Why do people react so violently against men who are tired of being screwed over by females and the court system.

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People hate the idea of not being able to impose their will onto others.

Sounds about right

Its usually accompanied by a victim mentality. So they usually sound like a bunch of whiny little cunts

Opinions on sex robots and the way feminists have reacted to them?

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how have they reacted to them?

It drives the value of pussy down, so they hate it a lot.

Auto correct has been riding my ass today, sorry

Are you sure about that, I.e., reference.

Makes sense. Wouldn't conservatives also hate them because it ruins the family core values or something like that? Common ground

Bros, how much longer until we can have affordable sex bots that can cook and clean. I feel like I was born too soon and too poor.

Yeah because it's so fucking difficult to throw your filthy shit into a machine and press a button.

because its almost like a religion to them, if you threaten an idea a person has bad drilled into their heads since childhood, they react negatively.

a lot of men literally only live to get pussy and haven't and cant self actualize themselves.

This. Why make a movement out of not doing things? Just don't fuck and find some actual hobby.

This. I wanna see the fallout

Stop inventing persecution for yourself. People just think you're pathetic.

Marginalizing and entire group based on the actions of a few members, this reminds me of something....

You're thinking of hardcore Christians, not conservatives.


Same thing in Texas, the feminist outcry got it shut down.

Sure, any group ever.

Time to do some studying, user? MGTOW is persecution proof, it's a group of men who have decided to not participate. There's nothing to persecute.

then why is OP QQing over everyone hating them?

its not a movement, its a philosophy. and really its a good thing it exists, it helps men like me who were kinda questioning what i was doing wrong realize things arent what society always told you

you ever play runescape? as a kid when id play it, i would wonder why it took forever to gain levels and wondered if i was doing something wrong, till i came across YouTube guides and then i realized, im not doing anything wrong, the entire game is just a fucking grind

Religious conservatives, republicans, and white supremacists find common cause with it.

Religious conservatives because its not God's way. It undermines the family.

Republicans because fewer babies means slower economic growth.

White supremacists because fewer babies means black and brown immigrants are required to sustain economic growth which guarantees replacement theory.

Just asking what others think why people, primarily females, react violently to a relatively peaceful group

He's asking a question user, not accusing anyone of persecution. It's sort of like watching a child throw a tantrum while you're in a store.

No one does react violently.

Add Feminists! hilarious

I respectfully disagree

Whos reacting violently? seems like they are largely ignored, which seems to be the intent.

Because if they didn’t hate women as much as they did they’d be smart enough to realise feminism is fighting for everything they are
>no draft
>destroying gender norms ie women won’t always be seen as the mother figure and get custody blah blah
>more shelters for both men and women
>fights to recognise and help male rape victims
Mgtow are too stupid to realise someone is already leading the way

>more shelters for both men and women
kek, this is pretty shitty bait user

They whole point is for feminists to react violently so that they can be caught in the act of doing their manipulative, and down right evil shit. There's plenty of online videos of women get red face angry over MGTOW, if that's not a violent reaction the I don't know what is.

do you know what mgtow is? im curious

Feminism isn't about the rights of everyone. It's about women keeping their hold of the court system. It's about women getting the attention they want. Ever notice how most feminists aren't exactly the most attractive of females.

That’s not feminism you stupid cunt

>aren’t attractive
That’s what you’d believe if you’re definition of feminist is internet memes and the image of crazy tumblerinas

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Show me where this outrage is

Please elaborate. What is feminism, and what has caused the third wave to come? Enlighten me, all mighty knower.

violence usually involves physical contact. just sounds like an overreaction.

1. Feminism actively fights against me 's shelters. This has happened more than once. You can't use that argument because it holds no weight.
2. Feminism does not care about male rape victims. At all. Ever. I know this because a friend of mine was raped by a woman. He went to a support center run by feminists. They belittled him and threw him out like he was making a joke.
3. Feminists don't want to fix the courts. If they did, then they'd support the paternal opt out. Feminists want to destroy gender roles to ensure your next "girlfriend" has a dick.
4. Feminists aren't against the draft. They only come out opposed when someone uses it as an argument against them.
5. Way to fall into the same trap every feminist does and assume that MGTOW is misogynist. Kinda hard to hate something you don't care about. Hating feminists isn't hating women.
Funny thing is, I'm not a MGTOW or an MRA. I'm just antifeminist.

