This picture is from my graduation party a few days ago. I am wearing a $2000 suit and wearing a 40k rolex and somehow I still can't get laid, throughout my years in uni, no girl tried hitting on me. Why?
This picture is from my graduation party a few days ago...
WTF You look hot as fuck, I'm a girl
You look like a character from a Harold & Kumar movie
>Harold & Kumar
You look like Jeff Goldblum’s stunt double’s next best choice when he is crippled by chronic diarrhea.
bro ur fucking ugly go back to india and find some slum chick, no white bitch in her right mind would fuck an indian with a jew nose of that scale
Try less fake tan next time
Its because this is not really a 40k Rolex
You look like a fucking dork. Im sure no decent girl would ever wanna be seen with you.
Just fucking buy a whore. Why the hell would you want a relationship with a woman when all they're gonna do is leech off of you? God forbid you actually marry a bitch, you know shes just gonna divorce you whenever she can.
Arrogant piece of shit. This what happens when you stray into the big leagues. Serves you right loser.
Ur shits weak brah
You look so uncertain and unconfident about just standing there for the picture. Try grabbing something by the figurative balls and do something that seems reckless but is not reckless at all. Then, you've suckered the women in. Fucking dumbasses...
you should try wearing a maga hat while you put your dink in your poohole
Flex Flex Flex
Boy has gotta flex
Cause when you have got no personality
Replace it with a rolex
you should try eating oatmeals for every breakfast and lifting at least 10 lbs of weights every day and also listen to strong music like justin beerbur
men like you are supposed to beta provide for a worn out slut in her mid to late twenties who's down to fuck only a couple times a month
you should buy a jet plane and fly around everywhere and then when you go to a new airport you can be like look how cool i am i watched anime on the plane
You must be so ugly, smelly or boring
you should punch this other user in his butt and also in his anus and then you should put a picture of it on your tinder
you should compare your armpit odors and then see who wins and then go to the dance club and hump each other
Gold diggers don't want high school kids dude you gotta wait until after college where you can go to bars/clubs and actually flaunt that sweet parental cash flow.
Have you tried killing several random women in a fit or rage? Bitches love that kind of stuff.
you should use a shovel from her to dig for gold in this user's butt and then when you dont find any hit him in the head with the shovel and spit on him and say "may the force be with you"
you should pretend to be an incel misogynist and infilitrate their ranks and then when you meet this user you should devour his face
Thinking the expense of what you are wearing is meaningful at all means you are basically an incel at heart. You have no idea of social practices are likely a very off putting person to talk to.
Unless you're really attractive girls aren't going to hit on you, you need to hit on them. It's dumb bust just the way that shit works. Girls are constantly getting dicks thrown at them why would they bother trying to hit on an average guy when 100 average guys hit on them.
you should take advice from other fat internet cool guys and wear the same clothes as them at the same time, two bodies, one pair of pants
you should listen to advice from another user who read about girls on reddit and has really well informed opinions about how to beat off to reddit posts
This picture would make the Amazon dry up.
you should post pics of your scooter on here and on insta and then you can go buy a new dildo
Maybe because your breath stinks like rotting roadkill?
I don't need to beat off when your mom is gagging on my dick every night
2 cocks though
>checkmate atheists
No your not fag
Your a trans trap. Thing GTFO back to /LGBT
Equating academic accomplishments and financial stability to deserving a woman is seriously flawed. Personality rules the day, and you're lacking, sounding like that retard from cali who had rich parents and shot and killed people.
Considering you can’t button your coat for a picture, just shows how dumb you are. That’s why, you’re literally 2 iq points away from needing a helmet and a short bus pass. You look unkempt.
You're. You're. Ffs
kinda ugly, also no one owes you ass or pussy. if you have that kind of money and haven't paid for a whore yet, you're just stupid. Nice bait.
In college I used to get laid wearing clothes which cost me £10 from the army surplus shop, and a Mickey Mouse watch.
You need to pick the right women, start with very low standards, once you've had some practice your confidence will build, then you can get a little more picky, you'll soon find your level.
OP fart in these anons mouths and then have them put it in a jar and then you can show a girl your trophies
And a samefag was born. Hi op.
they did you missed it
but good news they will again
OP wear even cheaper cloths than this, like maybe 3 euros for just flipflops and then grind on these guys saying man i am so thrifty. works everytime, so many pussies
This chick looks like an anal warrior
OP just dont listen to people or girls do what you want which is taking off your suit and wearing an aliens costume with a cutout around your butt
> $2000 suit and wearing a 40k rolex.
Don't worry user tell me where you live and I'll show you how to get chicks.
OP by chicks he means his own gross butthole that has a family of baby chickens in it dont do it
>Supposedly $2000 suit
>40k rolex
>Bragging about it on Yea Forums
You seem like a total fucking tool.
OP you should make a mashup of tool and kanye and then find this other user and put it in his holer
Hahhahaha fuck you ugly ass nigga, thats a 2000 pesos suit
ugly shitskin
case closed
>I am wearing a $2000 suit and wearing a 40k rolex and somehow I still can't get laid
Because you have no idea what women actually want.
>thinks a half decent suit and an expensive watch is all you need to pull girls.
You are obviously as ugly on the inside as you are on the outside
It's your face.
oooooo, i smell the mountain dew and doritos from here
Youre a indian nigger that st is ugly as fuck not to worry because i am too but i don't try to 'get grills' i just do drugs and grind MMOs. I suggest you give up on 'getting laid' and just buy some whores
Wholesome and true
Buck up a little though OP, and try not to look like you've had the silver spoon provided to you rammed up your arse when you pose for pics yeah?
So what do they want you fucking smart bastard you arent yoda dont just spew half a fact
Calm down you must, or pussy you will not get
you really don't see your friends rolling their eyes, hoping to die, they're so tired of you throwing the price of everything you buy in their face?
No no no no, you think they're gonna say "OMG your such a legend, you make me so wet with your reckless spending, you've gained my rrspect and you are O so funny, please take me to your mansion and fuck me"
You're fucking delusional.