Reminder: socialism has never succeeded in any country in the entirety of human history. Not one time

Reminder: socialism has never succeeded in any country in the entirety of human history. Not one time.

(Spelling it out for the intellectually challenged): roads, schools and firefighters aren't socialist.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Then markets are not Capitalist either.

OK,time for some education
*cracks knuckles *

How do you think they are paid for?????


what would you consider the military then?

Technically, the longest running civilizations in history were slave holding monarchies. Maybe we should go back to that and put you full time on the faggot farm as a fluffer.

Water isn't wet, and fire isn't hot.

stale copy pasta posted by a sad old boomer

stale shitposting posted by a sad middle aged millennial

anyone that shits on american democrats and calls them socialists but uses any socialist concepts is a fucking retard. so all of em

Water isn't Wet
Fire isn't Hot
At least we have some intelligence
Where as OP does not

It's democratic socialism! That means we all democratically elect a leader from the two communist candidates the state chooses for us. And we all have an equal vote in the workforce, unless we decide to nationalize your industry, in which case you belong to the government now and you'll do what we tell you or you'll end up in northern alaska with the other political dissidents and white cis men.

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Wet isn't fire, and water isn't hot

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It's democratic socialism! It's the same as socialism, but you get to vote in the first guy before he takes over, runs the economy into the ground, and imposes a totalitarian state!

You guys know that the far left beliefs and programs this chick is pushing for is just like normal shit in the other First World countries

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Yes, we know. That doesn't mean it's normal, good, or acceptable in the US.

Is Hannity on yet grandpa?

Only firefighter's are not socialist , in a free country the only roll of government is to protect the rights of the citizens. The courts and police are also not socialist but pretty much everything else the government does is.

So who is going to pay for all the free shit? The 1% don't make me fucking laugh.

Well it is good because it takes care of people which is what most civilized people come to expect of each other. You can take normal and shove it up your ass you goddamn neckbeard

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Da, comrade bootlicker?

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National socialism can work in some countries.
It really depends on the people and their culture.
It worked in Germany.
It worked in Sweden before the mass immigration.

We don't have to actually explain the details about how we're going to pay for all our utopian welfare programs, we can just handwave and say something about "the corporate class" and "millionaires and billionaires," those occupy hippies and bernie bros eat that shit up.

Reminder: OP is a faggot who is, undoubtedly, enjoying a huge purple butt plug at this very moment.

i dont know who is more hilariously idiotic and pathetic, the person who made this image or the person who saved it

Why is someone being a gigantic looser who cant take care of themselves my problem.

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Key words: non-rivalrous and non-excludable

And yes...public schools are socialist...which is why they’re so damned awful.

In Sweden it did not work, they tried implementing Financial Transfer Taxes like the ones Bernie is proposing and it led to over half of their national trading moving to London. In the end, the tax was a complete failure that only generated 5% of the originally estimated revenue.

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inequality is a feature of freedom not a problem. Take any group of people at any task and a small number will do 100% better than all the rest combined.

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The only fucking intellectually challenged monkey here is YOU, who can't understand that Socialism, just like Capitalism, Conservatism, or any other damn "ism" out there, has various shades and variants.

Fuck off with this weak bait. Get a life.

Hey man, we can have a conversation without insulting each other or devolving to name calling. I think it's the responsibility of the government to ensure my constitutional rights and secure the national defense, not foot the bill for everything in my life.

you're a fucking idiot.
public services do not equate to socialism.

The thing is they are not your problem. They are God damn people children Veterans of Foreign Wars people who simply got sick some people are born diabetic and can't afford insulin because the price of it is skyrocketed.But if we fix the system they won't be anybody's problem. They will just be people

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Have you actually seen the data for yourself and realized with your own stupid brain the ridiculous income gap?

State socialism = commie garbage
Market socialism = economically illiterate
Social democracy = not socialism at all, just a larger welfare state

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Public schools are not a service , they drain the life out of children and fill there heads with intersectionality.

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so by fix you mean get the government out right.

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Let's try not to insult each other please. I don't think you're stupid just because I disagree with you. And yes, I realize the wealth divide is a serious problem, but I think we're going to need a more complex solution than government mandated wealth redistribution programs.

