Why aren't you breeding ebony women, white stud?
Why aren't you breeding ebony women, white stud?
Because I’m an Arab and black chicks are scared of me
my dicktip is too fat n juicy I only breed white womens
im white
im jewwish and prefer to preserver my culture, would definetaly cream pie and throat fuck tho
Jewposting. Huehuehue. Death to nigz.
just came balls deep in my black gf, ama
was it empowering? does she have a big ass? how much cum do you estimate you planted? how much times did she cum? did you grab her hair or neck at any point? what did you have for breakfast? whens the last time you had a conversation with your grandma? do you still call your grandma? do you value your relationship with your grandma?
Almost 1 in 2 African-American adults has genital herpes.
Find one that doesn't and plow her 20 acres with your mule.
I wonder......
Trying to breed her?
>TFW no ebony harem to mass-impregnate
i can't i wish i could
Because I’ve never met a woman or girl who’d let me.
Why not? No swimmers?
>Message QT negress on Facebook
>"You into white guys?"
>"OMG I love white boys!"
>Take her out to dinner at Applebees, she's super impressed.
>She orders the chicken, of course.
>Go back to my place afterwards.
>Start making out.
>She goes to bathroom, comes out in her spaghetti strap undershirt and panties.
>Get her naked.
>"Oh by the way user, I don't give head and you cant cum in or on me."
>"So uh, where do I cum then?"
>"Lay down a towel and use that."
>"Sure thing."
>Start fucking her.
>18 minutes later...
>She's on top riding me like crazy.
>Oh fuck...hhhnnnggg!
>Pull out and blow a gigantic load all over her ass, asshole and pussylips.
>Before she can say anything, I put my cock back in her pussy and keep going.
>Another few minutes and I cum again only inside her this time.
>Take her home and don't call her again.
>Three months later, I get a call from her.
>"H-hey user, I haven't heard from you lately. Guess what, I'm pregnant."
>"Is it mine?"
>"Congrats but I'll call you back tomorrow, I'm about to go out.
>Change number and close Facebook account.
Somewhere out there I have a half spook bastard.
im jewwish
Because I'm a skinny loser. Next question.
hows your grandma?
So what?
Losing her mind in a old folks home. After grandpa died, we had to move her. It sucks but thats old age for you.
i don't want to ruin her superior black genes by infesting her with my hebrew baby batter
Why change your number and deactivate your facebook when she still knows where you live?
Time to amend your lies dude.
Think of it as her genes improving yours
What a perfect breeding cow.
Because they are a rarity in my parts. We only have Mexicans here
thats genious user! i think i might create the first black jew!
Good luck jew-kun. Pls don't circumcise your baby sons~
Drake is a black Jew.
If I was going to lie, it'd be a better/funnier story. Her name was Tatiana. She only came over once, at night. I picked her up at a shady apartment complex and dropped her off there.
Black women smell funny
All niggers do...they smell like a dirty gas station urinal mixes with a generic air freshener...with a trace of shit.
I already did with 5 though
you keep posting the same shit over and over every single day.
Wtf, are you like 13? Ever heard of a legendary nigger named Sammy Davis Jr? He converted to the farce of "judaism".
Every time a nazi makes a post like this i can't help but envision them in their all completely white, suburban neighborhood, where they have literally never encountered a real black person, or if they did it was because they were also suburban and middle class.
The irony of that image amuses me.
Sounds idyllic
Dat fertility. Perfect for a world that's heating up by the year.
I'm not into bestiality
i don't listen to blues
The humor comes from the fact that suburbs create insane people with warped worldviews.
you forgot the coco butter, dont forget the coco butter.
Are north Africans black or Arabic?
I am, I've bleached several different black women all 8/10's or higher
>user claims to have had sex
Nice try, virgin.
black boi cope right here
African are best in the wild, hunting and surviving the harsh world. African Americans have a shitty culture of drugs and crime, while trying to contribute positively to society is seen as bad
That's gonna be a big [citation needed] for that pseudoscience, my baby boy.
this isn't reddit, fug off and let me make sweeping statements
Only if you keep posting delicious, chocolaty asses.
Pic related is full-sized image.
I'm a different guy, but from the mid-east.
North Africans aren't Arab, broadly saying. They are a different ethnicity - berbers. But, because of Islamic conquering, obviously they are mixed with Arabs. The more east you go (in North Africa), the more the mixing is severe.
There are both Arabs and Berbers in North Africa. This has been a fact for the last thousand years.
thanks my man, gonna need that
Actually no, we wuznt kangs nor Arabs.
North Africa was pretty white consisting of Nubians, Berbers and Greeks.
Arabs came in the early Middle Ages.
I lol'd
>Hand rubbing intensifies
>Arabs came in the early Middle Ages
I'm going to blow my fucking brains out with the retards in this thread. Holy shit.
Fuckin wrong.
And like changing your number and deleting facebook is helping not to find...
because I can't stand the way they speak and act. plus if you are going to strike up a relationship with a black chick you will have to endure her friends and family. just not worth it.
plus white girls are frikkin yummy.
Because thicc is just a fancy word for fat you disgusting pig.
>because I can't stand the way they speak and act
you're conflating "black women" with "hoodrats"
Mixed race is the future.
I haven't married one yet. If I'm going to breed then I need to get married. I don't want to just pump and dump, that isn't right.
There is one thing that white men worship. That is the ebony goddess.
>love black women
>impregnate black women
>worship black women
>protect black women
>support black women
Breed a better future, breed black.
No monkey dna in my bloodline, thank you