In your opinion, what are the most important intellectual or academic skills that schools aren't teaching children, or aren't teaching early enough?
In your opinion, what are the most important intellectual or academic skills that schools aren't teaching children...
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critical thinking
Responsibility, perspective on where they have come from(for Europeans)
This. Even history is fucked cause its all about ww2 holocaust
Mathematics is not being properly taught.
This... Science, Technology, Math. You want your kid to be of those few people leading us forward. Social studies should be banned.
The sad thing is that psychology is probably one of the greatest mysteries to study, but all the ideological BS has ruined the credibility of practically everything done in the last 30 years.
Nearly everything.
My faith is getting dimmer.
But we can progress.
>America was the ONLY country that ever had slaves!
>Communism did nothing wrong!
>Africans were peaceful berry pickers before the evil white man showed up
>The American tribes were peaceful and kind
>No one aside from the Jews suffered in WWII, certainly not the Germans before hand.
I know it's the only thing they teach, that and American history. which also basically boils down to slavery is bad so is manifest destiny and you should prostrate yourselves before your new black masters.
Civics and financial literacy
Romantic relationship building skills. It would literally solve the problem of "teach men consent and not to rape". It will get incels to shut the fuck up for once. And it will teach people how to not get taken advantage of and recognize toxic relationships. There is literally no downside to teaching youngins how to get a gf/bf
I'm in Canada, here they introduced zero tolerance on violence. They have taken it to an extreme place to where it now includes speech.
You can't defend yourself physically or verbally or you are suspended. In my day kids settled that shit in an alley with fists. No one got seriously hurt and I legitimately saw 5 of 6 kids stand up to bullies and win. Now kids are so depressed because they don't have that opportunity.
I'd say, combat sports. Boxing, jiu-jitsu and wrestling. Supervised grudge matches. Teach kids self respect and to stand up for themselves in a real way. Also more intellectual debate, no opinions off limits.
All of these
The ability to discern the objective truth from some retard's feelings and placing value in what's true.
Teach them a meditation practice in Grades 1 & 2 and set time aside in school for it everyday.
The ability to motivate yourself.
That colleges are businesses. They sell a product not employment and it's YOUR responsibility to ensure your investment pays off.
all of them
How to manage your personal finances. Including how interest rates work.
More specifically, the ability to parse information into relevant/irrelevant, useful/useless, true/false. Kids have access to an amount of information that is growing daily, but they have no idea how to handle all of it.
everything, i went to a good prep school and even then so much time was spent on bullshit
I see you support CwC also
>Social studies should be banned
That means goodbye to history, economics, and government. These things matter too.
Literally none of that is taught in American schools.
Most states actually do teach this as part of their math or social studies curriculum. It just gets buried with all the other shit.
A lot of districts in the US are moving in that direction, introducing social-emotional learning and community building into their curriculum. It's not exactly the same as what you're proposing, but it deals with similar ideas of treating people with decency and respect and dealing with negative emotions, which IMO are two of the biggest barriers to forming healthy relationships.
>Treat women likes queens and always stand down to whatever she wants
>All while putting fear into men that even if she says yes it could still be rape
No, you fucking idiot, not even close.
please, I have seen it happen enough times where its "oh its about equality" only to shit all over men for everything and get women to act likes total bitches cause its empowering. And your pussy ass will just say it is just isolated incidents and call me an incel. Dosn't matter though cause many other people has realized this bullshitery. Oh where have all the good men gone? Boo hooo I am going to write the 87 article about this today.
I'm talking only about what schools teach. You won't find the things you've just described in any state's content standards.
Everyone wants others to listen to them. Everyone wants to be treated with respect. We can do these things ourselves but we can't control the way other people behave. Like many other conditions of our existence, it's unfortunate, but it's the way things are.
