of being sociable or pc and she just be herself, her human, imperfect self. And yet you probably think that's gross.
Such disinfo from pol, those filenames are iOS and macOS bullshit, look it up u dumb fucks. Certain pol fucktards are just butthurt so far out the ass that their supa secrat 13 digit filename code was leaked kek
Fuckoff pedo
>reddit spacing
Fukn pedo
Have you considered dating women your own age? No. Because you cannot. Because you're a broken pedophile. Go fuck a 13 year old.
Takes one to know one hey u dirty pedo
Pedo pedo pedo pedo...again, all you moralfag drones can keep churning out. Sad shit. I've already destroyed all of your bs arguments and the fact that other countries allow 16yos to fuck anyone 14 and older. Those people aren't considered pedos, but in shithole countries like Murrica, they're pedos. Too funny. You fuckheads don't even know the definition of a pedo. That's prepubescent girls/boys. Not into that at all. I like them well developed and that doesn't happen until they hit about 14 or so...I'd draw the line right there actually. They can get pregnant as well, no different than a 30yo.
All the kingdoms and empires of the past sure never had a problem with it. Heck, they considered manhood/woman to be right at 13/14. Take your arbitrary and social constructs and shove em up your ass.
Nice constructed thoughts you fucking monkey brains. Next time you actually want to make someone feel bad for believing in something at least TRY to deconstruct that belief. You're a fucking failure.
But did she swallow though?
Well to be fully correct Germany has no age of consent, only restrictions defined in
Defacto this means the age of consent is 16, 18 for prostitution and 14 for partners in the same age group
> You fuckheads don't even know the definition of a pedo. That's prepubescent girls/boys. Not into that at all. I like them well developed
This is the biggest thing no one understands. It's like shaming someone for not aging they're wine or something. Like imagine a law saying you HAD to age wine at least 5 years before you could drink it. That would be ridiculous, it's already alcohol why wait?
Wat is reddit spacing? Honest question because I’ve never visited reddit
On reddit you have to press enter twice to make a new line and it leaves a blank line in between. Kinda dumb but that's what people on this board find important in life.
Me: Smiles with penis
Kek now I know why I don’t use reddit, double newline is the most stupid idea in a webforum
Lol exactly user. Girls have their periods at very young ages, but by 15/16 they can do just about anything a 30yo can do. I once knew a girl I worked with at 14, had a killer body, unreal genetics, thick posterior, wiry extremities, crazy curves going on...looked like she was 20. Oh but yeah, that's being a pedo according to moral fags here.
I have a daughter of my own, and I'll tell you this, I wouldn't mind her at all dating a guy who's 24 when she is 15, provided he isn't a scumbag. Because shit
>wants to fuck children
>is somehow mad people call him a pedo
You do not and have never known a 14 year old who looked 20. That is not a thing. You wish she looked 20 because you 'think' that means nobody would think you're a pedophile for fucking children. This is how pedobraims work though. You need therapy.
>my child daughter can date men
>not a pedo?!?????
I got cut off there...what i meant to say is I'd rather have my daughter dating a professional guy with a good head on his shoulders at 24/25 vs 14/15...rather than irresponible fucking loser who doesn't know his ass from his elbow at 14/15 and will just user her up and bounce to the next girl.
Once again, this went on ALL THE TIME going back 2k years. Then it became a "problem".
Similar story. At one of my first jobs when I was around 16-17 there was this 14 year old who was the GMs niece. And I worked within a 5 foot radius of her at any given point of the day. You have no idea how many times I stared at the chicks legs, and her phat ass thinking to myself "how could anyone look at that, and see the same thing when they look at a 8 year old with legs the same diameter the whole way down." Like how could you see a fat juicy ass on a hot girl and go "She's 14?!" like that's a bad thing?