She might be one of the most genuinely unpleasant people in the world.

Why do you care what someone else makes do you thing they take it from you.

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Like what? Politely ask billionaires to give people an actual living wage? Pretty please corporations to cut their astronomical profits and stop drowning us in cancer-ridden, half-assed, shitty products?

Socialism fails to succeed due to the interference of capitalists within the system and without.

Kek this

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The government is the only entity who poses a threat to your rights. Some of those tax dollars that the US uses to police the world under the disguise of securing our borders could be used for the betterment of the quality of lives of the citizens of the United States

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Hey she is a Yea Forums project , the goal is to get her on tv 24/7 because everything she says drives people away from the dems.

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Because that's the only other solution. Yawn.

If only we could but since we can't get rid of the government completely at least let it keep us with food in our bellies and a roof over our head

So what you're saying is that for socialism to work, you're going to have to round up and "remove" everybody who doesn't have a "socialist mind?" Hmmm, where have I seen that before...?

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so you admit you need capitalism to succeed.

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Please enlighten me. What is your genius solution, if not through gov regulation?

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God what an asinine and ridiculous oversimplification of macroeconomics. You must be so bight Bobby.

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government regulation is how companies acquire power.

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How can you say that when we haven't tried it in every country?

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and how we have clean air and water. at least until trump fucks that up too.

Yes, because of the presence of Lobbyists and other weasels pushing particular interests.

Yet, you're still not answering the question. Yawn.

I usually don't reply to these threads, but just once out of interest, what are your criteria for "success" and what are your criteria for "socialism"?

Wow, like I haven't seen this posted at least 245 times. Way to be original OP.

>B-but it wasn't real communism/socialism!!11!!1

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So you do think they take your stuff to get rich and step on the little guy. The wealth or income gap has no effect on the economy except in cases where the government grants special privileges .

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Show me one country in history that has actually implemented any Socialism correctly. I'll wait.

I'll go even further, what kind of Socialism are you even talking about? You do know Socialsm and Communism are two differnt things do you?

>Let's try not to insult each other please.
You sound like you're going to cry. Please post pic

I just think that history has proven that such large scale programs to completely alter the social and economic fabric of a nation has always backfired and leads to economic ruin, internal strife, and a worse lot for the very people you were proposing to help.
Exactly! The government is the one who poses a threat to my rights. Which is why I'm wary of giving it control over the markets; typically that level of control facilitates the rise of a leftist authoritarianism, as history has shown.

It's not democrat vs republican or socialist vs capitalist. It's poor vs rich and they rich don't want you to see that.

Absolutely no country has or ever can implement socialism correctly because socialism is inherently retarded.

I just think the endless name-calling and swearing is unproductive and boring. I'd much rather have a well reasoned conversation with someone than just spam dumb memes back and forth all day, as if that proves anyone right.

THIS. But American people are too stupid and ignorant to realize it.

The question is the problem you get what you are worth and if it is not enough it is your problem. The companies should be sued if they pollute and harm people instead of giving token fines to the government and continuing to pollute.

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Still mad she lost?

Do you really think you're that clever or are you just a troll?

Care to explain that thoughtful thesis you just pulled out of your ass? Watching too much Fox News I see?

Lmao, as a Western Euro, US socialist mix the worst aspects of socialism with Identity politics. It is like their are neo-maoist. Fuck them.

You've seen Trump "debate" correct? There is no more meaningful conversation in politics.

>muh faux news

Your shortsighted, innocuous response completely proves my point.

>orange man bad

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Yo momma

Aw yeah, you mad.

Not an argument.

>orange fan sad

yes in certain cases regulation is appropriate where others rights are infringed but the government usually dose'nt stop pollution. The government love to get fines and they dont care if anything gets fixed.

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Never said it was.

Keep calling Americans ignorant. Keep telling them that you know what's best for them, and that they don't know their own interests. Seriously, it's the best thing you can do to guarantee Republicans staying in power for the foreseeable future.

The markets use socialism every time Banks get bailouts or companies like Apple used government patents to create products and copywriting them to basically steal from the public domain. The way things are right now the citizens I ruled by capitalism and the businesses by socialism

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>left cant meme

Alright, good.