I guess "my body my choice" only applies to women? Heaven forbid some men try to get their rocks off without involving a woman.

Violent reaction is subjective. Although often, violent reaction is used for chemical reactions due to it's sudden and sometimes explosive reactions.

Because a lot of the people who gravitate to the movement are just mad because they can't get laid or habitually allow themselves to be friendzoned. Anyone in their right mind should agree that children should go to be more capable parent, or alimony should only be issued in certain situations, or child support should be paid in certain situations, etc. Only weird 3rd wave feminists actually want to fuck men over and only MGTOWs think women are inherently evil. Two extremist ideologies that deserve the fuck out of each other.

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Basic mgtow is supposed to be not being a bitch to women,Most mgtow would renounce it for a chance at pussy

Well said user

Sounds like you shouldn't let people bother ya so much. You can't control them, but you can control your reaction to them.

>mad because they can't get laid or habitually allow themselves to be friendzoned
You need to do some reading about how MGTOW works, friend. These men have opted out from sex entirely because these days there's just too much risk. A woman can sink a man's career just by whispering the word "rape".

You have not looked into what MGTOW is, as we don't hate women we hate what women do. The majority of MGTOW are made up of men who have been screwed of by their ex wives and girlfriends, which implies they have gotten laid. Simply stating we can't get laid isn't an argument.

Feminism is now about keeping itself relevant, there are no actual issues western women face that are because of men. They create bitch boys and now need foreigners to satisfy them. Besides, real men know it's not about what she says, but what she does

I'm not disagreeing, it's just all the dudes I've known who start with that MGTOW shit on Facebook and whatnot are beta orbiters who've had enough and funnel their anger and frustration into the movement.
>Inb4 anecdotal
Yeah I know, but we mostly know what we've been personally exposed to. I get the nature of MGTOW and it certainly doesn't lack sense, it just gets attention from a lot of people who are there for a shitty, selfish reason. That's why there's such a severe reaction to people who adhere to it.

Sounds about right


It's worth remembering:
Incel - Men who think women owe them sex, like it's some kind of right.
MGTOW - Men who think relationships with women are not worth the risk, and opt out. The juice is no longer worth the squeeze.


incel = word literally interchangeable with heretic

This, this is accurate.

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To add to what I said here real quick...
I'm a 34 year old guy and I've met as many crazy women hell bent on destroying a man's life because a relationship soured or having rape accusations at the ready for petty reasons as I've met men who grope women in public or who'd spike a woman's drink or rape because the urge was too great not to... And that is to say almost none. Again, admittedly anecdotal, but I just guess I don't have the same perspective. I'm in a nearly decade long relationship and if shit went south, I can guarantee you right now we'd split amicably and I make double what she makes. There's something to be said for picking the right person for marriage or whatever.

Do you think most modern marriages these days are symbiotic, or parasitic?

I can't imagine marriage in this day and age, just make an oath between you two and god. No need to involve (((uncle sam)))

>show me the outrage
>waaahh I'm oppressed
I guess we're done here

>Heaven forbid some men try to get their rocks off without involving a woman.
They call that being gay and it's quite acceptable these days

I don't see anyone saying they're oppressed here, user.

You see, user, what you have just said is a personal experience. Although many of my MGTOW brothers say all women are the same, not all of them are the same. The reason why the majority of the woman do the same manipulative acts is because they are trained by society and social media to do so. There are special cases where parents teach their daughters the right way to act as an adult before they can be taught to manipulate. You have a special egg there, cherish it user. Cherish it.

>The juice is no longer worth the squeeze.
This is pretty much MGTOW's motto

All of humanity? God, you dweebs are so consistent with sounding dumb as hell while trying to sound super deep.

That one went right over your faggot head I can see, must be a lib-tard to not recognize hypocrisy when it's right in front of you

We're not here to satisfy your degradation kink, user

Kek, guess masturbation and sex dolls don't exist

You gay my dog

I couldn't tell you. If women are out working more than ever, then they SHOULD be symbiotic. How do you even quantify that? What dataset do you use? I mean, income data certainly helps but even if the woman isn't working, if she's carrying her weight at home so the breadwinner doesn't have to concern himself with any of that, is that not symbiotic? Or vice versa. And I doubt there's much data for that.

the irony

Oh so you're the fags making and replying to the doll threads. You should stop. It's cringe.