Nah, you're just projecting. She was 14, about 5'8/5'9, was just a very early bloomer way ahead of the curve and had a body like a supermodel with insane metabolism and crazy genetics. Some people just blossom like that, no rhyme or reason, fag.
coping much
Based and red pilled
This girl is 15 and has had a body like this for like a year or two now. insta "model". You can't tell me that's the body of a "child".
No you said what you meant. What you're doing now is called back pedo-lling, creep. God I hope.your daughter runs away.
Post a pic of a 14 year old that looks 20. Go ahead. We'll wait. It's not a thing. See how you sexualize children because you're a pedophile?
We all would.
Wonder she looks like now?..
What you're doing now is called playing the moral highground. Which is when you purposefully make yourself look retarded, by calling the person using their brain to form arguments a "bad person" through the use of some 1-2 word term instead of coming up with an original thought that counters theirs. And you have the audacity to act like your so much smarter than everyone in this thread. Literally go die. The human race has no use for bottom feeders such as yourself.
No she hasn't. That girl is not 14 or attractive nor does she look like she's 20. You're moving the goalposts.
>As an adult you should be attracted to women of a similar age naturally.
Heh yep...ya see thing is, these moralfags know damn well they'd be all over it IF IT WERE LEGAL. So instead they just push the social construct crap they've been brainwashed with by society and what "the law" says. And heck, I have no problem following it. Np at all. I aint gonna fuck my life for it, but if it were legal? DAMN FUCKING RIGHT.
Is that girl 14?
>what is markdown
Not smarter. Not a pedophile though. You are a pedophile because you think it's ok for you and other to fuck children.
>touching her sides or her stomach is sexual
You've never touched a girl, have you user?
nah not really into fucking kids Epstein.
>or attractive
shit taste
>you and other
Nice one, ESL-kun.
instagram . com/malutrevejo
she's 16 now so correction on that. But this pic is from 2017 when she would be around 14. Again, better body than a lot of people my age I know.
>one letter typo
What's the word for adults who want to fuck children and find 15 year olds attractive? Oh right pedophile.
In this photo she is. In the one you quoted she's 16ish. But she's had a fatty since she became insta famous. Literally the reason she has followers. A 14 year old thirst trapping for followers, and she gets famous off it, and people have the audacity to say "Nobody finds teeangers hot but mentally disturbed individuals" yeah ok. Lock up all her followers then lmao.
That's a child. You keep posting pics of older girls and claiming they're younger. If you were being honest you could google 14 year old girl, grab the first pic and say you want to fuck them, but you're dancing around trying to create an impression that pedophilia isn't wrong. That it's normal. It isn't. It's fucking creepy and you're a pedophile who wants to harm children to get your dick hard.
>find 15 year olds attractive?
That's ephebophilia and regarded as 100% normal per the DSM-V.
god this is creepy
PRE-pubescent girls are for pedo. Us normal folk who are attracted to women who are biologically ready but lawfully illegal then that's called HEBEphilia.
A man kissing his daughter is creepy, and Joe Biden sucking strange little girls necks is presidential material?
The fuck is wrong with the left these days?
Lmao there are plenty of thought circles where that would be deemed excessive touching.
wat da fuq
did he actually fuck his daughter or what ??
Do you think people who like music made by 14 year old girls are also mostly other 14 year old girls or mostly old pedo pervs creeping? She's a child. If you think she's sexy you're attracted to children. It is obvious if you look at her that she is a child. You are a pedo. I wouldn't fuck her in a million years.
biden isn't presidential material though, he's a fucking creepy, racist idiot
t. liberal
Right, like thought circles of pedos trying to cover their tracks.
>I wouldn't fuck her in a million years.
Only because you now know she's 14. No shit.
Sounds like a liberal to me. Just call anyone who isn't encouraging their wife to get a black boyfriend a racist.
What's the word for people who murder people and don't eat meat?
You - vegetarians
15 year olds are children. If you want to fuck them you're a child molester aka pedo.
look up the 1995 crime bill fam
whats up with all the Adam's Apples tho???
>15 year olds are children.
