what are 3 reasons to not kill yourself ?
What are 3 reasons to not kill yourself ?
sex with animals three times a day
ders 4
>i am gonna die anyway
>chance my soulmate will find me
>I would prefer to outlive my enemies
The fear of decay.
An end to your existence.
Fear of the unknown.
The joys of living.
The happiness found in love.
Having family.
i dont want to,lol
To check what tomorrow will bring.
Jojo's. Bizarre. Adventure.
God would prefer if I didn't
Jesus loves me and died so I could live
If I kill myself I won't get to enter the Kingdom of Heaven
1st. Drinking (like holy shit I’m going to miss this when I die, probably how I go.)
2nd, The next entertainment thing (movie, show, or next from software game.)
3rd May live to see a post apocalyptic world (we really under value how many country have nukes and how easy it could set off the end of the world).
Honestly there’s so much time to be dead, why race to the finish line?
Found the faggot
Yea Forums
im not brave enough to murder myself user
.do it
-do it
-do it
The possibility that YOU could be the guy in your gif.
My dog is only good for once a day. Not that my butthole could take much more than that
you are a grand person
you have a life to live
actually, the world will be the same with out you
I'm not a fag
I have a Girlfriend
My parents love me.
women exist
you can be useful to them
you can make them cum
I'm literally ready to end it all. If it wasnt for some financial reasons related to family I would quit my job, take a week long vacation and handle business.
This weekend I really started to come to the conclusion I will be alone the rest of my life. My divorce ruined my life. I just dont want to let my family down. But fuck it. This world sucks.
things can get better
drugs aren't too expensive
why kill yourself before you do something that you won't have to take responsibility for?
not suggesting you do anything tho
Want to see how tech advances
Want to see if we reach mars
Want to see if we make contact
forgot to add VR is bound to get better in the upcoming years
Apparently the possibility of having sex with a ballerina
Imagine you parents spending all that time driving you to ballet lessons, going to recitals, buying your outfits, all so you can fuck some ex-con on video.
A clear nights sky full of stars
helping people
a good time, despite the bad times
Jackie Chan...FUCK!
>I have the moneys
>I have the looks
>I recently acquired a PS4
Sounds like a cuck
>Wild Cherry Pepsi