DeepNude Thread: Read the Rules Edition

DeepNude Thread: Read the Rules Edition

If you don't follow the rules I won't do yours.

>Bikini or Bra/Panties ONLY
>Clothing must be simple with a lot of exposed skin
>Full frontal facing camera
>Vertical subject: No posing, side profiles, or weird angles
>Singular subject ONLY
>Picture must include tits, pussy, and face
>Good lighting/no editing or filters
>Minimum 512x512
>Tits must be shown without hair, arms, or objects covering them
>For best results use high resolution pictures with the subject 3-10 feet away from camera
>No nigs because I don’t like them :^)
>18+ ONLY
>Large breasts are usually butchered by the app
>No underboob because the app will destroy these images
>Petite+Short get priority because I like them
>Hoes you knows: no celebrities/well knowns
>Bumps or begging ensure I do not do yours
>Bonus: if you triforce successfully with your image I will do it regardless of rules (18+ only still stands)

Attached: Read_the_Rules.jpg (750x1290, 621K)

would this work, please and thanks!

Attached: LAC01 (2).jpg (422x959, 55K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190722-142218_Instagram.jpg (1440x3040, 997K)

read the rules

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 235K)

Can u do this?

Attached: FB_IMG_1562099031825.jpg (1080x1084, 81K)

hopefully. She's adorable

this looks shit lol, fuck you and your fucking "rules"

Attached: erbsejxlpdd.jpg (1080x1080, 107K)

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Are you done?


Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 410K)

Attached: E0CA7D1F-170B-484F-86FE-F84D1C023371.jpg (750x916, 340K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 420K)

Attached: F083D460-E535-4903-A5F4-E25A872C8B40.jpg (750x715, 219K)

This one may not come out well. We'll see.

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 535K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 462K)

Please went to school with this chicketa

Attached: IMG_2482.jpg (461x1178, 169K)

Kindergarten crush of mine (literally) please do some justice Op

Attached: BB87B414-BCFF-4B15-A393-C8CA83E6D036.jpg (582x977, 304K)

Attached: 54305118-FA47-41F2-A23E-5591B08817CC.jpg (750x913, 253K)

and her sister!

Attached: IMG_0933.jpg (741x765, 243K)

I don't think this follows the rules and I apologize but here's for hoping

Attached: 1563832886919m.jpg (658x1024, 86K)

Attached: 05301DBB-E954-4796-A9F2-FC85FB311002.jpg (640x782, 519K)


Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 303K)

Attached: Capture.png (614x926, 973K)

Thank you for everything you do.

Attached: 0F188C43-7578-406B-AE07-E64E7173F0E2.jpg (864x2068, 302K)

Attached: 9C8F7E4B-9A6F-4748-A9B3-06A83B8E6DF7.jpg (640x523, 522K)

thanks user, you da best!

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 456K)

Attached: 5447F933-632B-4488-8E96-9AE19DE7E3CC.jpg (417x919, 90K)

Attached: dadsaw.jpg (535x823, 75K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 429K)

Thank you so much for this!

Attached: 1.jpg (1080x1350, 154K)

Attached: IMG_2475.jpg (543x993, 185K)

You make our dreams come true.

Attached: BBCC985C-5D6C-47E8-B83F-3E01E553C3B6.jpg (913x1366, 209K)

Hopefully not too much clothing

Attached: 948066.jpg (444x913, 117K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 496K)

Attached: download_20190718_151749.jpg (727x969, 121K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 372K)

Attached: 22195479_1454762417911362_4413429209986474905_n.jpg (636x590, 78K)

Attached: 9C284E14-011D-453F-8BB4-0290A17F2D42.jpg (750x593, 118K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 458K)

Attached: 949BF8E7-BCC0-4051-9191-1CCEECC9F5CB.jpg (750x738, 251K)

Attached: IMG_1490.jpg (626x865, 134K)

Attached: EA78620F-A6BF-49F0-BBFF-8A1F05236DDA.jpg (750x812, 149K)

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Attached: IMG_1504.jpg (533x985, 152K)

You're amazing

Attached: Screenshot_20190722-190828~2.png (1080x1069, 1.55M)

too much clothes?

