My girlfriend says she loves me...

My girlfriend says she loves me, but we’ve started having sex less and less frequently and she told me many reasons as to why this was the case, and frequently she would tell me it was her birth control causing it, which I naively accepted. She told me last week that she “Isn’t physically attracted to me, but loves me for the person I am, and at the end of the day that’s what matters.” I was taken aback by this. I told her how this upset me and hurt to here, and she had told me many guys wanted to be with her when we had just started talking, but at the end of the day, I am the one she chose, and there is nothing to worry about. “After all, isn’t it better that I love you for the person you are on the inside as opposed to what you look on the outside?”

Don’t sugarcoat it to me guys, is this relationship doomed to fail after her telling me this? Maybe it’s beyond retarded to ask for advice from Yea Forums but Idk where else to turn.

Pic unrelated

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Other urls found in this thread:

>“Isn’t physically attracted to me, but loves me for the person I am, and at the end of the day that’s what matters.”
That's such bullshit bro. Even if it were true, you don't deserve to be with someone who has literally told you that they're just 'settling' for you.

Dump the bitch and find someone who'll actually appreciate you for you, and isn't using you as a crutch until her next relationship.

Fuck man, I don't even now where to start.

And she is fuckin somebody else

i can't believe op ended in a manner that actually had me believing the post.

read carefully
if this what you said is true, your relationship is done and you need to walk away. there is no hope for anything long term and there is no hope of it getting better and changing. godspeed op

>hurt to here

She’s told me that she would never cheat on me. And yeah yeah yeah I know anybody can say anything, but she told me that she would break up with me before she ever cheated on me, because I don’t deserve to be treated like that.

We've pretty much already established that she's not above lying to you, what makes this statement any different?

>people can say anything

Who is she convincing when she says this? You, or herself?

How old are y’all?

You aren’t sexy to her, faggot. Get out now before you get cheated on, if you haven’t been cheated on already.

I don’t know you but in case you’re the clingy, needy type: stop that shit. Women don’t like it. Just be you and don’t revolve your life around her.


I just don’t know how to feel. I really do love her. And I really do want to believe her when she says she loves me for who I am. But I just can’t get over the fact she honestly told me to my face “I just don’t find you physically attractive.” I told her that physical attraction is a very important part to relationships, and she said “Not to me it isn’t. And honestly you sound very vain for assuming that’s what matters the most to me.”

A relationship without sexual attraction will inevitable devolve into a friendship, and a friendship where one wants to be with the other is bound to fail. Just get over with it

Even if she doesn’t cheat on you, you don’t want this long term dude. It will hurt but get out now. Physical attraction is an important part to any relationship. Sorry bro

And she would say to me “if I didn’t find you at least somewhat handsome, why would I ever have sex with you in the first place?” Which I guess there’s something to be said there

You won't believe it now but you are better off without her, honestly only a vapid whore would place that much value on looks after being that close to you. The other anons are right she is most likely already fucking someone else behind your back. let her get knocked up and abandoned by some black dude, you will be laughin in 5 years when shes burnt out

Despite what other anons say, this doesn't necessarily mean she is cheating on you (although the probability is higher, it's not definite)

What it does mean is what you already know: the relationship is doomed. The easy way this ends is that you pick up your balls and leave her ass before she hurts you. The hard way is that you wait until she cheats and/or breaks up with you. The ultimate hard mode way is you marry her and spend 10-20 years in a sexless marriage with someone who doesnt find you attractive and nags you about every little thing until you find out she's been fucking someone behind you and your childrens' backs for years, and when you confront her on it she takes zero blame because "she told you she wasn't attracted to you X number of years ago and you should have known how this would end"

Just fucking leave bro. Unless you're a fucking goblin you can definitely do better and some chick out there will actually want to suck your nuts.

Look if she isn't attracted to you, she's more likely sleep with other people (or she's asexual but that is unlikely). I've dated and slept with a handful of women with boyfriends/fiances/husbands they weren't attracted to. Not one of them told their partners, although one did break up with him after.

Hit the gym. Bulk up. When she becomes physically attracted to you then dump her and find someone real.

If that was the case, why did she all of a sudden stop fucking you? It's because she's getting her dick somewhere else man.

Either that, or the magic is lost in the relationship, and it was only exciting for her in the beginning.

Both outcomes are fucking shit, and I wouldn't want you to be put through either of them.

