Underappreciated albums

Underappreciated albums

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people that actually listen to music smh

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Wigger spotted

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why because it take patience?

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Never see anyone talk about Caligula’s Horse. Haven’t released a bad album, and Bloom is easily my favorite.

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Both Load and ReLoad never got the attention it deserved

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Will give Paradise Lost a listen. They're on my radar but I've never partaken. Somali Yacht Club will change your life.

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>dubya's face on that pig
I remember wondering if they'd ever shit on a president as much as Dubya, then DRUMPF! happened and they took all their flaming faggotry directed toward Dubya and cranked it up to 11.

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Not a fan of anything other than this album.

They aren't bad, but this is where they really came into their sound

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>random albums literally no one knows
what a shit thread lmao

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10min in, I approve, great potential, thx 4 sharing.

This band seriously needs more love. They don't nearly get the amount of attention they deserve.

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thanks, user
I appreciate you

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Jihad off of Christ Illusion was a badass song

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Think I listened to all their shit through the 90's, early 2000's but stopped at...in requiem. Should I continue the discog?