Attached: IMG_1553.jpg (724x755, 122K)

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Attached: 35521394_277507786157647_8748870505328541696_n.jpg (318x289, 40K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 526K)

Attached: 553487_275378075908815_1973247483_n.jpg (640x960, 58K)


Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 388K)

Please and thank you

Attached: F53F1242-65D6-41C9-8CF1-90C0750C0CB1.jpg (640x660, 164K)

Attached: D9F27733-6AEF-41ED-8E1F-9A4A884EAE9A.jpg (640x793, 298K)

Attached: 76A91241-4EA0-4823-8640-9BDE2B260DB0.jpg (640x794, 382K)

Do it for your country! Thank you.

Attached: DC9540AD-428E-471F-8C49-31292882B4C7.jpg (778x1559, 335K)

Might be. We'll see
>this room is giving me a panic attack

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 260K)

Attached: E6DB5AF7-27DA-44CA-8B99-E11F018F0523.jpg (428x534, 71K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 370K)

Attached: nfgdfgbdg.png (384x558, 520K)

Attached: IMG_0919.jpg (361x751, 73K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 351K)

Get some taste

Too much bottoms?

Attached: DF2E2F2D-87C0-40BF-8462-5CBC6C607F6A.jpg (640x717, 313K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 418K)

Too much density. Dear god

Not the greatest, but thanks nonetheless m8

Lovely girl

Attached: d.png (512x512, 526K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 367K)

Attached: fff.jpg (338x602, 47K)

if you're gonna help out let's call our shots.


Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 394K)


What apps you guys use to do this anyway?


Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 445K)


Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 270K)

Thank you sir. I do have more if it pleases

Attached: A8E452C9-9945-483B-875F-4668D6E9A733.jpg (640x440, 147K)

Attached: 69CAFC42-FB52-4CB0-923F-549D7638C4A3.jpg (689x926, 209K)

Attached: g1.jpg (164x743, 47K)

Attached: g.jpg (315x925, 92K)


I'm gonna need more of her. Kik me?

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 385K)

Attached: C00304BD-9A67-40A0-B255-D666CE0BF337.jpg (750x846, 175K)

Attached: 549819_535302678418_2064492891_n.jpg (716x810, 53K)

Attached: 208768_502860068668_2698_n.jpg (453x604, 50K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 442K)

sure thing fam, shes a friend of my bestfriend, got a bunch of pics from her

Attached: 5D66FB8D-DD59-4739-9B0B-230058452858.jpg (689x920, 302K)

it pleases my dick; go on

Attached: 238.jpg (2048x1536, 293K)

Don’t wanna take up more slots from people. Got kik?

I've been told this one can't be done

Attached: received_222218181901477.jpg (3024x4032, 572K)

Attached: 43E0A225-67D1-466A-94CA-2E61B2D6594A.jpg (640x630, 420K)


Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 454K)

Trying again

Attached: 235645768.jpg (512x1281, 96K)

Attached: Foto 15-6-18 14 50 50.jpg (750x1133, 213K)


Attached: Foto 16-6-18 23 23 46.jpg (906x739, 137K)

Hoping for a miracle.

Attached: ED27E35F-B01F-4F93-8000-4A8A016DF29C.jpg (1009x1856, 462K)

deleting by next post. get it while it's hot

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 411K)

Here's an idea.. Post a pic of a girl you already have a pic of naked. Deepfake the one and post side by side to compare how good the deepfake is

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 273K)

Haven't gotten around to editing them

Attached: f575e06b71dc8d965a2ed0454c87a7c7.png (807x475, 503K)

Attached: 3869A9D7-4587-4638-85F8-936A2B802A11.jpg (465x567, 60K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 360K)

Attached: 0E9E1480-D36E-4A67-88FC-353965FFB010.jpg (284x684, 79K)

Attached: B3474CEF-F404-4FDC-80D0-65E177F93848.jpg (534x741, 113K)

Attached: 5E952C97-1E85-4367-BB11-182D65E92D99.jpg (263x330, 29K)

Attached: 01BFED2A-E4CC-48D5-90AC-75EA76B8AEA4.jpg (567x960, 204K)

doesn't do ass

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 379K)

Thanks user!