I recognize that our level of political dialogue has gone into the toilet, but I don't think the solution is to flush. It's not a foregone conclusion that we'll never again be able to thoughtfully converse with each other.

>history has proven that such large scale programs to completely alter the social and economic fabric of a nation
Bullshit. Take away the healthcare system in Sweden and those blonde fucks will riot. We just don't know what it is to live in system designed to benefit all of us, not just a few..

The government is not a static monolith. It is comprised of people. Some good, some bad. To say that no one is government doesn't care about a clean environment is disingenuous.

Only a loser doesn’t know how to spell LOSER

Socialism requires people to give a shit about others , this is retarded i got my own life and problems.

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You are correct ma'am. Slightly less than half of Americans voters are ignorant.

See the problem with Socialism is that eventually you'll run out of other people's money (and turn increasingly autocratic over time).

>right can't fight

stay mad kid

How is that even remotely true?

I don't like bailouts, but socialism would be nationalizing those companies, not bailing them out to continue operating in the free market. You can't just call everything you like "socialism" and everything you don't like "capitalism."

The government doesn't care about you , the environment , or anything but the next election.

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Amongst ourselves we can converse, but not across the aisle at this time.

Is it not true? How many time has that propaganda network had to correct their reports again?

Just cuse' ol' toothless Polyanna back in the barn say's it's gud doesn't mean it's the truuuth Billy Bob.

That is why you elect a government that cares about the needs and wants of it's citizens.

No it doesn't, it makes people pay for everyone's well being without a choice.

Libertarian set-ups need people to care about others because without properly re-distributing funds, a lot of people cannot afford basic shit.

Aw yeah, you dumb.

By the way, how's that healthcare system working with the uncontrolled flow of economic migrants?

It's almost been as if you are able to look at history... And learn from it...

Well done.

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The bail outs ended the free market.

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Can you elaborate on what you mean by the government? The idea that not one gives a shit is pretty silly.

I don't see why not. All you have to do is extend an olive branch. Sometimes the hand of peace will be shot, or spit on, but sometimes people will surprise you. I'm trying to reach across the aisle right now. All it takes is the decision to try.

Again, it;'s not a static monolith. Politicians may not give care about your broke ass, but government works can and do. The only reason the Trump administration hasn't collapsed on itself is dedicated government employees.

Politicians are evil ALL of them if you think you saw a good one who cares about you then you are brainwashed.

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It's a team mentality right now. Remember Schumer wanting to work with the Republicans in the senate not too long ago? That's dead.

Bullshit. Socialism is just another way of redistributing wealth. You will still be able to be a millionaire, or do whatever the hell you want. The difference is, your parent's pockets don't define your road in life.

wtf are you saying, we are no longer living in a free market society because of the bail outs that happened a decade ago?

Socialized medicine works incredibly well. I'm from Canada and I have never had a problem and have known quite a few people who's lives would have been ruined without socialized medicine.

Had someone close to me go for chemo, without OHIP it would have been like 40k, IIRC. Would have bankrupted us.

Anyway, some stupid amount of bankruptcy is caused by medical debt in the US. Something that literally blows my mind, medicine being for profit sounds incredibly offensive to me.

Well, I can see that carrying this any further is pointless, good evening.

>Keep telling them that you know what's best for them

No I'm not. I'm just saying they are ignorant as fuck. Hence, so many Republicans.

Forget the suits in washington, if we want to establish communication and mutual empathy, we have to start with each other. start with the people in our lives. none of us are going to be able to fix gridlock in washington but we can all make a pretty big difference in our day to day interactions.

Reminder: Yea Forums and imageboards in general are not a respectable place to discuss politics, you should not respect any political opinion expressed here, especially your own. If you unironically think you know what you are talking about, and talk about it here, you dont. Your ignorance should be a starting point and should be taken as a given.
Forget your opinions, they are merely vanity. acknowledge that you are stupid, and start to learn for it's own sake, not for shallow self/dogma affirmation, but for the truth.
as a general rule if you haven't studied philosophy for at least 10 years, you have no real business in political deliberation.