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To add to this:

My current GF had like 3 bf's before me she wasn't attracted to, and thats why the relationship ended. She gets annoyed with me and my personality sometimes but the relationship works cuz attraction. The other guys were literally dumped because "they were really nice guys but I just didn't want to have sex with them"

Don't be one of those guys user

Kid. This your first GF? Stop trying to rationalize past what you already know to be true. Don’t be scared to leave. Time to man up.

She's manipulating you, end it now before this shit fucks your head for years down the road.

This is bitch advice. Just leave now and don’t give her any more attention

How long have you guys been together?

She has sexual needs and desires if yall aren't fucking she is fucking someone else. Women are good fucking liers ill tell you that

Been in this situation. Just leave and you'll realize later on that you should have left her a long time ago.

I hope my son isn’t this much of a pussy

We’ve been dating for 5 months now.

We still have sex though. But it’s like once every two weeks instead of once a week or so.

Does she sound like genuine when you fuck? And have you asked what exactly she doesn't find attractive

what the fuck
how often do you see each other that even in the good part of the relationship you were only fucking once a week?

i have friends i fuck more often than once every two weeks, and with ANY of them, we're far from close to being in a romantic relationship

sounds like she is gay man, not just sayin that to be a douche, the story just has that vibe about it
> pretty much likes everything about you as a person
> you don't sound like you are a goblin
>she can't be sexually attracted to you..
gay for sure

The best thing to do is the "finger asshole mustache" technique. It saves any relationship no matter how doomed

you need to really consider breaking things off while its still early. its just going to be way more painful in the future if things continue like they are now. sex every 2 weeks in a new relationship like that is a pretty low amount.

It doesn't matter what she finds attractive. Women are attracted to or not attracted to men for a variety of unquantifiable reasons. Hell the same goes the other way. If someone isn't attracted to you, you should leave.

Who would sincerely stay with a person who literally told you they stopped having sex with you because they aren't physically attracted to you? A fucking loser, that's who. Just move on, don't let that bitch play that shit.

Thats true ive been with my gf 4 and a half years we fuck 2 times a week sometimes 3

OP. That’s something that is ok when you two are old and wrinkly. Assuming you’re still pretty young, she shouldn’t be losing lust for you. I would high tail it out of there ASAP. It’s tough, but you Owe it to yourself. There’s nothing vain about attraction in a young relationship.

Listen to this guy, faggot

You have a point user

It can work sometimes. My friend is dating an asexual girl. He lives at her house for free and she lets him fuck other girls. But that is not a common arrangement.

We only see each other about 3-4 days a week. We don’t live together.

You only see each other 3-4 days a week but don't fuck those nights? Wut?

lol u ugly

Figure out how to make her cum so hard her eyes roll back into her head, lets see how sexually attractive she finds you then, problem solved

womens' only contribution to your life as a male is as a masturbatory aid so if they can't even do that cut em loose

yeah man. first 6 months we were fucking 2-3 times a day when we saw each other. shit, 5 YEARS into my relationship now we have sex 1-2 times a week

It’s already over, at least end it on your terms right now instead of believing her delusions and having your heart thrashed later.

It happens but as long as there is some fucking. Sometimes we fuck more often if we try out new things

Sexual attraction in a LTR declines anyway over time after the initial bonding period, 6 - 24 months. Everyone has things they aren't attracted to in their partner, physical and otherwise. She has to fuck you though or give you permission to fuck other women. She can't ask for fidelity if she won't have sex with you very often.

ask her what makes you unattractive to her? if you can change it change it. if not idk what to tell you. that should be your first step.

You were just friendzoned. Find another girlfriend.

Bad advice

didn't even read the thread except for your post
short answer: break it
long answer: she's fucking Chad and is just trying to keep you around for financial stability
she thinks she can sweet talk herself thru the relationship so just fuck her one last time and break it up

hey there Bull here send your wives gfs and exs nudes at my kik - helloiamwierd

>guise my girl doesn't find me sexually attractive, what do?
>but the relationship works cuz attraction
nigger, are you even sure of what you are saying?
>other guys were literally dumped because "they were really nice guys but I just didn't want to have sex with them"
LOL, dude, wake the fuck up
>"they were really nice guys but I just didn't want to have sex with them"
you guys aren't dating anymore, you are simply her paypig to put it roughly

Have you asked her how you can be more attractive to her? If you really want to keep this relationship and you really love her, then it takes a lot of work. If not, then it's better just to end it quicker than letting it ferment. But at least have a long discussion with her first before making a decision.