They're teens. Big difference between a 5 year old and 15 year old. One's legal in some states, one's not, for one.
>If you want to fuck them you're a child molester aka pedo.
Pedo means prepubescent. 15 year olds are not prepubescent.
Child molesters do so out of desire for dominance, not necessarily attraction. Thus, not necessarily pedos. Conversely, not everyone with an attraction offends (just like not all straight men rape women), so obviously not all pedos are chomos.
This is an admiralty court and I'm a boat. Your word is a subset of pedophile. Pedos like to fuck kids. You like to fuck kids. You're a pedo. Call yourself whatever you want kidfucker.
If you cannot look at that girl and tell she's 16 I'm sorry but you're a pedophile.
holy fuck are you dumb
Is that the three strikes law? If so, yeah it's dumb, but not racist.
Just because you don't get outside your house ever and see 16 year olds that look 18 doesn't mean they don't exist, retard.
Except she's not a child because there's a middle ground legal term for people her age that you fucks like to dance around so you keep saying anyone under 18 is a "child". So someone who's 17 years and 364 days can go fuck someone who's 16 and it's fine cause they're both teenagers but if he waits ONE DAY(to have a CONSENSUAL relationship with another abled human btw no one is talking about abusing ACTUAL CHILDREN you sick fuck) then all of a sudden he's a monster and a freak? What kind of logic does that follow? And if you go through the comments of a fresh post before the insta police go and delete everything, at least half of her comments are adult dudes talking about how hot she is.
>Is that the three strikes law?
not going to do your homework for you, google's free
Pedophile means you want to fuck children. Rules lawyer all you want. The only people who care are other pedophiles.
Holy fuck you want to fuck children you're creepy
>Pedophile means you want to fuck children.
It means you're attracted to prepubescent children, not "anyone under 18."
Of course he did. He wouldn’t be a republican if he didnt
And also she didn't get famous for making music. She makes music now as a privileged result of BECOMING famous. But why did she initally become famous? Because she was a 14 year old with a fat ass who would shake it and wear hot outfits on instagram. So that's fine but anyone who looks at it is a sick, mentally ill individual? If that's the case she should go to prison for distributing the material.
i literally do not, you're just conflating terms and speaking out your ass
I don't really creep on children on Instagram and I'm not going to start now pedo.
>being this defensive
i smell a pedo
Lmao you're so stupid and your counter statements make such little sense that it physically hurts my brain. Please end your life.
It means you want to fuck children. I bet you can find a dictionary that agrees with either of us though. :) Ask your mom what you call someone who wants to fuck 14 year olds. She knows.
They're just baiting and trolling now...they clearly know the difference, you'd have to a fucking Downs sufferer or Autistic to not understand any of that.
I'll say this too, one reason I have a major attraction to 14-16yo "girls" isn't so much a physical thing either. The baggage, headgames, drama, and other emo bs you get with grown woman (many of which act like they are fucking 10) simply doesn't exist. Most of them just want to have fun, chill out, hang, play vid games, watch movies, get stoned, whatever. They don't give a fuck about how much money you make, what kinda car you have, who your friends are, and whatever other status-seeking crap. Ok, now sure, not all of them are perfect, not saying that either, but think about it, when we are all 14-16, what did we care about? Yep, that's right, NOTHING. We just wanted to have simple fun.
TLDR pedo justifications
Just fuckoff already, the whole world hates you
>looks at children sexually
>accuses others of pedophilia
Don't you mean ehpeboplile or whatever?
What do you mean by this? Anyone under 18? Because no, it literally doesn't. ALL dictionaries would disagree. And no one calls people who want to fuck 16 year olds (legal in most countries and states) pedos, just creepy.
See the key here is “It’s even said. . . “ not “oh yeah we bang broads at orgies all the time. But I have noticed he likes em very young.” I swear everyone that’s ever shared this quote can’t analyze what they read on a critical level.
Nice job, (You) tried.
