It's actually illegal to criticize a sitting President in Time of War

It's actually illegal to criticize a sitting President in Time of War.

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Source or bullshit.

That may be, but the mockery being displayed against this Presidency isn't going to be tolerated for long, and if we don't start self-policing ourselves on these websites then there will be Executive Orders handed down silencing liberal dissent.

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Democrats agree

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just say it dicktard

Yes, Democrats are ironically the ones who are behind the need to start suspending comments directed at the White House. They and other liberals are the reason this is going to be a consideration going into Trump's 2nd Term.

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The Truth is that liberals will have to purchase a License to use the Internet in the wake of groups like Antifa and Democratic Socialism.

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And if you do vote against Trump in 2020 you could be placed on a database as part of an Ongoing Investigation.

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we arent legally at war. checkmate, faggot

Yes we are goddammit. We're trying to STOP a war with Iran that liberals caused.

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Neither is it even true. Everyfuckday it's legal to dissent with the government and/or a president. From Washington to some fat broje slum lord someone or some group criticize the president or the ruling party of government.

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Even if that were true (which it isn't),
he isn't a president
and the country is not in a state of war.

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Not during Time of War We should be putting on a Unified National Front as a country in the face of our enemies and possibly unstable allies like Kim Jong Un. Mocking this President is what they do. We need to have One Voice as a country when we're trying to reach these goals.

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Sure buddy. We're trying to stop it but you forget reagan bribed them to let the hostages go after his inauguration then sold weapons to Iran and some liberal cause it with a nuclear disarmament?

>he isn't a president

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Treason is defined by the Constitution.
This is not a DNC meme.

Liberal propaganda. Look it up.

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We were you during ww1 and 2? Republicans didn't want go until the last straw.

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>It's actually illegal to criticize a sitting President in Time of War.

George W. Bush's "with us or against us" policy is not actually a law.

So fox news is liberal mouth piece? God you trumpets are dumb

Isn't a president? You can't, like, be a president, man. It's one of Mother Earth's creatures.

Look shut up both of you. We are at a state of War with Iran, ISIS and the enemy at home, which is liberalism turning into socialism. We are on a heightened state of alert whether you're willing to admit it or not.
And we need to back off criticizing this President until these goals are met.
We can do it by self-policing, or wait for the inevitable Executive Order, which would be far more severe.

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It's also legal for the U.S to deport anyone at any time for any reason. The similarity between that and this is that neither law would hold up in court today, so I'll continue practicing my first amendment rights.

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>I'll continue practicing my first amendment rights

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Yes even during times of war zipperhead. It’s kinda part of the point of the country, banana man.

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Libshits stumped by Trump. Lol u mad?

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nope constitution