Do you know what a bail out or free market is?

Are you just trying to throw out a nonsensical "I'm 14 and this is deep" sentence and hope someone thinks it means something?

Yes the free market has been gone for a decade , the companies going bankrupt would have cleared the mal investments.We have been on FED life support for that time and it will not end well.

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We have almost 10x the population of canada, and also we have to deal with the 100k economic migrants crossing the southern border every month. Remember, the democrats want to extend free healthcare to them as well.

Very fine actually. Criminality, death rates, and actually every other social indicator of quality of life is better in Sweden than in the U.S.

10x means 10x income for healthcare. Why can't you see it?

No sunshine socialism is an authoritarian system that will force you to work at a job you hate with no chance to move or change job's.

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You are literally just saying words.

They don't mean anything. Stop making up something and insisting it's true, back your shit up with something at least.

Why do people give so much to charities? Who do a bunch of former US presidents spend so much time doing charity work?

Jimmy Carter and Habitat for Humanity is a great example. It feels like you just want everyone to be shitty, why?

Are you a socialist? Because you're as economically illiterate as a socialist

This fuckin guy gets it

I don't call everything I dislike capitalism but most things I dislike are products of it like exploitation suffering and alienation of the working class I don't really like socialism either but I think it's a step a necessary one the way capitalism was a necessary step to bring us out of feudalism

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No you are in a bubble it is caused by the FED and 10 years of near 0% interest rates.

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Most people can't agree on simple facts. Starting a dialogue with people of a differing political persuasion requires a common framework that just isn't there anymore. Point out something wrong but seemingly innocuous to someone and watch yourself get blocked or ghosted from their lives. It's just tiring and toxic at this point. Everyone is sure that their way is the best way and don't want to have their minds changed.

>socialism is an authoritarian system

Have you ever read a history book or taken a single class in your life? Sweetheart, first off you're confusing Socialism with Communism, and secondly, you're ignoring there are many, many shades and variants to socialism, just as they are in any other "ism"

>system that will force you to work at a job you hate with no chance to move or change job's

Honey, you kind of just described blue collar America there.

Try again maybe?

Your economy is much larger and healthcare cost is crazy bloated.

Can you link democrats saying they wanted to give (non emergency) care for non citizens? Would you support it if it was only for us citizens?

I say non emergency because when someone is in critical care the most important thing is making sure they live. It's a human decency thing. Bill them or w/e, just dont let people die.

nigger, i watched foxnews this morning, i'm starting my own fucking thinktank on facebook

>socialism is an authoritarian system

Have you ever read a history book or taken a single class in your life? Sweetheart, first off you're confusing Socialism with Communism, and secondly, you're ignoring there are many, many shades and variants to socialism, just as they are in any other "ism"

>system that will force you to work at a job you hate with no chance to move or change job's

Honey, you kind of just described blue-collar America there.

Try again maybe?

I have talked with many politicians they hate you and it makes them sick to have to pretend they like you to get your vote

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Yes, it'll never work, American doesn't have the resources or abilities anymore. Trump cucked us.

healthcare cost is only bloated because of government mismanagement and interference

Which county has a near 0% interest rate? I'm not the guy calling you out but you are saying some wild shit.

>Socialism is workers owning the means of production
>Worker coops consist of workers owning the means of production
>Mondragon the 7th largest company in Spain is one huge worker coop
Seems to have worked

Then why is it cheaper in countries with socialized fucking healthcare?

That may be the most boomer grade photoshop ever.

Do they want my vote enough to do what they promise to do? If so, then who gives a shit. If not? Get rid of them ASAP.

You don't need to like someone who does a job for you.

Spain is a fucking trainwreck economically, so thanks for using that example

Force must be used to enact a socialist system it is by definition authoritarian. You can quit your job , you can move . your boss has no power over you . The government is the only entity that can force you to do anything.

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Don't fucking talk to me retard

US 2.25% 8 years of 0%

>he companies should be sued if they pollute
Are they being sued? Do they repay the harm they inflict?

You're still avoiding the question sunshine.

keep telling yourself that buddy

So you're saying socialism has never worked as long as we all pretend socialism isnt socialism?