Know your worth OP. A bitch is a bitch but you will one day find a true woman worth your time.

how is this bad advice? you virgin fuck.

Thank you guys, i will break up with her

Dude, she's ALREADY fucking niggers. Get out, toss her like a used rubber. Nothing but bullshit and drama from now on.

user's advice is actually good, for all we know OP became a fat fuck.

Also, OP - maybe you're just over the whole honeymoon phase?

Maybe I am honestly.

Shes getting ready to leave you when she knows her other thing is solid. Sorry bro

she is trying to train you into being a cuck
you deserve better

lol, how much money you've got and how much of it is she getting? she already fucking someone else and once it's solidifies into relationship, she is gone. I'd cut her off right now while you can still save your dignity

Make your self look better, it’s surprising how much you can do about your appearance. Lower your body fat percentage to get a slim face and get muscle etc and she’ll get nervous if losing you bc the shit she has said

who cares bout a "relationship"?
U already had sex with her and shes pretending its most important shes with u for the person u r, but dont wanna fuck. Start fucking on the side and if she inquires, be blunt and blameful - say "well u said u r with me for the person i am and dont wanna have sex with me, so its clear i have to fuck some1 else"

find a hobby dude, have her join or watch.
Do something to occupy your mind other than your own insecurities

go read candide by voltaire thank me in the morning

Start doing mma OP trust me you’ll fucking love it it’s not a drop of blood to be shed when starting out if that’s what you’re worried about


Omg wtf this is legit...
Havent tought that

yeah shes 100% gonna replace you with a guy who does what you do but is attractive.

anytime a woman says she isnt physically attracted with you but is with you for ANY OTHER REASON means shes using you for something. every time. A woman who actually wants her man will go out of her way to fuck you. If she isnt going out of her way to fuck you she is going out of her way to fuck someone else.

Been there OP, we went from fucking everyday to 4 times a month on a good month, for comparison I’m a male underwear model. My girl had “anxiety”, great excuse, if you pressure her, she doesn’t want to cause she’s anxious, if you don’t she just won’t initiate. You have needs homie, and it’ll never snap back to what it was. The cunt will say some shit about sex being all she’s good for to you, don’t let that confuse you, relationships are a car and sex is the wheels, I don’t only care about my car having wheels, but they are a necessary component to make the motherfucker go vroom. If you told her you like her as a person, but don’t want to pay for dinners, or cuddle, or listen to her inane babble, she wouldn’t tolerate it, same fucking premise. Get out, and find someone who cares about your needs, don’t make my mistake. The honesty is a bitter pill to swallow, but she at least she didn’t lead you on.

>ke her as a person, but don’t want to pay for dinners, or cuddle, or listen to her inane babble, she wouldn’t tolerate it, same fucking premise. Get out, and find someone who cares about your needs, don’t make my mistake. The honesty is a bitter pill to sw
If your GF was on birth control, that's a mistake. If she wasn't on any psychotropic meds nor birth control or anything that would affect hormone levels, then either she lost interest due to the lack of novelty or for some other reason. Don't discount hormones as being a factor, they're huge.

Can confirm had a few similar experiences before I woke up.

It will go something like this OP:

>sex begins to decline
>will use you as a safety net of comfort and security
>when sexual attraction appears for another she will either A. Just fuck him/break up wiht you like she "said" she would or B. Ask you your thoughts on open/polyamorous relationships.

I don't know what you look like OP but take a look at yourself physically and be honest, can you improve? If yes then do it! Do it for yourself and not for her. If No then end it. You can be civil and explain that you aren't comfortable being in a romantic relationship with someone who isn't attracted to you and it might be hard and you won't want to do it but TRUST ME BRAH.
Dont be weak, find your selfishness and aggression and stand up for yourself. Do what's right for you.

Gold bro

Im not OP but Im looking hard on this thread cuz days ago had a tiny problem with my gf who ended saying that she doesnt want me to become her husband (we are bfs now)
I was shocked cuz we have a solid shit and we love eachother...
The biggest deal she said is that I speak shit to my mother and she is afraid that Ill do the same to her...
I mean I have always been super good and shit (not the loser lvl) but I was like WTF???
But then she talked about so much shit in her head with her mom, dad, school, doing social service, taking a language class...
She is super busy
Aaaaaaaaaaand she is on the patch (birth control) and curiously she experienced this week pretty hard secondary symptoms...
Nausea, vomit, tender breasts...

>TL;DR why are you so sure hormones are huge shit?
>Cuz I think my gf did a horrible shit on me cuz that and Im afraid...

