Is it legally possible to own an instagram/patreon/snapchat and use my girlfriend as a model to make money...

Is it legally possible to own an instagram/patreon/snapchat and use my girlfriend as a model to make money? What would it take to ensure that the accounts, money, and pictures belong to me? I don't want to scam her, I just want to make sure in the event of a break up that I keep my assets, since I'm going to be doing most/all of the work.
Pic semi related, not my girl but a typical E-Thot.

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Just going to post E Thots for help

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you make a contract. she signs it. are you fucking retatded? otherwise if you broke up she could claim you were posting revenge porn which is now a punishable crime.


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I have no clues about the industry or even what kind of lawyer to look for. You never know what tid bits of information people might have that are useful. Do I expect to run into an internet lawyer that can answer all questions? Not at all. For example, I had no idea about revenge porn, thanks.

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E thot bumping

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> "Secret XXX" Chan Updated...

We need to ban this bitch from the internet

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Alva Jay, she's on insta and twitter but there are hardcore leaks if you look hard enough.

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Keep posting her, if possible pls

Sure thing bro, she makes my PP hard.

Captcha is being a butt rn and causing my slow posting.

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>im going to be doing all the work
You need to stop ruining your countries economy and grow up and learn to contribute with a REAL job nutsack.

The MODEL is doint all the work. Moron. Why else are you paying them? For their bodies? Thats prostitution everywhere but nevada ya dingle

Can you just have your GF get a real job and stop contributing to the downfall of the West please thank you

That's cause its a new law. As new as you!

Any knowledge would be really helpful. I could always go the chaturbate route but Id much prefer other more modern ways.

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I have a real job you dumb motherfucker. Real men know to diversify their income and use what they have to attain.

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Yet again, you're assuming an awful lot. I know it's summer in here but could you be less of a fag in a thread with porn in it?

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Switching models

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I guess I'll post at another time when less cock goblins are about. Later lurkers.

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