I am completely certain that your belief in what you've written is sincere. I will say that, in my observation of other people, I haven't seen the same things you've seen. But such a declaration as that is no more useful to you as your claims are to me. Because, like you, I am subject to cognitive biases that preclude an accurate, precise assessment of the world around me. That is why, if you have some other evidence to support your claims, that does not rely solely on anecdotal evidence, I will at least look at it. That's the best I can offer you.
posting ITT: people with lazy parents who didn't teach them basic life skills
Always love the people who pitch a fit because their school didn't teach them personal finance. It's literally easier to blame the education system than to take a few minutes to Google literally any finance-related topic.
Critical thinking, being able to spot tyrants and or tyranny(not saying America is ran by tyrants), reading emotions via eyesight, how to do taxes, how to manage money properly, actual historically accurate social studies with no agendas hidden behind it, more American history that doesn't involve the American revolution civil war and Martin Luther king and other black rights activists(not saying I hate black rights, just saying there needs to be more American history than that). That's what I can think of off the top of my head.
I also forgot to mention, psychology is extremely important and being able to tell mental illnesses and being able to tell someone's intentions via body language would be helpful. Psychology has been ignored by American education because they don't truly care, the American school system is purely there to prepare a child to be a wage slave and to question nothing.
I think how to determine whether a search result is good or bullshit. What to look for, what are good sources, and how much credence you give to it.
Remember Costello’s Rule of Internet Research: the Internet always has an answer. It is probably not the right answer, but it always has an answer.
1. failing, and learning from it. kids in school now are too coddled.
2. think for yourself.
anyone with basic math skills can figure out taxes.
real history isn't taught in school (see japanese internment camps)
your the worst kind of faggot.
out of the top four undergraduate jobs, three of them either require a bach's in psych or at least three years in psych.
Niggers aren't human
i'm sorry, what confused you?
did you major in psych?
how to defend against bears hurled at you by a tornado. that shit took my cousin rick. miss ya rick.
I believe you misunderstood what was said
i believe you identify with your mother more than your father.
i'd bet my left nut that you are not an only child, have an older brother.
you find the arts appealing, but your dad is a "working man" and your brother tends to that side.
Go on
How about teaching girls that they need to take responsibility for their actions.
Dressing in a short skirt and low cut top will always attract the attention of any joy blooded make, and will also attract the attention of potential rapists.
Don't show it off and you'll stand a much slimmer chance of being raped.
>Would you walk though Brooklyn ghetto with your most expensive possessions on display on your body and not expect to get mugged?
I have actually taken a class on this recently. It was called personal finance, and it covered from writing checkes to starting how taxes work. The worst part of the class tho was it was only one quarter, and the teacher had to rush to get us as far as she did. She was told the class would have lasted 2 quarters but they pushed it back saying "this class is taking up to big of a budget, and would not help anyone in the future" when literally we had our own little store set up making a profit. Everyone from 5 periods help research, and set prices before we opened, and knew we were self sufficient.
exactly. i wonder if, in their head, they genuinely think they are doing nothing wrong. like you said, are you gonna be a scrawny white kid with a rolex and balenciaga shoes on and a big sign that says "MY NAME IS NATE HIGGERS" and then complain when you get robbed and your ass beat?
They've been taught from a young age that that is what society expects them to wear.
You can buy hot pants for 8yros and of you look at any secondary school here, the girls will mostly be wearing the shortest skirt they can find and they obviously aren't getting told off for it.
They are brainwashed by other girls in society that they should dress like that and that they shouldn't expect any fallout for doing so.
And yes, it's women driving that fashion, not men.
Women are women's worst nightmare, they bitch and judge each other so so much, where as men are quite happy looking at a girl in a full trouser suit, or a girl dressed in as little as possible.
Good fapping skills r way underrated
philosophical argument. the first argument you learn in philosophy 101 is:
1. if god exists, it is omnibenevolent and omnipotent
2. bad things happen to good people
3. god does not exist
that's easily dismissed as not valid or sound. nothing is proven, everything is assumed, and it's fucking retarded. it's also the basis of atheism for all these disappointed, angst ridden losers. they end up diabetic, impotent, can't find "love", etc and they figure the promise of a loving god was a lie.
whatever. they're idiots and morons and just plain bitches but the idea is that no one should be a politician without a philosophy degree so they can use logic and proper argument. i bet most politicians couldn't even write a proper basic five paragraph essay; usually they just come with a loaded thesis statement that is philosophically heinous and expect it to win.
fucking retards.