Attached: EB7191EC-1670-4D95-9C16-EAAA5072A9A8.jpg (524x787, 111K)

Fuck you. You’re taking up request spaces. She’s a black hole. Your taste is poor

Attached: 8620D8EC-4D64-435A-84BF-E812729DE331.jpg (262x443, 40K)

please try it


Attached: NIGGAMANNNNN.png (512x512, 332K)

Attached: 234.jpg (1080x1080, 122K)

>added to my collection
She's alright looking but it doesn't fit the parameters.

please read the rules

nice. if you're here to help please call your shots so we don't get dups.

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 292K)

Please and thankyou kind man

Attached: DEE5E483-5B5C-4C01-AED3-01599C54E735.jpg (828x1041, 276K)

Clearly he can’t. Bumping an unusable pic won’t work

You didn't read the rules user

Attached: ADA9D8C3-9F4C-4886-9B0E-ED915A0693B7.jpg (481x773, 117K)

Thanks OP, she’s fuckin hot I’m glad u liked her

Attached: ghl.jpg (1080x1350, 237K)

Attached: 10580239_10101653011388739_2636993206238680050_n.jpg (720x960, 138K)

It's also stated that bumping will mean I will not do the pic. Faggots can't read these days.

Kik me? got you on some private ones even of different hoes

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 488K)

Attached: bnfnfhfhn.png (465x550, 407K)

Attached: fdt.jpg (1080x1080, 209K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 397K)

Honestly I hate the illiterate retards on b

Attached: 1D317F2B-CD93-42DD-BCEE-D51BC4BB365B.jpg (207x410, 41K)

Thank you!

It's summer. What can you do? Boys can't even triforce correctly

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 479K)

Awesome work, thanks!

Attached: B0B06BE1-28E1-435E-AADD-FB5CB703D346.jpg (353x721, 66K)

The water may mess this one up.

Attached: 7C73151F-AAE1-4707-A631-B9F8679CA50B.jpg (1092x1171, 546K)

Attached: nfaods.jpg (403x717, 64K)


The angle isn't ideal, but it came out decently well.

Attached: 3.png (512x512, 457K)

[alt-255] [alt-255] [alt-30] [enter] [alt 30] [alt 255] [alt 30]

It did. I messaged you on kik too


it met most of the rules so i gave it a shot. when threads are slow I do some that don't meet all parameters just for fun.

doesn't work anymore

first and last pictures were no OP

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 509K)

Attached: 0C3725ED-31B7-4549-B6AE-CBF9704D8F0E.jpg (1080x1350, 79K)

Attached: B83859F3-D8B7-4D71-A831-E2FC677BF8A9.jpg (587x802, 158K)

Try her?

Attached: 75A93098-F58D-4FF0-BE92-C53CD2DF66FE.jpg (841x1417, 309K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 387K)

What are you saying, first and last?

Attached: FF4BE40E-4956-4027-AEAB-B4DE8908F9B0.jpg (384x706, 115K)


Attached: 33A4B9E9-61ED-4F89-8574-F60CA9C0B30E.jpg (750x927, 93K)

My kik is desmondtinys, I haven't gotten your message yet but I sent verification images to naezukegap assuming it was you

common bra

Attached: 82C03A4D-A183-4731-B9F3-88FB20324FCB.jpg (1080x1080, 76K)

dooo it


try her user

Attached: bfb69ee4e5b61a04cad64ffdeb8cc6e9.jpg (561x870, 313K)

Thank you. I appreciate you giving this a shot.

