What the fuck is gods problem? God is either not real or a complete monster.
What the fuck is gods problem? God is either not real or a complete monster
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God is dead
By what standard do you attribute God’s decisions or lack thereof
you know how they say "god's plan" to a kid with stage 4 cancer
ayy lmao
>deformed kids from ancient nuclear war
>live in squalor
>gods fault
There is nothing to see here move along.
Both wrong. He just has a great sense of humor
50K IQ!
He may seem harmless but that brain of his letrs him telepatically live his life through the body of other beings, as you laugh at his incapability of moving he may be fucking your mother
God so loved the world he gave us rekt threads.
he punished us for the sockets in the picture
top kek
That’s Xaralaxstar The Horrid. He has come to enslave humanity with reality TV. It’s working pretty well so far.
That narrows it down quite a bit. If it’s a binary choice, it seems pretty obvious really.
Imagine this fucking thing trying to walk
He was made in Man's image, so what could you expect?
Hes probably tired of you fucksticks calling him out for everything that goes wrong like it's not our fault that everyone has cancer.
Yveh is upstairs lolling himself silly bc yall think he has time to give a shit.
Don't blame god for Megamind
you kidding me god gave him/her super human intelligence.
Ayy lmao
>24 posts before a single megamind joke
i’m stunned
Aliens have their own god
ayy caramba
If god was almighty, he even wouldn’t be bound to logic laws. He could be good and loving while acting like a total douche. He could let you go to heaven while sending you to hell. He could be everything at once while being nothing. He could even exist without existing.
You can’t understand or recognise god intellectually. His will will always be unrecognisable to you, because his will is all and nothing. In short: believing in an almighty god is irrelevant because you can do the right thing, even though it’s the wrong thing.
thats not god thats the CIA blowing kids heads up lol
they need to just nuke the whole damn paki territories
punk ass CIA cucks cant touch shit but be a bitch
Or send the CIA agents to the loony bin where they belong.
Jews, Christians, and Muslims all torture and kill in the name of the same god.
Ad maiorem dei gloriam!
The lie is that God is in control, he's not right now everything is in Satan's control. Satan is responsible for everything.
mfw megamind isnt even blue
Just fucking pop its head and give it the mercy it needs fucks sake
If people just killed genetic mistakes when they saw them then i wouldnt have to kill myself
Is this what happens when you overdose on zika cure?
>when you have too many bookmarks on porn and can’t find the one you’re looking for
God didn't make that baby, he wasn't the one who's a 4th generation cousin fucker.
Not god's fault Indians and pakis are all inbred.
Nowhere does it say in the bibel that God has a plan for you.
>stick dick in cousin
>baby comes out deformed
>blame God
I've been doing alot of thinking lately.
damn blue eyed demons