>Speaks about a company
>Response is about the economy of the country the company is in.


You know these things are not the same right?

He didn't say "worked", he said "succeeded", and I'm still not sure what that means. It seems like an unfalsifiable statement.

>studied philosophy for at least 10 years
So only the unemployed may deliberate politics?

Goddamn I can’t wait for the sociopolitical race/class/tribe war. Whites vs dirty nigs and traitor whites. Welfare faggots vs hardworking men. Repubtards vs libtards

true but they often expand control over the people as an excuse for some emergency .
Republicans :them immigrants are gonna get you
Demtards: everyone will die from the temperature
Both have the same outcome , a loss of freedom..

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You can't just quit a job and move away without securing another means of acquiring capital and you've only got probably a 3% chance of working yourself out of f****** poverty the system is what people with all the power and money used to get it to get rid of the system now with only a few people owning the means of production and property would basically be a death sentence for anyone living at the poverty level or slightly above it

Oh you dumb motherfucker, you don't know how countries control inflation. Jesus Christ my guy, read a book.

>Force must be used to enact a socialist system
God you're so stupid. What does that even mean?

Mom forces you to eat carrots when you're five. Does that mean your family is authoritarian? Most governments in the world make vaccinations mandatory. Does that mean the world is communist? Israel has mandatory military service. That socialist too? Doesn't the IRS force you to pay your taxes? OH WAIT WE LIVE IN AN SOCIALIST COUNTRY!

b/tards vs pol/tards

Gen x

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How have either of those things cost freedoms? Last freedom restrictions in the US have been post 9/11 and some internet and intellectual property shit, IIRC.

>I no no wat werds meen.
Read the post idiot. I'm not talking about Spain, I'm talking about a socialist corperation.

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>Speaks about socialism
>Ignores 99% of the history of socialism
>Holds up the one successful cooperative as proof of concept, while ignoring the thousands that failed due to being unable to compete in the market

I didn't say it is easy to quit your job or move but in socialist countries it is impossible. You must work for the collective good after all.

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>because of government mismanagement and interference
Do yourself a favor and actually study this. Take the time to read how the system works, and where do the costs come from. And then kys for the huge stupidity you just said.

>Being this retarded

>middle aged millennial
Holyshit this is a new level of retarded

If I'm being honest, I don't know enough about healthcare. Clearly there is a role for some government intervention in the healthcare system, the debate simply seems to be whether or not it should be minimal or maximal. Sorry for saying stupid things.

>socialist system it is by definition authoritarian
Care to provide a source for that theory dear Cletus?

The low interest rates have destroyed savings and pumped up debt.

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Only people that know what they are talking about. You can start by learning how to use political deliberation in a sentence, it's the only thing that could rescue democracy from illiterate retards like you. Do you have any opinions that aren't also garbage flame war memes? I doubt it. trash yourself, trashman.


No socialist want to seize the means of production that is the action of an authoritarian.

honestly, I'd say it's the corporations that are the biggest threats to your rights.

for example, companies pushing to make it illegal for you to repair things you own.

you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, you know

You should work in a grindhouse you're projecting so hard.

They use scare tactics to convince people to give away there rights.This is because politicians are power hungry psychopaths.

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Shit also works.

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Bro, really, it will take one or two hours of your time to completely understand our current healthcare system. Start on wiki. At the end you'll get what you just said is pretty close to the opposite in reality.

Like, you know our system is mainly private-company-based do you?

no you damn well didn't say it was easy but let's not minimalize the act of uprooting your family and quitting a job and starting a new life elsewhere because you're miserable and your boss is a dick and he knows you need the job so he's a real f****** piece of s*** about it because he knows finding another job that pays enough for you to feed your family and make your car note and rent keep your lights turned on and maybe the internet you know what f*** it we can live in a van down by the river pretty much no f****** job left in the country 4 people who weren't able to get a college degree

when the anti socialist mother fucker is actually raising class conscious and spoutin good praxis

Democrats want to provide education and healthcare to people. Scary stuff.

I don't want to catch flies, I want y'all to fuck off and go eat shit like you are supposed to.