>carrying her weight at home
yeah I hear those dishwashers are pretty complex these days

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>All women are bad
>How dare you treat all MGTOW as of they were the few who act like shit!

The irony is delicious.

Nah, doll threads are fucking loli doll shit. Fucking gross

because its the societal equivalent of giving up and killing yourself.

Yeah, I mentioned in previous posts that I know I'm firing off a bunch of anecdotal shit. And I certainly do cherish it. We haven't had an actual fight in the entire time we've been together, we just rationally talk shit out like we're adults or something crazy. Even if she isn't out to fuck me during a split, God knows it could be one of those insane, emotionally charged rollercoaster relationships.
But I'm not going to disavow any credit for this, either. I spent 5 years willingly single and waving off thots before I met her, got to know her, and realized she was a keeper.

OP is QQing about people reacting violently to his "lifestyle" and I don't see it. I think he's inventing persecution because in general that's the attitude of these MGTOW individuals. Buhu everyone is so mean to me I'm gonna go jerk off on my waifu body pillow.

Nah, the problem is their originally somewhat sensible idea got diluted by fucking pathetic incels and that's the image that stuck. Same as the old school working class skinheads getting co-opted by racists.

Do you really need a reference for simple economics? Demand falls, supply stays the same, thusly the price drops

See it's kinda like the people who want reparations for slavery.

The fucktards never had to deal with it themselves, and they make an ass out of themselves acting offended on behalf of others.

You don't need to have been divorce raped, accused of rape, forced to pay child support and alimony to realize the system is broke. Not like most of them expect things just because the system is broke, they just want to fix it

MGTOWs aren't advocating for fixing the system, they're by and large loser neckbeards who are ejecting from the system.

They all have the same instincts and hypergamy, even if they dont act on it until it is a safe and opportune time for them, they still do feel that way inherently by nature, sure society is what allowed them to go so far astray but it is ignorant to deny they all have the same surivival instinct to recieve protection and resources.

Give examples, and not just some angry incels on the internet

Sounds about right

Mgtow isnt inherently about fixing the system no, but you'd be foolish to deny that there is a large subset of those in it that do value society and want to fix it, and say all the male shaming language you like, it doesn't amount to much

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This, this is accurate.

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Because the movement is based on a false premise.

You're not being persecuted by women, buddy. The reason you don't get pussy is because you're fundamentally disgusting and worthless as a human being.

You should go your own way to the garage and suck on an exhaust pipe.

It is a fantasy dream come true for them, my will I enjoy seeing men stepping up to take away women's rights or society collapsing, and thusly women along with everyone else losing their rights. It is a shame men don't realize or act upon the fact that women don't care about the long term self interest, or have any interest in the greater good. One route is humane, amd the other covered in blood and the death of a way of life and technology, either way I'm sure egalitarianism and being morally right in the short term is more important. Right?

Feminists want to claim violence anytime a male shouts at them or raises their voice. Fair is fair.

I don't think you even know what you are talking about, you think this is about getting laid?

Not seeing anyone wanting sex here. I'm seeing a lot of people thinking being MGTOW is the same as being a virgin incel

Imagine being so thirsty that the idea of not being thirsty is unfathomable.

They don't. It's like the trash decided to take itself out.

Poor bait, go be retarded somewhere else.

>Somewhat sensible idea
>100% victim mentality
>Just like the Working Class Skinheads who totally haven't ALWAYS been racists.
They have nothing but 'i am mistreated' rhetoric when they are demonstrably almost always the most advantaged people being pussy that things don't just happen to fall their way all the time. They ALWAYS draw from at most a couple of experiences as if they originally expected to acquire true love within the first couple of attempts at dating. MGTOW have always been incels in the same way skinheads have always been racists. Nothing got diluted, MGTOW was just an attempt at legitimizing the idea of inceldom, and it didn't work and now they are all EVEN BIGGER VICTIMS BOO HOO.

Impossible because all MGTOW are loser neckbeards on the internet. MGTOW was an attempt to make their whining seem like a well thought out movement and we all saw through it because it is underpinned by the exact same victim mindset.

Sounds like you haven't paid attention to the way the court system favors men, or how society laughs at Male rape victims and how women can physically and psychologically abuse men without consequences. I'm not a victim and don't claim to be, but something ain't right here.

Okay bud, when the time comes just dont forget who your real enemies are.

