What are these dark tracings on my teeth? None of my teeth feel painful or sensitive
What are these dark tracings on my teeth? None of my teeth feel painful or sensitive
nasty teeth user, try brushing faggot
That's Tooth Decay mah nigga. Enjoy dentures.
I could ask my wife, which is a Dentist, but she's going to get all technical and shit, so...
Sorry bro
I brush my teeth twice everyday. Let's see your teeth faggot
Just try to explain as best as you can.
that's the start of tooth decay. could turn into a cavity eventually but not for some time.
Can I remineralize the areas to prevent decay?
You're on your way to meth mouth... quit smoking and chugging all that soda
flouride based toothpaste will help
could be stains; could be cavities. I have something similar on my bottom wisdom teeth, but dentist said they're fine.
tartar. visit a dentist for them to scrape it off without damaging your teeth. mouthwash, brush, then floss daily
tartar? isn't tartar white/yellow and accumulates at the gumline.
dental hygienist/assistant here.
the plaque that forms on teeth is a biofilm of bacteria (basically). after a while the waste byproducts calcify on teeth, especially in crevices and hard to reach areas (why flossing is important). this is why professional dental cleanings are scheduled as certain intervals (preventative care). if you wait too long it could actually weaken the tooth or turn into a cavity.
do not brush harder to get into those areas, that will not help at this stage and you will only damage the enamel (scratching/scarring) which cannot be replaced.
most people spend a lot of time brushing the fronts of the teeth and these areas (along with the rear of the tooth) get ignored.
schedule a cleaning if youre able to and spend a bit more time with soft, circular brushing patterns on all the tooth surfaces as you can. these don't seem like they are cavities yet, but these little grooves are fuckers and it can be where issues start without regular checkups.
Thanks user
That was actually really helpful
Thanks, doc. I appreciate your input.
This. Get that flossing on point, used to have the same shit, thought I was growing tons of cavities, dentist told me I had none, just needed to start flossing
I have the same thing.
You get food / bacteria trapped under your gumline and you get cavities at the base, under the gumline. The cavities bore inward and up the crown until you see these black lines. It hollows your tooth out like an egg shell until it finally shatters. In bad cases, it kills the nerve and can even rot out your jaw bone.
>Had two teeth cut down last year and had crowns put in
>Still have a few more to look into fixing
It usually comes from not flossing while having a high sugar diet, such as a lot of soda. Given your teeth are also yellowed, I'm assuming you are a soda drinker.
Go see a dentist. They will pressure you into a bunch of shit you don't need. Get your X-Rays and have them do crowns. Here in Illinois it was about $300 per crown but insurance paid for 80%.
They will also recommend a gun cleaning. Do it. It's painful and you will bleed a lot, but do it. It will save you from more rot in the future.
no worries user. bonus info: in op's pic, the first tooth from the bottom, how the line goes down toward the gumline... i don't like the look of it. that's generally where a cavity would start. my dental assistant senses want to poke and scrape around at that area to see if there is sensitivity at all.
if you feel like helping a tooth-user out, there's a nsfw post in gif. just because of what is said im curious to see what happened if anyone has source
Your dentist is a retard
I go for regular check-ups every six month . I just noticed these lines just 3 months ago, just about 3 months since my last visit. I brush every morning and evening, so I don't understand how a cavity could progress that quickly if do do have them.
could be all kinds of things like diet changes, stress, buying a different kind of less effective brush or paste. if you smoke at all that could just be a buildup of smoke byproduct. if you chew tobacco or snuss that could be it.
none of it looks particularly serious other than that little spot by the gumline of the first tooth from the bottom of the picture. if you wanted to, you could find something needle point small (sterilized) and tap that area to see if it gives you any sensation at all.
my bad, i didn't mean to imply that it is a cavity just that these tight grooves where brushing often don't get that well is where it starts - and persistent lines like this is generally the very start of those kinds of issues.
if it's not bothering you, and you're gonna have your next check up in about three months id say youre fine. if hot/cold/or sugar (soft cakes, frostings) give you any sensation it could mean that the enamel is weaker there or some of the dentin (layer just below the enamel or top layer of tooth) is exposed enough to give a reaction. even if that was the case, they would likely fill it with tooth colored uv resin and it won't be an issue any further.
tldr: youre fine until your next appt unless something changes about it.
Use a water pix. Its just tartar build up but will lead to decay.