Seize the means of production , no property , redistribute . It is all there plain to see you just think you will get some of the goodies, you are wrong.

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I agree, that's not free market. Which is why I don't want either them or the government to set up a tyranny. I am concerned that the establishment of a socialist economy in the US would lead to the erosion of my rights. The socialists say they want to democratize the economy and move it out of the hands of the corporate elite, but I'm concerned that they're going to move it straight to the oval office and we'll have gone from a slightly imbalanced republic to a dictatorship of the proletariat.

But the wealth of the upper classes allow them to fund politicians and produce pro-capitalist propaganda. That is how the rich bend the government (and the gullible members of the lower classes) to their will. Money is power, and an increasing wealth gap causes a dangerous imbalance of power.

They cannot make anything illegal without the government .

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>Speaks about capitalism
>Ignores 99% of the history of capitalism
>Holds up the one successful company as proof of concept, while ignoring the thousands that failed due to being unable to compete in the market

I've read about healthcare for years, I'm just trying to be humble. If you think you can get a good enough grasp on it to have an informed opinion in two hours, then that tells me a lot about your other opinions, too.

Get a job, deadbeat.

No they want control of more stuff they dont give a shit about the outcome.

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Dude you're so fucking confused about the actual terminology and what each "ism" is about. Do yourself, and us a favor and at least go to wiki and lean what the hell is Socialism. It's not what you think it is. Do you know the biggest socialist experiment in the 20th century after the Soviet Union was the social security and New deal programs in America? Educate yourself dude. You think Socialism is red hats and armies marching like in Rambo movies. You're so fuckign dumb it's so CRINGE

It doesn't have to made illegal to be made impossible.

The one successful company? More like the entire successful economy. We're the greatest economy in the world thanks to capitalism.

I think it's time for your medication, dear.

>responding to threads made by robots

Source, please. Links. Books. Papers. Otherwise, you're just regurgitating idiocy.

I have loved talking to you it is like a real debate a breath of fresh air I wish you a good night I must go Slumber and gather my strength

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Is this the only response you Trump worshipers know how to give? Your god king is a fat slob and an enormous grifter. He cares for no one but himself, and he’d sell you to the devil for a dime.

and government regulation.

I'd rather take your money.

have you actually ever looked in a dictionary what socialism means? Do you know how many types of socialsm there are?

Reminder: i'd eat AOC's butthole like it was my last meal.

That's all

No rich people and companies only pay political because the politicians threaten them with tax or regulation.

Well ok but you MUST work in a socialist country.

Agreed, the bitch in chief is bad

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>I've read about healthcare for years
Really? Then why dis?

>because of government mismanagement and interference

Can you explain it to me please?

A healthy workforce that is not tied to dead end employment can move their skills more readily about the markets to reinforce and grow the market. An educated workforce can bring innovations to the market to grow it.
If state and local colleges are made tuition free to permit people to acquire their associates and bachelors at low cost and then coupling this with an insurance plan that will be able to be used nationally and not restricted to a network with high deductibles, the growth in the US would explode within 5 years. The insurance companies will have a 4 year phase out period at which point they may provide supplemental insurance and larger colleges and universities will then become far more prosperous as they draw upon a larger portion of the population to fill their halls.

Just because he has hearing aids and a hoveround doesn't make OP a robot.

have you actually ever looked in a dictionary what socialism means? Do you know how many types of socialsm there are?

companies that piss off there customers get challenged in free markets.

I am not the one who thinks there are good politicians.

why doesn't it apply to the US?

Of course there has to be government regulation, but the fact that we have less government regulation has incentivized companies to build and trade here rather than in London or elsewhere. It's also spurred innovation and has lifted millions of Americans out of poverty.


That is the basis of socialism, have you ever read anything on the thing you like so musch.

I know that it isn't a general rule of thumb that more government involvement means more bloatedness in the market, I guess I was specifically referring to the skyrocketing premiums that were a result of the ACA. But again, I just think that healthcare such a complex subject that good cases can be made to support almost any platform.

Sorry, the blinding light of your ignorance isn't letting me click on all those sources you just provided.

