I'm in the process of excreting one (or many) of these mf and I could really do with some advice...

I'm in the process of excreting one (or many) of these mf and I could really do with some advice. Do I just "shit" them out? Do I have to pull as soon as they come to the surface? WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO?!?!

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It's 1am and I can fELL THEM WIGGLING IN MY ASSHOLE. I want to die...

How did you get them? Eating your boyfriend's asshole?

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Is it pinworms?

that's gay af

i mean the last time i had worms i was a child and i distinctly remember it was cause i rarelywashed my hands and ate foods with my hands like toasted sandwiches n shit
but the only time id get worms would be if i had a fuckload of sugar before
cant remember the treatment but i just had showers or baths and used to yeet my thumb up there n pull it out and thered be a couple worms on it lol

just eat a bunch of good foods idk just read garlic and onion, honeys always mentioned but that went against my thought of the sugary stuff but hey its fuckin honey, shit can sterilise wounds

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There are 24 hour clinics, if you are really desperate you can go to an ER

go to the doctor. Now.

Nah honey is a bad plan. You'd have to eat so much of it that you'd go into a diabetic coma.

Hot peppers might work, but it won't be pleasant.

Pics or it's fake

fair point
OP dont be a bitch and just go eat some ramen with a shitload of hotsauce or a real chilli meal if youre not ultra poor

That could work. Or, if you want to skip the mouth pain, pop open some tylenol capsules, dump out the medicine, fill them with the hot sauce, and then put them back together. Then just take a shitload of the pills. You will get the ring of fire, but your mouth will be spared.

cleanse your digestive track, do a salt water flush and follow it up with garlic

This horrible thing is clearly the work of Scottish vampires.

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I’ve always been scared of getting worms, it sounds terrifying. I eat shitloads of spicy food though. Since my shit burns I assume it would kill them?

ye id guess so, i eat a lot of spicy also and havnt had them in years probably closing on 20 but they really arent that bad, i cant speak for tapeworms and all that where they get like 30ft long n shit but you know the expression or if a kid cant sit still in class teacher says "do you have worms or something johnny" thats literally it
you just have discomfort sitting and it can kinda feel like idk a mozzie bite in your bum? or maybe imagine ants in your pants
you feel them moving which is fucked but i just shit a lot and it was sorted
wew joys of being a outdoorsy kid, how things change in 2 decades

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Just go to the pharmacy and get some cheap. OTC, pinworm meds.
It's the same shit they use to worm dogs and cats.
Take a dose, it goes away. Take another in 2 weeks, it doesn't come back.
/first hand knowledge

Reference a SERE handbook. Usually spicy as Fuck food and eating tabacco will excrete it out. Dont be a dumb Fuck and eat a can of skoal mint flavored dip. Eat the true natrual tobacco dried plant found at a drug store or ciggerate shop. If it comes out, then that's good. DO NOT FLUSH IT!! take it to the hospital immediately! So they can identify and give you the antidote provided if your lil wormy you birthed didnt lay eggs in you. If all else fails, lay down your pride and go to the emergency room!

I'm not sure if it kills them, or just causes them pain, so they want out of your colon.

you are so Australian my dude

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yeah he needs Ivermectin

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Over the counter worm cleaner.

You’ll just shit them out.

It won’t be fun but don’t listen to these assholes about spicy food. Fucking Indians have one of the highest rates and they eat curry that could melt paint.

Clinic or Er will literally just give you the same meds. They aren’t going to reel
In your worms unless your organs are severely infected.

spot on

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Drink one of these.

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I'm undergoing the treatment and all, but I am just super scared as well as extremely revolted of the shitting process. If anyone could talk in detail about theirs, I'd be very thankful.

Don't know it this helps, but......
You'll have a lot worse shit happen to you.

I already know it won't be pretty, but I just have this mighty need to KNOW what the hell I'm about to feel. It makes it ever so slightly easier on myself, I think...


Probably not much, honestly. You don't feel every little crevice and lump on a turd. Why would you feel the worms?

Your asshole isn't exactly a precision instrument. Hence why we use our fingers to feel things, and not our assholes.

>inb4 Yea Forumstards putting things in their ass