Those were the first two pictures I've posted. I don't know what you're on about with the "keep posting pics" line. The only impression i'm trying to create(even if you don't admit you might have felt this way) is that you could look at that picture and be like damn that's a hot chick, but then someone tells you she's "muh underage" and all of a sudden you're disgusted with yourself.
>has major attraction to 14 year olds
>isn't a pedo?!?!?
Hey guess what you like them you get too but you won't admit it. Fucking pedophile scum
14 is legal in multiple countries you fucking retard
Assuming you're referring to that, since you won't answer a fucking simple question, I'm not seeing the racism angle.
Hey ask your mom what an adult who fucks 14 year olds is called real quick. You know I'm right.
I don't want to though.
>ask your mom
Weird how you keep saying this. Are you in middle school or have a mommy fetish or what?
As long as you keep calling yourself an "intellectual"
Just found this. Thoughts?
I looked at the pic and thought wow a child! I wonder if she plays sports! Not wow a child who is potentially fuckable! She might not be legal but she probably is!
That's the difference between a man and a pedophile. Hth.
If someone suggests you talk to your mother, do you think that means they want to fuck their mother? You're a deviant and it's not surprising you're attracted to children younger than 13.
Because their minds are still underdeveloped and can't comprehend the consequences at that age. That law isn't there for nothing.
I love when all they can do is just keep calling you a pedo. Like it matters. Like we're not trying to explain the difference between molesting underdeveloped girls and having a consensual relationship with a WOMAN who happens to fall under a societal label of "child". Get it through your skull man, if people 2000 years ago were IMPREGNATING teenagers, THEY LITERALLY CAN'T BE CHILDREN. CHILDREN CAN'T GET PREGNANT.
>all color codings are based on common sense
>when I hear "my mom" I think about fucking
Definitely normal, not abused, not pedo.
i'm not though...
there is no link between people who were abused and pedos if you actually do research. only chomos and again, cycle of abuse shit
>I love when all they can do is just keep calling you a pedo.
It's just one guy saying that to everyone in this thread.
"Happens to fall under the societal label of child" is a long way to go to say "child". You want to fuck kids just admit it to yourself. If you want to live like a zoo animal, try central africa. IT is the pinnacle of human civilization and you can fuck children and hippopotamuses there if you want.
>If you want to live like a zoo animal, try central africa.
And just because we've lived through that time already we're supposedly "taking advantage" of their fragile and innocent nature. Idk about you but when I was in highschool all I heard was tales of "yo x fucked y yesterday it was crazy". Like teenagers are horny as fuck. It's stupid to pretend all they wanna do is go to the mall and hang out at forever 21. People in general are more complicated than that.
There is. Do your research.
Can you explain to me why 16-17 is legal in 90+% of the world then?
>"In searching for causes of pedophilia, researchers have largely dismissed the popular belief that abuse in childhood plays an important role. Studies show that few victims grow up to be abusers, and only about a third of offenders say they were molested."
> If someone suggests you talk to your mother, do you think that means they want to fuck their mother?
No but it implies your a brainless twat who goes to mommy for the "right" opinions on things. Lol you have a brain fucking use it.
God damn Trump is a disgusting cunt. What a mess.
pedophiles ≠ child molesters
the overlap is small
Do you understand cultural differences and the notion of progress? Because if you think REALLY hard you might be able to figure it out. If you want to act like an animal and not like a member of society, there are places you can do that. Until then, don't fuck children.
You didn't answer the question at all.
Then why don't we arrest teenage boys for rape whenever anyone underage has sex? I mean it couldn't possibly be that the girl is exploring her sexuality and learning about life and what it means to be human? It can't be any of those things right? Surely the ONLY reason a girl under 18 would have a dick inside her is because she's being taken advantage of. Are you kidding? Do you hear yourself right now? You're basically saying anyone under EXACTLY 18 years old is completely incapable of making decisions for themselves. Then why do they get sentenced to life for being an accomplice in murder? Why don't we just give em a pat on the back and go "ahh kids will be kids". Retard.