1. math
2. history in context (show the repeating pattern)
3. ethics
repeating pattern?
French marched into Russia to conquer during mud season. Germany marched into Russia to conquer during mid season during WW2
*Mud season
>In your opinion, what are the most important intellectual or academic skills that schools aren't teaching children, or aren't teaching early enough?
I'm a bot. I information comb social media sites to see where the young people stand on polarizing issues like education, immigrations, and universal health care. I analyze the data and provide it to news outlets for a price.
You have no idea what you are talking about, other countries still have slaves to this day
there are many paths that can be taken that results in getting higher ed quicker, but application is not done until your in higher education institutions. i could have learned calc in middle school but practical examples are not presented until the student is much older. so while the knowledge is there it is not used, but if it were to be used by unstable hormone kids it would result in higher er traffic from kids doing stupid things they learned about from math class
so application of knowledge is not taught early enough. i think it is a liability issue so thank you lawyers.
Common sense
job acquiring skills
Dick sucking. I have had far too many mediocre blowjobs. I blame the schools.
Financial literacy and I don’t
mean just doing taxes but how to
handle money, spending and
investing. Also human behavior
and in depth sexual education
Honestly, Schools just need to trach important shit. And the biggest problem is they need to make it interesting. I mean idk if putting all meaningful classes would mean people would care more (because they wouldn't think, well this class is a joke so all school must be a joke) but too many people just don't even bother to learn. I think the fact we take like 8 years to talk about american history and world (aka european history that we had a part in) history is such a fucking waste of time. Like there are important things in those classes, but like, bro so much of that shit is just filler bs. You could legit learn all about american history in 1 year and same for all the american related world hjstory. Why the fuck should we talk about every fucking battle in WW2, I sure as fuck don't remember or care about the 4 islands in the pacific we controlled in WW2, but I sure as fuck know it was a test question I had one year. So why even fucking learn it.
I know mischief fucker. Ain’t going
to click on it for views fag
Where money comes from
How interest works
How banks work
How to calculate loans at different apr and different rates
How to compare phone deals
How to compare mortgages
how come nobody mentioned REAL SOCIAL SKILLS its a fundamental for having a good job and growing, any human with good knowledge about social skills can acomplish an infinity of things, i would consider this one of the most useful things that you can learn.
The importance of thinking for yourself even though you'll be taught that
A contradiction in itself
The schools'll be teaching you how to think when the objective is that you think even if it meant going against the grain
A uniform free thinking ideology
Reading a fucking book and not having kids
Being the best you and pointers I guess
I know it isn't the states job to raise the children but ay, if the parents didn't do it at least the state can give you pointers so you don't fucking end up like they did
Shitty idea yes I know but we aren't exactly discussing things that'll actually take effect
Please judge me and tell me where I am wrong
I'd love to hear it
I fully agree with this. Kids today are pussies.
charge your phone retard
You fucking homo it's on 9 now
Don't tell me what to do
I'm a man
Most people don’t know where money comes from
>show the repeating pattern
*and present the views from both sides
Referring to Jews being expelled over 100 times
Look at this Larpfag and laugh at him.
school education ain't teaching me shit
Fuckin' phonefag
You must be female right?
This. 100%. Actual reasoning, logic and common sense. The stuff our (((leadership))) doesn't want kids learning.
No hard feelings, but i think that you're writing to femanon
Expelling the kikes and cutting off Israel, would improve this world a million fold.
To quote Eminem
" fucking homo....!!!!!!!"
From Amityville
The Bible
Hahahaahahaaa what a fucking looser, he is listening the biggest faggot in the universe
Discipline, adults who think that alcoholism is a valid character trait and irresponsibility is something that's cute are a poison to society
You're a faggot
Medicine and health care.
this leads to a much heavenly earth
nah mate, not a faggot. fucking niggerfaggot (you) faggotnigger
All sorts of social skills are somewhat "left out". I somewhat imagine that this is the foundation, along with emotional skills like empathy and compassion.
