Best game ever?

best game ever?

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I know a guy that has an account worth thousands. Tons of rare items no longer in the game. He logs in every week to maintain the account

It's a good game, but far from the best ever

I know a guy that has an account worth 10 thousands. Tons of rare items no longer in the game. He also logs in every week to maintain the account

Best game ever. Thinking about buying it again and reviving my acct.

Yes, it is the best game ever made!
Just like movies and music - the best is already out and somewhere in the past!
Not putting Diablo2LoD in top 3 of best games ever made makes it criminal for you to present an opionion on the gaming industry.

It's up there for sure, I don't know how you can make a claim that a single game is "best game ever". There are too many genres to single one game out, but if your point is to say it's an amazing game I totally agree

counter strike

most everything I've ever liked is blizzard made, activision bought blizzard and the company turned into a micro transaction dogshit company

Yeah but without the expansion.
LOD literally ruined Diablo PvP.

close but nah

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Pic related

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come on, greatest of all time? good but not even close to best ever

I know a guy.

Best single player game but you need the LOD pack for it to be #1
Best Multiplayer game is RuneScape 3 suck andy sixx logs if you disagree faggots

>LOD literally ruined Diablo PvP.
bloobloobloo fag ninja trap master race

In my honest opinion, yes.

Seriously though Blizzard has put out some of the best games ever. Even when the games have taken a dip in quality they're still more engaging and better polished than half the shit that hits market.

That series still pisses me off. I got bored halfway through the first one, and dropped it when I realized we lost the initial promise of weapon customization. Mix and matching pieces from one brand and another to get a good fit on the stats. That's the one thing that looked new and exciting about borderlands. They also dropped the procedurally generated content I was hoping to see.

Did you PvP in classic?

weapon mods are in bl3

Legit best game ever. I’ll tel you right now no one can touch me at some D2.

>most everything I've ever liked is blizzard made, activision bought blizzard and the company turned into a micro transaction dogshit company

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Love the game still play it ive gotten really into Path of Diablo right now

fuck yeah sol badguy all day

holy fuck you sound like the most beta neckbeard i've ever heard.

>shit tier
ky kiske


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If you're looking for the best one to fuck though, it's gotta be Jam. Hot as fuck Asian who is also a chef, that just hits the best of everything.

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incendiary take incoming

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Jam is hot but I legitimately main millia, always have

weird choice but i do respect it

warcraft 3

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new vegas sucked dog dick

I'm playing right now


>great story
>satisfying combat
>immersive world
>extremely diverse set of options

>sucked dog dick


Story-wise, Planescape Torment is the best I've ever played.

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I loved some D2.

But for me its pic related.

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>barely playable sometimes with bugs
>blatantly unfinished
>extremely flat and eventually boring map
coming from someone who liked the game

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Vyruz: Destruction of the Untel Empire

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Still waiting for the third game user?

cs 1.6, Quake and CSGO are the greatest FPS games of all time.

sum weeks ago, I would have said yes. but now I have played dungeon siege toa. Its better.

>cs 1.6, Quake and CSGO are the greatest FPS games of all time.

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Awesome game, spent so many years online USWest. My Liberator (charger/hammers) ruined everything in PvP

Thank you for not saying Half-Life 2 because its super fucking overrated.

I guy.

First one was better. Better level design.

I think they're both great; the first game has been crashing a lot whenever I try to play it and Hot and Heavy was a bullshit level. Also I love the level creator in Hotline Miami 2.

Huh, didn't even know there was a level creator on the second one.

Dude, I literally just finished playing this. I'm about halfway finished with the final arc on Normal (online, US East). Anyway, agreed, best game every, in terms of replayability.

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Mount n blade warband is the greatest game, then comes all the classics . D2 was a masterpiece for sure, days when blizzard werent greedy assholes

close. different D2 ...

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Not on ladder so no one cares

Yes and if the acc name Blackheartthefeared means anything to anyone, fuck you.