How does socialism work with 22 trillion dollar US deficit

If you're going to do anyting except starve to death in the streets homeless you must work in a capitalist setting as well

in theory, not so much in practice though

In fairness neither has democracy

>I am not the one who thinks

You should look up the TVA.

>specifically referring to the skyrocketing premiums
Very good Billy, now tell me why did this happen? What came about for this to happen? And which party voted for this to happen.

Spoiler alert, the answer will fuckign blow your tiny little mind

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It mean's putting the group or society's need ahead of the individual. This means if necessary you will sacrifice yourself for the common good. That an authority will decide you need to be sacrificed , therefore authoritarian.

The US population values personal liberty, personal responsibility, and dislikes government hand-holding more than europeans. We're not so keen to surrender our freedoms in exchange for the government to babysit us.


>I've read about healthcare for years

This is such a damn CRINGEWORTHY answer for some idiot who just claimed with a straight face that he's a healthcare expert. LOL, please KYS

You lost.

Yes but you have a choice of what you do and where and you could start your own company.

here you go faggot.

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Oh I forgot, the Republicans are responsible for all the evil in the world. Thanks for the reminder.

Who said this is a competition? Are you 12? If you keep choosing to live in ignorance, and not pick up a single book in your life, or educate yourself before stating your opinion, you'll be the one mocked and ridiculed for your stupidity for the rest of your life, not me.

I have been paying for my employees health care for 40 years , every time a politician "helps" the premium goes up not down .

Have you started your own company because I would like to also but I don't have over $30,000 which is pretty much a minimum of what it would cost oh yeah and by the way if you do have a company are you hiring I could use a second job

Yes i have , it took more like $600,000 and i got a loan.

What freedoms are being surrendered? In a universal healthcare system, you could say you're surrendering your right to choose your health insurance provider, but for a growing number of Americans the choice doesn't exist, as they only have the funds for an inferior system.

When it comes to wealth based things, people are given the illusion of choice, the options exist, but many are only attainable for the rich. By implementing universal healthcare, instead of thinking it's bad because it's government run, consider it may be bad because in its current state, it's designed for the poor. If everyone was under the same system, the system would greatly improve.

This idea can be applied to a variety of socialist policies.

Reminder: fascism has never succeeded in any country in the entirety of human history. Not one time.

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What is this book about? Does it state Socialsm is by definition "authoritarian"? I don't think you've understood what we're talking about.

You are saying that Socialsm is by definition authoritarian. What I'm asking you is to provide an academic source, (not some random picked book you haven't even read) that backs up your assertion.

Is that too difficult for your kind? To back up your Bullshit with academic sources?

sadly now we are not hiring , there is a slowdown in progress. i am afraid it will lead to rescission and soaring inflation .

Let me guess, you didn't read one fuck. Hmm the thoughtfulness of your responses makes it so fuckign hard to tell.

Have you made it through your first few years of business if so congratulations very few make it you have to pretty much put all your profits into keeping your business alive at first most people can't handle that financial burden even if they have a great idea or offer a valuable service

>I have been paying for my employees health care for 40 years , every time a politician "helps" the premium goes up not down
Explain please why does this happen? Why does this work in other places but not here? What does this "help" consist of?

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In a capitalist society, poor people don't have many options. We think that's unfair, so we're going to make it so that nobody has any option.

Except Sanders does not. Sanders blames the last 30+ years while Biden does try to say "everything was fine until Trump."

Adding to a 22 trillion dollar deficit?

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You stupid fucks keep repeating this bullshit and don't even know what "precious freedoms" are those you're supposedly being ripped off. God you're so dumb.

40 years.

The US does not have a $22 trillion deficit, it has a $22 trillion debt with a deficit that was starting to go down again until Trump blew a $1 trillion hole into the deficit with his tax cut.

The US right wing doesn’t realize that they’re basically wage slaves with with little in the way of “liberty”. Also, they never take responsibility for their own bullshit. Always complaining about lazy blacks and scary Mexicans. Dumb rednecks can never admit to themselves that their corporate masters have them by the balls, and all of their “muh freedoms” talk is nothing but flatulence.


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The politicians are only interested in getting more power so they threaten all participants in the health care system and who ever pays the most gets the best deal.


Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

Holy shit.

