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salty lefties whining? wow, I had no idea such things were occurring

it's more about forcing the ideology that there is more than 2 genders and if you disagree then that's your life gone at the word bigot and it all sounds like railbow shit fascism

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Depends what the context is, not everything is black and white. What do they consider sexist or racist etc. Also people are mean and rude, but being offended is definitely a choice at the end of the day.

Does anyone have any actual profound thoughts or have good arguments against this?

The fact that people exist who oppose that is proof that Dusty is full of shit. You don't get to just declare something as being true when in reality it isn't. People like that are delusional, and the amount of cognitive dissonance they must experience on a daily basis is pretty scary to think of. No wonder they are becoming unhinged and violent, they are living in a fantasy world and they can't cope with reality. They won't last.

What does Yea Forums actually constitute as sexism and racism? I want your real thoughts. What crosses the line to sexism or racism? Intent vs impact?

Sexism, homophobia, and racist slurs, while prevalent among certain fringe corners of the Internet, generally aren't a problem most people have to face on a day-to-day basis. The problem for those of us who are against this social justice bullshit aren't necessarily coming from a place of hatred, intolerance, and condemnation--usually quite the opposite: we see that these things aren't this widespread thing the media & co. are making it out to be and rather see it for what it is: manufactured outrage to create a problem that doesn't exist.

It's fucking annoying to have to try to get through to ignorant people--who are such either by their own will or who've been programmed to feel that way--that, despite what CNN, FOX, and celebrity culture are constantly pushing, there isn't this rampant "le neonazi" movement taking hold that they try to claim is, because they want a reason to be granted the authority to regulate the Internet to control what every braindead sheep online is about to see, feel, think, and say.

It's all just buzzwords at this point and the sight of them fills me with disgust. :/

It's utter nonsense.

I dunno, I see your point but slurs legit do dehumanize the folks they are originally about - dehumanization leads to murder and that's dumb as fuck.

if you're being a cunt to someone because they've got titties or happen to have different ancestry / origin / religion / language, you're a fucking cunt
if you're being a cunt to someone because they had a laugh about when they saw your tiny embarassing cock while they plowed your mother, sister and father simultaneously, you might have a point.
>if you were cooler you'd get invited to orgy porgies too though

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It's weird how they pretend they're "just being nice" then blatantly ignore all the times they aren't being nice (eg antifa "bashing the fash", throwing milkshakes and cement, etc), shoehorning in their own sexist views such as their "fight against manspreading", shoehorning in socialism where possible, forcing others to conform to their way of thinking, hatred of straights/cis/whites/men/[insert generic majority characteristic here], witchhunting anybody who dares THINKS things which go against (((the narrative))).
Remember that one time an educational institution told all whites to stay home for a day to make whitey feel guilty for segregating blacks all those years ago? They blocked off anybody from entering if they're white and practically held them hostage if they entered anyway.
That's not "just being nice", that's ideological warfare, and it's stupid that they pretend otherwise.

Kek eat shit and die

No, those kinds of people want themselves to be happy by making everyone else unhappy. Jesus fucking Christ, just let other people go about their business. Don’t rape, murder, steal, or be a cunt. It’s not that difficult.

These people will drive other people to suicide because the skin colour in fan art isn’t dark enough.

As an old guy, it's so weird to see people constantly whine about pc.
The way shit used to be in my deeply conservative community, if you caused fucking any trouble in mixed company, the rest of us kicked the shit out of you.
There wasn't any breakdown of what kind of insult it was, if you broke the peace, you got the chaos you sought, right quick.
There was a time and a place for joking, sure, and we probably did tell lots of jokes that wouldn't fly today, but there was lots of stuff we also wouldn't joke about back then that is nothing to mention today, so that seems like a wash to me.
There was also lots of situations where you would immediately get hit if you talked any kind of shit.
I know so many people who babble endlessly about pc culture who I have directly seen lose their shit back when we all used to socialize in person.
When I was young, if I offended somebody, I generally apologized because it was in a situation where people were just there to enjoy themselves, nobody had asspergers so if I had instead screamed IT'S LEGAL I CAN LEGALLY SAY THAT people just would have punched me for awhile and then would have stopped inviting me to things.
This was before jerry springer culture though, back before everybody decided that being rude was a great way to be interesting without actually having to do or say anything worth a damn.

One issue you'll find is that you aren't a target that the people that toss around this kind of shit bother with.
I've never had anyone fuck with me for being white. I was walking at night once and had a truckful of hicks roll up yelling hey nigger until they saw I was a white dude in dark clothes, and they rolled off again.
It was a kind of wtf moment for me.
Chicks, fags and blacks get this shit on the regular. The asshats don't do it in front of us, they do it when they think they can get away with it.
So most people don't see it, except the targets see it all the time.
I remember when I was in school decades back and asked a teacher to move me away from some assholes in class that spent the period fucking with me, and the teacher was surprised that they were fucking with me. She'd gotten the impression that I was fucking with them, because she'd always just see me pissed and them telling me to chill out, but she never saw them tossing shit or saying shit.
That's just how it is sometimes. For folks getting dicked around, they get that one in a hundred fuck face twice a day, and no one else sees it for the most part.

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Like I said: actual racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. are real problems that have real long-term consequences if they're allowed to fester and infect a community on a large scale.