>doing research
>using google
Pick one
Google while just give a bunch of articles with “And here’s why this is a bad thing...” as a title.
On your 18th birthday you magically begin to look like an adult and have sexual feelings, duh.
sorry, forgot i had to go get my PhD in parapsychology in order to access reliable information online
Or it implies that asking one's own mother what a person who fucks thirteen year olds is called would be a good way to dispell the myth that they aren't called pedos.
Keep talking about fucking your mom though it's totally normal.
I agree that not every pedo is a child molester, but nearly every child molester is a pedo though.
False, most do it out of opportunity or dominance, like prison rape, not attraction.
They never do.
Wow slate and! Try finding real studies. Also here's a secret child molesters are pedophiles. I know crazy right?
>Wow slate and! Try finding real studies.
They quote real studies if you would bother reading them.
>child molesters are pedophiles
It's not a myth, google is free. Look it up you brainless amoeba.
Uh ok? I will think for you then. Because those places have different cultures and cultural norms. The US culture says under 18 is a no-go and it's perfectly reasonable. You can wait. You will be ok. The US has some of the most conservative sex laws wrt to children on the planet and that's a good thing. Sorry you want to fuck them. You gotta move and never come back.
>I will think for you
I was literally asking your opinion.
>those places have different cultures and cultural norms. The US culture says under 18 is a no-go and it's perfectly reasonable.
This is 100% false. 16 is the age of consent in over half of the states. I guess you weren't aware of that.
Being willfully ignorant and completely ignoring his point isn't a good look. We get it you want to fuck kids.
>The US has some of the most conservative sex laws wrt to children on the planet and that's a good thing.
And one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy. Funny how that works!
We get it, you reply with the same thing every time like a broken record.
Fucking Idiot. I was talking about having sex with people over 18. If they want to fuck people of their own age, go ahead, but a 30 year old? Nope. Do you really think that these laws are meaningless. Do you really think that some random guy on the internet like you knows better than the world leaders creating these laws. Fucking retard, go jerk off in a car next to a playground.
Ask your mom what adults who fuck 13 year olds are called. What do you think she will say? You can do it right now, but you know I'm right.
>world leaders creating these laws
(You) already posted this reply. Is this your one (1) braincell's thought for the night/?
I like it went down from 14 to 13 between your last near-identical post and this one. Retard.
Yeah I didn't take that into account. Some pathetic people rape kids for a power trip, but then again, most child molesters are still pedos.
Also lol no the age of consent in the US to have sex with anyone posting on this board is 18.
You're looking at it with the knowledge that she's a child. I wish I could've posted that out of context tell you she's 18 and watched you talk about how'd you fuck her until I told you she's underage.
Probably if you stopped trying to justify raping children people wouldn't call you a pedophile. Just if you ever get sick of it. Know it's in your hands. Take personal responsibility. Be a man.
1st???? What the fuck are you talking about you fucking retard, I suppose 1 of those 27 rapes Clinton has been accused of wasn't an underage girl. What about bush senior well known for his so called charity to help under privalaged kids( his cover for molestation and kidnapping them. You have lived a sheltered life haven't you fucking shit for brains
>the age of consent in the US to have sex with anyone posting on this board is 18.
Blue = 16, Gray = 17, Green = 18
I have similar pictures with my daughter(12)!
This is your proof?
You sick fucks! There is nothing wrong with this pictures
Nobody is calling me that besides you who is calling everyone that because you're a fucking retard who can't think for a nanosecond and doesn't even read posts here.
They think adult men should be allowed to fuck 13 year olds and that's not creepy and it's totally normal because it's a subset of pedophilia called ephebophilia. Yes. It's fucking gross and wrong.
Except reality tells you that teenagers fuck. Not all but those who are comfortable enough to explore those feelings should have the right to do so with whomever they wish so long as that person is biologically ready as well.
