Why is incest illegal?

Why is incest illegal?

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Idk shouldn’t be

To stop people from having retard babies.

because it blurs the line of consent too much. it's impossible to tell how much the familial relationship is influencing consent, even as a participant. if you have sex with a close relative you are taking a chance that it is rape.

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Only incest allowed should be between sisters cos is clean and pure.

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in Germany we say:" wo kein kläger, da kein richter"

If that were the case then breeding with niggers would be illegal.

yea, cause that's doin real good in the world... seems it isn't doin all to much

If you don't understand why its illegal you should probably get your DNA tested. You might just be retarded enough to actually have incest.

To prevent excessive recessive genes that cause abnormalities nearly always in the form of mutation.

you've been smoking too muxh

When you think about it all people came from a single set of something at some point.

consent is a jew concept. Kids starting in grade school are able to consent to things using simple reasoning.

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If it's with your cousin, there is less likely to be a problem. If I were to get my cousin pregnant, her father and my mother are brother and sister. So while we share that DNA, there is also the introduction of 2 entirely separate gene pools with her mother and my father's DNA being involved. So while we share DNA, it'd be like receiving it from one parent considering that her father and my mother come from the same parents. But then there's my father and her mother and all of the genes they collect from their respective families.

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It's illegal because laws are written to protect those that can't protect themselves. Incest may be fine between you and your sister, like playing a round of baseball or something and them moving on with your day, but if the scales aren't balanced and things get out of hand, it'll make family life unbearable for at least one of the people involved.

That's honestly hot. Their hesitation but super genuine playfulness and eagerness. I'm sold. Let's get generational.

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Because it prevents inbreeding

Because it prevents inbreeding

>wo kein kläger, da kein richter
i believe we call that a victimless crime

Looks like the pic is from euro. I’m sure y’all do it anyways over there. That’s why y’alls teeth fucked up

is inbreeding even a problem if there is'nt any bad or harmful genes in the family?

I'm Jewish and I don't bother with consent

It takes a few generations of successive inbreeding for the genetic damage to start becoming noticeable.

Kids these days and getting likes for the instagrams

How the hell did you get on this site. I know this guy. Don't fuck your sister that's weird.

Without getting into the issue of legality, an incestuous relationship produces children which are prone to genetic abnormalities. If allowed to propagate in a society, it results in a genetically limited population full of physical and mental abnormalities. Ancient society saw this firsthand and forbade it. It's bad for the herd.

I'm going to need sauce on that. For science.

It leads to genetically handicapped retard babies.

Because it's a stupid idea and is guaranteed to produce mongoloid babies

>It takes a few generations of successive inbreeding for the genetic damage to start becoming noticeable

then inbreeding off only one generation should'n be a problem

Those girls look a little young, doesnt that technically make them child pornography by burger law?

>kissing is pornography

In America we say "Dude, what the fuck is wrong with German people?"

How does family "blur the line" of consent? Do the boy person and girl person want to do the do and end up doing the do?
If yes: not rape
If no: rape
It's not complicated. If you are unable to tell when someone doesn't want to do something like have sex, then you are the problem.

Yeah once in a while won't kill you.

Chuck #2 is why.

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And you can gaurantee your retard babies wont fuck each other? Destroying your entire plan lol

Nothing wrong with incest if you just fuck and don’t reproduce, I fucked my hot cousin as often as we could for about 4 years (she was on the pill) and I came inside her pussy most of the time, only a few times when she agreed to give me a blowjob did she swallow, every other time I came in her pussy

This. X10000

If you aren't sure what you're doing is legal. Here's a neat idea. Don't do it. Moron

Is she’s hot then she gets the dick whether she’s related or not

On a more serious note the guy above kisses and makes out with his older sister though I don't know about younger. Dude wtf. What is this doing here.

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>50 different states
>burger law
wat. This isn't like aussieland where small titty 30yos are considered child pornography throughout the entire country.

Spoken by a manly truly drowning in pussy.

Not really, though.

kek, is that how that works there?
how do any asian girls get married?
"sorry sir, you can't marry this woman, her physique is far too child-like"

not sisters but hot

Actually she's like 12 in this photo.of OP

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This is blatantly retarded and you should feel bad.

"Bad genes" doesn't really mean anything.
Yes a brother and sister could both be carriers of a recessive genetic disease.
But so could literally anyone you meet. If we were at all concerned about genetic disease we would be stopping carriers of these diseases from breeding at all. Or at the very least screening the babies to see if they're carriers, and aborting them if they are.

