Mfw i have painful acne on my ballsack

>mfw i have painful acne on my ballsack
What do Yea Forumsros?
And before you ask, no, its not an std. That's impossible unless I stepped on an infected needle without noticing.

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pop the sackne

Pop them and post results

Had something very similar. Use a loufa and scrub the shit out of it for a day or two. It will eventually drain with a little squeezing. Don't squeeze until it's ready, it will get worse.

Hey guys, local newfag here,

Whats a loufa? I have the same problem
And i want to fix

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Loofah*.... Scrubby mesh ball

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Big thanks

apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball taped to the troubled area

will burn, but will heal without scarring

Already tried tbh. Hurt like a bitch and I couldn't pop em.

Probably a cyst that popped out of its sac... pun not intended

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I'll try this, not op but I have that too at the moment

just pop them and clean

I’ve done it for warts, STD, stress bumps, acne, every time
takes about a week of application

i leave it taped over night

I googled it and Google said you should dilute it with water or it might cause acid burns. Do you dilute it at all?

I had them too. They're just zits. Best way to get rid of them is to go to the doctor. They put iodine on them then pick at them with a little needle then clean them out. And before you ask yes it's awkward and painful.

Flamethrower, welding torch, etc. or a chainsaw will take care of it!

Will agree, probably a cyst or zit. Will hurt, but worth... post dr.pimple popper pics lmao

Gah, hi doc! Will you stick a needle in my nutsack?

Actually had a needle stuck in my nut once

Pretty much unfortunately. I called them and was like "hey uhh I have an issue with my....groin..area.. and was wondering if I could make an appointment?" I go to doc's and he's like "So what's going on?" and I had to explain.
Shit hurts and walking is uncomfortable for the day

Could be epidermoid cysts. I have them. Usually not painful. Just keep sack well washed. You can pop them, but it's often painful and they grow back if you haven't removed the thin sack that grows to provide blood supply and protection to the cyst underneath the skin.

Oh man, yeah that’s syphalic herpes. It’s a combination of syphalis and hepes... just kill your self now because you’re fucked

pop it, the pain gets manageable, believe me, i know

Maybe scarring lotion or hydrogen peroxide? Popping it might make it worse or infected.

you have aids of the balls

if you dont cut them off within 2 weeks it will grow into ball cancer

then, death follows