If you had to choose between two options and you can only do one, would you rather

If you had to choose between two options and you can only do one, would you rather

1. Suplex a small annoying child into a sneeze screen at an ice cream shop


2. Be able to have perfectly symmetrical everything including but not limited to, fingers, toes, teeth, organs, hair, house, and cups.

Your fortune: Outlook good

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number 2 sounds nice desu

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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do not choose symmetrical organs you will *Die*

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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>1. Suplex a small annoying child into a sneeze screen at an ice cream shop

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it just says 'be able to have' so i assume it's optional which parts of your body is symmetrical

You are technically able to have that now since you're being targeted by an alien crime syndicate

You seem interested in that option

but why would organs even be listed lole

Symmetrical kidneys and livers for more alcohol consumption so you can drink away more of the horrors of reality

symmetrical lungs and kidneys are in fashion

is life with 139 IQ really that horrible

how many livers do you think you have dumbass lmao

no but over exaggerating it makes for good comedy as there's nothing else to laugh at due to everything else being over done or watered down

You have 1 liver, but if you have 2 symmetrical livers then you have more to work with and become drunker

are you saying over exaggerating how bad life is isn't being over done?

>tfw he waters down the vodka

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It's less over done than everything else, at this point though everything is going to be stale. It's why we're joking about our miserable lives directly instead of indirectly like past generations.
yuck who drinks watered down vodka?

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I have IQ over 140 and I'm not miserabel.

it's the most over done thing at the moment, literally everyone does it

Maybe not but you are a liar

>tfw no matter how much I drink , the bottle still remains full

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Which part am I lying about

Outrage is the new contentment

well I'm too lazy to think of a different thing to pick at besides maybe saying religion is a pyramid scheme but I had no good segway into that so make due with the shit you're given

We both know

I knowyou know nothing (very high IQ statement)

You sound uneducated

Oh, I make due. I make fuckin' due, lad.

What has education got to do with IQ?

Knoiwledge =/= intelligence


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#1 if the child is black

Knowledge is information gained over time and can be accessed by anyone

Intelligence is the ability to use already known knowledge to find new knowledge and ability to find creative ways to use said knowledge
It is part of every race at once

oh it's an american kid

So someone with no existing knowledge cannot be intelligent?

fair, can't argue against that

that scenario is impossible as the moment you are born you have knowledge. When you use any of your senses you know a bit more about an object and can use that to guess more about it without actually knowing, that's intelligence

go read the goddamn The Filth by some brit dudes