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Just to be clear, Im not planing on proposing yet, I dont have a job (graduate) or shit.
She almost finish collegue

Its just that we speak about marriage so common cuz we have that in interest... And she was so fucking secure about marrying me... having my kids...

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OP, listen: the cornerstone of any sexual relationship is sex. It's what builds and maintains the necessary intimacy to keep it going. She doesn't want to have sex with you? She's done then.

Yeah, she might still love you in a best friend sort of way, but you ain't fucking your best bro, now are ya?

You owe it to both of yourselves to end it, honestly. She shouldn't feel like she's settling, you shouldn't feel like you have to pull teeth just to bust a nut, it will inevitably lead to resentment on both of your parts and it sounds like it's already begun.

You're more interested in her than she's interested in you. That's a bad dynamic. Probably ought to cut your losses and look elsewhere.

Ok, I get that.
In all the relationships bro theres that... One will love more than another.
Is not that she aint interested, is just that she is a motherfucking bum in this aspect.
She is the kind of person that if it doesnt work shell drop it.
Its true that is annoying to keep the relationship on "by myself" but man she worths it...
Love of my dreams, loving, caring, likes kids, doesnt go for money, help me in the work, doesnt bitch, sub, down to earth, likes to work, Idk what else?

She has this body

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Break up with her you retard, waht the fuck is wrong with you? You act like you're married with children.

I've give you a straight answer.

Sexual attraction between a specific man and woman tends to wane after a few years. That's just the way we are wired. The couple may love each other, and may have good sex on occasion, but they tend not to be hungry for each other.

Male sex drives tend to diminish over time, and this can help make a marriage work when there is less sex.

But if you are interested in sex and she is not, and if you're relatively young, this is likely to be a frustrating relationship. She has the better end of it because she isn't really interested in sex, and you are. She gets what she wants, no sex. You don't get what you want.

One possibility is an open relationship, where you tell her you love her too but you need to sleep with somebody and you'll just make sure you don't fall in love with the person you are sleeping with.

It might be worth exploring with her whether she was ever sexually attracted to you. If she attracted to anybody now? If she attracted to women?

Ask her what goes through her mind when she masturbates. Is she thinking of a male body or a female body when she comes? If she's not interested in you, it could just be she's not into men sexually. Happens all the time.

Good luck.

here is what i heard from a specialist once: if the sex aint aliright, this relationship is most likely doomed. also, you may not be getting sex, but dont lie to yourself - she does. whatever you do user, make a choice sooner rather than later. for your own sake.

All women instinctively hate sex because in nature a pregnancy might kill them. Women in relationships will want and accept less and less sex. Just be happy if you can agree to once per week. It's more then what most men get.

This is going to sound cold, but she sounds smart. If you verbally abuse your mother, you're probably not somebody she should be with.

You may need to be with somebody who has a psychological need to be abused.

Sucks for all of you, including your mother.

>shit in her head with her mom, dad, school, doing social service, taking a language class...
>She is super busy
>Aaaaaaaaaaand she is on the patch (birth control) and curiously she experienced this week pretty hard secondary symptoms...
>Nausea, vomit, tender breasts...
get her off that shit. you'll be like a miracle worker when she is off...

however, be warned, being on birth control is like dealing with a pregnant woman. Whatever their behavior is like when they're on the pill, that's what they'll be like when they're pregnant.

They're transparent as fuck. Good liar implies they can convince of something not true. Woman are notoriously bad at that. Woman arr awful liars nigga.

If something in a relationship makes you question whether you should be in it or not, guess what?

Ok, same exact thing here, I ve been in a relationship for almost 8 years now.

Before we lived together sex was perfect, but then... It was decreasing until today.

We didn't have sex for a year now because she is out of birth control (yes for a year), doesn't want condoms because it can crack, and she is too busy working to fibd a gynecologist...

The only sex we have his mutual madturbation and it happen like 2 times a month, she doesn't want any other kind of act.
I'm trying to get out of this situation, we can't tolerate each other most of the time, we are on the breaking point and I cannot say I m sad or anything.

Protip? Run, run fast and don't look back.

My gf is attractive etc, I somehow still love her but my habits and the situation make it quite difficult to break up now.

Godspeed user

Well im waiting to hear not "here" the cuck part op. Op since this isnt real ill be able to sleep. But dude its a sad story. I hate sad stories man. The woman in this story is cheating on her man and is to big of a coward to break up with him. This poor bastard doesnt even see it. You make me want to cry. Write a happy ending. He drops her and finds an amzing loving women. She for her sins gets an STD and always shits herself.