...aaaand downloaded.
Do what the post says. Try it. Report back. Until then I'm going to keep repeating it at you. You refuse to acknowledge that she will say pedophile. Pedo scum.
Fuckoff pedo
Geez he’s a creepy cunt. Typical rich white republican pedo
No. I'm not. I can tell that girl is a child by looking at her because I am an adult man. Maybe if you tried to be attracted to people who could consent like 24 year olds it would be obvious to YOU.
I think you're the one who wants to fuck kids. Classic denial and projection.
Yes I do think the laws are meaningless. Just like the laws on drugs. People will do them if they want. The only law on drugs that should exist is a law that makes it illegal to take them if your brain is underdeveloped(under 25). If that makes sense to you then why would a law that says "you can't have sex with this person who is biologically capable of having sex" make sense? And if the drug law doesn't even make sense to you then you're just an oppressive fuck who likes to tell people what they can and can't do.
The age of consent to have sex with adults is 18 in the untied states.
>when he grabs you by the pussy
Amazing, you can tell the difference between someone who is 17 and 364 days old and someone who is 18? You're magic!
>Maybe if you tried to be attracted to people
>implying who you're attracted to is something you can control
OK, please choose to be gay the next month.
Teenagers want to fuck other retarded teenagers. Not you. Creep.
Thank you for having common sense
False, it's 16 in over half the states. Look it up.
Ok? I honk the guy who keeps saying he wants to fuck kids (you) is probably a pedo not the guy saying hey don't fuck kids (me) but you think about fucking when you hear the word mom so maybe you're right.
Trumpy loving his kids and showing what can be “misconstrued” as inappropriate, not a problem. No way he messed with his daughter. On the other hand, did he indulge in underage girls? Possibly. No drugs or alcohol. Money, power, food and sex are his “drugs”. I hate to think it but I think that he might be someone who could have been in a secluded 5-star hotel, high on power and ego and had sex with an underage girl. Big hush money. This kind of shit does happen. Usually girls from poor or fucked up families. They get their college paid for, they turn a blind eye.
i think you're confused who you're replying to
Lmao you're saying this like hebephiles and pedophiles aren't grouped into the same category of "child fuckers" when one group is clearly justified biologically in their attraction. It's society that has created this stigma. And in our eyes it makes no sense. Just like your argument makes no sense cause you're arguing the wrong distinction/point.
No. I can tell the difference between a suitable sex partner for an adult man and a child.
>On the other hand, did he indulge in underage girls? Possibly. No drugs or alcohol. Money, power, food and sex are his “drugs”. I hate to think it but I think that he might be someone who could have been in a secluded 5-star hotel, high on power and ego and had sex with an underage girl.
He 100% did. When you're that rich and powerful, you want what's "not on the menu."
where you got this?
your own opinion or any studies and papers behind that?
Both want to fuck kids. Wow huge difference.
I think you are.
He is rock hard in those pics the dirty pedo
Biologically yes, actually. If you ignore it, that's what's putting kids in danger.
Not all hero’s wear capes
Fuckoff pedo
> people who could consent like 24 year olds
I thought the law was 18, wait now I'm confused. Are you confused? Is it 18 or 24? What's the socially accepted age now? Oh wait I don't give a fuck because I'm attracted to who I'm attracted to and I can't control that. Sucks that society is making me wait a few months to ask out the 17 year old I'm crushing on. But hey if that's what it takes to stay out of jail.
Sometimes they just wear erections around children
>And if the drug law doesn't even make sense to you then you're just an oppressive fuck who likes to tell people what they can and can't do.
Like fucking 13 year olds?
As long as you don't act on anything you're good. Hope you're able to manage it well.
Go fuck a thirteen year old big guy. You got this. And if not her maybe an 11 year old won't struggle too much.
I think you are
Cut your cock off you filthy degenerate. The whole world hates you.
No offence.
Who's repeating themself now? Pedos btfo all over up and down this thread.
