I have $2240 of debts. Should I fucking kill myself? Serious replies only
I have $2240 of debts. Should I fucking kill myself? Serious replies only
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Yes you should.
Of course not, your life is sacred and shouldn't be tossed away so wily nily
lmfao black people
thats easy to make back bro i got more in one semester of student loan debts and im going to community you got this you can make it
that's barely any debt tho
> Serious replies only
lmao just get a job dude, this shit isn’t that hard to pay off if you’re not living in mommy and daddy’s basement jerking it to hentai all day
I cant stop giving it to camgirls
lol that's nothing, you could pay that off mowing lawns
Either go into hiding or kys. Neither are illegal.
>Inb4 fags tell me it’s illegal to commit suicide.
That's less than a 40 hour week at minimum wage, anywhere in the country.
Get a fucking job.
it's illegal to commit suicide
I have $10000. Wanna trade?
This dude knows how it works.
I have about ten times that. Fuck them. Ignore them. Your credit will be shot, but if youre already a failure with no capital it wont matter anyway. Its funny to cuck banks after you were fooled into making a huge investment into a dying market when you were practically a kid with zero practical life experience.
lol....I made 2k today just by making a few phone calls and doing a little paperwork. KYS loser
LOL What? $2,240 isn't much debt at all. Many people have four years worth of student loan debt racked up on top of a car note and the older ones a mortgage.... you're fine just get a fucking job
That's virtually nothing and you're a retard
Just sell one of your organs. You could easily get that much for a Hammond in decent shape.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
>Serious Replies Only
>Posts on Yea Forums
Yeah, you should probably kill yourself
You tellin' me the minimum wage is 56 bucks an hour? Where are you?
good bait. almost replied.
$7.25 × 40 hours = $290
Tf you mean
To get to $2240 you would need 8 weeks
The fedral minimum wage is $7.25
i sure hope youre samefaggoting and not taking that retarded bait
So you don't think someone would an hero over 2 grand or you don't think it's possible to make that in an afternoon?
pretty soon you made 2000 in an hour
I hate you!!
Do you eat the noodles afterwards?
He'll soon tell of his expertise in Amazon FBA sales or something of equal idiocy.
Ignore the bait.
Nah. I smoke and drink so my organs are worthless.
Lol what the fuck? You need to take out more lines of credit of you want to get any decent loans in the future. An auto loan on the low end will normally put you at least 5k into debt. Most collage students will have 25-160k debt. A home is 150-500k
user seriously
Uncooked, just like my kebabs
Yeah that's some sage fucking advice there. "If you get a job, you can pay off your camgirl debts".
Right now my auto loan has me $440 in debt.
no, 2240 isnt too bad and could be paid back in the future
Yeah, that guy is a retard, but to be fair, no one is really paying $7.25 an hour anymore.
Damn I don't pay for collages, art is always so expensive.
Nah, real estate. Found a house in foreclosure, skip traced the owner, negotiated the deal and put a contract on it, sold the contract. Easy way to make 6 figures working part time, plebs.
I have never, in my life, worked for minimum wage. Always been able to negotiate more, even with no real job skills. It's all about attitude and work ethic.
Yeah, by the end of the year, probably sooner.
I hope you're not serious. Of course not!
Sure you did timmy
No you should not.
Make arrangements to knock down this debt as best you can.
Take a shower.
Go to bed.
I nees to go to Reddit cuz you don't lnow how to spell college? Lol faggot shut the fuck up
That's... Not a lot of money? Just watch your spending and pay it off bit by bit.
Das the joke
That's not even the good one. Closing 2 more this week. One will net 8k and the other should make about 40k but I'll have to renovate that one.
nothing personnel kid. take your shit and get out
>I'm so rich
>I brag on Yea Forums
Lol and I ghostwrite Plats for 250k a song
did that sound cool in your head or something
What are you, 12? That's nothing. My credit card bill is more than twice that every month and I always pay it in full. Get a job!
you know putting that much on a credit card doesnt help you at all right?