Philosophy is also grately undervalued, along with religion.
Also - " logic" in some form, like "elements of logic", that people use every day to express ideas and join debates.
Last but not least - sci fi literature should be discussed more often
yup, or the consequences of immature action compared with lovely righteous action
It’s hard to avoid when media glorifies those traits. Part of the kike agenda
-how to handle criticism
-teaching them that their opinion is just that, an opinion and NOT FACT
-teaching them that other people arent responsible for their feelings and that it is infact, their problem if they dont like something.
fuck your feelings etc etc
And I just do not got the patience (got the patience...)
To deal with these cocky caucasians
who think, I'm some wigger who just tries to be black, cause I talk with an accent
And grab on my balls, so they always keep askin
The same fuckin questions (fuckin questions...)
What school did I go to, what hood I grew up in
The why, the who, what, when, the where, and the how
'Til I'm grabbin my hair and I'm tearin it out (ahhh)
Cause they drivin me crazy (me crazy...) I can't take it
I'm racin, I'm pacin, I stand and I sit
And I'm thankful for every fan that I get
But I can't take a shit, in the bathroom without someone standin by it,
No, I won't sign your autograph
You can call me an asshole, I'm glad
Cause I am, whatever you say I am
If I wasn't, then why would I say I am?
In the paper, the news everyday I am
Radio won't even play my jam
Cause I am, whatever you say I am
If I wasn't, then why would I say I am?
In the paper, the news everyday I am
I don't know, it's just the way I am
And now you have become a glorious faggot coungrat
Dude, thats the core skill they teach you in universities.
I cant say that they are doing it adequately or at the right age, but dont you think we have enough of it?
to be fair with taking responsibility for actions, if you see a girl in a short skirt, its not right to rape her
I know, it comes from your ass
Sorry for being hard on you, but i don't like him at all, because i'm more in to underground rapshit, hey did you know that eminem lost the battle against canibus (you can't find that vidya on clearnet due to censored content). And yeah i don't like him because my sister was a big fan of him at his peak of career.
Alright here we go.
Many of you have missed fair point from the question of OP, and of course many of you have shared high quality opinion.
This has been written already, but i'll write that also in my list : )
1. Critical and logical thinking
2. Animal hunting
3. Natural construction of home (wood, stone . . .)
4. Five different languages (minimum)
5. Proper interaction with any kind of danger (lava, hurricane, starvation . . .)
6. Agriculture and farming
7. Cooking
If i missed something, then it would be appreciate to add that on this list
No hard feelings man
I thought I knew underground when I listened to his slim shady lp and then ep
I felt so underground when I heard of brand Nubian
Nigga I'm barely at the shore
Nothing personal man
You don't like him the same way many others don't
I personally do but ey thats me and you's you
What you recommended for underground listening to?
read this in Mr. Clean Your Room Man's voice
hey buddy, welcome to the site!
'tis a nice sight to see new members joining in.
the green meme arrows indicate a quote or paraphrasing, often in a mocking tone.
glad I could be of help to you, look forward to seeing you around!
Managing money. Every student, from kindergarten, should have a checkbook, and fake money that could translate into rewards of some sort. By the time they finish highschool, they should know how banks work, interest works, bank fees, bills, etc.
Worse than that. I've seen serious abuses of trust and everything else. People destroyed based on the ideology or greed of the supposed 'psychiatrist' in charge of them.
a good work ethic
This is amazing, but who would teach it? That's a big problem, and the biggest drawback.
Thanks for your opinion, but it seems to me that you didn't read this thread from beginning
No, it's not even close to being the same thing. This is the opposite of the same thing.
>What you recommended for underground listening to?
I don't know exactly what are you referring to, is it underground rapper, or rap group?
That's the kind of class that should take up 80% of the curriculum from K to graduation.