Sorry, autocorrect fucked up what I was saying.

She also became very suspicious/jealous of ANY other women on earth I could talk to.

Life is a nightmare.

I know she is right in being afraid
In my family we have a peculiar way of shit...
Mom is a controlative person, sister is anxious cuz mom always messin up with her head, dad is a fucking dipshit worst person Ive ever met...

Top of the cherry we have a family business where we have to interact, discuss... always fighting each other due the pressure of wanting to make the business work.

TL;DR thats how we roll, she knows it but she also knows Im not like that with her Im a fucking prince charming she even told her own mom that!
Its just the hormones...

I was considering that, we have been like 4 months and I dont like hormone control... I dont want her to gain weigh, Ill probably do...
The bad side is that she loves creampies
>another good point
And she is the actual one who doesnt want to leave the patch cuz she HATES not earning the cum

My gf and I dont have sex anymore either user. She started taking medication a year back and her sex drive was killed. So its been dry af and idk what to do...

You chose you to be her beta bitch.

You are around now for resources.

She gets hot for other guys and could cheat. At best she'll become miserable because she's stuck with you.

My advice is just become the best version of yourself, so you become attractive to other women and give less of a fuck. You'll be ready to be single if it comes to that, but also she might start noticing you.

Don't negotiate with her; you can't negotiate attraction. Forget you had the conversation and start living as if you were single, e.g. start working out, eating well, focus on your future and hobbies.

Fuck buddy thats a fucking shit life. So you fap to get by and get to pay the bills and she just does what she wants. Shes getting dick. When she wants to start fucking again she will be prego by another man. Dont trust her.

had the same thing happen, OP. Frequency of sex declined drastically. And when I did have sex with my gf it wasnt nearly as good as it used to be. Felt rushed and no longer genuine. At first i convinced myself that it was because we had been together for 4 years. But it was always some excuse, birth control hormones, busy, tired, etc. I always accepted it because I loved her and put her on a pedestal in my mind. She broke up with me a few weeks ago. Im sorry, but this is the beginning of the end. I know you dont want to hear this, but take it from someone who is going through a breakup right now. I didnt want to believe it either, but at the same time I felt it deep down. You do too. You know this is it. End it before she cheats or it ends in an argument. Be the better man and walk away before she really hurts you, intentionally or not. My gf left me because the love faded away. She still cared, but no spark to justify a relationship anymore. Same thing will happen to you. Might take a week, a month or even half a year, but you are heading towards the same outcome.
Sorry OP, I know it sucks and hurts like hell. Does for me too. Its been 6 weeks and my life is still upside down, while she has moved on already, because she had time to think it all through without me knowing.

Best of luck to you nigga

Spit and dick in pussy. Buddy tell her you got needs she will either understand and take care of you or not. If not breakup.

We have done that at times only her pussy is pretty fkn tight and it hurts her when it isnt ready. Which it never is because it fkn isnt ever horny. So i get in do a few pumps then sit there like a fucking melon as she says sorry and stuff. Not her fault either so i dont blaim her.

Lol like how you apin that where she thought it through. What he is saying guys is she had a new man waiting. Women do this shit. Been in this floating rock 42 years. Seen all kinds of fucked up shit. I got daughters. They are all bitches. Fuck women hate women. Think about that sometime. Bud you better off man. Head up and one foot at a time forward. Ive been there it gets better quick if you go workout, excercise, work hard at work, do your hobbies, spend time with friends, life gets really good.

break up with her

First off if she isnt playing you meds can do this. She can learn to fake it. Fuck woemn so that all the time. Or easier go see a Dr and they got other meds or she can get on stuff that will help for that.

Of course its doomed to fail. You wanna get laid and arnt, yet you're in a relationship. if abstinence is what you wanted you would be single

Well idk about any other man becque she became verrrrryyyyy prude. But yeah other than that I m planning my escape

She is fucking someone right now. Just cut your ties now. This is legitimately the shittiest way I've seen a whore try to keep on gold digging.

Typical female bullshit.
It’s the pussy trap, and you’re caught.
You must have something she wants....
Are you supporting her or something?
Get rid of her before she fucks someone else

Do you hate your daughters?

Actually we will look into meds to see if it may help her drive. Thanks for the advice user!

Some women crave sex.