No thanks, both of those sound gross and illegal.
it's weird how much you apparently like to imagine this and type it all out here again and again
Law? I'm talking about a man being attracted to women not children. 13 year old children. You want to fuck literal children. Google pics of them.
Yeah exactly. I bet you like it so much cause you look at a 13 year old and your mouth drools thinking about how tight she is. And then you remember you're not allowed to do that, so you bring other people down you to feel better about the fact that you're not allowed to do it either.
Did it remind you of your mom?
Shutup pedo
>Google pics of them.
Who the fuck says something like this?
The difference is I am not rock hard like you when I imagine it you filthy pedo scum
i'm not momposter
>I bet you like it so much cause you look at a 13 year old and your mouth drools thinking about how tight she is.
Uh... do you realize that a NORMAL person does NOT type or think of something like this.
yet you're the one that typed it out in all this detail over and over
anyone who wants to fuck a child was molested hth get therapy
Shutup, you are ruining the operation.
And you are the one jerking off overit you disgusting degenerate pedo baby raper
Who says they want to fuck 13 year olds and imagines Giselle Bündchen? You. Look at actual 13 year olds before you claim you want to fuck them and they aren't children, pedophile.
I got a revolver that holds six therapies at once
Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy whoa
Oh shiiieeeeeet
That girl is not 14 hth.
My nigga
I like how there's a word for people who are sexually developed and people still choose to call them children. I know you know they're not technically children, that when I see someone who I find attractive who also happens to 14 or whatever, they could 25 but if they're attractive I'm gonna get hard. I know people out of college who still act like children when it comes to handling things and I know teenagers who have their shit together better than most adults. Not everyone is the same and not everyone is a vulnerable snowflake.
time to nope out of this thread, user is turning into projecting his creepy fantasies instead of just spamming the same shit
actually she is...
nah that's you
A 14 year old is a child. Google "is a 14 year old a child" and find out lol. You want to fuck kids.
No 14 year old looks 25. You are delusional and you want to fuck kids.
Actually she isn't.
normal is subjective.
TEDx | Pedophilia is a natural sexual orientation | Mirjam Heine | University of Würzburg
I dont know how managed to type that with one hand? Fuck your keyboard must be sticky as shit by now you dirty pedo scumlife
What the fuck is wrong with you? Did you have a day off from the mental asylum while typing this? Please, get on your knees and beg for someone to chop your head off... How did you get me liking children from my comment. God damn you are dumb.
Kek rekt
TEDx whoa bringing the big hitters of real science!
nobody types that unless they're a pedo though
Learn how to read. I was saying that a girl could be 14 OR 25 that doesn't matter, what matters is if I'm attracted to her physically or emotionally.
nice samefag
Wow you're actually special.
Nope try again pedo
Is that what u say to 6 year olds to get them into your van? You sick pedo fuck
Fuckoff pedo we all know u love the loli
She is also not 14 in the pic. Hth.
Cute, like I haven't been saying the whole thread teenagers are not children and fucking children is actually gross. You have no critical thinking and are incapable of forming your own opinions. Blue pill harder.
I wad busy fucking your mom up her asshole if that is any excuse? I wiped my jizzon your bedroom curtains as a present for you.
Nope try again pedo
And that's trips truth motherfucker. Threads over.
Keep trying to pedo rationalise. You are pedo.
12 year olds are children and you want to fuck them.
> huuurrr durrr imma losing thread so y-you y-you j-just stop blue pills!
Showed him!
>blue pills
Fuckoff pol pedo
You are the literal worst
Same. Fag.
it's natural bitch
there are more than 60 million out there
I know it hurts but facts
Hahahahaha what a fucking pedo answer!
Fuck man you can’t SameFag Spot for shit.
Lmao fuck /pol/ that place is for dimwits. Blue pill red pill is a fucking matrix reference. You're so embedded in Yea Forums culture you can't even think outside it. You're pathetic.
Those are all different posters lolol