This racist ass site needs to be shutdown

This racist ass site needs to be shutdown

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shit up nigger

Attached: Melon love.jpg (500x681, 69K)

What illiterate broken English speaking nigger is going to shut it down?

gtfo niggermommy

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If a hot enough woman said this, I'd agree.

I would do anything to put my face between those tits

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Show us your tits

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Attached: niggers stealing bike with shocking seat.webm (480x270, 1.03M)

Attached: Nigger Pwned by a girl.webm (320x240, 1.23M)

shut up u stupid nigger shit

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Attached: nigger falls for bike trap.webm (400x240, 429K)

Attached: nigger culture on display.webm (632x468, 961K)

go back to where you came from

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Attached: nigger land whale fights truck.webm (222x400, 1.62M)

Fucking niggers piss me off.
>They drive crazy and erratic or are on their phone.
>They always fuck up food orders. >Fuckin stink.
>Can’t just pronounce words so you can understand them.
>Think they can do whatever they want.
>leeching the system

Stop acting like gorillas



This gotta be bait

I see more white women on their phones while driving than niggers. Always in a german SUV or some shitty ass crossover too. With disney stickers.
Niggers drive high a lot more, 25 in a 45 braking for their shadow demons to cross the fucking road.

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Stupid nigger bitch

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Your mom's ovaries need to be shut down