Fucking auto correct is pissing me off. It's like Google has an agenda behind it or something

>skinheads have always been racists
Holy fuck you're stupid. I was originally going to respond with more, but I realized there's probably no talking to you since you're so drunk on your own fucking retardation.

And there it is again. Persecution delusions. The court does not favor anyone and "she got everything in the divorce" is a meme. Women CANNOT just get away with the shit you mentioned, it's just that men don't fucking come forward when it happens which is entirely on them. Go look up the figures you pathetic incel.

>I can't refute it so I'll just call you dumb.
Skinheads have always been racists, it just never used to be an issue because EVERYONE used to be openly racist.

Let me guess, women and Jews? I'm sure you see Jewish women plotting twice as much.

Don't worry fren, the people who deny it are the very same people who will be unprepared for the economic collapse of the west due to the women voting for their welfare state. They will be among the first to die since they never knew even the surface level of it.

Let's make a MGTOW anthem, I'll start
>to deny a semen demon the right to my seed, is the right to not breed, this ever lasting feminist fight I shall not concede
>no thot shall take what I have brought, for that she shall rot

>Let's be victims together!
>Our delusions are definitely reality!
You base every opinion on memes and Hollywood. You are hilarious and will die alone and sad. Or you will die surrounded by your MGTOW friends, together and sad, because you are all sad.

>Black and white working class teens in the 60s not interested in adhering to the popular Mod subculture and having their own style of dress while frequenting primarily black ska clubs.
It was more that you can't be bothered to do a little bit of reading before you spout your stupid shit, not that I couldn't refute it, but there you go. You win. You got the bare minimum of effort from me.

All the evidence of courts favoring no one is tampered with or incomplete. At least 70 to 80% of all divorce cases favor the women. Let's completely throw court rights out the window for a second though. There's been countless experiments and legitimate cases of women abusing men in public to see the reactions. Women abusing men is widely ignored weither it be physical or physiological. You don't have to find statistics, do an experiment yourself. Do it yourself since you aren't an "incel" like I am, surely you're a Chad thundercock with countless studies ready to do an experiment for you.

>women and jews
Why would you think it is the jews? Because everyone on who disagrees with your morals must be an antisemite or something distasteful so that you can pretend they are such horrible people and thusly their arguments are invalid? You surely ain't wrong about women though, but not like they are inherently at fault, democracy itself is the problem, simply because a welfare state can not exist at the same time as a democracy without the country leading to economic collapse, and of course women's right to vote leads to the welfare state, see the parallel and the dilemma of the situation? All the added bits and pieces about feminism oppressing men and treating men unfavorably are simply icing on the cake, there is a much deeper reason why egalitarianism doesn't work.

Auto correct is bullshit. I meant *Stacies

Okay fren if you say so, you base your opinion on your morals which have no place in reality beyond that of a skin layer. Personal attacks and male shaming language can only get you so far without an argument my fren. Perhaps you could try coming up with a more appealing argument?

Truly a smack down in word form, a true fren

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Show me some black mod Skinheads from the 60s.

There were none.

>show me proof or it never happened and once you show proof i'll deny it and say it is insufficient and ask for more

You can't find proof, because skinheads were literally ALL white.

>All evidence is tampered with or incomplete
So in other words if it doesn't agree with you you will flat out ignore it because you refuse to believe it?

Glad we had this talk.

Someone always reacts violently against something.
This very board should demonstrate that phenomenon with more examples that can comfortably be comprehended.
Pic unrelated, maybe, because someone might react to it with anger.

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No, I base my opinion on facts, demonstrable and not anecdotal. The vast majority of sexual or physical abuse cases brought to court by men against women result in convictions, showing that men can get justice. The issue is that they do not SEEK IT.

Anyone in their right mind would never let a single parent raise a child. It's literally worse than being super poor or a felon

>The court does not favor anyone and "she got everything in the divorce" is a meme.
So nice to know that what I experienced in real life is just a meme and not actual fact. House gone, boat gone, workshop full of tools gone, daughter in ex's custody. I'm sure I'll wake up tomorrow and it'll all be back because user said it's just a meme!

By justice you mean all of the cases where the male isnt charged for assault from self defense, while the woman gets let off, or do you mean the greatly shorter and less harsh rulings and punishments women recieve on the chance they are convicted? There are plenty of facts and demonstratable situations where these things happen, does it mean they dont because they refute your facts? Also that is hardly the conversation topic, what happened to the whole "fuck you incel virgin lol" gambit and you decided to put forth something someone could actually respond to?

