Celeb thread - good morning edition

celeb thread - good morning edition

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Reply with a celeb and I'll edge for every picture of her in the thread

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I'd do anything to taste Billie's ass

Morning sweetheart

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good morning, how is your evening going?

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Like she'd get off on making me cry

Guess we'll have to share

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Better now that you’re here

huge tits! stroking!

who would? Brighton or that one? funnily enough, I've heard lots of people say that about Brighton. I don't really get it but hey

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aww! don't mind me, I just got up and into the thread to check an awesome anons dubs
and you just fulfilled my wish for today

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Brighton, of course
Landry's a sweetheart she couldn't be cruel like that
The only complaint about her I could possibly have

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why do he lock his knee tho

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I want to sniff Kesha's ass so bad

love this whore

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Aww, thank you sweetheart

you're lucky I'm not selfish user, sharing is caring

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is there anything better then a sexy Kiki?

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who is this fine jewess

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so you want her to beat you up or what? let's get into it

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she got drugged and ass creampied by that producer guy

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Fuck, I wanna bury my nose in her sweaty post-concert ass crack so bad.

I'd let Bright beat me up


this board is 18+


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In his defense she looks really old. She must be 30 at least.

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nice user
its rare i find a kesha pic i dont have already.

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>you're lucky I'm not selfish
As long as she is I'm happy

But I'm mostly into emotional abuse

Fuck me she is so hot when she wants to be

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>doesnt understand

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nice to have an Ari poster that doesn't write poems about her bowel movements

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I mean, I'd do anything for love, but I won't do that.

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m e r c h!
M E R C H N I G G A!

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shut up gg

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Mother or daughter?

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Love that pic

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>emotional abuse
like what? give me an example of something you'd want to hear

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why no both?

i said shut up negroid

I wanna sniff that seat so bad

She has amazing lips.

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taco muncher

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oh god...i want her to pbr piss in my mouth

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i wanna be her pet

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Grooming 101

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of course...i want her to use and abuse me

nothing ily no beef fam

All I see is a daughter that really, really loves her daddy.

i'd wanna abuse her sometimes too

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kesha is my guilty pleasure

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i only want to be abused by her

best emma by far

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emly STRONK :o


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stone's face and body reminds me way too much of my ex

fair enough

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>when your daddy was never around and think this is pedo shit because your mind instantly goes to sex.
eat a dick you closet pedo faggot.

post ex

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please more..

yea right

yea, sure

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>being this mad
Yea Forums

Stay new my friends

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>yea right

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>>yea right

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All i had of her sorry

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Any sort of humiliation, degradation, teasing, cucking, or otherwise making me feel like a pathetic little loser
You know, the kinds of things pretty rich girls in high school like her tend to do for fun

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>jimmiez rustlin 101
>keksimus maximus

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oh Winnie....

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Fuck me Kira is so hot
I'd be her bitch, too

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Morning Sabs qt

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how are u user

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Harder then coffee.

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Pretty good tonight
How is you?

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I'm well

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watsonfag is mad again

Glad to hear that qt

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glad to hear ur well too user

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:3 any comfy vidya streams today?

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just listening to music

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Sounds relaxing

Which celebs would look best getting blacked?

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Emma Watson

Emma Roberts

*zooms in on legs*

Emma Stone

She for Schnookie Wookie.

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lmao I'm listening to metal tho

eep eep tank you

meant for

n u n

Oh dear :p


Toe cleavage makes me so damn hard