Become physically attractive then, go workout get better clothes and a real haircut. Then do literally what she’s doing right now, string partner along until better option arrives

I wonder if she has an STD she picked up somewhere and is trying to protect you from it.

She's just using you as a replacement until she finds someone who dicks her better.

Source: been there

Ha, that's exactly what my ex said. She was madly in love with me, we had a lot of sex. Then suddenly, we stop having sex like you do, I initiate it millions of times but nothing happens. Dry dick for 3 months, then we do it once, then dry for 2 months, etc. After 4 years total of the relationship, she goes off to some other dudes place lying to me she went on a study group with multiple people.

I was suspicious because when she came home, she smelled different and didn't talk about her day (she's a really bad liar when needed to make up stories), but she 100% of the time ALWAYS has the urge to talk about everything she did. So naturally, I was suspicious. I took her phone while watching a TV show and her face gave it away, I found a conversation where this dude literally told her "How about I stick my dick in your mouth". My legs went numb. The worst part is, she RESPONDED in a flirtatious way, something about scratching his chest. I ended it then and there. We still live together cuz students in foreign country and nowhere to go jobless. I just got a job, and hopefully in a month I'm moving. This happened in December 2018.

Basically, mate, you're gonna get fucked eventually, end it ASAP

Congratulations your a cuck

As if a woman would care

Trust me, she didn't move on. I was in a 4 year relationship when this happened to me. She took WAY longer to get over it. (What I didn't mention is she broke up with me first, but in a pussy "let's take a break way", keeping me as a "just in case"). For months later she was jealous of other girls that were around me, of my new girlfriend that I had and broke up with later, of another girl I'm hanging out etc. She was on SPREES of crying and having mood swings, and she also asked me to get back together a month ago.

Now, she went home for the vacation until 20th of August, I'll see to give her a second chance, am a lot smarter and even more attractive now so finding someone else is not going to be a biggie.

I dont know man.. she broke up with me so she clearly had time to think it all through before pulling the plug. Whereas for me it came as a shock. I havent heard from her since the breakup except for one time but her reply was very short, blunt and just cold. So to me it feels like it doesnt nearly affect her as much and thus shes moved on. She has emotionally distanced herself a long time ago, where i had to start it at the breakup. How are you so sure she hasnt moved on? She broke up with me, so thats clearly what she wanted?

She's with you because of the security you provide either financially or with a place to live. She will seek sex from other places eventually or possibly already is.

Yeah, she found someone else. Maybe thay didn't have sex yet, probably they're waiting for you to break up first

Because she was in a relationship with you for 4 years. She still loves you, it hurts like fucking hell even if she is a girl that broke up. She's just doing stuff distracting herself and appears as if she has moved on. The situation is different because I live with my ex, but after 6 weeks nobody moves on.

Then go and ask her why she isin't attracted to you? maybe you gained more weight than in the beginning of the relationship and she doesn't like it

Sort of been in the same boat. Still happily together. You should probably do what you can to become more physically or sexually attractive. Not that hard. A bit of romance never failed, hit the gyms and get some muscles, find her kinks and weak spots. Just start somewhere.



Dump her, OP. Really.

OP, Yea Forums is just going to tell you she's sleeping with someone else, which she probably isn't.
I've been in that situation though. If you want sex and she doesn't, please treat yourself well and tell her it won't work. I didn't admit to mine that it wouldn't work and we scraped and struggled through shit until neither of us were attracted anymore, despite being in a very loving relationship. She still lives with me. We're not together. It sucks.

Fuck her in the ass, cum on her face and then immediately kick her out. when she questions why, tell her, "You really let yourself go and I wanted to see all of it before I kicked you out. After all, isn’t it better that I love you for the person you are on the inside as opposed to what you look on the outside?”

user I think it's all about how you feel. We are not there to notice the subtle changes. If you really are unhappy with her or the relationship then head out. There are other women and better times ahead. If this is not the case and you just have doubts thats ok. Let the relationship fail on it's own merits. What's wrong with being a fool for someone you love? That means believing in them as you should.

Fucking hell. I refuse to believe someone is this fucking dumb. I hope you're just making shit up OP... if you're not. Then you're fucking retarded.

Birth control usually doesnt have effect on sex drive from what I know...I may be wrong

You're wrong. It's really ironic.

This is copy pasta... I remember this pasta, I think.

Attached: 1545005670506.jpg (400x400, 71K)

Shows how little you know. Also, women respond to birth control differently. The only rule of thumb you have to understand is that when you're on birth control, it's literally emulating what it will be like to be pregnant. Pregnancies are different for women, even within the same family.