Sorry to hear that man, I hate to play devils advocate but you might consider fleeing the country and I hope you had some secret savings hidden away, I know you might want to be there for your daughter but your ex will corrupt her to undoubedly hate you and only want you for your money and resources. If it gets to be too much paying alimony and child support think about it, write her letters and if she doesnt write back begin keeping the letts you write and give them to her when she turns 18 and tell her that her mother kept your letters from her, and try to take it from there to rebuild your relationship with her. Even if it is hard you have to do what is right for you first, don't let your ex work you to death as a wageslave and guilt you over your child. Good luck man.

You still keep presenting those cases (which are statistically incredibly rare) as if they are the norm and the courts are biased. That is not the case. Yes if you have a personal bad experience in a court you should take issue with it, elevate it to a higher court. But to call the whole system which not soften than not disproves your point is just trying to project your victim mentality on the world.

>And the room fell silent.

Still trying to find black skinheads ? Or did you decide to fall silent because you know they never existed in the 60s because the skinheads were as racist then as they are today?

I can respect your respect for the system, but still would like to encourage you to look a bit more into it to see that there are blantantly biased preceedings and teachings for the family court under a thing called the Dilluth model. I will agree that in criminal court sexism is less so a problem, but it is slowly getting worse as these rulings are made for future cases to reference from, that is the reason for the outrage and fightback in those regards. It is for this reason that I care about any of this, that i have empathy for the victims of these cases and would like to see things like it not to happen to others. Some mgtow might see themselves as victims but they can still grow as people, just because of our solution of choice is as such, it doesn't mean that we hate women, simply that we fear the consequences of other horror stories that only ever seem to be growing in numbers.

>Only seem to be growing in numbers
Again, this is your anecdotal experience due to public exposure by media. The ACTUAL effect of which is that the number of 'horror stories' is going down, but as they get rarer (please take your own advice and actually research the proceedings outcomes, on a large scale, not on case by case, otherwise the shock value of each horror story case can breed confirmation bias) the news more readily picks up on each case.

If you're still going to insist the numbers are on the rise when in fact they are steadily falling due to public exposure, I will have to call you a mad incel cunt with victim mentality again and so far you have seemed the most sensible person on the thread and I don't want to have to do that.

Additionally, courts do not operate on the Dilluth model, the Dilluth model is a responsorial model used for operating programs and charities. Some lawyers subscribe to it but it is not held by the Family courts of any US state to be a fact.

Mgtow = reverse feminism
Yeah become a cunt that'll fix people being cunts.

I've heard that bar cards are lost when and careers are ruined when a judgement and argument is made in family courts that didnt follow the Duluth* (Sorry for mispelling). I dont know the statistics on the cases rarity and might try finidng info about it. Mgtow content creators often will talk about these cases but dont often say how many similar cases were fine and junk. Anycase im tired and heading to sleep, have a good one.

To an extent, I agree. At their cores tho, I think both sides are just there for being treated fairly, but radicals come in and fuck everything up

It is completely untrue. Nobody ever lost their Bar for not following Duluth. Duluth is not a court standard, it is used exclusively by lawyers in argument, or rehabilitation programs for domestic abusers. The Bar Association does not and never has endorsed or subscribed to, the Duluth model. Not following a particular feminist theory of relationship dynamics is not and will never be grounds for disbarment. I guarantee there was another reason for their disbarment but MGTOW morons just decided to announce that they were disbarred for not following the Duluth model.

It's an open secret that men exist for the betterment of women.
Defying this order is immoral.

There is literally a machine that will clean your laundry, another that will dry it, and yet another that will wash your dishes.

And yet you are still complaining?

I’m *shocked* that women aren’t flocking to you “alpha” males lol.

For example MGTOW are fond of stating that Jack Thompson was disbarred for ignoring Duluth, when in fact he was disbarred for, among many things, repeated frivolous filings with the Florida Bar, making false statements to tribunals and outright insulting litigants.

I miss the "fuck that shit" buddy in the arrow.

I always picture Marcelo Garcia in action instructionals and a towing truck company.

So if it's not BJJ it's truckers.

Like Buck the rapist in kill bill.