However, that isn't what's happening here. It's merely what every news outlet and public "influencer" want you to believe is happening because it makes a convenient guise for them to cover their true intentions, and most people are too pre-occupied living their own lives or simply just too stupid to question it, and they lap it right up like thirsty little mutts.

I'm sick of being portrayed as the hateful, prejudiced, closed-minded being I've strived so hard not to become, despite the constant waves of bullshit that life hits you with, all because too many people are more than willing to put a talking head's political & social opinion on a pedestal because of their false status as being on a higher "plane" than the rest of society. Fuck that noise. :L

Insanity thread?

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All for it.

What angers me most is this thirst for moral purity. It’s literally the antithesis of growth as a person. All of us fuck up. A lot. But you say slightly the wrong thing and you’re cancelled. And they get such a hard on for original sin. White, Jew, male, etc... Try and bring up how it was Africans selling other Africans into slavery, and they flip their shit.

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But they leave rape gangs alone so they don’t get called racist.

>back before everybody decided that being rude was a great way to be interesting without actually having to do or say anything worth a damn
this has started bothering me about tv as I get older. kids shows through rated-r, the only conversation most characters have is cheap lines to rip on each other
people learn that shit, think its funny, copy it.
I don't think we need to head towards censoring anything, but it would be nice if not everything was a fucking slight

OMG THIS 10/10

>I was walking at night once and had a truckful of hicks roll up yelling hey nigger
GTFO, larping faggot commie!

Who has been cancelled for shit they've said other than Roseanne, but she sucked anyway

Sounds like someone struggling to cope with a world that doesn't give a fuck about them or their feelings.

meaningful but still delusional

Yeah, no. Obviously I can't post proof, since this was a few years back now. And even if it wasn't wtf proof would I have, but it did happen
I've always liked walking at night, and this is the only weird shit that ever happened to me in all my years of it

Post, faggots

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Please explain??

And you know what? You're absolutely right in identifying the actual problem faced by certain members of society.

The disconnect comes from the means by which these public figures tell us to handle the problem: "We need to be more PC, so instead of actually taking the time to address the problem for what it is and taking gradual steps to solve the problem on a case-by-case basis, let's instead use this as an opportunity to pretend to be all-inclusive by forcing in policies and practices that make institutions have to fill out a >>>diversity quota

not even that poster
but damn you seem like you'd be great company

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he's claiming contradictory things that are framed to sound different because it's the only way to make excuses to latch onto whatever problem of their life they themselves are willingly subjecting themselves to.

Well it sure was lucky you weren't black! The 'hicks' would have hopped out of their jacked up coal burner, chained you to the bumper and dragged you to death for sure!


I doubt it. I haven't heard of anything like that around here, but they probably would have lingered around threatening and shit for a while.
I did get "coal rolled" walking home about a year ago. I hope that faggot gets cancer. Fucker.

I think a comment on a YT video I watched a few days back, sums this up nicely. The video was about new CCTV recordings of Jessi (sp) Smollet circling a block with the brothers he hired to beat him, one carrying the 'rope' and both wearing MAGA hats, that they were also recorded buying. The comment read simply, "When the demand for racism, exceeds the supply."

I know you are but what am I?

attention whores always throw gas on the fire. remember that "scratched B into my face" bitch from the early 2000s? dumb fat cunt.
fucking assholes.

Roseanne is one example, but you don't even need to spout any opinions to have your show cancelled. As boring as it was, Adult Swim canned World Peace when the media threw a hissy fit over it, accusing it of every buzzword they could think of: alt-right boogeyman, racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic, transphobic, (((anti-semitic))), etc.
Count Dankula is a cliche as fuck example but after getting fucked over by the absolute state because he made a joke about his fat dog being a nazi, the media has been trying to suppress him as much as possible, writing hit pieces to make him unemployable and to stop him from appearing on television where people would witness that he's not "hateful disgusting literal alt-right nazi man" as the media describes him, that he's just a regular nazi man with feelings too.

>Count Dankula is a cliche as fuck example but after getting fucked over by the absolute state because he made a joke about his fat dog being a nazi,
is that that britishfag? the fucking brits need some freedom of fucking speech. their government seems to love shitting on people for saying shit they don't like

Dusty's right.
The only problem is that the butthurt ones are also impossibly noisy and stupid.

"One example of people faking racism exists, therefore all racism doesn't exist." Stupendous intellectual honesty in this thread.

One well documented and highly exploited example of it. That set up literally half the country to look like monsters, skulking in the shadows and the media ate it up like hungry little whores. NO ONE, got in the slightest trouble for it either.

Since he didn't I will. Just like not everyone on the right is a neonazi trying to take over america. not everyone on the left is a whiny snowflake who will cry if you call him a nerd. Some people on the left genuinely want to see positive change in human behavior/the countries cultural scene. Like a lot of pro-socialist people are under the delusion that socialism doesn't tear countries apart from the inside but that it "creates opportunity" and "re stimulates the economy". Socialism utopia is a pipedream, the only thing that would work is applying them on a local scale as outreach programs. Full blown socialism always results in the end of an empire.

Maybe people want validation for who they are and just want to be secure with that? Just like we want/need to be

Kill people