Wtf is wrong with you people

Ever seen the result of an incest reproducing. Little shits are scary

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muted incest porn is just regular porn.

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>genetic screening
Isn't this what everyone is in an uproar with China about? Personally I don't see the problem.


>mfw I understand that image meme now

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Because my taxes are what will keep your retarded spawn from choking on it's own shit.

You son of a bitch you really did it. This is Jordan.

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reminds me of that dead blonde chick photo I used to see everyday on Yea Forums years ago

Yeah? Good to know. I just searched OP's image. Want more?

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too soon

I was close, but more laws of the market, than laws of the land. Basically, it's given a "Refused Classification" label, basically "Unrated" in the US
It's not illegal, but is basically shoved out of reasonable publication. So not illegal, but still for a dumb reason that is bound to confuse future Australians. I'm sure that won't have negative repercussions though.

Because it prevents cancer, stealing profit from Big Pharma

That's racist against the Amish you asshole as well as false as fuck.
It takes generations of inbreeding without outside genes to cause high arches and shit

what is this chick dead too?


Saw this coming a mile away


You are welcome

25% reduction in risk seems pretty negligible to me

Cause you loser you got to fuck someonw other than your loser mom.

>tfw when no one asks for more but you post the link anyways saying you are welcome

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Yeah you're right, of the 134,229 new cancer cases in the US every year, lower that by 33,557 is pretty irrelevant.

Fuck the amish

Dude wtf. This is my "bro" dude wtf. He really fucked his sister. Is this not you posting? Dude wtf. You didn't fuck your older sister did you? You fucked both of your sisters? Dude So I dated his oldest of sisters so these motherfuckers would make out and kiss and fondle he'd play with her titties and leave hickoes and this MF actually went and did this shit.

so if it were legal 100% of those reproduced would be incest babies?

You see how there's a website watermark in the corner? This isn't exactly OC

ive been saying this for years

thank you

Because it creates deformed mutant babies.

You are right the lives of just 33,500 people are irrelevant.
If it's not at least a quarter million people dead nobody should care.

Dude I hounded her about this shit. We had an argument in the front yard about this shit and her dad wouldn't listen he just came out mad at me saying I had to leave or he'd call the cops. And why is I had grabbed her arm and she kept trying to brush the issue off , "It's just..." It's just nothing wtf. I confronted you about this and you said you wouldn't do this. To either of them



I bet the profit margins from 33,000 people buying thousand dollar treatment drugs that only cost pennies to make is relevant to your interests


not incest

If incest should be illegal because fuck the Amish shouldn't marihuana be illegal because fuck the Mexicans?

It will turn you Amish.

Nah like on some serious shit me and him got in an argument over this. Where we were both about to fight each other over this. Getting heated and yelling and he said he wouldn't do this. Southern boy. Said on my momma I wouldn't do this. You lying mother fucker.

Which is why cousins are legal in many countries.

Bullshit that's his youngest sister dumbass. Even the dates match up to the pictures

I nearly lost my job over this shit.

religion mostly.

nigga u late to the party. kys

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>Why is incest illegal?
The primary purpose of incest laws is to protect minors from polygamists and groomers. Historically, it's never been as simple as the morality of sex between two consenting adults.

There is a genetic argument against incest, but that has nothing to do with why the laws are on the books. Laws forbidding procreation which would lead to genetically disadvantaged children is a legal rabbithole that lawmakers are not eager to go down.

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And many states.

Bullshit his dad got on to him about this. Tell your dad and get dropped like he told you before when he kicked you out. Caused trouble so he could attention.

low quality bait

These are not sisters. One of them is a well known athlete.

hottest thing I've seen in my entire life, being sisters is just the icing on the cake

Where do I go to find the information to understand this meme?

We believe you user dont worry these totally arent made up fantasies and you are not mentally ill dont worry! :)

Birth control voids that argument

lurk u nigger or u know, use the interwebs

"Incest" has changed in definition across cultures and across time.

For example, in some cultures, it was considered incest for a man to marry the wife of his deceased brother, while in other cultures it was expected.

In ancient Egypt, it was commonplace for siblings to marry, and in fact it was the norm.