US Debt

rick and Morty time by socialist faggots .

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Dude, do you know what an "provide an academic source" is? That's literally a guy stating his biased opinion on Youtube. If fucking Youtube is the way you educate yourself, well, no wonder the idiocy of all of your comments.

In fact, do you even know who the hell is Yaron Brook? He's a millionaire and former chairman of the Ayn Rand Institute. His opinion is like asking a shark to talk about rights for seals.

You clearly don't know fuck about what the hell you're talking about.

Again, can we do this? Can you please provide me with an academic source that states Socialism IS BY DEFINITION authoritarian?

I only give blow jobs to billionaires for huge pay-offs.
My opinions are flexible depending on the payment.
Hannity swallows a lot more cum than I do.

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The US debt accumulation per month was higher under Obama you pathetic soy faggot. It actually is slowing. You're spewing misinfo because Hillary lost. Holy. Fucking. Shit. Get over it

>We're not so keen to surrender our freedoms
>patriot act
>trump unilaterally decides who you can do business with through crippling tariffs
>blind obedience to the authority of the president
>schools fortified like prisons, with metal detectors and armed security

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>the best a liberal can do

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You haven't answered the damn question. Pretty laconic and disappointing answer from an alleged "health care expert"

Again, what is the difference between Healthcare legislation here and Canada or Sweden? Why exactly do premiums rise, and when?

I think this nigger is attempting to troll both sides in this thread

(x) Doubt

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The biggest takeaways from these threads are

!) Most people in Yea Forums are 12 years old.

2) Most Americans have their definition of Socialism out of Fox News and 80s action films.

KEK Only true comment in the entire thread.

Russian trolls still at it.

When Obama left office the Deficit was below 3% GDP and it is now project to expand to between 5% and 7% GDP. As for why Obama's deficit haul was so large was the recession which was in full swing by the time he took office. Beginning under Obama the largest string of job growth began. Should Obama have done more? Yes, I believe he should have. The bankers that wrecked the economy are still not behind bars and many are now in the Trump administration (after his loud and vehement denouncements of them during his 2016 campaign) and they helped craft the tax cut that Trump's Republican-controlled congress that makes our tax cuts go away in just a few years (and be replaced with a tax hike) while theirs stay permanent.

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>thinking population size actually increases costs per capita

Do you have a smooth brain by chance?

countries who have what she proposes have the happiest, freest, and most satisfied populations, and not oppressed.
it's perfectly good, normal, and acceptable. you're just insane and high on opiates.

There was a study I need to find again that shows that American's who do not read, watch or listen to the news know more of local, national and international news than people who watch Fox News.

Found it

>implying Russia wouldn't support a socialist uprising in the us
>being this insane
>this is how liberals actually think

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Nailed it. This pretty much explains Trump and the state of America right now. Just look at this thread, people don't know what the fuck they're talking about, or why they believe in what they do.

“Socialist economies don’t work”, the experts say.

This is in contrast to capitalist economies, which are based on rock-solid principles like “every decade or so the whole thing collapses”

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You do realize on a long enough timeline all governments fall.

At each comment, you only continue to underline your massive stupidity and ignorance. You do know Russia hasn't been a socialist, nor communist country since 1989 do you?

Socialism avoid this by being in a state of perpetual collapse

Russia can and would but they find it easiest to play to the lowest common denominator such as radical Republicans as well as Brexiteers and that neo-fascist group in Italy. Find a wedge issue/faction and drive into it. Minimal cost to shake things up like crazy.

Dude, Russia isn't even socialist. WTF are you talking about?

They'd sure like to see America collapse though, and a socialist uprising would work pretty well to destabilize the republic

Good job. You've learned!

They don't need any socialist uprising to destabilize "The Republic" They already did it by placing a billionaire in power. Or does America look "stable" to you now?

Really? Most of Europe, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and Israel are in perpetual states of collapse? Because they all have socialized institutions like nationalized healthcare, robust infrastructure works, low-to-no cost universities and strong social safety nets for everyone while still operating within an open market system.

America will never be socialist. Never. There would be an uprising from the grass roots right. Period. We’d force the collapse even if it did, somehow happen.