Well then fuck it the cunt should get an IUD and get cream pies all day

Like I said I may be wrong, I'm definitely listening for corrections. But the fact that she says guys want her and shes attracted to that tells me it's not the bc

She is or will cheat on you.

She takin dick on the side

there are studies on birth control that when women are on it, it can reverse their sexual preferences. Not make them lesbian but just change things.

Get her off that shit and make her stay off of it. If the relationship falters after that, then it's meant to be. Never make a final decision on someone while they're on mind altering medication.

This means in woman's terms she prefers to be physically fucked by many niggas behind your back. You might be the one with the job and security, but you're not giving her the dick she craves. The birth control means she has no chance of little Jamal popping out after being railed by Kanye and his pals every weekend.

Imagine being this stupid. OP, get the fuck out of there.


she's 100% being blacked on the side

OP, how are her dicksucking skills?

If she's good at it, she's probably sucking huge cocks on the side.

My ex-wife gave the best blowjobs in the fucking universe. I just ended up fapping like crazy to the idea of her sucking other cocks. But even with my enlightened attitude, she still divorced me to get more cock.

she doesnt deserve you and your relationship is doomed to fail.

You sound like someone who gets to be with a lot of women.

The person you replied to was not OP. Think before you talk, dipshit.

i dont need to be a fortuneteller to know that this is gonna fail within a few months

OP Oxytocin (love chemical) is one hell of a drug it make people go bat shit insane just to get some fight it you'll learn to love again she probably lying to you.

yeah your right OP it might hurt now but later on youll thank all of us.

If you want to win her back, dump her. If she comes looking for you, she does love you, if not, you are better off without her.

Fucking this. Ive been married 12 years old as fuck and we fuck at least 2 times a week. over the first year we'd be at it several time a day...anywhere and everywhere. OP's GF has some issues in the bedroom dept or is defo having her cake and eating it.

Sorry to say this bro but dump her ass. It will just be worse over the years. Soon she will have you sleep on the coutch as you are "snoring" or some shit like that.

>Not believing in being the best version of yourself

Yes that’s bad. Your gf not being attracted to at this age is not good- get fit and healthy

Thanks user. That actually helped a little bit. You are right, she is doing everything to keep herself distracted and probably trying to not think about me or anything concerning me. Which is understandable but it sucks as it really comes across shes moved on. Some sort of reassurance that she misses me badly would help my current state of mind, as harsh as that may sound.

She doesn't love you, she thinks your a small penr.

"started having sex less and less frequently"
"Isn’t physically attracted"

Yeah this is over. Even if the love would hold out till the end you are in a passionless relationship and your needs will not be met. This alone should be reason enough to enlighten you to your best course of action

This bitch just kicked you in the teeth to shatter your self confidence. She is planning on moving on but you are her security blanket. Keep her around if you want but start lining up some trim for the future. I know it's difficult because your ego is cracked but you still have to try. Remember, there's a lot of women out there that ONLY want men because they are with someone else. You have received some good advice in this thread, man up and take it.

OP here. I asked her “Did you ever find me attractive at all? At any point?” And she said “honestly no” which i think hurt the most.

I'm sorry to hear that OP.
In my opinion, sexual attraction is the baseline of any loving relationship, because it ensures both of your needs and desires are being met by your partner. You can love your friends in the way she describes her love for you: respectful, conscious admiration. But if sexual desire, a basic human experience, is not found in you, it can and will be found elsewhere. Leveraging other potential suitors over you is a tactic to make you think of her as truly preferential towards you, but instead achieved coming off as settling for you, which should never be the case in a healthy relationship. Try asking her why she would choose to tell you something so disheartening, and see if she corrects course. Sometimes people say the wrong things. If sexual attraction is truly something that is lacking in a mutual sense, tell her she deserves a partner she can love in all ways and dump her. Of course, you don't have to believe it, but respectfully dumping her is better than any tantrum this might inspire.

It's impossible to be in relationships with women anymore. It was hard enough back in the day before online dating, hookup apps, and endless validation for women. There are still some good ones out there, but trust me, 80-90% of them are already in long-term relationships that will likely last, and the remaining 10% are out there but likely swarmed with dudes trying to get with them (as is the case for most women).

As for your relationship, it isn't necessarily over. People here will tell you it is, but I mean come on, it's fucking Yea Forums. Of course they're gonna say it's over.