Now, when it comes to children, again it's changed from culture to culture, but in many cultures over the years, a father or brother having intercourse (vaginal) with a daughter / sister was bad due to the fact that it could put the fatherhood of a child into question. Since marriages had an expectation of progeny, and since there was such a high priority put on virginity, a father or brother would be far less inclined to have vaginal sex with a daughter or sister. That would reduce that girl's value to the family. However, anal intercourse, oral sex, that was perfectly fine, and very common. Since the sexes were segregated most of the time, the only opportunity for a young man to experiment with sex was often his own sister. And, of course, fathers commonly took on lovers, more often female but sometimes male, and the changes of a father molesting his daughter were fairly high.

For the most part, our current prohibition on sex among siblings or cousins is genetic. Yes, if you have sex as say, first cousins, the chances are 2-3% higher to have deformed babies, and that got considerably worse with all the inbreeding which happened with European aristocracy from the 1600s to the 1800s. When you got to a point where so many of the "pure bred" royalty were all very closely related, that 2-3% increased dramatically.

Now, if you have two healthy siblings, but one or both their parents carried the recessive gene for cystic fibrosis, that means if those two siblings have sex, and have a baby, those odds increase to about 1 in 4, or potentially higher.

So, fucking daughter/sister? Meh. Breeding? Bad idea.

Do you think he was tapping that?

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Marijuana should be illegal to fuck the pot smoking anti-war protesters!

Not as if your opinion overwrites mine. How many years you been here. This is my school bus. Also this is the same faggot I from my ex wife's mothers pictures shown here and several others. Me and my friend have found many few over the years

Incest prevents cancer.
Your argument is invalid.

Whether you believe in God or not is on you. But did you know that cousins were the only relatives not mentioned in Leviticus' long list of relatives you could not be with? I read it over and over again trying to find it and it simply wasn't there. It said you cannot sleep with father, mother, aunt, uncle, etc. etc. But cousin was nowhere to be found.

Does not compute

Didn't Noah's inbreeding family create the human race?

fuck off with ur facts

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But Adam and Eve inbreeding for millennia was just fine?

So it should not be illegal if she gets her tubes tied

Amish inbreed all the time.
These "facts" are total bullshit.
He's a paid shill for Big Pharma, working to spread cancer to all to price gouge the sick and dying.

good old gunk fungler

It should be legal as long as it doesn't slow down the sale of cancer treatment drugs

Inbreeding became a problem because of that. The human genome was completely pure when Adam and Eve were kicked out of Eden. Humanity was nearly rendered extinct with the flood and that's when the dangerous mutations started showing up.

Now we don't know the whole story and what happened in full. The first question is "Who is Cain's wife and where on Earth did she come from?" But just because it isn't in the Bible doesn't falsify the Bible as a whole. It just means there are things missing. In the book of Jude, it actually quotes directly from the books of Enoch which have never been included in the traditional Bible. There are also several other examples of things like this.

"If their kin, stick it in"?

>Why is incest illegal?
Because look at fucking retarded Pakiland.

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No you fucking inbred, Jews are rapists and sexchangers and white guys are supposed to be the good dudes. Where's your head? because its aint in the game son. Get the fuck back out there.


condoms and/or the pill
problem solved

by this logic there shouldn't be an age of consent. it's plain and simple to see that some relationships make discerning consent impossible. adult/child is obvious, but sibling/sibling and parent/child are just as blurry

whos got the pictures of the REAL incest of the dad and the fat mom fucking their daughters? bunch of them at christmas and shit. i think buddy eventually went to jail over it.

might want to leave that one alone user, apparently they liked to order pizza a lot, if you catch my meaning

Because the mutant hellspawn that come out of incestuous relationships are a blight upon the face of humanity.

I mean, if you and your sister or whatever want to fuck and you use protection, or birth control, and agree to abort whatever antichrist you may pump into her belly then I actually don't give a shit. As long as you keep your incest away from actual procreation then fuck it.

Google "interesting family".

It’s the only way to keep the inbred populations down maybe? Then again, we may benefit from having webbed feet and three eyes.

As hot as that is they still shouldn't do it while driving. Too dangerous.

Id be interested to see studies on this, I strongly suspect that this is a myth perpetuated to legitimise a cultural stigma.

While the concept may be proven across populations I doubt that it is a serious issue on a case by case basis.

In any case it's not illegal for genuine retards to have kids, which is a much more credible threat to our gene pool