How are you guys doing?

How are you guys doing?

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hahaha drugs


like a godddamn reeefer mad typist

If I don't get picked for jury duty, I may apply for a job as soon as tomorrow. My sister quits her job today. It would be a strange coincidence if I started looking for work the very day after my sister became a NEET.


i will meet a gurl from discord soon and its kinda a date
but i duno am i an e boy now ?_?

Your fortune: Average Luck

give her my number maybe she will call me :3

be sure to offer her some toilet water

ok ill tell her she will prob laugh thanks mister wing man :)

fug she sayed no thanks

offer her clean tap water

t. virgin

im doing good, got up early, took the breadpill and now i'm at work, wageslaving to make money for my siamese twin.

wtf how did you know it was me?? -___-

post pic of your sis pl0x

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yeah thanks oro

I’m in a predicament. Marijuana or Cocaine?

Both when my sons not home

this is the kind of porn Billie Lourd makes for her friends

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you dont have to think when you have people like us

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