How do i tell my bf i know his fetish

how do i tell my bf i know his fetish

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just tell him

shoot up a school

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yo bitch I hear you're into

ive tried through hints

what is it

>you barge into his room at 3am
>read a passage from the communist manifesto, play the Tetris 99 theme, and leave

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Why do females do this?

pic somewhat related

inflation of tits and ass,
he severely hides it and it bugs me even though
i love it and he turns me on

top kek
thank you for the smile

then fuckin tell him you mong

A lack of confidence.

Oh god not inflation. It's not the weirdest thing he could be into, but damn.

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fear of rejection

My wife knows about my blood fetish. She also knows I'm bisexual. She still hasn't told me her fetish. Y'all are too uptight about this shit. His fetish can't be that crazy. Everyone is crazy. Stop trying to be part of what you think is normal.

Happy to deliver user, good day to you

not vore thank fuckin christ
just BIG

Bruh how da fuck u know if she know if you aint tell her? Fuck

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Umm... Because I did tell her. Dafuq?

Who thought that was hot? Who then decided to make more porn of it?

What fetish?

Jesus Christ. Just fucking tell him. The stupid hint bullshit is just fucking horrible.

i mean if this is real, if you're okay with whatever weird shit he's into, then there's literally nothing more important to a man than sharing something with someone he loves without judgment. you don't even have to participate. just fuckin accept it and move on

if he pushes tho, gtfo cuz that's someone who'll murder people.

Dumb fucking whore, a “hint” is not “just telling them” and your “hint” is probably the stupidest little innocuous bullshit that no normal human being would ever notice. Why the fuck do women think men are mind readers? Fucking stop doing that hint stuff faggot grow up and communicate like an adult instead of a fucking gypsie

Why do you like to be fucked in the ass, faggot?
You need to forgive your mom for keeping your dad out of your life and your dad for not being there

Idk but they should be severely beaten and domestically battered for that shit


no. that's fucked user

Was your hint, "hey i know your fetish wanna explore it?"
Then ask him dumb bitch

Post aussie stuff

My dad has always been in my life. My parents have always been very kind to me. Projecting?

Talk dirty to him when having sex. Ride him, the start saying stuff along the lines of, "now babe imagine my t its getting bigger and bigger. Like you're filling them like balloons baby. "
When he is behind you say something like " imagine while you're back there having a bike pump in my ads and making it bigger and bigger"

BOOM, problem solved



What hint?

How did you find this out?

Then your father is a beta male and got bossed around by your mom

Not trying to be mean, just accurate

Hell yeah op should do this.

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Lol whats up with all the butthurt replies?

yes. If anyone in the thread rolls quads op has to do

Good advice, but I think it's better if user loses that fetish entirely

My father generates way more income than my mother. He tends to do what he wants. He always told me the secret to women was to "let them think they're in charge". You know nothing, little boy.

Fuck, summer is lasting long this year.

Trips should be enuff

>secret to women is to let them do what they want
Your father is a BETA

did he died?

how do i go about exploiting this? like, how do
i play this up and make it amazing??

Fucking this so much. FUCKING JUST TELL HIM YOU RETARD. If you wanna try it, ask him if he wants to try it. If you just think it's weird and wanna talk about it, JUST TELL HIM. Fuck


Just put your finger in his bum OP


It's been discussed that op's bf has an inflation fetish not arsefucking

You have to go back you autistic cunt

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That's not what I said or meant. Go to sleep, kid. Mommy will be in to tuck you in soon.

Yep. Anaphaletic shock. Fucking idiot.

>>hey john
>>hi hon, whats up?
>>I know your fetish
>>long pause
>>hang up

Lol assblasted by the truth
Okay I'll go by your words:
>Let her think she is im charge
Most beta thing possible
Caused your confidence issues
I mean it's confirmed, you're bi

yeah, good idea. Be sure to breathe heavily

Beat poetry

Holy shit, I have never seen such leaps in logic in a long time.

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>says beta shit
>talks about confidence issues
aren't you the retard?

try what? idk where to start hahahaha

Say: “Every circle motion you complete around my boobs make them 1cm bigger“ “Every ass slap makes my bum 1 cm thiccer“

Has nothing to do with any issues. I'm attracted to men and women. I don't act on it anymore because I'm married. I've been in lots of threesomes, foursome, "cuddle puddles" and what have you. How is that beta? And what does it have to do with my parents? And who are you to claim any knowledge of anything? You're just some summerfag.

If you are into it as well like says then just tell him. Nothing will get a guy harder faster than a girl that has the same fetish as him

females r fucking useless

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It's pretty clear by him being bi and his father letting his women be in charge of him

>Hey user, I know you like getting pegged, want me to peg you?

Or whatever. Fuck me it's not that hard.
I mean not literally fuck me. Fuck your user. FUck.

It has everything to do with your parents. Since your mother was the women in charge you became like her

get some Saline, it should work

>Or whatever. Fuck me it's not that hard.
I mean not literally fuck me. Fuck your user. FUck.

user is fag

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So... In charge?
Lol, dude you are retarded.

That's what you admitted your father let her do “think she is im charge“
So he agreed with whatever bs she did to gave her the impression that she is in charge. Women should submit to their husbands and not vice versa

literally considered it cause im ugly and flat chested

idk taking cock is pretty beta

well it's harmless fun, right? guess you need a female friend in the medical field to help you with that, but it's probably worth a shot

so yeah, inject it while he's away for the day and just wear an xxxxl shirt when he comes back, see how long he takes to notice and how he reacts

Post body
We give fair feedback

Based and Eric and Dylan pilled

I know, it'll make things less awkward with what she has to say though

Don't do this OP
Tell your bf to man up instead and to stop having faggot fetishes

Emphasis on "think", dipshit. Fuck, you're dense. Have fun being a one-parent obese virgin. And yes, it's that obvious.

You really do not understand how sexuality works do you. Nor have you been paying attention to OP problem, she does not have a problem with it, she needs help to tell him.

Nope to both
And nice cope
I was just trying to help you out
Forgive your father for being weak and your mom for inheriting her anger and you won't be bi anymore

I paid attention to the thread, but that doesn't change the fact that OPs bf has a weird fetish that he should try to get rid of

You just tell him you fucking retard

its true
and ways to roleplay
guess i asked for details from the wrong lonelybois

You went to Yea Forums for help, that was the first mistake. There is some helpful advice in this thread, it is just hidden under so much shit that you cant rely on any of it

Ur weird for accepting his degeneracy

Vore is hot as fuck.

Just imagining sliding down a warm wet soft passage, the walls undulating slowly moving you further and further with their sensual massage, they you get to bathe in a juice that makes you all tingly, then you sleep.

no. That's royally retarded user

Your loss more porn for me

take it, too much already