I used to teach piano

I used to teach piano


Attached: 12_bAv2OW3.jpg (1080x1080, 62K)

Are you a man or woman? My girlfriend is a piano and voice teacher at a music academy. It seems like most piano teachers are women, while men teach guitar and random shit. Do you think that's true? Now sure why I'm curious about this.

Tits/dick or gtfo

Do you like fingering?

Tits/w timestamp or GTFO


Attached: 17_xnjikcd.jpg (1080x1080, 177K)

i play guitar. how easy would it be for me to learn piano/keyboard?

is your cunt shaved or trimmed?

How much time does it take to learn basics?
Also, will you show tits?

can i finger your pussy just like those piano keys


I bet you can't even play piano, retard

who said anything about me playing the piano nigger? thats for faggots,i want to play with op's pussy

its a guy you fucking idiot

I tuck OP to sleep regularly AMA

who says he doesnt have a pussy though

Attached: man-with-pussy-buck-angel.jpg (640x959, 74K)


haha u so funni

how are you with the organ

the women in op's picture could blow my organ anyday

The piano pales in comparison to the epiano and both are wiped out of the fucking water by the glorious organ.

you used to teach piano till you discovered playing ability and teaching ability are not the same thing.