Foh pally with mape hack ruined the game. You would die if you left any town

indeed. stopped liking blizzard when wotlk was released. Larian Studios make good games at the moment such as divinity original sin 1 and 2 (but for how long before they turn to shit. no one knows)

What? I just got into it last year. Ran fine on Win10 and found it pretty fun to roam around. My dislike is the turn based combat

halo 3 was the best halo game. Reach introduced many low skill mechanics that made it shit.

i whole-heartedly agree with the skill mechanics (poster btw) I just think Reach is more beautiful with its art and music


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nigga you retarded? people appraise and sell old accounts on video games all the time that no longer or never had multiplayer.

alright but halo 3 had better music."Never forget" Don't know what you mean with "art"

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hot take: it's okay.

by art I mean that the environment and backgrounds looked stunning, the characters had unique silhouettes, the older models of the guns looked unique, and the main menu theme alone for Halo Reach is amazing.

New vegas was worse than FO3 and FO3 was already dog shit I'll never understand the circlejerk of new vegas

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I keep a PS2 just to occasionally replay this masterpiece.

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probably because its testosterone fueled.

pretty much the Bioshock Infinite of Fallout

i really enjoyed the original "thief". if you're determined, it gets really, really fucking weird.

Not original poster, but they had a ridiculously small window to make the game, that plus the shit FO3 engine they had to jury-rig to work. I think they did a pretty fun as fuck job all things considered, plus og team made it.

Kek true hhahahha

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Just picked up the battle chest at the flea market for 5 bucks and am on my first playthrough. What's the best resource for finding beginner info? All the diablo 2 videos I find are for end game stuff. Also anyone down to play? I'm almost done act 2

that shit fucking sucked was lame as fuck

u gay mate. Shit was epic as fuck. And beautiful.

lame ass trash for gooks

Borderlands was absolute garbage I can't believe the series is still going

Diablo 1 is better

Right here, this is it.

Yep most definitely

>git gud m8

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Nope. UFO: Defense.

Thank you for reminding me.

Def best game ever. Pirating nao on Pirate Bay lmao

20 IQ brainlet spotted

I'd say yes definitely, I just wish they'd made some of the builds more viable.

Like, why not a viable poison dagger necro or fire mage? Summoning druid didn't compare to the necro summons but why not make a summoner with different, maybe even INTERACTIVE mechanics like "Click on minion to activate nurture wounds ability"

Let's take a cue from historical knights and have the paladin's combat abilities include things like half-swording & parry/counter abilities to go alongside his smites.

The Harlequin (not a showy one but more gothic & 'stage-traveler'): a class that utilizes the throwing knives & bombs as part of primary kit mixed in with acrobatics?


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imagine thinking this dog shit game is anywhere near the level of skill that CS or Quake takes. You're embarrassing yourself.

baldurs gate II



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Try again. Nothing parallels pic related

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Only if they wouldn't have ruined Jack and Lilith as characters, and had better shooting mechanics instead of wonky ones from BL1. The writing and the gunplay are worst things in this game.

For me, it's this.

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DS3 is basically DS1 with good optimization and fixed some of older mechanics + Bloodborne mechanics with controls.

unbalanced shit of a game

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Also M&B Warband thanks to mods

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Don't open it

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the mass effect trilogy. but 2 is the best of them

rob lox


>"open world" that has fake walls in the terrain, or monsters that will kill you if you dont go the way the game wants you to go, but ya, its "open world" LOL.

If you dont follow the main storyline and leave goodsprings in a different direction, you will always end up dead, or shepherded back.
Its fucking ridiculous.

wow hi guy
numbers don't lie

I like this game...i dont care what you say

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far from perfect, imo becomes a snorefest a few hours into a scenario

That took long enough... Diablo 2 is a great game, no doubt about it. But come on, when one think of best game, Doom has to be it.

Kinda when you're talking about the best band in history, you can fiddle around with some names to have some fun, but ultimately, you have to say Led Zeppelin.

really? it was a huge dissapointment for me. it wasn't scary at all and the fights were more annoying than thrilling.
>oh here's an arena like room
>i wonder what's going to happen
>oh wow, i can't leave until i kill everything
>repeat until the end
the baby stomping was kinda fun though

You're a sperg. Theres literally nothing in that game that's worth 1000s if it's not on ladder. Fill up every character slot with loaded characters/storages. Still no where close. non-ladder is a joke and no one plays.

Hands down. I still have dreams of it.

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i like it as well, used to play few months and i genuinely enjoyed it, more the pvp aspect tho, pve is kind of boring, raiding is aweful.