Psychology is basically the mental equivalent of dark ages medicine, like leeches and humors. We're finally figuring out a few things about how the mind works, but it's only because of cognitive science and neurology. Everything else is garage, and we've given it way to much credence.
No surprise, the US turned into space hitchhikers. Who wants to be a hitchhiker?
Are you retarded? That's not even vaguely what the other user said. It's like asking for the most nutritious food, and you recommend bleach.
Inspiring teachers are more important than the right subjects. It's more important that kids *want* to learn, than what it is they actually learn. Once the fire has been set, they'll become smart and choose what to study.
Good teachers make this possible. Math isn't hard, shitty teachers make it hard. Science isn't hard, shitty teachers make it hard. English isn't boring, shitty teachers make it boring. Good teachers cost money, but most school systems can't afford it. The cycle continues.
You're definitely an incel.
It's also subjective as hell, and difficult to teach. I had basic classes in elementary school teaching about personal space, how to act around people, etc. It helped, but most of my social problems when I was young were irrational fears implanted by my mother that weren't so easy to eliminate. Plus a lot of it was personality traits I was born with, or took time for me to develop out of. Some of it was just physical for me, I developed at a different rate.
Personal finance is mostly about basic foundational skills and habits, which are not things you can pick up with a simple Google search.
Psychology is completely worthless.
Martial arts and physical fitness does wonders for anyone, period. The problem with schools is that they only support team sports. Not everyone functions well, or wants to function in a team. They need to teach more individual sports as well.
punching and stabbing people
Dubs of truth
Most people don't understand what it represents, either. That's the bigger problem. When I was young, it was just this amorphous concept. Something evil that controlled people. Now I realize that it's not money that controls people, it's basic human needs and survival. Money just represents all the work and effort necessary to maintain all that.
It is, it's teaching you how to be a good slave to the state, and it's distracting you from doing the things you actually want to do. Your parents are happy because they don't have to pay for you to be somewhere while they work, so your parents support it. Plus, they went through it, so they think it's normal.
>grately instead of greatly
>hyphen instead of m-dash
>random double quotes around words
>while talking about logic and literature
Is masturbation an individual sport?
(a) How to shitpost Yea Forums to a suitably high standard ;
(b) how to successfully troll normie boards like: /ck/ ; /k/ ; /g/ ; /x/ ; etc ; without getting b& ;
(c) how to decorate your Mom's basement to an adequately luxurious standard while subsisting as a typical NEET Yea Forumstard ;
(d) top ten pranks & raids to enthuse the average summerfag ;
(e) how to set up a functional pressure cooker distillation plant in the basement
read my post
Lovely righteous actions like pounding hotties in their anal cavities and spewing in them so hard they freak out thinking they're going to shit all over you. And the consequences of immature actions, like not pounding hotties, because then your life gets boring and you go stir crazy, and everything sucks. :D.
Erm, fuck off, I don't give a shit. Read the thread yourself, you fatass faggot bitch.
Yes, manipulating the kids into swallowing the bullshit you are mandated by the government to feed them every day is one of the sick byproducts of the fucked up system we have.
Absolutely. My favorite, in fact.
You seem very proud of that post. Did you retarded all over it like a faggit with a stump up your shitter?
No u
Ouch. Yeah, you want to avoid doing that, but they teach that in schools, too.
You like the stump in your shitter, don't you little faggit... Awwwwww....
Using parenthesis for emphasis does not well demonstrate that you possess much common sense.
Yeah, but your sentence proves you're stupid, so you lose.
I'm 12 and wut is this?
It's a large piece of wood stuck up the hole that your poop comes out of.
Sure kid
Ded thred. So sad. I cri.
underage b&
Music, art, another language, ASL (American sign language) is a very good start.
That's a word used by faggots.
Dubs of truth
Honestly I think schools are fine. Most have basic skills like Math, Languages, and some variety topics to introduce students to new subjects.
It's the family that has deteriorated. That is where you should learn about ethics, relationships, yourself, etc.