You guys are hero’s.

Attached: 3D2AABC1-F8B0-45CC-A327-87172A99EEF3.jpg (960x960, 182K)


Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 348K)

Attached: xc.jpg (700x1074, 136K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 419K)

Attached: Screenshot (1).png (666x1199, 1.28M)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 303K)

Attached: 2.jpg (647x1268, 171K)

Attached: FB_IMG_1563568812867.jpg (720x960, 60K)

Attached: 880E5E9E-E08E-4B58-ACD6-D72A524E9F2B.jpg (666x831, 96K)

Attached: 20190723_015417.jpg (940x1222, 489K)

Attached: 7CF192C2-CECB-4810-A441-1EAC6D9FC449.jpg (887x1399, 120K)

No way, try another of the same girl

Attached: 91874244-CC89-47D2-9E6A-FF5C4342AC23.jpg (682x1205, 168K)

I’m BEGGING you to read

Underboob doesn't work well.

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 406K)

I initially got the same thing as this poster. Just the top looks better, it seems your girl broke the program

Sorry for hijacking your thread


Attached: ddd.png (512x512, 383K)

Just FYI
Deepnude software is freely available. Just search "Dreamtime" on github.
Who needs these threads when you can just do it yourself?

Community Disco: AGh9ujV

>potential life ruiner
For this reason I will never do this one. I have pinned it on my PC so I can remember not to do this one. Faggot.

Do Flora pls

Attached: Screenshot_20190713_193048.jpg (1080x2073, 318K)

Attached: Sir992.jpg (802x802, 196K)

Not sure if allowed. I fucked the photo by cropping others to stick to the rules. Bikini. She's 19. Hopefully facing forwards enough. Might get me on the resolution clause :[

Attached: 20190719_012327.jpg (221x829, 106K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190720-194404_Instagram.jpg (1439x1395, 1007K)

I always give out where to get the app from when asked.

next. kik me?

What's your kik?

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 333K)


send an additional image of that girl not posted here for verification. I will verify myself as well.

Pity nude

- DeepNudist

Attached: 1563843306846_dreamtime.png (512x512, 524K)

Please do our new college intern.

Attached: E88D4D8D-93D0-485F-AB57-A351CA6C7723.jpg (720x960, 176K)

Attached: d.jpg (653x976, 182K)

Eh, I'll do it. Context would be nice

Attached: whoo0ps.png (512x512, 434K)

Attached: 01.jpg (1080x1349, 124K)

Bad boy!

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 417K)


Attached: done.png (512x512, 405K)

Attached: 61584674_244819559808418_4125523517559237682_n.jpg (1080x1350, 105K)

Attached: 13398980_541747549283736_557408037_n.jpg (1080x1080, 367K)

Attached: nda133.jpg (960x960, 313K)

No context, I was talking about the fact that i though it would come out looking very realistic rather than that I'd use it to actually harm someone.

It was a stupid fucking way of wording it though, so I deleted it. Still, I appreciate the effort user

looks like you were 20 seconds late


Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 389K)

Yeah I’m down


Attached: 04FC002F-4724-449B-A264-7AA39250CB87.jpg (588x870, 509K)

This one

Attached: Screenshot_20190719-235122_Instagram.jpg (1080x2280, 1.16M)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 438K)

And that ladies and faggots is our thread. Thank you to the people that actually read. See you tomorrow.

>learn how to triforce next time

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Just FYI
Deepnude software is freely available. Just search "Dreamtime" on github.
Who needs these threads when you can just do it yourself?

Community Disco: AGh9ujV

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this is deepnude. stop posting threads about it, do it yourself faggots. ur welcome

How do you use dreamtime to deepnude?

is this the url? cause it doesnt work

Join the discord and ask there if you need help

This please

Attached: Screenshot_20190723_025741.jpg (1080x1327, 404K)