I don't think it's over, but it's likely you're not going to be having as much sex as you were having in the past.

Bitch is ugly and yes she's fucking someone else which is reason for birth control

Also, try working out and dressing better. Your looks are important and you should strive to be the best you can be, but you should not draw a sense of self worth from how attractive someone finds you. Know who and what you are and work on improving that rather than moping on what you're not. Learn to be alone and love yourself before you give weight to others, else you will always be a slave to their opinions.

MD fag here. It is the bc, main side effect is loss in libido.

don’t be a self absorbed selfish pussy. It’s literally the bc. I have also witnessed first hand w fiancé, we switched to an IUD and now she’s the same but right before period gets retarded horny

Man up and get out son. Life is too short to feel this way. Find a woman who is head over heels for you. Strive to be that man every day. I know you love her. But she clearly doesn't feel the same way. Love yourself first. All else will follow.


Who’s the girl?

Ask her to get a IUD without hormones, and get off the birth control. Or you could just learn some game and move on. She isn't your wife ya know....

This op. This.

Painful but honestly true.

Take he fucking hint and dump here ass before she does yours. She surely will and she's PROBABLY fuckin on the side. Jesus Christ dude save yourself while you still have a chance not to turn out lika a complete beta

>matters the most.
She playing you.


thinly veiled cuck fantasy thread detected.
On the microscopic chance that you are actually serious let me answer this as clearly as I can:
Yes the relationship is absolutely doomed to fail. There is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Your only move is to dump your gf. If you want a new gf, I recommend waiting to dump your current one until you get a new one. Chicks are super attracted to men who already have girlfriends, so it's a lot easier to get a new gf when you already have one.

Man up bitch tits. She's already out, just looking for her next mark so she doesn't have to get a job. Playing the field so she maximizes her chance of scoring a decent target. She's using you.

Her name is Nazarrena on Twitter. Thicc ass British Muslim girl.

Attached: BCC2CE2F-D8DA-400C-B8B0-35684DEB22D6.jpg (960x960, 100K)

Can I have a link or @?

real niggah hour advice

bro, 5 months is the perfect number to still get out. you havent developed any deep feelings for her. you can leave her and within 2 months you will forget about her. you have not experienced enough with her for it to get that far.

Please do yourself a favor and leave while still can. a doubting relationship is automaticly a doomed one.

she preggy

Femanon here.

If she isn't fucking you, she's fucking somebody. Check her phone silly.

Attached: IMG_09082017-212.jpg (426x639, 101K)

>Muslim girl

Attached: slap.png (600x608, 171K)

Fat. She'd be hot if she lost 40 lbs

pull your fucking milkers out whore

She’s some twitter whore or whatever, she barely shows her face, she posts all the time on this site

You can call her fat all you want, i can say she has a phat fucking ass.

Attached: 1997F1CF-C0EF-41D8-BC9A-BC1221398662.jpg (1024x1025, 350K)

>she “Isn’t physically attracted to me, but loves me for the person I am
That's beautiful, she'll make a fantastic friend while you go find someone else to fuck and build a real relationship with.
Jokes aside, ditch her.

Pic related?

Op is a camwhore spamming for attention. Sage. Report.

Yeah she's fucking someone else, but hasn't set the hook yet.
Soon as her new bf is on the hook she will drop him like a bad habit.

take what you want. you'll regret not pushing her into giving in once you find out who shes fucking. youll feel like less of a cuck later; she likely tells the other guy, "we barely ever even have sex anymore" like its your choice, so rectify that, faggot. i always do and walk away with my dignity.

Damn. Was she at least attracted to you a little in the beginning?

I asked her if she ever found me attractive to begin with and she said “no, i never did honestly”

Mommy gib milky

Exercise then nigger.

And when you bulk up (it’ll take about a year unless you’re the hulk) fuck her sister. Even if she’s ugly, fuck her anyway. Fuck her friend(s). And then fuck her, but refuse to do anything besides anal.

How is self improvement bitch advice? Sounds like the girl is an idiot anyway. Why not fuck up her feelings the way she did to OP?

>because she is out of birth control (yes for a year)

Good god what kind of pussies are on this board?

anyone who thinks she's fat is retarded. phat ass indeed

She’s obviously a coal burner and you’re going to raise black babies unless you dump her.

Yea i was fucking a married coworker of mine and she only fucked her husband maybe once every month. But she actually did find him attractive, but she hated every fiber of his being with passion. They’re still married(18 years now) Women are weird and stupid.