No. You need to get a better job and quit drinking.
I know plenty of people making far, far more. Honestly, the best way to quit being poor is to stop hanging around poor people. Network a little and make some rich friends then the money will find you. You just gotta find and create opportunities. Poor people don't have any opportunities. Don't be a poor.
>I have $2240 of debts.
I have $2240 in my fuckin' wallet.
Lol I spend that in a month or less
WTF are you babbling about?
Why not, sound alike you just want an excuse to end it all go out with a bang and do crime then kill yourself
You don't know how credit cards work. I put everything on credit cards and pay it off in full every month. I get various insurance, ID protection, and price protection benefits that you don't get from cash or debit. I also rack up points and cash back rewards, works out to a couple thousand dollars a year in rewards. But I pay no interest because I pay it every month. Tell me more about how that doesn't benefit me...
Always the coolest
Hmmm... If it was as easy as finding rich people to be friends with I'd have done that already.
I make that in less than a week. If your financial life is so pitiful that you actually contemplate suicide when you're 2k in debt, maybe you should kill yourself. Let me make some assumptions about you, OP.
>either lives with parents or in a trashy apartment/trailer
>no gf
>retail job
>no friends who aren't actual retard degenerates
>had serious thoughts of shooting up your class in highschool
>either morbidly obese or borderline anorexic
Lol that’s not even a 5th of my take home pay
That's 2-3 months of payments. Man up and get it done.
My dubs detect app detected fuckin trips brah!
That's literally my cigar budget for a month
I currently have about 6k in loan debts, not a big deal. Struggling to make ends meet so I started donating plasma and doing 3-4 food deliveries per night and I'm making an extra like 1000-1400$ a month plus my full time. Just an idea for you
If you live near any decently big city then look for real estate meetup groups, or toast masters, or whatever other professional networking groups. Hell, I've considered joining the Masons, my wife jokes about how we should start going to a synagogue to make friends with some rich jews.
Not sure if you're trolling or just that stupid
Lol no you retard unless you’re lying then yes
I'll take your advice senpai, I don't want to be poor anymore. Is there any hope for a quiet person who doesn't enjoy socializing tho
What you should do is get it off a credit card and take out a loan to finance it. Honestly try to get a job and see about getting a 3-5k loan get some extra cash to start flipping goods or offering a small service like cutting lawns or moving shit. Also if you’re in America and unemployed or making low income you can maybe apply for financial assistance that’d possibly eradicate or st least mitigate some of your small debt. Alternatively, you could accrue more debt until 12k then claim bankruptcy to erase said debt. Your credit will be shit tho.
I have -$5 wanna trade faggot?
Seriously kill your self
Live stream it and maybe you'll be able to send donations to more whores b4 you splatter your peanut brain
Only 2240$??? Fucking noob ass pussy get into 87,000$ in student loan debt then come back
don’t fucking kys over that low of a debt u fucking goofy fag
Nah fuck it the US doesn't pay its debt why should you stress about it
Haha...fucking amateur...i have nearly 20k in debt
thats literally pocket change even if you're broke. Put like 40 bucks a week towards it and your done in a year. Thats easy peazy
No. It’s just money.
Most people have over 30k. Pretty weak reason to an hero.
That's nothing. Some people are 80k in debt. Don't kill yourself user.
Buy a house. Watch some bleeding heart puss let every nigger in your former peaceful neighborhood. Watch your property value sink to zero so in eight years, the house you spent 800k on, can’t even be given away for 400k. Then cry about debt.
Fucking casual. I have $200k from law school. $30k from my car. $15k in credit cards.
Ball harder.
jeeze bro, hope you are more than a public defender
are you fucking 12?
Try $180,000 and not even legally a doctor yet, nigger.
Same. Kms
2.2k is nothing
I have 20K of debt